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Suicide Option?

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I almost 100% sure I remember Dean Hall saying in one of his interviews this was going to be added down the road, I think they will add it.


It does suck to get fucked over really bad then have to figure out a way to die just to re spawn. But these days it dosn't happen nearly as often as when I 1st started playing. I mean if you break your leg all you need is to chop down a tree, get some sticks and some rags or bandages...make a splint then your good. Just make sure you got an axe and some rags on you at all times, as part of your kit...


Another thing you have to consider is the more of this type of stuff we add, the more of an adult game we have. Some pretty serous stuff were simulating, maybe not the best thing for a say a young kid to play around with. Were moving into 18 and up territory. The only reason I mention that is because there are quite a few kids who play. I know it sounds dorky for me to mention it, but kids are super impressionable and don't really have a good grasp on reality yet. All it would take is one kid to kill them selves and it just so happened they were playing DayZ and a major shit storm would happen. So it maybe time to put 17 and up lable on DayZ LOL

Edited by CJFlint

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Just make sure you got an axe and some rags on you at all times, as part of your kit...

Good news! You don't even need an axe! Just search at the base of any tree!

Many of the examples in this thread are totally avoidable. That said, there needs to be some sort of backup to unstuck yourself. Slap a harsh timer on a forced respawn and call it done.

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Good news! You don't even need an axe! Just search at the base of any tree!

Many of the examples in this thread are totally avoidable. That said, there needs to be some sort of backup to unstuck yourself. Slap a harsh timer on a forced respawn and call it done.

Aww cool. Well even less of an excuse then LOL 


I think DayZ was abit harder on fresh spawns earlier before hunting, fishing and some of the crafting a player can do. A player can can really just make an improvised back pack, find a knife or axe and just a other few items. Then set off. I mean you can survive with out a water bottle even so long as you know were to find sources of water. Because there's apple's, berrys and animals to survive off of now. After that they could technecly avoid towns and live off the land, then head strait toward military spawns where the good stuff is, with out being bled to death by zombies or shot by ass hats. Until you get to those military loot areas lolol Were as before .45 you had you needed more food to survive with.


Don't get me wrong, animals to kill can be sparse, but its great alt route to take early on in the player life. There is a bit of a learning curb there too.


Honestly I have not had to kill my self in game for a long time. When I did it was normally because I was wounded really bad by zombies really early on and had no way of fixing my situation. Zombies rarely kill out right, they bleed you to death over time. Now days I don't hang out in towns unless I really need something or I'm looking for trouble. I feel I'm in much more control over my fate in game. That took some serous learning though.

Edited by CJFlint

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wait, there is this girl commiting suicide in the "official trailer", right? so I guess there will be options to kill yourself sooner or later (apart from jumping off buildings etc.)


In the trailer you can see that the girl is not alone and there is a pack of people coming to her after she shot herself... so the trailer give no clue about what happen but it is surely not a normal suicide (there's some normal suicide ?!?).


I knew it was sometimes hard to survive at the beginning in this game... I didn't knew it was hard to die. Just run - pants off - in the first zombie you meet.


No for the suicide option, this is about surviving, so survive whatever the difficulty.

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With a loaded pistol, this makes sense. Most people would have a sidearm by the time a glitch strikes, if you don't then they are fairly easy to find. Perhaps with a little exploring, newbies will find themselves with decent gear and reconsider.


But the option should exist. Otherwise I am gonna see more fresh spawns punching gas stations.

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I was playing DayZ today and I got a spawn in the mainland, since I wanted to be near the coast I tried to suicide to get a different spawn, So I jumped off the tallest spot I could find around me but it just broke my leg, then when I was trying to get back up to that spot I glitched out and went into an area you can't get out of if your prone, so yeah... now I have to wait for my charactor to starve to death. This is why I think there should be on option to suicide, like, if you where actually in this situation you could A. crawl out of this area, B. Find a rock and stab yourself, or C. basically anything but just sit here. (P.S I'm under a catwalk and the bars to hold it up wont let me get out)

you failed at suicide, you deserve it

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you failed at suicide, you deserve it

I don't think you get the point of this post, It's not about me personally failing at suicide (Someone found me btw and put a bullett in my head for me) It's about the game its self and there being no option to suicide, as said above there ARE glitches in the game where you can get stuck in places that you arent able to get out of, and at least in the early version of the game there needs to be a way to either get out of these places or a suicide, if your a fresh spawn and you get stuck in here you would still have to wait hours and hours because you don't have any weapons on you. What I meant for this post was that they NEED an option to suicide if one of these glitches happen to you or if you get stuck in a place there is no way to get out of

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I don't think you get the point of this post, It's not about me personally failing at suicide (Someone found me btw and put a bullett in my head for me) It's about the game its self and there being no option to suicide, as said above there ARE glitches in the game where you can get stuck in places that you arent able to get out of, and at least in the early version of the game there needs to be a way to either get out of these places or a suicide, if your a fresh spawn and you get stuck in here you would still have to wait hours and hours because you don't have any weapons on you. What I meant for this post was that they NEED an option to suicide if one of these glitches happen to you or if you get stuck in a place there is no way to get out of

admins can un-stuck you so no need for it ( maybe if you have a gun  but it will get abused by players to get a ''better'' spawn -.-

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I think you should be able to kill yourself with any bladed instrument or any gun with a bullet in the chamber. Of course, nobody would kill themself with a hammer for obvious reasons. Killing yourself with a pickaxe, hoe, shovel, pitchfork or similar weapon could prove rather difficult.


You could probably slash your wrists/throat with:


- Bayonets

- Sickle

- Kitchen Knife

- Combat Knife (if I had one of these, I wouldn't even consider suicide)

- Can opener

- Axe (blade)

- Hacksaw

- Machete


Or, of course, you could bury a pen into your windpipe with a bit of strength and motivation. Or just use a syringe, arrow or bolt.


Even better, take the easy way out, with morphine, epinephrine, painkillers, tetracycline, etc. You could even use a defibrilator!

Edited by Kill3rCat

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I think they added a suicide option in the new build...



;-) funny glitch though

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If suicide is added, then we may just as well add save last position options and additionally a store where you can buy spawn gear, like clothes and weapons.  <_<

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Suicide shouldn't be faced with some mythical spawn point in no mans land or have some ridiculous spawn timer. It should simply ruin every item on your person.  I say this because it creates a new level of interaction.


"But Lithium everyone will just drop their items off before they suicide!"


You're right in a controlled setting they will. Bravo you outsmarted my master plan. However the next time you decide you want to chase me down or snipe me from afar for my gear you're really going to have to think long and hard about it. And hope you kill me before I do.  Maybe you'll even stand outside that door and ask me if I have anything worth robbing me for in that back pack.

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i highly dislike the suicide option

because its abusied by people

for the example givin to

its just stupid


only should allow suicide if character has been alive for an entire hour

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I don't think you should be able to just die but maybe using a knife or gun would be good, in case you broke your leg, but you don't want to have people picking their spawns

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We need to replace fall damage with leg or spinal injury.

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i highly dislike the suicide option

because its abusied by people

for the example givin to

its just stupid


only should allow suicide if character has been alive for an entire hour

 so when the game desyncs up 7 flights of stairs 20 minutes after I log in and have made sure I am "healthy" and I break my legs and cant get down stairs I should have to hope I starve to death in or wait 40 more minutes?


Suicide (short of jumping off a building which works about 20% of the time) should require a handgun, if you want to die instantly, or a blade if you wanna wait around a minute or too and bleed out. Now implementing re-spawns in the same place you previously spawned if you opt-out of life in less than an hour (only via suicide though) I'd approve of that.

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 so when the game desyncs up 7 flights of stairs 20 minutes after I log in and have made sure I am "healthy" and I break my legs and cant get down stairs I should have to hope I starve to death in or wait 40 more minutes?


Suicide (short of jumping off a building which works about 20% of the time) should require a handgun, if you want to die instantly, or a blade if you wanna wait around a minute or too and bleed out. Now implementing re-spawns in the same place you previously spawned if you opt-out of life in less than an hour (only via suicide though) I'd approve of that.

You know that's probably one of the best ideas I've heard on this thread yet, I agree with that completely

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I never felt compelled to commit suicide. I mean, you're just going to be in roughly the same situation and you'll only increase server load by constantly trying to spawn elsewhere.

(I might be missing the point behind comitting suicide but I assume you just want to spawn elsewhere)

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I agree, but not because wimps would do it for better spawns. Just purely because this is an Alpha game, and it clearly states before you play it that we will run into bugs. I have no idea why they wouldn't add a respawn/suicide button because there are times in this game where you seriously can't play it unless you kill yourself and restart. Such as getting stuck in walls.

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I agree, but not because wimps would do it for better spawns. Just purely because this is an Alpha game, and it clearly states before you play it that we will run into bugs. I have no idea why they wouldn't add a respawn/suicide button because there are times in this game where you seriously can't play it unless you kill yourself and restart. Such as getting stuck in walls.

Or in a foundation as one player said above. Overall they just really do need an option to suicide/unstuck because that can really ruin the experiance for alot of players if they encounter one of these bugs

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An unstuck option would be different from a suicide option ... I'd prefer to see the former because being forced to kill yourself when the game got you stuck is a big downer.


Anyhow, I doubt it is high on their priority list given the myriad of other bugs they will have to dispose of first.

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A suicide option would be good if you had a broken bone but it is a lot easier to make a splint nowadays. Breaking a leg in a remote town isn't as bad as long as you can find an ax and have a rag or bandage and can crawl to a tree.

You can eliminate the abuse of people doing it for better spawns by making it so you can only do it with a loaded pistol and need to be in a 'suicidal state' like starving or in a lot pain.

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I would be good, but also controversial.


Perhaps this is why they are hesitant to add it? 

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Since sticks are everywhere there is no need for suicide. Even though it should be possible if you are in posession of a gun or something with a blade. As mentioned above with blades it should take around 1 to 2 minutes to bleed out...


Sounds cruel but eaten by a zombie or jumping down a building isn't less cruel.

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I was playing DayZ today and I got a spawn in the mainland, since I wanted to be near the coast I tried to suicide to get a different spawn,


Stopped reading there. If you don't want to play the game ; well just don't!

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