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Small Chernarus

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Its roughly 400sq km right now, correct?


On 50/50 servers I barely see anyone anywhere. If they scaled up the map they may as well just make DayZ a singe player game, because you will never see anyone.


Also, is there a button to report a necro'd thread that has already been discussed to the point of beating a dead horse?

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The map has already been expanded. All that stuff above NEAF never existed in ArmA

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And zombies are another story, they are so fast that when they accelerate downhill they kill themselves instantly from the impact.

thats because of the shockwave that let their brains explode when they go through the soundbarrier.


science !

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The map has already been expanded. All that stuff above NEAF never existed in ArmA



Nope! The Map Size has not expand :P    Thats a fact! I mean the country size in kilometers... Why not 10 KM² in North,West,South and East (Ocean Big Islands) more ???

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As @eugeneharton clarified recently, the @dyzdevteam will not be further expanding the map in terms of its scale. They will be adding/updating the existing locations though. Visit this thread for more on that - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224288-dayz-dev-questions-answers-eugen-harton-april-20th/#entry2254808

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"Q. @MShternberg: Is further expansion of the Chernarus map planned, or you're going to fill map with content in its current state?

A. No expansion in that sense planned, we're still adding new locations/redesigning the old ones though."


hmmm.. but why did he add the "Prision Island" ??? :rolleyes:



I think it is not too much work to enlarge the map or something? I just think now for me itsmore than boring! I know now as good as any meter of the map... It would be FANTASTIC to examine again a few new country strokes in Chernarus  :beans:




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"Q. @MShternberg: Is further expansion of the Chernarus map planned, or you're going to fill map with content in its current state?

A. No expansion in that sense planned, we're still adding new locations/redesigning the old ones though."


hmmm.. but why did he add the "Prision Island" ??? :rolleyes:



I think it is not too much work to enlarge the map or something? I just think now for me itsmore than boring! I know now as good as any meter of the map... It would be FANTASTIC to examine again a few new country strokes in Chernarus  :beans:




Prison Island was a new location added to the existing map. Map = land + water, not just land.


I'm sorry you're bored, but there is no way you've seen "every meter" of the map. I'm 1000+ hours into the game and I still come across little areas I've never seen before, and I've actually gone out of my way to see everything -- I seriously doubt you can claim the same.

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It's a shame that Chernarus won't be expanded, but notice there was no mention of other maps - so maybe a new official map will be developed. Of course once modding rears its beautiful head I don't doubt we'll see a lot of community-made maps.

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I'm sorry you're bored, but there is no way you've seen "every meter" of the map. I'm 1000+ hours into the game and I still come across little areas I've never seen before, and I've actually gone out of my way to see everything -- I seriously doubt you can claim the same.



if i look on my steam i have more then 4000+ h  in Arma2. . . .



It's a shame that Chernarus won't be expanded, but notice there was no mention of other maps - so maybe a new official map will be developed. Of course once modding rears its beautiful head I don't doubt we'll see a lot of community-made maps.



Well...YES! It is a shame^^

how cool it would be north of Chernarus for example, in the high mountains new areas to explore. So Please Bohemia- make it possible :)

Edited by XeL

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if i look on my steam i have more then 4000+ h  in Arma2. . . .

Congrats, I guess? That doesn't mean you've explored every meter of Chernarus+ (which, by the way, is exclusive to DayZ Standalone and significantly different in April 2015 from its origins in Arma 2).

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man,cmon i think you know what i mean! ^^  ITs still the old Country Chernarus (with some more villages,houses ect,etc. ..)






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i dont coem on here often so thsi reply is a bit late, but if you think games liek gta,  burnout paradise just cause, or any other game in that list or not in it,  compare to the dayz environment, then i just think you dotn understand what im talking about, or realise teh level of detail and the scale in dayz sa, and i am not interesting in arguing my point either, cheers.

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The map is definantly not the biggest and greatest of any game, not even close. Fanboy detected.

as a man ages 37, i dotn think im  a "fanboy", whatever you mean by that.  i am into first person sim type games, dayz provides the best and most immersive experience, for me . i am a very objectve person, and i realise teh scale, detail, realistic and artistic style in dayz sa map, i duno what maps you think are better, but i know what games i like, and respect, and this game is 1 of the few

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Man you sound like a kid a year later.

The map is small. No question about it. It was built small because it was originally a map meant for a milsim with combat between 50-100 people, contact nearly every minute. For a survival horror game, the map is tiny. Go try NAPF or Taviana on the mod, then you'll feel the survival horror aspect and the sense of isolation.

il stick to this game, when i do game. teh level of detail and the scale is massive, if you want to argue that 240km, with almost all enterable buildings and teh level of artistic design, still in progress, is "tiny" thats up to you, i dotn underdtand why you say i "soudn liek a kid a year later" and i dont really care either, also haha @ combat every minute on dayz sa, sure.

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