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Time Glitch

The ONLY Realistic Way to Prevent Deathmatching: Make DayZ a Living Hell

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I like your ideas. The Weather the zed hordes. I love the Idea with the scarf it made me smile.

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These ideas are fantastic but....

What happens when players run into bandit groups. Same thing going on now. If My Clan is running 5-15 people off and on a day were going to work together and kill everyone else on sight anyways. It makes survival tougher but it will bring out the Murder I think x3. Humans will straight up kill another to eat and live. Maybe the loners and whatever will try to band together but the serious clans that already have organization and team speak etc. will continue to murder players on sight.

There needs to be a reason to Not Kill others except in most extreme situations to prevent murder of other players. a Group benefit that basically makes other HAVE to work together.

Maybe when your foraging for ammo and food the chance to find more and better quality increases by 10% for every member of your group. The chance to become ill is lowered. When foraging military bases maybe a building can't be entered unless a team effort is used to open a door or unlock something. Maybe there's a way to make better gear by establishing some type of in game colony and by maintaining it it allows trade and commerce.

These are just some ideas.

Edited by RECO

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Time Glitch !

Have you ever though that ..mabie people just dont want to team up or share there stuff ? that its boring and they get more fun out of killing others ? Lets be honist ...Just surviving against zombies is boring...Knowing that there could be other players just around the cornor that will shoot on sight is more of a thrill. Look at it this way ...yourv teamed up with a few people ..got all the best items ..or close to the best also got a vehicle or whatever and all you need to worry about is keeping some food and drink to survive. Then what do you do ? Nothing as there is nothing to do ..except kill players! Killing others and the thrill of knowing that you may get killed by players on sight or by both a team of zombies and players ..thats what the game is all about ..surviving against everything especially players.

Btw even if your suggestion went through ...you know whats gonna happen? ..like i said ..the game will get boring without pvp..so groups of survivors will turn into groups of bandits ..and then hunt other bandits and suvivors = Deathmatch.

Its kill or be killed ..always has and always will .

Edited by Massicor

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Too bad it's already hard enough trying to even find anyone at all unless you personally know someone who you could team and meet up with. Which, most (newer) players do not.

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Lets be honist ...Just surviving against zombies is boring...Knowing that there could be other players just around the cornor that will shoot on sight is more of a thrill.

Only in the current implementation of DayZ. Zombies aren't challenging. Survival isn't challenging. The only thing in DayZ that is challenging is not getting shot by another player. Don't waste anyone's time by pretending that this can't or shouldn't be improved upon.

@OP: I agree with you heartily, except on one point: I think these changes should be added gradually. Make ammo rarer, and see what that does to player interaction. Make guns rarer, and see. Food, water, medical supplies... make them scarce, one by one, and after each change, see what it does to player behavior. See what works, and how well.

Most importantly, though, zombies must be made difficult. Increasing their numbers and making them ubiquitous may help a little, but what will really make them difficult is enabling them to catch and drop a fleeing survivor. While I think wilderness zombies would be nice, they don't really need to be in the woods if all the supplies you need are in town, and a single aggro can be life threatening.

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Only in the current implementation of DayZ. Zombies aren't challenging. Survival isn't challenging. The only thing in DayZ that is challenging is not getting shot by another player. Don't waste anyone's time by pretending that this can't or shouldn't be improved upon.

@OP: I agree with you heartily, except on one point: I think these changes should be added gradually. Make ammo rarer, and see what that does to player interaction. Make guns rarer, and see. Food, water, medical supplies... make them scarce, one by one, and after each change, see what it does to player behavior. See what works, and how well.

Most importantly, though, zombies must be made difficult. Increasing their numbers and making them ubiquitous may help a little, but what will really make them difficult is enabling them to catch and drop a fleeing survivor. While I think wilderness zombies would be nice, they don't really need to be in the woods if all the supplies you need are in town, and a single aggro can be life threatening.

Dont waste anyones time by whining about being killed by other players and pretending that theres a fix to players killing other players all the time without turning off pvp all together .

Edited by Massicor
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so players that play with friends will have a even bigger advantage over solo players

bandit groups> singel sniper

problem is not that the murders....but what the heck else is there to do right now when you got your military gear? sit in a supermarked and eat beans all day? there is lack of content after that but hey! it is alpha!

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shortversion: i agree with everything but the OP zed's and loot scarcety

Haven't commented on this yes so here it goes, i do think the game needs to be harder in more places, i have been suggesting fairly realistic things to achieve this without adding OP zombies or restrict the game to it becomming unplayable (though i just remember i did likely respond to this on my former account L0G!N - anyways: ) ... what i notice is that these suggestions (in signature) hardly get any praises or discussion, and quickly sink to the bottom of this suggestion section. It is as though people DO NOT WANT this game to be harder!

That said though, i think what ever is made harder it should be subtle and in many different places, not just by reducing spawn chances and making OP zombies. And especially the start of the game (spawn) can be made a lil easier, though realistic in toughness for the rest of the game (this largely concerns something to defend yourself with and food/drinks) ... unlike a particular song, this game should question: "Why am I harder in the middle now, the rest of my life is so hard?!" ... This means we that newbs will atleast have a bit of a chance ...

Another thing which i likely mentioned as L0G!N is that reducing spawns means that people will fight MORE over stuff, and thus do the opposite of what this suggestion tries to achieve. Which is why most of my suggestions try to make other parts of the game harder so that the sum of difficulty is more than it's parts!

Edited by L0GIN
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Unless the posts are under a page in difference than I think having similar posts on separate pages is fine. It keeps the idea fresh. Just let them post. It's not like rocket is going to directly listen to us. We MIGHT inspire him, and he'll do what he wants. Any posts that repeat eachother aren't hurting anyone, even if it's annoying.

Tbh, I'm not even really upset about the repeat posts- they're nuisances, but understandably so. What bothers me is the continually restated posts that have ALREADY been addressed by the OP and others, to the point of them being meaningless. I understand that if Rocket were to read through this entire topic, he'd get the gist and go "Yup, that's already been addressed", but by reposting the same complaint, they're wasting would-be readers times, and their own time.

Specifically, the people who KEEP POSTING ABOUT GETTING RID OF PVP. Holy BALLS, guys! I'd be upset, but honestly I don't know how to feel about that. OP already said that the goal of this is NOT to get rid of, or even really reduce PvP. If it does, it would be by player choice, because that's what this is meant to handle. Some people get it, but I need to restate this for those that don't: This is simply meant to make friendly approaches a VIABLE TACTIC. An acceptable risk, for the reward you would be getting, rather than the unbalanced Risk:Reward ratio that it is now, compared to just shooting on sight.


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I like these ideas, but the game shouldn't be make to where it is impossible to survive on your own if you say break a leg or something. I personally like to play by myself and occasionally play with a group of friends if I feel like it.

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babys steps, just make ammo don't shows up after each login, or we can splitq.45, and shotguns shells is a start....

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Remove the blasting murder counts. Now what that shit is removed people won't farm kills anymore and they don't get any score for it. I think that people kill eachother just to get those murderes counted on their debug monitor. Remove murder count and I guarantee the killing would decrease with atleast 30% and this guy is speaking the truth, more zombies added, you get addicted to morphine etc etc is a great idea to make people depend on eaechother instead of killing on and another.

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team up with people you already play games with....

if you dont have friends, get some or join a gaming community

problem solved

Edited by GunzBlazin

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Totally agree. People seem confused though OP is not saying less lone wolf or no death match. He's simply saying - "now should I kill this player and steal his loot even though I'll die because of the horde or should I avoid him or maybe team up with him? "


If your a bandit it'll give you a valid reason too become a bandit, your not killing him or her to get loot but too help yourself survive in the process

love all of these ideas

Edited by Rick Johnson

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Old English term for a cigarette !

Do not make the same mistake again.

Edited by Boneboys

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I thought about my last 2 characters.

I got AKM, a gun with plenty of ammo... Not worried about food nor drink.

Exploring the land with a map... Trying to get better gears.

And there's one thing. Why is there anything more to do ? I mean... I know it's just alpha, but... it seems it lacks content and even I is reflecting on going in Elektro to fight other players just to break this emptiness feeling in the game after some gear level aquired.

Infecteds are no threat, i run everywhere to get what i want, without reflecting on how to do it, just run with your hatchet/gun to get what you want. It will probably attract some players that are looking for a murder.

So yes :

1) To easy to get middle/highi gears

2) Infected are no threat at all

3) We lack of things to do...

So we just go "naturaly" to PvP since it's the only way to enjoy the "middle-end game".

With a friend or two, it's a bit different because you need more stuff to get but the problem is the same at the end.

The hard part will be to wait better content, in-game event added in the future, harder Infected or what ever has rocket in his mind.

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I would be willing to try most everything.

The only things I don't really like are;

-Infection in cities, I think this is just uneeded. You could simply have a chance of catching the Flu after being hit by a Zombie rather than from just being in a certain area.

-Antibiotics should have a chance to spawn in residential areas. It would be a much smaller chance than a hospital but would still make sense. They could also spawn in military medical areas.

-Setting Bones is a bit to much but I like the idea of a Splint. Legs and Arms can break, if your legs break you can't Walk/Jog/Sprint but taking morphine allows you to Walk/Jog on it for a short period of time. If your arm is broken you can't use your primary weapon, using morphine allows you to do so for a short time. You would need another player to apply a splint to you.

-There shouldn't be any time needed for the healing or curing sickness, applying the split should be instant. Making items more rare would add the need for co-op while not causing annoyances of not being able to really play for a full day. You would either have to get someone to give you items or get them to go get the things you need if you didn't have any.

-Zombies spawning naturally in the wilderness should be extremely rare. If a player shoots a gun and zombies hear it they should go to where it came from then just wander around at that location. This could cause zombies to slowly move out of populated areas just from players shooting zombies on the edge/outside of town and cities. Player Vs Player combat outside the city could also draw them out. If zombies see a vehicles they should try and chase it until it is out of sight. So if a helicopter flies over a city tons of zombies would chase it out of town for a ways before losing interest.

Other than that I really like the ideas. I would be willing to try it, I would enjoy the game being more realistic and have less pointless killing. I would also add.

-All items should spawn far less often, I kinda hate that currently I'm not even trying to survive anymore. I always find food and soda, I really don't ever have to use my canteen and I only hunt animals to refill my blood. I found a URAL with like 10 - 15 weapons, a plethora of ammo and supplies, sure this was probably like winning the lottery but still, it happened 3 days into my DayZ career.



Please do the world a favor, go to the nearest kitchen, open the cupboard under the sink and drink everything you find.

Edited by Psychobob

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The thread is growing like a zombie infection: thirteen more pages before I could post!

I see a lot of post where people scream "don't remove the PvP!" Well guys you should read before posting. It is not about removing PvP, not at all.

Bandits would band together? So be it! That's the idea: players should get the envy to team up with others, be it for a good or a bad cause. And guess what: soon there will be a bandit amongst the bandits who will kill teammates to survive.

From my experience of the game (around 10 hours now): I have never ever made a friendly encounter. I have ALWAYS been shot by other players (usually before even seeing them) and, believe it or not, I have so far NEVER found a weapon in the game. :blush: I just have no clue where weapons spawn!

So they did not kill me because I carry valuable gear (I have been collecting scrap of metals, empty jerrycans and wires in the hope that these would be useful later in a survival game, what a mistake... I know now I just need an AK 47), they don't kill me because I am a threat (I am none), they don't even kill me because they are bandit-at-heart (some call themselves "monsters" rofl!). They don't kill to survive. They kill because it is easy and fuuuuunnz.

And this kind of fun has no place in survival themed game.

I give my beans to any suggestion that would make the game a deeper experience than "hide in the tower and shoot tourists".

Edited by Badb

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The amount of negative replies in this thread genuinely surprises me! I understand that some points in the OP could do with some discussion and so on but the ones who dismisses the idea totally I do not understand. :) I always thought the appeal of this mod was that it was different from other PvP-based military shooters and had some challenges other games didn't. I really hope the mod takes the survival approach I felt it aimed for from the start and many of the ideas in the OP are many steps in the right direction!

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