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About bonx

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  1. If someone tells "friendly!" on the chat, this actually means "I have not played Arma 2 enough to kill you face to face, so I will kill you from behind."
  2. You don't need friends in this game but their equipment...
  3. bonx

    Large Increase in Noobs?

    It is not that bad currently. Wait for the wave of hackers to finish off the mod.
  4. bonx

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    DayZ will die... ...and will come back from death... ...moaning, ugly, slow, buggy... ...and we will still play it because we like it like this.
  5. bonx

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    Oh yes, I did. I let some guy go. I remember very well, this was on the Server FR 31 which "encourages cooperative gameplay over PvP" (I was still young, I believed them). A man was making his way in the village of Dolina: he was shooting some zombies and I, hidden in a bush, was aiming at the zombies wondering if I should help him (he did not really need). Well, he finally saw me and went immediately at pistol range to gun me down, just as I was starting to type a friendly message on the chat.
  6. Yes I can. Wilderness, a PC game published on a floppy disk in the eighties. This was hardcore. The box came with a book, a survival guide so that players had a chance to go through. Actually I thought DayZ would propose a similar experience (but that I am just being nostalgic). http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/946292-wilderness-a-survival-adventure/images/box-102297
  7. That's because there are huge amount of newbies dying to zombies currently. As soon as the community will stabilize around a base of regular players, this statistic will reverse. I won't say that the zombies are useless, they at least contribute to a rather uniquer atmosphere. I would like them to be more dangerous though and I believe that the future versions of DayZ are going to make them challenging again. My suggestions: - they don't need to run faster, but straighter. - they should be able to attack while running ofc. - they should SPAWN close to a firearm detonation, this would make sniping from forests more challenging. - Not all of them should be moaning and grunting. Some could be silent, like on a sleeping mode (do you feel the breath on your neck?). - Some could also be laying on the floor without moving so we can hardly spot them. - They should be more resistant (they are dead after all) especially to ammo with high penetration capacity such as those for sniper rifles. Regarding the banditry (actually there a no survivors vs. bandits, we are all bandits <_< ): I would have liked to team up with a fellow survivor and scavenge with my new buddy but that has never happened to me so far because of the deathmatch code of conduct. I really feel I am missing something. The thing is that players will do what they are rewarded for. Currently, killing another player is rewarding (you can loot his backpack and collect in 30 seconds what he gathered in 3 hours) and sparing his life not (coz he will kill you then). If the game does not introduce some kind of mechanism that rewards cooperative behavior and/or punishes banditry, this will always be every man for himself. In this respect, the game should already be much harder for loners: - Reduce the size of backpacks (water or ammo?) - Increase the size of medical supplies and tools (blood pockets or a tent or a toolbox or a second rifle?) - Increase the cycle of consumables to force players to regularly get back to villages. An active man needs 2 liters of water per day, one canteen carries 75 cl of water (isn't soda 33 cl?). Sources of water should be crucial, that is something people would (and do) kill for. - The heavier you carry, the faster you get exhausted. You would also need more water and more food to compensate for the effort. - Zombies (and wolves/bears and other survivors...) should be attracted by the smell of cooked meat. - As above, some weapons should be more efficient against zombies than against survivors and the opposite, so it is more difficult to have a single weapon which is good for all situations. - etc.
  8. I agree with OP. I have come to the mod believing the game would be more intellectually challenging, like making me facing difficult decisions in the management of resources and so on. It is just a FPS (with a huge map, yes). After three missions, Zombies are not a threat anymore (do you know you can lose them by running around a house? rofl), finding food and water is not a challenge and the best way to scavenge items is to loot the backpack of players you have just killed. Maybe the mod is still in a preliminary development phase and that it will adjust the balance to focus on horror survival. I still hope.
  9. Aaaah, this is more what I like! A sniper chopped off in CQC. Thousands of newbies finally avenged.
  10. bonx

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    At the beginning I believed DayZ was different. So I gave it a chance, try to play "the spirit". Every single time, I announced being friendly, or I spared someone I was shot the second thereafter (and that is in the occasions I had the chance to see my murderer). Then I have realized that I was just not playing this game correctly: DayZ is not a coop survival with friendly fire on, it is a deatmatch arena with moaning zombies for soundtrack. DayZ is a shooter with no rules or ethics whatsoever. No one is a murderer or a bandit, we are all players in a FPS and we naturally shoot at each others.
  11. Interesting reflections but you go to far. It is a video game (and a popular one, so full of jackasses), people does not care at all about any kind of logic or reasoning. They shoot other players like a pong send back the ball. End of the story.
  12. I find funny that, in your second video, you call them "faggots"... from someone who hides in a bush with a sniping rifle that is bit ironic, isn't it. Anyway, enjoy it while you can.
  13. bonx


    Dammit, I was carrying a huge helicopter rotor for nothing... I have to stop scavenging garbage.
  14. Reduce drastically the availability of ammunition. Remove the kills count. Problem solved.
  15. Irrelevant poll since gamers would be the first to die in a zombie apocalypse.