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Death By Crowbar

In a predicament - any sure fire way to orient oneself generally towards Chernarus?

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So - last night I was attempting a run south towards Elektro and was using my handy pen cap wedged between the keys to hold down "w" so I could run in the general direction without having to keep my finger on it. I was on a lower pop server so I thought it was worth the risk.


Long story short, I dozed off, and when I awoke, I was logged out - the server must have reset. Ok, no problem, I logged back in... only to find myself in the middle of the ocean with NO IDEA where I was! I have no idea how far out into the ocean I am nor how long I had been swimming for. I tried swimming in a few sensible directions but no land in sight. In a general sense, I was moving south at the time I got lost, so I believe I'm generally south of Chernarus, and the only reliable way for me to go is a general North West direction to find land again (I don't want to risk North east and go parallel to the coast).


I have no compass and am relying on the sun. The sun is flaky, but oddly different from what everyone always posts I've found that having the sun in front of me is generally South, and at my back is generally North. Is that accurate? Looking for help to ensure I'm swimming in the right general direction. I'm energized and hydrated, so sitting here and waiting to starve would take quite a while...

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The clouds in Chernarus always travel from the west to the east with the wind, opposite of the sun/moon cycle.

Northern Star

Especially during the night, it can be hard to orientate and very hard to know which direction you're walking. Since you can't use shadows, you'll need to rely on the stars. Here is how to do so:

  • find the Big Dipper constellation
  • draw a line from the 2 bottom stars and keep drawing this line upwards
  • the next star you'll get is Polaris, the Northern Star

Source: DayZ Wiki

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You could wait for boats to be implemented, then we can send out a search party.


Regards, Craig.


P.S. Last time I played it was sun at your back for north.

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i'd find a server at night and use the north star to orient yourself..

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What a tale ! The classic post apocalyptic mishap of dosing off and auto travelling far into the sunset... Swimming as well! Legendary. You sir are screwed I think heh.

Up the creek without a paddle - without even a boat!


Starving might be the best option I'm thinking; otherwise if it's morning on your server swim with the sun pretty much directly behind you. If it's PM swim with the sun over your left shoulder. 




They've implemented killer whales and great white sharks right??



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So - last night I was attempting a run south towards Elektro and was using my handy pen cap wedged between the keys to hold down "w" so I could run in the general direction without having to keep my finger on it. I was on a lower pop server so I thought it was worth the risk.


Long story short, I dozed off, and when I awoke, I was logged out - the server must have reset. Ok, no problem, I logged back in... only to find myself in the middle of the ocean with NO IDEA where I was! I have no idea how far out into the ocean I am nor how long I had been swimming for. I tried swimming in a few sensible directions but no land in sight. In a general sense, I was moving south at the time I got lost, so I believe I'm generally south of Chernarus, and the only reliable way for me to go is a general North West direction to find land again (I don't want to risk North east and go parallel to the coast).


I have no compass and am relying on the sun. The sun is flaky, but oddly different from what everyone always posts I've found that having the sun in front of me is generally South, and at my back is generally North. Is that accurate? Looking for help to ensure I'm swimming in the right general direction. I'm energized and hydrated, so sitting here and waiting to starve would take quite a while...


If you submit a ticket on the feedback tracker (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/), the guys will help you out. Just remember to add the url for your Steam ID and note down if your character is on a stable/experimental, regular/hardcore server.

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If you submit a ticket on the feedback tracker (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/), the guys will help you out. Just remember to add the url for your Steam ID and note down if your character is on a stable/experimental, regular/hardcore server.

I hadn't even thought of that! I'm going to try to swim it for a while before I have to leave for work, but if that yields no results I'll submit a ticket for help. Thanks !

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I don't want to make this guy's life difficult, but he did get himself in that predicament. Enough people are getting stuck thanks to legit bugs. Should we gum up the support queue with this sort of thing?

I'd like him to get free, but key jam autorunning got him into this... It can get him back out too.

Either way, I hope yup figure it out man.

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An update - light at the end of the tunnel! I kept the sun generally behind me and swam for somewhere between 30-45 minutes as time allowed before work and I now see land off in the distance. It looks like the shore of Elektro from afar, either way I'm good to go. Maybe 5 more minutes or so and I should reach the shore, damp, but just fine.

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An update - light at the end of the tunnel! I kept the sun generally behind me and swam for somewhere between 30-45 minutes as time allowed before work and I now see land off in the distance. It looks like the shore of Elektro from afar, either way I'm good to go. Maybe 5 more minutes or so and I should reach the shore, damp, but just fine

Good to hear you got yourself out of it . This maybe a reason they never stuck an auto run button in LOL been a couple times i have fallen asleep at the keyboard but when i wake ( as i dont jam my W key ) i am still where i was well except that one time when i was dead ( that bandit must have thought it was xmas with all the loot my 30 hour old character had....

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Figured I'd share - I took some screenshots and managed to make a GIF of the final leg of my journey. Two funny notable things:

  1. I thought I was seeing flying fish, which was weird because I never saw anyone speak of them. Turned out it was that stupid bird flying relative to the ground and not relative to the water. Thus it was flying under water and popping up on occasion.
  2. After swimming for a long time both my SKS and backpack would completely disappear from my body and my inventory. Logging out and back in fixed that, and also when I landed on shore and got out of the water they magically reappeared. I'm going to log a bug on that one.



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An update - light at the end of the tunnel! I kept the sun generally behind me and swam for somewhere between 30-45 minutes as time allowed before work and I now see land off in the distance. It looks like the shore of Elektro from afar, either way I'm good to go. Maybe 5 more minutes or so and I should reach the shore, damp, but just fine.

Good to hear. I hopped in the thread to help out, but I see you don't need help anymore. I've traveled the ocean on purpose (see: Schadenfreude Island http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Debug_Island )


that bandit must have thought it was xmas with all the loot my 30 hour old character had....

Meh, the longevity of a character doesn't mean much for loot in my experience. I've had the same character for somewhere around 60 to 70 hours now and he has lost and regained everything multiple times. The only things I don't lose regularly due to bugs, falling from a height, etc.  are my helmet, gloves, and primary weapon -- and even the helmet has been ruined once or twice by a bullet. I had the same fully-kitted M4 for 50+ hours before giving it to a friend to use because I couldn't be bothered to collect ammo for it (switched to an AKM instead). Pants and boots regularly get ruined by a random fall. Jacket/shirt, vest, and backpack are regularly destroyed by zombies. Same applies for the contents of all these articles of clothing as well, obviously.

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I read about that on Kotaku, was that you Tatanko?

Oops, I didn't even finish my sentence in that part of the post! I meant to say "I've traveled the ocean on purpose and even with planning it can be scary." Nope, I can't take credit for that. I was the second person to do it, but the original was . He helped coach me into making the trip myself a couple days later :) I enjoyed it more than you would think!

Edited by Tatanko
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Brilliant :)

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the server time and sun position should give you a general idea.

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Oh - one last thing to add (not trying to bump myself), this is a screenshot of the keyboard and pen cap that I use, the very same that got me into trouble last night. I don't know why people complain about autorun anyway, there's a perfectly reasonable way to accomplish it without wasting developer time on it.


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Oops, I didn't even finish my sentence in that part of the post! I meant to say "I've traveled the ocean on purpose and even with planning it can be scary." Nope, I can't take credit for that. I was the second person to do it, but the original was . He helped coach me into making the trip myself a couple days later :) I enjoyed it more than you would think!


Totally off topic, but... I was just randomly looking through the forum and your avatar caught my eye, then I saw your username, I swear it's familiar... You were on x360a, right? You were a friend of CGPsaint I think? I might have even played with you a few times, I was an admin on his BF3 server for a while.

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Totally off topic, but... I was just randomly looking through the forum and your avatar caught my eye, then I saw your username, I swear it's familiar... You were on x360a, right? You were a friend of CGPsaint I think? I might have even played with you a few times, I was an admin on his BF3 server for a while.

Yup, that's me! I haven't been doing as much console gaming lately because I haven't been able to afford to upgrade. Been playing DayZ since February.

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Yup, that's me! I haven't been doing as much console gaming lately because I haven't been able to afford to upgrade. Been playing DayZ since February.


Ah, cool, small world then! I started switching over to PC back in 2013, then a friend (ironically enough, also an x360a member) got me into DayZ in January. Perhaps we'll bump into each other in some remote area of Chernarus.

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Ah, cool, small world then! I started switching over to PC back in 2013, then a friend (ironically enough, also an x360a member) got me into DayZ in January. Perhaps we'll bump into each other in some remote area of Chernarus.

Very small world! My Steam ID is the same as my username (and everything else) if you want to add me.

Edited by Tatanko

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Ha, this is a classic...

Have some :beans:


You should post here, just for the loll's...


Heh, I was just going ot reference that thread.  "Auto run key needed they said!!!  Died in the the middle of the ocean I did!!!"

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