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Game breaking, no doubt about it. 


Hope you guys are ready for a shit storm regarding this foolish change.


As if getting over little hills isn't hard enough. Christ, I feel like I have cinder blocks attached to the soles of my shoes. 


ahaha it is not game breaking.


It makes perfect sense if you want to run lower your gun and only raise your gun when you are about to shoot.


Risk reward. This isn't unreal tournament man there are no flak cannons or rocket jumping the controls need to feel realistic and this goes a tiny step into a realistic direction.



We still can't run up hills either...


Take a look at the inclines of the hills most people think you should run up.


There is no way you would run or even jog up those steep inclines no way.

Edited by gibonez
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Its not a bad thing to move slower with your weapon up. It adds depth to firefight rather than making it straft+aim as you have to choose whether to run or to aim or to hold your weapon up.


Then you got the leaning feature - use it!

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I have adapted by hip firing more now.

It has worked very well as most people insist on right clicking to aim at me.

They move so slowly like that which allows me to run circles around them.

Sure I fire more bullets and miss more often but I just zig zag through obstacles to close the distance and before ya know it I am behind you cause you lost track of me.

8 players killed yesterday by myself with nothing more than an SKS without right click from mid to close range I even came out on top in a 2 vs 1 fight which was the only time I got hit.Most guys are like snails in combat now I couldn't believe it how often they let me get behind them. Seems like they want to keep their weapons raised and crouch...I have stayed standing and only move slow when firing. From an erect position you can run immediately even with weapon raised.

These were geared people too the pair was a clan.

Better to have suppressing fire and mobility then to have accuracy and sluggish speed in close to mid combat.

I do agree though this new movement system makes campers all powerful but I just let them camp and leave ;)

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Better to have suppressing fire and mobility then to have accuracy and sluggish speed in close to mid combat.



Well, our characters are blessed with infinite stamina and bodies that completely ignore inertia physics laws when sprinting so it would be shame to not use it.

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Can someone explain why my character walks at the pace of my grandmother when his gun is pointed? 


There must be something messed up with my controls or something, why am I not able to do the brisk jog with my gun pointing? 


I'm certain there is no way the developers made this change or purpose, no one is that incompetent.


What is wrong with my game?! 


Double tap W and hold just like how we sprint and boom no more walking. It is called tactical pace and should have been in sooner the movement before we were like spartans just running and gunning no problem. Seriously people the movement speed is not that big of a change or difference. If you know how to move in combat (which most of us should know since we probably played ARMA) and understand that double tapping W makes you go back to the before times of movement. Its all dandy guys its not a severe change as you all are hyping it up to be.

Edited by KaserinSmarte67

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Okay guys we all get it. Our characters have infinite stamina. It does not negate or confirm the discussion on weapon-up for either side. Im sure this will change in the future...so stop using it as some kind of rebuttal. Seriously.

Not being able to jog up a hill or steps (most of the time) i believe is still an issue, though. Hopefully they will address it in some fashion. I still think the weapon up movement previously was just a fine pace. I think if in the future they allow the same movement speed pre-patch and over time you slow down, thats fine. But as it is currently, i am really not a fan. I wouldn't call it game-breaking, but its definitely adding even more of a cumbersome feeling to an already clunky movement system imo.

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You also don't have to do a full stop to get a weapon IRL.


 I don't get the full stop thing.See here when i change out items..i never double tap either, remapped sprint to shift back when the mod came out.I hate double tap keys for game actions, makes no sense to me.


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It was stated back when .47 went to Exp to reset your buttons to default otherwise they wont work correctly.


After setting mine back to default then remapping to my choice keys the movement is the same as .46.


I do feel slightly slower with a weapon out now. But that may just be me.

Edited by RyBo

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But as a compensation you can run just fine after being shot once or twice...or thrice if it's mosin.




And of course you run 300+ kilometers to that without needing a rest.


Depends on your health and how your phase yourself, also take in to account, the fattys have died first to the zombies, hence peoples cardo should be good.

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Depends on your health and how your phase yourself, also take in to account, the fattys have died first to the zombies, hence peoples cardo should be good.


If fatties died first to the zombies, then how there is no fat zombies?


Check mate.

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If fatties died first to the zombies, then how there is no fat zombies?


Check mate.

The zombies ate all the fat off them before they turned

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If fatties died first to the zombies, then how there is no fat zombies?


Check mate.


Dean forget to add fat zombies, there out there, most likely lost under the world like my AKM >_>

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It just needs the original ArmA controls, you can only shoulder the rifle when you're walking or standing still. With spacebar still being the lower weapon key

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Imo its too slow. If i wanna shoot from the hip, i can move faster. It should be very slow while in ironsights, but not when firing from the hip :/


It should be like Arma 3. BIS have finally added realism to Arma 3 infantry fighting and yet don't use this model in their other FPS? I haven't played it yet, but if it's as slow as people are reporting then it's incorrect. You can move fairly fast with a gun up - I know, I've done it RL.

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I gotta say: not a fan of the movement system currently in stable.


Feels really stiff and unnatural.

Im guessing the devs were trying it out or are working on tweeking the movement system. I doubt it will stay this way. Either they will adjust it to get whatever it is they were shooting for, or they were testing it to see the community reaction. Either way, it will get removed, fixed, or replaced.

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been meaning to say deathtax: I love ur profile pic. Hilarious. Just like the video it is from.






"defeating a sandwich...only makes it tastier"




"show him what for it mean to be super sand legend".

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Can't you press shift while you've weapon raised to jog? I've only tested that with a melee weapon so far so I don't know if it's bugged.

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Game breaking, no doubt about it. 


Hope you guys are ready for a shit storm regarding this foolish change.


As if getting over little hills isn't hard enough. Christ, I feel like I have cinder blocks attached to the soles of my shoes. 

You can run up any hill in this game if you know how to do it. I haven't tested it on stable .47 but I know for a fact the "G" key trick still worked on .47 exp.

Edited by haknslash

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You can run up any hill in this game if you know how to do it. I haven't tested it on stable .47 but I know for a fact the "G" key trick still worked on .47 exp.

That little trick no longer works unfortunately. 


I understand that they probably will change it but we all know that won't be for a long time. 


Whats annoying is the fact that we now have to deal with this piss poor movement system now until they finally get around to changing it back to normal human movement 

Edited by SniperwolfMR

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I was one of the people that didn't mind the new movement. Shrugs :D


If they go back to how it was in .46 no thanks. I hated having to hit spacebar to raise my arm for melee.

Edited by haknslash

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I was one of the people that didn't mind the new movement. Shrugs :D


If they go back to how it was in .46 no thanks. I hated having to hit spacebar to raise my arm for melee.

Don't we still have to do that?  

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Don't we still have to do that?  

Not in my experience during .47 on exp. Not sure how it is on stable though.

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New system is more realistic. Even seasoned professionals in real life cannot run with 50kg backpack and shoot straight at the speed you could before 0.47.

Most people dont shoot while moving anyways. Heres a situation I handled today. A bandit shooting at me and my friend from behind the trees. We are on open ground. I run towards him zig zaging and shoot him in chest with 20 or so akm bullets. He strafed me with his akm but i only went unconcious. I think he was supprised as hell that i ran towards him as people always try to run away from the shooter and get cover first. Maybe i was lucky and he was a bad shooter. Maybe not. But my action suprised him and caught him off guard. I do not see the big deal in the new movement system. Except the annoyance of climbing the stairs like a ww2 war veteran with 2 artificial knees.

Edited by Calvin Candie

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Don't we still have to do that?  

Just reporting back but you no longer have to hit spacebar like on .46. Just tried out .47 on stable and it worked just like on exp. Hated having to hit spacebar with a passion lol!

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New system is more realistic. Even seasoned professionals in real life cannot run with 50kg backpack and shoot straight at the speed you could before 0.47.

Most people dont shoot while moving anyways. Heres a situation I handled today. A bandit shooting at me and my friend from behind the trees. We are on open ground. I run towards him zig zaging and shoot him in chest with 20 or so akm bullets. He strafed me with his akm but i only went unconcious. I think he was supprised as hell that i ran towards him as people always try to run away from the shooter and get cover first. Maybe i was lucky and he was a bad shooter. Maybe not. But my action suprised him and caught him off guard. I do not see the big deal in the new movement system. Except the annoyance of climbing the stairs like a ww2 war veteran with 2 artificial knees.

You're wrong. I was in the Marines for 4 years and we did MANY training exercises where we were moving and firing at the same time. It's a part of combat my friend. 


I'm shocked to see so many people defending the fact that we are unable to move with a SEMI PURPOSE when the rifle is at the hip. 


Ridiculous. A 50 pound pack is nothing. 


Lets all remember that this is a game as well. Can We? 

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