svisketyggeren 662 Posted July 8, 2014 To be fed up with the Chernarus map now, its the main reason I play very little these days. So in relation to that...does anyone know if there is plans to let modders build a map in the future? I dont think Bohemia is planning to build a new map soon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airborneguy 93 Posted July 8, 2014 They need to finish the game before making a new map... 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabre05 351 Posted July 8, 2014 They WILL do a new map. Just not for a long long long time. They will do maps once the game is fully released past alpha and beta. New maps are not important compared to fleshing out the current map, adding content, fixing bugs and increasing performance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted July 8, 2014 Bohemia making a new map would be pointless. Why pay for a Bohemia map when the community will provide dozens for free. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted July 8, 2014 Their fix for the pathing issues tells me the game will not be easily converted to a different map. ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tuthmes 49 Posted July 8, 2014 I love having more then one computer :D Good Luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svisketyggeren 662 Posted July 8, 2014 So dont expect that the dozens of modder created maps out there to be converted to standalone? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted July 8, 2014 Hello there Dont quote me on this, but there were rumours of letting folk create their own maps and mods at a MUCH later date. Gotta finish the game first. Cant add it now, too much will change.. Rgds LoK 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haknslash 763 Posted July 8, 2014 (edited) Their fix for the pathing issues tells me the game will not be easily converted to a different map. ;)That's what I'm thinking as well. I'm no game designer or programmer but from my understanding the navmesh is specifically made for the map so zombies, loot and AI won't go places they aren't supposed to. If a new map is to be made it would have to be made with a corresponding new navmesh. BI would have to give modders the tools to make new navmeshes for their respective maps so I don't know how likely that would happen. It would be nice to see in the future though! Edited July 8, 2014 by haknslash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freethink 984 Posted July 8, 2014 Bohemia making a new map would be pointless. Why pay for a Bohemia map when the community will provide dozens for free. I wonder how the navmesh part would work with user created content. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igor-vk 909 Posted July 8, 2014 Lots of exelent map designers can be hired to make new maps. Creators of lingor, namalsk and taviana. But they shoud ban those hudge useless mountains. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted July 8, 2014 I wonder how the navmesh part would work with user created content. I would assume it would not affect it at all and the system is procedural. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheGreatPerson 12 Posted July 8, 2014 Bohemia has stated they will release maps. However they've comfirmed community maps will be made as well before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cywehner1234 582 Posted July 8, 2014 In my opinion, all the custom maps were preeeeeeeettttyyy bad. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted July 8, 2014 In my opinion, all the custom maps were preeeeeeeettttyyy bad.I don't know about that. Lingor - Really showcases certain vehicles. If you play on a mod that has the Vodnik you really learn to appreciate it's amphibious nature. I escaped several bad encounters simply because I could go across water that my pursuers ended up going around. Military gear is scattered around, a little bit here, a little there, but there are still a couple areas that have a bit more spawning there so you can find a decent gun by hitting all of the outlying little spawns instead of having to make a dash into a high traffic very dangerous area. It just means you will have to hit MORE of them to find anything worthwhile. I really like this map, especially the updated one with more land in the Northern area. Boats are actually useful on this map as well, not something you can say about most maps.NAPF - Towns look like towns, many places look like they fit. There are 5 "bases" to find military loot in in different areas of the map. No one can camp the 2-3 that exist and choke down good gun spawns to the rare firestation spawn. There are also things like houses in the woods overlooking a pond that look like vacation spots, castles in a couple areas, big cities, and wilderness. I enjoy this map. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JPWiser 251 Posted July 9, 2014 I don't know about that. Lingor - Really showcases certain vehicles. If you play on a mod that has the Vodnik you really learn to appreciate it's amphibious nature. I escaped several bad encounters simply because I could go across water that my pursuers ended up going around. Military gear is scattered around, a little bit here, a little there, but there are still a couple areas that have a bit more spawning there so you can find a decent gun by hitting all of the outlying little spawns instead of having to make a dash into a high traffic very dangerous area. It just means you will have to hit MORE of them to find anything worthwhile. I really like this map, especially the updated one with more land in the Northern area. Boats are actually useful on this map as well, not something you can say about most maps.NAPF - Towns look like towns, many places look like they fit. There are 5 "bases" to find military loot in in different areas of the map. No one can camp the 2-3 that exist and choke down good gun spawns to the rare firestation spawn. There are also things like houses in the woods overlooking a pond that look like vacation spots, castles in a couple areas, big cities, and wilderness. I enjoy this map.Other than the vehicles I'm unsure how anything that you stated about the other maps isn't in the current one? Any custom maps I downloaded for the mod were played a couple times and never touched again... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supermarco 64 Posted July 9, 2014 I would first love to see new HD trees and grass and also a rework of the ground, because I'm not an expert of outside wilderness, but I don't think the floor is always flat like its concrete.. The wilderness feel empty (not in the way of there is nothing to do or loot, but empty because there is nothing special..), I would love to see more area such as they begin to implement in the north but everywhere ! Having more small bushes (new kind of bushes, not the ugly one) with dead trees on the ground. Also make the road less clean, its seems to that the road are quit new, same for the rails all along the map. I'm not sure about the lore of the game, but for me it's looks like more an Arma map than an zombie outbreak map. I know it's not a priority, but still, the environment doesn't make me feel that we are the last survivors... ( would maybe see more dead corpse on the dead generated dynamically after each restart with some small loot on them) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igor-vk 909 Posted July 9, 2014 I don't know about that. Lingor - Really showcases certain vehicles. If you play on a mod that has the Vodnik you really learn to appreciate it's amphibious nature. I escaped several bad encounters simply because I could go across water that my pursuers ended up going around. Lingor is my favorite map. There was "Hunting grounds" mod on modified map, with new islads and fixed "baracs of death" but it died quickly. Few times my car exploded in shalow water on flooded roads. Jungle was done very well, and you could get around map in boat. Too bad that it died. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exorade 214 Posted July 9, 2014 I'd kinda wish they could add Podagorsk to east from Chenarus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timedance 120 Posted July 9, 2014 (edited) I say NO. Dayz = Cherno and thats the point. Cherno = atmospherewe must keep this east-european flair Edited July 9, 2014 by TiMEDANCE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunter-blaze 3 Posted July 9, 2014 They need to finish the game before making a new map... Can't agree more... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxdie_01 121 Posted July 9, 2014 (edited) Didn't i read somewhere they were hoping to extend the map, so as you passed the border of one map you'd arrive on another server playing another map, which would be completely seamless? the goal would be to have the whole country mapped out including the capital, Novigrad, which is a city almost the size of the current map on its own. Then i'd find vehicles justified. Edited July 9, 2014 by foxdie_01 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted July 9, 2014 Other than the vehicles I'm unsure how anything that you stated about the other maps isn't in the current one?Any custom maps I downloaded for the mod were played a couple times and never touched again... Chernarus+ is MUCH improved over the old Chernarus. Police stations in different cities help as do all the new "military" areas. It also helps that some of the "best" guns can spawn in non-military locations.Go to and open up the old mod map and then Lingor. Uncheck everything but the military spawns. Look at the distribution on Lingor then look at it on Chernarus. Notice how the military spawns in Lingor are distributed across the map but on old Chernarus there is a cluster on the South Central Coast, a bit in the NE and then a LOT in the NW? Ignore the castles they haven't spawned Military loot for a while now. You can't just camp a few spots and lock down the military gear that everyone heads towards. I say NO. Dayz = Cherno and thats the point. Cherno = atmospherewe must keep this east-european flairNot for anyone who branched out into other maps. Lingor was actually rather fun for atmosphere. Water everywhere but very little of it could be used for drinking, jungle, small villas, a few castle forts, roads that ran over shallow spillways. Heck there is even a security checkpoint along one road with roadblocks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uberfrag 35 Posted July 9, 2014 They will possibly add elements of , panthera and namalsk into chenarus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben_uk 24 Posted September 23, 2014 Just wondered on the possibility of new maps in the future and whether they could be delivered by modders or if they would have to be DLC? I think it would be cool to see a London or USA map, maybe New York City, though the work there would be massive for all the buildings etc. Cheers,Ben. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites