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About terra_young@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Hello there, me and my cosuin got bored of servers that well, poor admin management, We've got a server up and running but were having issues with certain scripts working, the major one is DayZ Group Management, the guide online is so vauge and there is files on the File Manager that I can't find e.g. the init folder to find server_functions.sqf:file To be honest I'm getting to the point I want to throw my PC out the window, I also plan to add more scripts like Walking Z's (with increased zombie spawns) Spawning Script View distance changer (via binos) Door Management Precise Build Snapping Advanced Trading Plot Pole for Life Anti-Vehicle Thief Vehcile/Key Locator/Identifier our TS details are: or skype: Masadi001 So I would love to get some sort of assistance on this issue, thanks!
  2. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Modding our own Server

    delete please!
  3. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Modding our own Server

    Making a new post in the correct subform, please delete thanks and sorry!
  4. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Looking for this type of server

    Me and a few of our buddys are looking for a server with certain requirements, we cant find them via searching the Dayz Launcher. Map: Namalsk (can change but atm were set up on this map only) Server Pop: 10+ Admins: Decent Activity (Dont need to be on every day but decent amount of activity with some sort of forums is a must to deal with certain issues) Location: EU (sorry this wont change, due to US/AUS servers give to high ping and make it unplayible) Mods: Epoch or Overpoch, Coin System, Group Management, Walking Z's, the ability to change veiw distance in-game, some form of anti-hack, decent spawning system, basic loadouts (torch/map/food/water) Right I know it mite be abit demanding but Namalsk is our favourite map we like, the ones we seem to find are really lacking certain mods or tools, when asked if they would be willing to add these mods in most admins will ignore you, say no or even kick you for even asking for said request. To be honest I would run my own if I could afford it but sadly I can't due to having my own flat (I have ran succesful servers in the past but had to stop due to getting a flat) I will speak to my friends if they would be willing to join another map but atm were playing on a namalsk server that dont have all these mods and its starting to take its toll on our enjoyment. Please reply here if you have or know any servers that have these said requirements but Group management/Coin System is a must have, cheers!
  5. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Tartan Bandits

    Hello there, our Clan is around 6 people now and even made a base on a server, were still looking for more to join our team and cause chao to the server. :P If you're intrested please pm me or join TS while I'm online! Cya in-game peeps :D
  6. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Tartan Bandits

    We're still looking for more, if intrested pm me, leave a message here or come to our TS!
  7. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Tartan Bandits

    yeah had to lock up ts for changes, also accepted, not sure what time we will be on though due to work etc etc :) Me or the Co-Leader shall be online at some point, cya soon :)
  8. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Tartan Bandits

    Bump, still looking for members and were on TS if you wish to speak!
  9. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Tartan Bandits

    Teamspeak Details:
  10. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Tartan Bandits

    Hello there, my name is Paddyjuice, me and my friend are starting up a Clan on Overpoch Servers, our aim is to build a base, maintain it, take out any other threats and overall have a good wee laugh. I would perfed the people we recruit are scottish but if you have scottish blood in you or are used to scottish players, your more than welcome to join but we do have certain requirements. What we will Offer: TeamspeakGroup of Skilled PlayersTeamworkPvP ActionTactical PvP / TeamworkPlanned Base BuildingBanter What we want from you: Working and Clear MicSkills for Bandit PlaystyleTeamworkWilling to PvPHelping with Basebuilding/SupplysWhen we Engage in PvP, tactical onlyBanter (Yes Again) Since most of us are scottish, there is alot of language being thrown about and we do insult each other but only for banter reasons, so being 18+ is required, I won't accept anyone below that age, sorry. Please use the template below and I will tell if you've been accepted or not. Application Template In-Game Name: (Don't matter as long it don't get you banned from servers) Age: (18+ only) Nationality: (Perfed Scottish but willing to take in others, if your english be ready for alot of abuse ;P) Hours Played: (Steam hours don't class as your total mind, a rough time how long you've been playing is enough, since myself been playing since dayz mod released) Best Skills: (e.g. Sniping, Teamwork, Close Combat, Scavaging, Driving, Pilot, Spotting, Building etc etc) Worst Skills: (same as above but what you have no experince in or not really great at, and the reason why you're not good with said skill, this is so we know what to help you with) Teamwork Skills: (Just want to know if you can work as a team) Game Time: (The amout of hours/days you can play each week, most active you are the better) Computer Settings: (All I want to know if you have a decent amount of frames while playing with a decent internet connection) Mic settings: (Yes or No, Clear and working Mic is a Must!) About yourself: (This isn't required but it will help you get accepted or not, knowing more about you will give us a grasp of your personaility and if you will fit in our clan) I hope to hear from you guys, if you need to get ahold of me, pm me of here or steam ID: ghostwilly01 Thanks!
  11. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Private Servers and First/Third Person modes

    Right I runa RP server and I'm thinking of changing it from 3rd person to 1st person, wanted to know if its a private hive, would characters get reset? I don't want to disturb my players game play and of course I will be putting it up to vote but wanted to confirm this first. Thanks!
  12. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Pistol Suppressor?

    All that time for nothing /sigh, also noticed teddys not spawning anymore, guessing due to xmas is over etc etc?
  13. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Pistol Suppressor?

    Thats what I was thinking :/
  14. terra_young@hotmail.com

    Pistol Suppressor?

    I've been looking for days on the NW Airfield for a pistol suppressor, being a sniper I wanted a more quiet weapon for taking out zombies and players in close range, plus the sounds are just kool. I've been looking online and it claims they spawn in general military loot areas e.g. Firestations/jails/barracks/tents/hangers etc etc and I have yet to see any at all, just me or they not spawning at all? Or wiki wrong about the spawn points? Cheers!
  15. terra_young@hotmail.com

    [RP] BambiLands - A roleplaying server!

    The server had to be taken down the last few days to sort a few issues with restarts, the server now restarts every 2 hours with a 5 minute warning before it will restart! So sorry for not being able to play on the server, I hope you will enjoy the server and remember to apply for whitelisting! :D