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Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

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I seem to get VERY scared, so scared that after I have an encounter with someone, I will shoot them (mostly because I can't trust people after a few encounters I've had ever since I got DayZ), and then I won't calm down for the next 7 minutes, and I have a constant thump in my chest. I know there are other topics on this, but they don't seem to have the same paranoia. I will get scared even if I have a sporter, with 10 rounds and no mag. Personally, I know my paranoia is just mostly over other players, because 95% of people with a gun will backstab you now.Or have there friend that you didn't see shoot you in the head. I don't know if anyone else feels like this, but I hope DayZ adds tents, vehicles and fortifying places soon because not having a sense of safety and security for just a few minutes is really getting to me.

Edited by djspartan117
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Haha its going to be ok. Cherish those emotions that no other game can deliver. ;)  I personally love the fact the game does that to me.

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you need to start yoloing a few lives..


soon you'll realize theres literaly nothing to be worried about.


just spawn collect gear then die ... rinse and repeat..


if you fear for your gear you've lived to long...time to start over.

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just spawn collect gear then die ... rinse and repeat..

That sounds boring as shit. I don't play that way. I try to live as long as I can.


Honestly, once you get attached to your gear, you start playing realistically. Peeking around corners before running out, watching an area from a distance before entering, sticking to the woods instead of the roads, etc. Preference, I guess.

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Enjoy this feeling as long as it lasts, as that is exactly what DayZ was supposed to be about and what made it different when the mod first came out. :)

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I know those feels.


But for me those feels start after my character has been alive for 1 hour+

Edited by Frosti
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Id rather get shot by a bandit then shoot everyone I see - much more entertainment, outcomes, occur when you actually try to interact - this is why the human race atm is doomed 8P

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Id rather get shot by a bandit then shoot everyone I see - much more entertainment, outcomes, occur when you actually try to interact - this is why the human race atm is doomed 8P


Just curious, how often are your characters alive for more then 3 in game hours?

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OP this game is pushing buttons deep inside brain make fears feel real and make adrenalin and faster heart beating like what happen in true scary situation even when is nothing happen, like when I was loot tonight cherno and I don't see no player but I feel so much the stress because every noise I think maybe is player.


no game I ever playing make me have panic attack symptom almost every time I playing I mean real panic feel I have to stop playing and relax calm down before heart attack is why I am addicted

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If I encounter a player, who has weapon but holstered, I mostly try to communicate.

If I bump into somebody pointing a gun at me, I often shoot.


Also if I'm with buddies, I tend to be more friendly as I feel safer.


Just today we met cool Ukrainian girl Dasha.

Well she had no weapon except machette, so it was not hard to let her live.

We just had to pacify one of our group, who desperately wanted her mountain backpack and tac.vest.


In the end we all traveled into Novo, we encountered some Blazer snipers, we killed them both but lost 1 of us and that was end of today's story. Pitty we most likely will never meet Dasha again, but it's not good to get over attached anyways.

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Just curious, how often are your characters alive for more then 3 in game hours?


Often not long I usually diea few times in a sitting, I have probably died a good 200 times, trying my hardest to interact - met some really cool people doing so which is much more useful to me then simply pulling a trigger - my experimental characters now tend to live the longest

Edited by tiadashi

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I know the feeling OP. You get geared up and think what do I do with it? just hide?

My answer is to play both HC and SC characters, care about one...but have fun with the other.

The moment I started not caring about the other and having fun was this night:






I'm the drunk guy by the way, I only to this day know who 3 of the other players are, but much fun was had drinking household cleaners.... one of the players I do know linked me the vid and now I can reminisce about a drunken fun night.  

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the longer you stay alive the more risky and intense encounters start to feel, its pretty amazing.

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I stopped carrying the juicy loot in my backpack - if someone's gonna shoot me, let them get ruined gear.  that helped me worry a little less.

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I didn't remember you being that drunk.

Edited by kichilron
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gear, engage with players, befriend/die/kill, repeat.... the more you purposely engage with players, the more comfortable you will be,,etc

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The paranoia is very strong. Last night I came across 2 low geared players, not complete freshspawn, but with only helmets and melee weps.. Assumed they knew each other cos I ran into them within 30 secs of each other. Had a case with 4x tacbac, 1x can opener and 1x powdered milk I had been saving for when I finally came across another player (I'd been far west and hadn't seen anyone in a week).. but then one of them starts chopping the others' bits off with an axe, so I gunned the aggressor down as they ran towards a warehouse. 5 seconds later shots fired from the treeline..

I ran as fast as I could.. straight past the safety of the warehouse just because it had a bambi, who's life I had just saved, inside and I didn't know if I could trust him. I was gunned down running across the field because that warehouse was literally the only cover for about 500m around me. I knew that before I ran into any other players, but paranoia killed my situational awareness the second I spotted another survivor.

Yes, the paranoia is quite strong.. but being paranoid doesn't always help, especially when it takes over all your other senses.

This fkn game, man.

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love the racing heart after an encounter or the panic as a shot ring out near you .... not so much when im with a group/clan playin but definatly when lone wolfing

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I am here to tell you that I am just glad no one can see what I do when I am playing and my dog barks at something outside the house.  Especially at night.  Yeah.

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I am here to tell you that I am just glad no one can see what I do when I am playing and my dog barks at something outside the house.  Especially at night.  Yeah.

Edited by blaeZ
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I am here to tell you that I am just glad no one can see what I do when I am playing and my dog barks at something outside the house.  Especially at night.  Yeah.

Ha,same here! BTW, I play and have favorited your server. Love it!

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I just imagine I am playing a slow, glitchy version of Battlefield now. I don't even try to interact with people anymore. Sick of getting shot for my efforts.

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Had a drawn out 3 v 2 firefight at the versenik military base late last night. They had 2 scoped mosins and we had 2 M4s and an AKM with 2 (yes two) drum mags.

They took the high ground on the hill over looking the base and killed one of our rifleman repelling our attempts to overtake them.

Longstory short the AKM guy survived two Mosin shots and I survived another and took out the enemy in an AKM-covered-charge-for-glory.

Upon logging out I felt like I had been kicked in the balls. An hour later, after a swig of tequila, a cigarette and a bowl, I still felt like death. Has anyone else ever experienced this? This is not the first time it has happened either. Other particularly intense dayz mod sessions have brought on this deflated feeling. After last night I think my girlfriend lost some respect for me...

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Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. When it approaches I will allow it to pass over and through me, and when it is gone, only I will remain.

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