frostWaffles 36 Posted October 24, 2012 The OP is on the right track, but this fix probably won't do anything. All it means is that people will troll each other with lower tier gear instead of higher tier gear. Instead of KoSing with AS50s, they'll KoS with Makarovs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted October 24, 2012 (edited) You got it OP!What about removing loot tents from DayZ and give every player in the server just one tent per live at the beginning. It will take some slots from you so you either pitch it early or try to survive with it longer.The catch in here is that it can't take much loot in it other than those tents in mod. I was thinking about 11 slots with ArmA 2 inventory system so just 1 main weapon and one other stuff can fit there etc. Also the tent will be removed instantly or after just after couple minutes when you die, so you can't run there and gear up yourself again.I'm also hoping that we can't get fully geared in the standalone under 1h without very good help but it will take more time to get geared. Edited October 24, 2012 by St. Jimmy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harley001 315 Posted October 24, 2012 NAH. People would this not stop kos. Also, you cannot patch kos no unless you just remove pvp. Why. KOS has NEVER been a game issue. Its been a issue with annoying kids who play the game and think the end game is sniping in electro.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PursuedDuke 0 Posted October 25, 2012 man i have been subscribed to this one for a while and am still gettting email notifications! i sadi this once and i will say it again these ideas are amazing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tarkastio 38 Posted October 25, 2012 The OP is on the right track, but this fix probably won't do anything. All it means is that people will troll each other with lower tier gear instead of higher tier gear. Instead of KoSing with AS50s, they'll KoS with Makarovs.I'm not sure you get the idea.The point is that people are more valuable than items.To survive alone would be next to impossible. You'd want allies. People would band together because the other person is more valuable than the items you could take from their corpse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sudZ! 115 Posted October 25, 2012 The OP is on the right track, but this fix probably won't do anything. All it means is that people will troll each other with lower tier gear instead of higher tier gear. Instead of KoSing with AS50s, they'll KoS with Makarovs.Ever tried to kill 2+ people with a makarov? It takes A LOT of shots, and would provide people with a chance to fight back or escape, unlike as50s, fals, m240s etc... This thread is exactly what we need. These changes aren't going to happen in the first release, or even the next few patches, but they're types of things that I expect to see once the big issues are addressed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eli18 3 Posted October 25, 2012 i read some of this post. while i like the idea and concept there is an issue...if the best of players can spend hours getting good items and then die easily that is an issue. this is already present and i accept this and like the realism however many people dont. with this said if the difficulty was sooooooo unreasonable then i think the game would have a few tousand players because anyone who isn't hardcore would be completely fucked. As i said i like your ideas and keep it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted October 25, 2012 I do like this idea, but... You people saying surviving in a group would be easier then solo are wrong. As a solo you can move without notice a lot easier. You need less gear to survive as apposed to gearing up and feeding/hydrating multiple people. If this was addressed properly tho this idea is fantastic! As for the KoS thing tho really if i see a squad and the weaker one in the herd wanders off just for a minute, I would pounce! I don't KoS unless it'll profit me. This is why I only KoS bandits and KoS'er in the mod.I could see this idea as both a good addition and a bad blessing! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lights Out 141 Posted October 25, 2012 I do like this idea, but... You people saying surviving in a group would be easier then solo are wrong. As a solo you can move without notice a lot easier. You need less gear to survive as apposed to gearing up and feeding/hydrating multiple people. If this was addressed properly tho this idea is fantastic! As for the KoS thing tho really if i see a squad and the weaker one in the herd wanders off just for a minute, I would pounce! I don't KoS unless it'll profit me. This is why I only KoS bandits and KoS'er in the mod.I could see this idea as both a good addition and a bad blessing! ;)Surviving in a group would be easier with certain situations but of course groups and solo players have their own set of difficulties. For an example, a group would have a better chance against zombie attacks, player attacks, and clearing out areas infested by zombies (think walking dead), splitting up certain survival tasks, watch each other backs. However, it is much harder to constantly find supplies for a full group and you are also responsible for other group members decisions (some fires a weapon in an are full of zombies for whatever reasons) you will all pay for that.Solo players will have almost no chance when shit hits the fans, you are not going to be able to run forever like you can in the MOD. However if they aren't detected, scavenging is a lot easier when it's only for one person. You need a lot less supplies.Different play styles have their own set of difficulties which is great.As far as pouncing on a person that wanders from the group, it's a good tactical plan. Don't get caught by the group. It won't end well for you haha Like I said at the start of this thread way back when, I love it. It doesn't punish a play style but instead attaches proper difficulty to each one, realistic difficulties and I know almost all of you agree.The OP is on the right track, but this fix probably won't do anything. All it means is that people will troll each other with lower tier gear instead of higher tier gear. Instead of KoSing with AS50s, they'll KoS with Makarovs.Well obviously it won't stop it but it doesn't make it as easy. Without military grade weapons, zombies being of a higher threat (fire a weapon and every zombie within a certain distance comes running to the source of the noise), chance of catching diseases etc. etc. it is going to make killing and firing your weapon without discretion a dangerous situation. I have to make the reference again as it's the only current show that depicts a world like this accurately. Think about when they get in tight situations with a bunch of zombies. Now think if those zombies were the 28 days later zombies (as they are in dayz). Goodluck! If you're alone, hope for a miracle. Now I ask you, are you going to shoot that gun to just to kill a player when you really don't need to? Worth the risk?This won't stop player killing and I don't want it to. I think player killing, mistrust, standoffs when players run into each other trying to figure out if a player is friendly, the tension etc. etc. is an important part of the game. What this is going to do is make you decide if firing your weapon is really worth mayhem that may ensue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LawsOfFire 21 Posted October 25, 2012 I'm not sure you get the idea.The point is that people are more valuable than items.To survive alone would be next to impossible. You'd want allies. People would band together because the other person is more valuable than the items you could take from their sure that ammo would also be more valuable than just using it on newspawns Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unit01 2 Posted October 25, 2012 ah, here is another thread speaking out excatly my thought. I just copy past what I posted on another thread:"got to agree with that. This game become quite a disapointment, once you notice its hardly a survival game but more a simply pvp game with random zombie element. The main reason is the lack of challenge.Zombies? ha! Super mario was designed more difficult than this game. they are hardly a threat. just run pass them around 2 corner and they already lost track of you.Hunger and thirst? pah, ever noticed the huge ammont of food/soda can spawn?temperature? Someone ever really paid attention to that?!There is absolut nothing... NOTHING at all challenging to survive this game, if not for the pvp. I started this game with some friends and we survived 2 weeks in the north/center of the map, which was so boring most of them deinstalled this game afterwards. So I moved alone back to the south coast, set up 5-6tents with supplie, ammo and weapons as backup if I die and go pvp. Sometimes if I dont feel for it, I just log in during night time and hunt zombies, without entering any building if possible. But seriously, I have to artifical create a challege in this survival game? **sighDayz alpha version isnt a bad game. People still playing it, dont they. But I think it do got the potential of becoming one of those legendary game, people will still remember long after the hip is do so, I believe the whole thing need an over work. Beside many good idea and project already running. I hope they will change the funktion of a zombies from "indicator of player nearby/running direction of an unseen player." to a threat on the the amount of zombie (at least)-no need to stand still to hit.-ability to grab players, making him unable to run away.-add some creatur to the forest like zombie bear or something. making it dangerous to travel off road. Or some night creatur that only spawn outside of citys, making it dangerous at night to leave citys.- maybe add building, that may only be entered by at least 2 player. ( like 2 switch that must be pressed at the same time to open a door)- greatly decrease the spawn of weapon, food and medical supplies. But add more animals or plants able to be harvest but with least generall, make some difficulty in this game, make player really feel the need to group up or betray others to be able to survive the game. Otherwise the boredom takes over and some player starts to grief, hack and random kill each other while other player leave this game." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lights Out 141 Posted October 26, 2012 And please get rid of the whole, eat food and regenerate all your health thing. Blood should regenerate at a slow constant rate like in real life. Staying nourished, hydrated, and healthy should just make blood regenerate SLIGHTY faster (but still slow).To explain it better with a bit of mathematical reasoning. Blood will regenerate at an X rate which will closely resemble the rate at which bone marrow actually regenerates blood in real life. Now if you're nourished, hydrated and healthy, your blood will regenerate at an X multiplied by Y rate. Y being a certain percentage "buff" depending on your current health state. If you health isn't in a good state, it would have the opposite effect and act as a "debuff". Someone in the medical field would have to iron out the details as I myself don't know exactly how fast blood regenerates and what else factors into the rate of regeneration.The only way to immediately regain blood should be with blood bags. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Radzaarty 30 Posted October 26, 2012 This is the best suggestion thread I have seen so far, have my beans! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unit01 2 Posted October 28, 2012 this thread needs a sticky. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GodsProxy 0 Posted October 29, 2012 (edited) This won't stop player killing and I don't want it to. I think player killing, mistrust, standoffs when players run into each other trying to figure out if a player is friendly, the tension etc. etc. is an important part of the game. What this is going to do is make you decide if firing your weapon is really worth mayhem that may ensue.This right here is what I hope the game evolves into.I started to play 6 days ago and took the advice of many and joined a private hive white list server with three others that I started playing with. It took us about six hours of multiple deaths to group up because of people running around killing us at our various spawns. Multiple times I was killed within minutes of spawning with no gear...A decision to open fire on someone should have some weight to it, consequence. As it stands there are no consequences. Getting geared up is too easy. Zombies are a mild nuisance. The game is still learning to walk and as it matures will be great. Hopefully many of the ideas mentioned get implemented and the game goes from primarily PvP to grouping up, staggering across another group while being surrounded by zombies and having to make the decision if opening fire to take their gear is worth it or is diplomacy and trying to work together to get out of a tight spot a better course of action. Edited October 29, 2012 by GodsProxy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thomaspn 1 Posted November 4, 2012 Sounds like a good idea. Everytime I see someone I think about my odds of survival without them, and it is pretty good. So I shoot them. If everything was a lot more scary it would be harder to survive alone, which means people would team up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Khan 9 Posted November 4, 2012 This thread needs to be stickied. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shanewalsh 3 Posted November 6, 2012 Hello doctor House. Before coming to the forum I thought I was the only one who didn't like the trolling in-game. Please read my suggestion here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ernst 9 Posted November 12, 2012 I can agree on every single thing you mention.You can have ALL of my beans!Even if this means i'm going to starve to death :D 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted November 12, 2012 Cant have any survivors starving!I find on some private servers there is a large swing one way or the other, PVP on one because that's what the renters wanted, on others they just offer a more friendlier environment.You will never get rid of it and you shouldn't try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldfossil 59 Posted November 12, 2012 I agree with Time Glitch for the most part of his suggestions.Maybe making DayZ like a living hell will not prevent pvp or some weird killing behaviour, but il would make it more interesting.Killing someone could unleash a growing Z's horde against the murderer, for example, making the choice to kill or not someone more hard to decide. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreygar (DayZ) 178 Posted November 12, 2012 Stop WHINING. Rocket has already hinted that he doesn't care if you die when you spawn in. He wants to create a game that puts all the choices in the players hands. So if a player wants to go to the coast and ensure safe haven for new spawns, then so be it. If someone wants to run along the coast shooting fresh spawns, then so be it. If you run through town screaming FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY waving white flags and someone pops you in the face, SO BE IT.Stop trying to mainstream and make this game easier. There should be no ingame penalties for the choices you make, as they are your choices to make in this sandbox. We don't need any visual cues that a player is good/bad. That is up for you to determine with your own eyes and interacting with that individual.As for the op, I agree the game needs DEPTH and Content. Right now, there is none and so for such a reason players have resorted to killing one another for entertainment. Even if the game manages to incorporate every suggestion ever given, at some point people will get bored. People will get tired of going through the hassle of collecting and gathering, only to die. So they will spawn, collect enough to arm themselves and then go hunt people to get their shit/for sport; it's inevitable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UmBe 125 Posted November 12, 2012 No, just no.reasons? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shanewalsh 3 Posted November 12, 2012 Stop WHINING. Rocket has already hinted that he doesn't care if you die when you spawn in. He wants to create a game that puts all the choices in the players hands. So if a player wants to go to the coast and ensure safe haven for new spawns, then so be it. If someone wants to run along the coast shooting fresh spawns, then so be it. If you run through town screaming FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY waving white flags and someone pops you in the face, SO BE IT.Stop trying to mainstream and make this game easier. There should be no ingame penalties for the choices you make, as they are your choices to make in this sandbox. We don't need any visual cues that a player is good/bad. That is up for you to determine with your own eyes and interacting with that individual.As for the op, I agree the game needs DEPTH and Content. Right now, there is none and so for such a reason players have resorted to killing one another for entertainment. Even if the game manages to incorporate every suggestion ever given, at some point people will get bored. People will get tired of going through the hassle of collecting and gathering, only to die. So they will spawn, collect enough to arm themselves and then go hunt people to get their shit/for sport; it's inevitable.You are wrong on everything you said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites