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A Refreshing Change - STEALTH

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Let me start by first stating that I do realize this is an alpha. I also want to say that every person has a right to play the game how they want. Be it KOS or whatever. It makes my gameplay more interesting. With all that out of the way I do have a lament.


Most players choose to run around like mad collecting the good loot as fast as possible. Yhat includes all youtubers (that I have seen). When I play I have one goal. Not to loot. Not to kill. Just to survive. I know that's easy with not a lot of zombies. As far as I know this game was thought of when Dean was on a survival ex with the military. So I believe this game was designed with survival in mind, not a COD style of gameplay. I went through Air Force Survival school in the US and the number 1 goal was to escape and evade (ie: survive without being seen). That meant staying away from everyone. In an escape and evade scenario you are in an enemy territory. I'm assuming in an apocalypse everywhere is enemy territory. However I'm not jaded enough to believe most people will act the way they do in this game. 


For those of you who play to run around and gear up as fast as you can, what's the point? There are so many other games you could play where you start just like that. Geared up and ready to kill. I especially don't get the cheaters and hackers. Where's the skill there? Unless of course your whole deal is just to piss people off. Sorry for the tangent and small rant. I am not against KOS. See first sentence in post. But why is KOS the way most play (sorry I'm assuming from what I see).


Back to my playstyle (boring to most of you I assume). I do believe the saying "to be killed on sight, you have to be seen". That is how I play. If I am spotted I feel I have failed, period. I've seen tons of players but they haven't seen me. I could have killed most of them. I play with the mindset, if this were real. 


My biggest lament is that I do not get the chance to watch someone else play with this playstyle on youtube. Awhile back I used to watch a YT named Zemalf. To me it was fascinating to watch him make blunders and get killed. Usually by being to impatient. I have died most of the time this way.


Now does anyone know any YT that actually makes videos with this playstyle? If not can someone step up and make one? I am sure there are many of you out there that play like this even within a group. This is the main reason for this post. I want to watch others play with this style, survive, and make blunders.  


So there you go. Please chime in everybody.


RAM-bo out.

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I agree with you, and attempt to play with a survival mindset. I will only kill another player if A: they have spotted me or B: I attempt communications and feel threatened or I watch them kill another player or something of the sort. I think that once the number of zombies is increased dramatically, and environmental factors are added, lots more players will play with a survival frame of mind. I have made multiple suggestions on these forums, and all of them relate back to the fact that I want this game to be a realistic zombie survival game. As I said, once more zombies and animals environmental factors are added there will be much more survival, not just killing on sight.

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No one on YouTube plays DayZ with that playstyle because it's boring and completely unchallenging. Most people just want to watch people getting blown away. Personally, I find watching PVP in this buggy mess of a game just as boring. That being said, most people on YouTube are bad. DayZ streaming and YouTube channels are a plague.


Whatever happened to the good old days when you'd watch someone on YouTube who was actually good? Fatal1ty (CS, Q3, CoD), Ksharp (CS), HeatoN (CS), FlaSh (SC1/SC2), etc. These were players worth watching. They were the very best at their sport. You could improve your game (whatever that may be) by watching them.


With the inception of YouTube/Twitch.tv, everyone feels they should be on the internet. It's so irritating when YouTube recommends I watch some complete newbie with 50 hours of DayZ Standalone gameplay struggling to figure out how to fix his broken leg in the middle of a wall-peeking fuckfest in Berezino. People like Sacriel aren't much better; playing DayZ like you'd play Arma against complete newbies calling out things like, "CONFIRMED KILL, HEADSHOT, TETRIS," with a K:D tracker at the top-right of the screen is just as bad.


Once this game gains some ground as far as barricading, persistent storage, and perhaps vehicles, it might be entertaining to watch someone play it. In the meantime, DayZ is very much like golf; boring to watch, fun to play.

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There really isn't a reason not to kill another player besides beign a nice guy.

The zombies are not a threat,it's preety easy to gear up and there are no special assets the individual player can aquire to contribute to othes (skill).Like it or not,truth be told,all survivors in DayZ are basically the same:Walking bags of loot.Game wise,the only reason to team up

with a player is to socialize and kill other people for their loot.Anything besides that gets boring preety quick.

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There really isn't a reason not to kill another player besides beign a nice guy.

Thats actually more personal preference than anything else. For some socializing and meeting people is enough reason not to kill them. Some go meta and want to be known as someone who does not kill people if there is another option. Then you get the benefits of cooperation: more eyes might spot more dangers and more weapons can resond to greater threats. And then there is the rush of social paranoia: someone in your group could be a traitor while the others are genuinely nice guys. Also trading loot might be less risky than robbery (both in condition and survival chance). Finally we got information: hearing what someone has to say can make the difference between life and death (one way or the other).


Those are just examples - in the end its what you want to do. "Sneaky lone wolf" has its thrill from "not getting caught" but I think its not a playstyle many people want to watch. But the same goes for the "xenophobic collector" who likes to gear up and blows everyones brains out if they come too close.

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I agree with you, and attempt to play with a survival mindset. I will only kill another player if A: they have spotted me or B: I attempt communications and feel threatened or I watch them kill another player or something of the sort. I think that once the number of zombies is increased dramatically, and environmental factors are added, lots more players will play with a survival frame of mind. I have made multiple suggestions on these forums, and all of them relate back to the fact that I want this game to be a realistic zombie survival game. As I said, once more zombies and animals environmental factors are added there will be much more survival, not just killing on sight.


I play totally lone wolf, hardly any interaction with other players. It really annoys me watching someone get help from another player such as a weapon and turn around and use that weapon on that person. Totally immersion breaking. Even bad guys will feel a little bit for those who help them.

Edited by RAM-bo4250
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No one on YouTube plays DayZ with that playstyle because it's boring and completely unchallenging. Most people just want to watch people getting blown away. Personally, I find watching PVP in this buggy mess of a game just as boring. That being said, most people on YouTube are bad. DayZ streaming and YouTube channels are a plague.



I totally agree with you here. It was a lot of wishful thinking on my part.


As I said in my OP I watched a YT named Zemalf who played a very stealthy character. I find watching that more interesting then a bunch of YT and streamers run around low pop servers collecting a ton of loot and then KOS fest on a high pop server. Senseless and totally boring to me.

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I agree with you, and attempt to play with a survival mindset. I will only kill another player if A: they have spotted me or B: I attempt communications and feel threatened or I watch them kill another player or something of the sort. I think that once the number of zombies is increased dramatically, and environmental factors are added, lots more players will play with a survival frame of mind. I have made multiple suggestions on these forums, and all of them relate back to the fact that I want this game to be a realistic zombie survival game. As I said, once more zombies and animals environmental factors are added there will be much more survival, not just killing on sight.


I totally can't wait till there are a lot more zombies in game. I have to admit my style of gameplay is a little bit boring when there are only 2 or 3 zs in a medium village. I think that should be a major goal of the devs.

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In a post-apocalyptic world, the prevailing survival tactic will be banditry.   If you really want to know what it will be like, search Anthony-Kongphan on youtube and watch his PVP videos.   Not only is it the best DayZ PVP to watch, but it will also give those that do not wish to survive in this fashion a keen look into the world of banditry.   Think about it.   It will be easier for survivors to hunt others that collect items than to collect the items themselves.


Don’t get me wrong, I understand Escape-and-Evade.  The desire to live is a powerful!   I can appreciate being friendly and have ran across many players that were friendly.  But after being killed countless times, I’ve come to accept the reality of banditry.  The best way to understand this is to watch those that are the best at it.   You will see their tactics and learn how to avoid these types of survivors:   Stay away from the cities!


Besides, watching his Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/anthony_kongphan/ is pretty damn entertaining.  It’s mostly large clan-versus-clan PVP, but the Hunter-Prey aspect of DayZ Standalone is all there.  It really is the best PVP I’ve seen.

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My hardcore slot actually does use this play style and when the option is there plays on the 30+ player servers, the only downside is he has killed people, hunted them in a sense at times (usually, hunted to see if they were hostile and take them down, the one time recently that I made my way through the forest to the SW base I heard a ton of gunfire, watched a fairly large firefight and put an end to the victor with a single shot to the head, scouted down to find the victor's partner alive with three corpses around him - put about ten rounds into him as he was in the log out phase.), but never guns blazing. Survived 60ish hours, killed over 20 total, and about the only thing that doesn't conform to a 100% stealth gameplay is that fact that a pistol tends to be used to clear zombies (primarily since I have an abundance of ammo across the board), but it's more of a take them out on the spot, loud; after being spotted - but safe - rather than play the risk game of trying to fight them up close and personal with a axe as in reality I doubt any of us would hold back on the ammo in a sudden life or death situation. 


After a shot is fired, it's time to move out fast but low to a new part of town, or bug out entirely. I've considered doing videos, have done them for other games in the past but I'm partially a perfectionist; every video I've ever uploaded to youtube has left me feeling like I could have done so much better (eg. if only I had a better mic, a better system, should have done this or that better, the audio's lacking, I need to do a custom song for this if only I still had my old audio software.. bleh :P)

Edited by AzrailCross

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Thats actually more personal preference than anything else. For some socializing and meeting people is enough reason not to kill them. Some go meta and want to be known as someone who does not kill people if there is another option. Then you get the benefits of cooperation: more eyes might spot more dangers and more weapons can resond to greater threats. And then there is the rush of social paranoia: someone in your group could be a traitor while the others are genuinely nice guys. Also trading loot might be less risky than robbery (both in condition and survival chance). Finally we got information: hearing what someone has to say can make the difference between life and death (one way or the other).


Those are just examples - in the end its what you want to do. "Sneaky lone wolf" has its thrill from "not getting caught" but I think its not a playstyle many people want to watch. But the same goes for the "xenophobic collector" who likes to gear up and blows everyones brains out if they come too close.


Like it or not,truth be told,all survivors in DayZ are basically the same:Walking bags of loot.Game wise,the only reason to team up

with a player is to socialize and kill other people for their loot.

What i'm saying is that we emphasize alot on the loot which is wrong.There sould be more emphasis on the individual survivor.

I bet i can leave my survivor idle for 2 hours in the woods of an empty server,and not see a single zombie.

That's not good.Zombies feel more like a comsetic element,rather than anything you should be trying your best

to avoid.Post apocalyptic zombie survival to me means beign bombarded with zombies every second,not beign able to stand still anywhere,make plans,fortifications,secure areas,utilize my team specializations (skills).It's still in early stages,and to be expected but DayZ now feels more like a "cops and robbers" Arma game mod...besides the hunger/thirst element,which is preety easy aquring food.

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I agree.  Really it's the nearly complete lack of zombies in the Standalone that has made stealth a lost art.  In the Mod, you had to use stealth otherwise you would agro every zombie in town.  Sure, later on we figured out how to use various exploits to escape them.  But you still didn't want to draw all that attention.


Also, the proliferation of high powered rifles in the Mod made running through town like a lunatic a suicide mission.


Nowadays, kids just sprint like mad all around the map.  The thing is, if you walk slowly and stick to cover, 90% of the time those idiots won't even see you.

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   Stay away from the cities!



This I do as well as get off the coast FAST.

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 I've considered doing videos, have done them for other games in the past but I'm partially a perfectionist; every video I've ever uploaded to youtube has left me feeling like I could have done so much better (eg. if only I had a better mic, a better system, should have done this or that better, the audio's lacking, I need to do a custom song for this if only I still had my old audio software.. bleh :P)


Azrail give it a shot. I'm almost certain there are other players who find this style of play more exciting than a COD killfest. Love to see you in action. Part of what interests me is learning what not to do. I promise I will watch.

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Oh lordy. After completing the Splinter Cell blacklist campaign, I played DayZ and got all black gear, a head torch and an MP5K and slinked around Berezino spying on people and stuff. My only wish was that knifes actually did something against players because I was behind a corner when a bandit who had been killing all the fresh spawns walked past it. I should have shot him with the MP5, but I wanted to try and stab him to death from behind. Despite that mistake, I had a boat load of fun.

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This is just my personal opinion so don't crucify me. To me most multiplayer games (COD,BF etc.) become nothing more than glorified paintball matches. Remember a map and all you have to do is move downfield.


I love these open world, sandbox games. I can't wait until there are more players playing so there are more full servers to stealth against.

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Back to my playstyle (boring to most of you I assume). I do believe the saying "to be killed on sight, you have to be seen". That is how I play. If I am spotted I feel I have failed, period. I've seen tons of players but they haven't seen me. I could have killed most of them. I play with the mindset, if this were real.



Haha! I like that. They should make a 3D Disney movie about you where you're this shy creature that scurries away when he's seen but eventually ends up making friends with some 7-year-old


Okay, that last part probably will not make it into the Disney movie but it could be like a bonus disc with an alternate ending?


Seriously, though: the game is boring as hell when it comes to survival because there is nothing to die from currently other than other players.

It is not very hard to not be seen: just don't log into the game or just stay out in the woods in the middle of nowhere. You can hunt and chop trees all day long without running into anyone.


So basically evading other players means you're evading the only obstacle in the game.


DayZ SA currently is about getting a gun, finding another player and hoping he'll shoot you so you got an excuse to shoot back while looking slick in the outfit that you managed to scrounge together.

If youwant survival, you should play the mod I think.

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Haha! I like that. They should make a 3D Disney movie about you where you're this shy creature that scurries away when he's seen but eventually ends up making friends with some 7-year-old


Okay, that last part probably will not make it into the Disney movie but it could be like a bonus disc with an alternate ending?


Seriously, though: the game is boring as hell when it comes to survival because there is nothing to die from currently other than other players.

It is not very hard to not be seen: just don't log into the game or just stay out in the woods in the middle of nowhere. You can hunt and chop trees all day long without running into anyone.


So basically evading other players means you're evading the only obstacle in the game.


DayZ SA currently is about getting a gun, finding another player and hoping he'll shoot you so you got an excuse to shoot back while looking slick in the outfit that you managed to scrounge together.

If youwant survival, you should play the mod I think.

To correct any misunderstanding. If I stayed out in the woods, which I can,  that would indeed be TOTALLY boring. However I don't play that way. I love exploring and finding loot like the next guy. I just don't advertise my presence.

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To correct any misunderstanding. If I stayed out in the woods, which I can,  that would indeed be TOTALLY boring. However I don't play that way. I love exploring and finding loot like the next guy. I just don't advertise my presence.

Ah yeah. I still think you should try the mod because it has more stealth and survival than DayZ SA at this point.

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Rofl, videos games and the word sport.


Anything that can have competition can be considered a sport. Because of the varied definition between a sport and a game, it's hard to make a concrete case for it but any video game that would require team work, coordination, hand eye coordination and reflexes structured within an environment that is meant to be competitive, it can be considered a sport. 

Hunting is considered a sport, why can't a video game be considered one? It can be competitive. You have people trying to be the best player among their peers and competition.

Edited by Daemonkid
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I appreciate everyone's ideas here. But I feel as if people are now trying so hard to find some sense and purpose in DayZ SA.

But there isn't any. Yet.

It is hard to convince yourself in any kind of "roleplay" in the mildest sense of the word. Any roleplay is being interupted by bad zombies, bugs and alike.

But I find it very interesting to read this, as I often simulate different scenarios myself in DayZ, due to the lack of general content.

Edited by Calvin Candie

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Ah yeah. I still think you should try the mod because it has more stealth and survival than DayZ SA at this point.

I played the mod. However from what I've read there are very few servers with people on them.

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Devs, please give us a few more zombies along with better pathfinding. Guess I'm asking for a lot here.


I know,  Alpha is moving along.

Edited by RAM-bo4250

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