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Experimental patch..what a winner!

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but no hunting..... sigh.  Other than that I dig it :D

You can hunt animals. o.o Although with this new exp patch comes a bunch of rubberbanding....;_;

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but no hunting..... sigh.  Other than that I dig it :D


Read the complete thread ;)






Edited by Hetstaine
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Read the complete thread ;)

Heh, I hate reading reddit so I skimmed.  I saw it.  Is there a hunting knife in game?  Or do we just use the combat knife/kitchen knife.  Crowbar doesn't appear to work :p

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So pumped to jump on experimental tonight.



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This all seems fine and good, but can you kill that damn rabbit yet?





"You cant catch the rabbit dad!"


*On Topic* Wow...for the first time Im actually really compelled to hop on experimental..

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The only downside is experimental is about as full as a clown car right now. :(

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I've been able to enter both the times I've wanted too, but the rubberbanding can get annoying enough.


I'll wait for a fix on the issue, unplayable or to be honest I'm unable to have fun with the current rubberbanding.

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Wow, I am so lost.  I'm pretty sure I ended up in one of the new cities.  It looks amazing but I couldn't find any road signs to point me in a direction or the name of the city.


Did find this tho, pCb3FRM.jpg



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Where is that exactly ?



Also for rubber banding issues try THIS

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I've been able to enter both the times I've wanted too, but the rubberbanding can get annoying enough.


I'll wait for a fix on the issue, unplayable or to be honest I'm unable to have fun with the current rubberbanding.


See if my link above helps ?

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See if my link above helps ?

Thanks a lot it certainly helped! Managed to explore one of the new towns not sure which, I like the progress so far, really cool patch.

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I really appreciate the work the devs are doing but this update holds nothing of interest for me. Item persistence, vehicles, barricading and party/faction identification will be awesome, though. SA will finally feel like a real game with goals and stuff.

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wow, these new things are amazing, can´t wait until i get home.

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Hets,,, sometimes you leave me flabbergasted, did you really have to make this post about the Experimental build in the Off-Topic section ?

You do know that we have a somewhat similar discussion in the real Forum, don't you ?


Pfft, I've had enough, I'm removing your warning point you downunderderp you !


Dean with it and don't ask for it back or I'll ban you.


- 1, that's less than nufink !

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Hets,,, sometimes you leave me flabbergasted, did you really have to make this post about the Experimental build in the Off-Topic section ?

You do know that we have a somewhat similar discussion in the real Forum, don't you ?


Pfft, I've had enough, I'm removing your warning point you downunderderp you !


Dean with it and don't ask for it back or I'll ban you.


- 1, that's less than nufink !

Wait wat!?!?!?

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This has been my experience of the experimental branch thus far today... other than the 40 minutes it took me to accidentally end up in that room...



So I guess... let the starvation game begin? Cause there's no other way out of that room. Where's the wall clipping zeds when you actually need them?


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This has been my experience of the experimental branch thus far today... other than the 40 minutes it took me to accidentally end up in that room...



So I guess... let the starvation game begin? Cause there's no other way out of that room. Where's the wall clipping zeds when you actually need them?


Happened to me as well yesterday. I was very lucky that two friendly guys spawned a bit later, and I managed to convince them to help me. One of them had found a shotgun and ammo in the police station and by me sticking my head through the door I was just visible enough for the shotgun blast to obliterate my face. I was very grateful for the appeareance of those two friendly neighbourhood murderers.

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