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Your first kill

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Great thread idea, and I think a good thread for my first post. I've been debating getting SA for about 8 months now, and finally pulled the trigger. My only regret is not doing so sooner, the game is amazing, even with the copious amount of glitches, PBO hacking zombies, and actual hackers (what scum) which I seem to be running into more and more often...


But anyway, my first three days of play, I was killed on sight 4 times. Two of them after getting some great gear, it was frustrating, but also very intense, I haven't felt an adrenaline rush like the one I get when I round a corner and see another player. Two of those 4 deaths were excellent learning experiences, teaching me to basically never climb a ladder if you're not the only person on a server, lol ... my 5th death was from a hacker, and really, really pissed me off, I was tracking a guy through a large city, which I now know to be electro, he was slaughtering people, and I wanted my first kill to be a righteous one, saving people from someone who was just a straight up murderer. I snuck, crawled, and crouched my way towards the sound of his gunfire, made my way through the back door into his building, where I could see his victims blood dripping from the ceiling. I inched my way upstairs with my sks out, and cleared both rooms upstairs to find ... nothing. I had even heard his footsteps above me. A few seconds later, my sks was gone ... then my shirt, then my pants, and then *poof* there was suddenly a guy behind me who wasn't there before, and a single gunshot to the back of my head later, "you are dead"


Furious at what I was sure was a hacker, otherwise known as 12 year old scum of the earth, I ragequit for the day.


The following day, I went from freshspawn, straight to the NE Airfield, tired of being shot on sight without a word, and furious at being killed by a hacker, I was determined to be that ***hole. I was lucky enough to hit the airfield before anyone else, even luckier to find an m4, a 60 round mag, a 1911, and three beautiful pristine mags for it, and ammo for both. I ditched my pack so as not to make a large silhouette, and moved to the hills where I could overwatch the airfield.


I sat there for 40 minutes, mulling over what I was doing, wondering if I should just keep trying to be friendly, I had actually bought a new headset for the game after day one, just so I could talk to people, and yet so far, not a word was spoken each time I was slaughtered. That was when out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone appear in the Traffic control tower, running around full speed, obviously looking for loot. I settled in and watched him through my sights, guessing the range to be about 300m and adjusting my sights accordingly, when he sprinted back inside and went down the stairs... I decided I would pop him when he ran around the edge towards the hangars ... but 30 seconds passed ... a minute ... 5 minutes ... I had decided he must have logged off to server hop for loot. Right when I had decided to run down and see whether he had logged or what, I saw another figure sprinting towards the tower in the distance, and decided I would let him run to the top, and kill him the second he paused to pick something up. He ran around the corner and then I heard the stutter of an m4, and the crack of an sks, and I realized then the first guy I saw hadn't logged, he had decided to sit on the stairs and kill anyone entering the building.


This filled me with righteous rage, as that undergeared player running recklessly towards the tower, cut down by a spray of bullets without a word was ME four days ago ... and I decided to get some vengeance, for him and myself, I sprinted towards the tower, deciding to climb the ladder, and hopefully get to the top before he could make it to the top of the stairs, and gun this ambushing bandit down. I made it to the tower, rushed up the ladder, and as I turned to the stairs, again saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and spun around to see someone rushing away from the tower towards the bunkers, i quickly raised the sights of my m4, and let loose a quick burst, at which point I realized two things, first, that the m4 is inaccurate as hell, and second, that this was the more poorly geared player I had seen running to the tower, that single sks shot was him managing to kill the military geared stair camper.


I felt like an ass as he ran off, as I meant to SAVE this guy, not kill him, so I ran down the stairs, and towards the hangars, yelling into the mike "hey! i'm friendly! i thought the other guy killed you and you were him! hey wait up!" As I came around the last hangar I saw him by the small watch building, Sks levelled at me, and realized how stupid it was to think he would trust me. I came to a screeching halt, spun around and sprinted back towards the hangar entrance as he let off a couple shots, thankfully missing me. Once inside the hangar, I whipped out my m4, and decided I wasn't going to die. I had about 40 rounds left, and I charged outside, firing a burst where he was last standing, but wasn't any longer... down to 20 or so rounds now, he peeked around the other side of the guard shack, fired at me and missed, I sprayed another burst, hitting him, but not dropping him, seeing the blood fly. And then I froze, out of bullets, as he pulled out his axe, and started chasing me around the guardhouse. My heart was pounding, and I felt like an idiot, I should have taken more careful aim, now I was going to get chopped to death in the stupidest fashion. About the third time round the guardhouse, this guy swinging wildly at me as I screamed into my mic "seriously! i'm sorry! you don't understand! I wasn't trying to kill you!" ... I suddenly remembered my 1911, thinking maybe I could still salvage the situation if i fired a warning shot to make him stop, I hit the hotkey and ... I stopped running as i pulled the gun out!!! he caught up to me, I panicked as i realized he was going to kill me, and when the 1911 was finally in my hands and i could move again, i spun around and just emptied the mag in his direction, apparently missing every shot as he turned around and ran. At this point, heart pounding, I just went into automatic, hit R and swapped in a fresh mag, rounded the side of the shack where he was crouched down, saying something in his mic, the first time he had spoken. I don't even know what he was saying, i just pointed the gun at him point blank, aimed down the sights, and put all seven rounds in his chest.


Staring down at his body for what seemed like an eternity, as my pulse slowed, I checked his pack and felt nothing but guilt as I rummaged through the useless scraps he was carrying, batteries, unopened cans with nothing to open them with, no ammo for his sks, a pistol with no mags ... It was like I had just killed myself ... he had managed to come out on top just minutes ago, maybe even his first kill in the tower, some douche with an m4 trying to murder him but he kept his cool... and then moments later he's gunned down by me ...


Sorry for the tl;dr, but my first kill means a lot to me ... and its why I love this game so far ... never, NEVER before have I felt guilty because of something I did in a game, till that day... and my next kill was, in a way, even worse ...

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When i first started playing about a week ago i have had many encounters with other people. i always say ' i'm friendly and have nothing worth killing me over ' ( apart from shit loads of ammo and no guns to use with ). I never choose to KOS, I always ask them to respond and let them know if they try to shoot me then i will return fire...... that being said, I've died lots of times haha. few friendly encounters, 1 guy helped me with a saline bag then 5 minutes later when we were looting together he kills me..... WTF?! So from now i take a more serious approach and if i see anybody running around close to me that dont respond i will shoot them n take their shit. Now that i got my brother playing the game we both run around together and i feel safer even though he's completely useless. My first kill was in 1 of the main city's ( have faintest idea what it was called ) was near a Mosque or something,, as soon as he saw me he whipped out his rifle and started shooting in my direction, missing... i ran into a building and went up the stairs. i said that i was friendly and just looking for a canteen, he wasnt bothered. no communication from him. in third person i could see him looking down aim walking through the house downstairs. i didnt mind waiting for him to come up so i just camped waiting for him to come up the stairs and he did ( every intention of killing me ) so i popped him in the head with my magnum. looted him as he was dead, he hardly had anything so why would he attempt to kill me if he must of known i had fuck all when i said i was looking for a canteen. Still looking for a canteen as we speak as my first kill was yesterday, then killed another 2 when i was looting with my brother. So my ingame name is MrPerkyNipples........... Be nice please, i dont like killing people cos i know all about having to start all over again n again. 

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Well not sure if this applies since this would be a mod kill, but I'll go for it anyways.  Have yet to kill anyone in SA, even in self defense.


This was when I  was still starting out in the mod a few years back, wasn't a full fledged medic but more of a lone wolf ghost, who occasionally helped people.


It was in Cherno, in the red brick building East of the supermarket.  I was trailing some zeds whilst looting, as was usual.  After entering the building and take a hurried turn to the hallway (in order to loot before they caught up) I see 2 players with AK's standing in the backroom.


Feeling boxed in and about to die, I reflexively spray down the hall at them.  Hearing the zeds growl from miles around from my shots, I see one of them drop to the floor, unconscious.  The other one still standing there while he bandages up, the realization of what just happened sinks in and I rush to the back room to bandage up my victim, however by now the zeds have caught up and it becomes a clusterfuck in the room.  The damage dealt to me by the zeds prevents me from bandaging him just long enough for him to bleed out, in my hands if you will.


During this the other guy opens my backpack, takes what supplies I had in there and logs out.  I use up the rest of my ammo to clear the room of zeds.  I check my victim to find that they didn't even have any ammo.  I needless took the life of a defenseless innocent when I could've just moved along.  That's when I decided I wouldn't be taking the life of another unless absolutely necessary.


The most ironic part about it, was his player name was Private Ryan.

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All my kills so far have been in self defense, or in defense of someone else. I've only killed 7 people.

The first one I met someone near the shipwreck and as we here moving to Berezino we found another guy. We where all fresh spawns and I had the only thing of value between the three of us which was a knife. We got separated while we where searching for supplies and when I found them one of them was attacking the other while he was running away, so I stabbed the aggressor to death.

My second kill I again stabbed some one to death while I was traveling to Balota, he attacked me just outside kambiwobo with a fire extinguisher

I shot three bandits to death in Berezino who where killing anyone on sight. I died soon after this though because there where five others.

My last two kills happened in the NWAF, I was running from a zombie and explained to these two guys in the control tower I was friendly and just wanted to kill the zombie before leaving them to loot. They bot shot at me with only chambered pistols so I killed them with my M4.


It's because of all that I try to stay away from people as much as possible, even if I have a better weapon than they do, most people I've run into can't be trusted.

Unless they're from the UK or the southern part of the USA. Those people are very friendly and will help you out in an instant I've found.

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Unless they're from the UK 

In that case feel free to trust me, I'm not an accomplished killer at all. 

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My first kill wasn't KOS. First 2h into the game a guy wants to shoot me with the Mosin.

I just ambushed him in a house in Cherno, and it was a pretty nice headshot if you ask me.

Edited by KiskilleAcronym

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Was in my inventory when the direct chat goes "Don't move or My buddy will snipe you".  I took off running toward the trees and he comes out with an axe.  I shot him 3 times with the .45.  He did not even have a gun and no buddy around.

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After ~115 hours I joined the ranks of the defiled by killing a non-zombie human being.


I was looting a police station in Svetlojarsk when some freshspawn only armed with a yellow bandana snuck up on me and started punching. I fired my chambered Sporter in his general direction (not sure if I hit him) and drew a machete to defend myself. I managed to hit him at least once but then he knocked me out and started looting. When I woke up I punched his head but be knocked me out again using my machete. After waking up a second time I saw his corpse lying next to me - seems like I managed to knock him out and/or he bled to death.


I guess greed doesn't pay.

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my first kill was by accidental somebody appeared from nowhere and i got scared and i involontary shot him (sorry) and then i liked it i got free stuff

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Not killed anyone yet  :D I'm a friendly player, but I haven't met anyone properly to be friendly to yet! I saw 2 people running through elektro, I tried to chat but they didn't respond. I let them get on with it, I was more geared than them and they weren't interested in me at all.


I was shot on my first life about 2 hours in. I had a scoped mosin but had just used all my ammo in svet fighting off about 10 zombies. I headed south, running in the tree lines. I got shot in the head and died instantly. Being KOS sucks.

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My first kill was around 3-4 days ago when I was looting the NWAF until I spotted a sniper on the hill,I urged in the hanger,I waited a while until I see a guy running on the airstrip until he got shot down,so I deduced to flank him,I went into the treelike up the hill,handcuffed him I asked him a couple of question until I shot him in the head and took his Mosin ;) after a couple of hours I got shot in the leg while I was looting balota.them died of hunger .

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My first KoS was so unhuman..


We saw a guy at the NW airfield (we were with three) and he had almost no gear. We handcuffed him and took everything he had. Then we uncuffed him and told him that he was free, he said bye.


Then I shot him in the back.


And you know what?


I couldn't sleep that night. I felt like I killed a real person. And I wanted to apologize, but I know that I will never be able to do that. I thought: "I'm a fucking moron, what the fuck did I do? And we laughed at the dead guy!" And I realised that my friends didn't even care. Or at least, I couldn't feel that. I knew that I had to play this game different.


I never shot someone in the back from then.


I always try to give people what they need; if they are aggressive, they get a bullet, if they are friendly, they get what they want.

Edited by EvilTigerAce

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My first kill was unnecessary, I did everything I could to try an avoid it.


I was at the fire station in Cherno, just looting stuff. I recently spawned so I wasn't too well equipped, but I did have a fire axe and an SKS. As I make my way to the third section I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.


I ask "friendly? have a mic?" as I see the guy make his way to the floor im on. He is a fresh spawn with only a UN helmet and a fire extinguisher in his hand. No reply on mic, then he types "no mic".  I say that im friendly and just looking around, im not a threat. He responds by raising the fire extinguisher into attack mode. "Dude, you dont want to do that, I have an axe and you have a fire extinguisher." Silence.


I start to make my way back down the stairs, strafing, to keep an eye on the mute guy. He just stands there, fire extinguisher still raised. So I make my way back to the ground floor and go to the door of the fire station. Mute guy follows, stands in front of me. I ask him if he needs anything... no response. So getting bored, I decide to make my way to the police station... THWACK. The moron actually just smacked me with the fire extinguisher. I pull out my axe, turn and strafe in a circle to dodge another swipe of the fire extinguisher. I respond with an axe blow to the neck/shoulder area. He goes down promptly.


Im pretty sure he's just knocked out, so I say "that was not smart. I have no reason to kill you, nor do I want to. So just run away from me when you getup." Few seconds pass, mute guy stands up and proceeds to swing with his fists at me.


"Really?!" Quickslot 1, space bar, left click, left click. Mute guy is now proper mute.


As I left, "Idiot! I gave you every opportunity to live."




Even though i've been KOS'd at pretty much every opportunity and betrayed by seemingly friendly people, I will continue to try and play the role of hero. Sadly, I have only come into contact with one true hero since i've been playing. Someone who was fully geared and could have blasted me without thinking, but instead provided me with food and a loaded 1911. Bravo sir.

Edited by blaeZ
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Mine was a guy at NEAF in the tower, I was behind the stairs when he came down so I blasted him, he dropped and returned but missed, I shot him in the face, that was that.  He had a gas mask on so I didn't feel any anguish.

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Title says all. What was your first kill like? Was it a traumatic experience? What was the motivation? Do you feel guilty about it?


I spawned in Komarovo, hungry for loot and itching to regroup with my friends. Looking through the abandoned village, I found something I had yet to lay hands on- a hatchet! I was set for life, nothing could stop me. After scouring for food and drink, I set off to Balota, to meet with my closest ally (Skat3rat, some older forumites might recognise him ;)).


Unfortunately, he found himself in a shitty situation. Five newspawns, with bats, knives, and extinguishers in hand, had cornered him in a house. They taunted him, and demanded him to surrender. I wouldn't have any of it. I rushed to Balota, to assist my friend in need. I rushed across open fields, determined to stop these ruthless thugs, at any and all costs. Hatchet in tow, I prepared myself for a difficult fight. Across the field, I saw them outside his hiding place- five of them, just like he said.


I jumped over the fence, and took a running swing at the bat wielding man. He went down, blood spurting. A resounding "Oh shit!" came from the assailants, and I prepared for more bloodshed. The knife wielder came running, and swung at my side. I sidestepped him, and dug my hatchet into his back. He kept running, and attempted to bandage his fallen comrade. Before I could finish him off, the remaining three charged me. I took a hit from a fire extinguisher, and shrugged it off with ease. I raised my weapon, blocking their poorly managed hits. I flanked left, and struck down a thug armed with a machete. The fire extinguisher man screamed over chat, and rushed to avenge his fallen friend. I buried my hatchet into his skull, and he fell down dead. The knife man came back for more, and got one hit on me before falling prey to my blood hungry rage. There remain one thug, who was unarmed. I turn to face him, and he runs for dear life. Instead of chasing him, I come to finish off the bat man. He is frantically crawling away, spurting blood out his back. I walk up, and finish him off with a single hit. "WANT ANY MORE?" I scream to the sole survivor. He doesn't answer- preoccupied with escape. I regroup with my brother, and we set off to the airfield, in search of more treasure

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Been playing just over two years. Never killed another player, just AI and zombies. I play survivalist stylee, not mindless kill on sight stylee. :thumbsup:

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I find it really interesting how these 1st kill threads keep popping up. Maybe I have been playing pvp games too long, but Its really not a big deal for me at all to take another player out or be taken out in DayZ SA or any other pvp game for that matter. The 1st time I killed another players avatar I remember thinking, "he fell over just like they fell over in ARMA 2.......whats with all the blood". Almost reminded me of the movie kill bill hahaha. I really was not that excited about it, prob because just before I started playing DayZ I was playing Iron Front and ARMA 2. I don't feel anything when I shot other players......because its not REAL! I just don't care LOL There no score card anyways! Don't get butt hurt about getting shot neither...... its all part of the game.


I have been on TS many times with other people and heard people getting really excited, start freaking out, get really mad or scared and even yelling. I find it bizarre, and distracting. The only time I get any real emotional reaction from DayZ is laughing my ass off cause some funny shit happens in DayZ or when zombies sneak up on me. I then feel really annoyed, and sometimes it really pisses me off. PESTS! LOL As far as pvp in DayZ goes I'm pretty technical and usually focusing really hard on situational awareness. Which is not easy sometimes. 


I will say one thing that DayZ does really well better then many other games I have seen. It really does a good job of showing the "Fog of War", or confusion that comes in combat ect ect. I think it makes for a really intense simulation for some people. Its meant to do that by design. I think for many people it may vary well be the reason it seems like big deal to take out another player for the 1st time......

Edited by CJFlint

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I personally think that you get more out of the game by not playing a KoS style.  You can have some pretty interesting encounters with other players, both good and bad.  There is a way higher risk level of that play style.  I don't play as a hero necessarily, I like to call it a survivor style.  I have been in combat but never initiated the hostility.  I have both killed and have been killed in these situations.  Sometimes it is complete BS in combat.  Once I put 10-15 semi auto M4 rounds square into a guy who chased me into a tent and he just pulled out a pistol and dropped me in 3 shots.  Then he double tapped my unconscious body for the kill.  I don't even know how that was possible.  I even heard him say over open channel after, "I dont know how the F I lived thru that. Nice!"      


The one time I killed a player and felt bad about it (for approx. 5 sec) I was running thru one of the new towns up north and had just found a shotgun as a new spawn.  Another fresh spawn went running past me being chased by zombies at a full sprint and ducked into a piano house.  I tried to communicate over open channel but they did not answer.  I gave chase and killed both zombies for'em outside the house.  I reloaded and tried to make contact again.  No answer.  I went inside after reloading and found the fellow just looting like normal.  He was taking a long time to browse tho.  I again tried to make contact on open channel and again no response.  I approached him from behind, he was not aware that I was there.  Then as he finished looking at whatever he was looking at he turned around and saw me.  I did not have my shotgun in the ready position an there was about 10' between us.  He immediately put up his dukes and charged at me so I brought my shotgun up and blasted him in the chest.  He died. I can't really blame him for his actions but I wasn't going to let him try to knock me out.  Honestly I think he may not have had sound because I don't see how he could have NOT heard me kill the two roamers outside on the patio and it might also explain why he didn't respond in open channel.  I don't necessarily consider this a KoS but I did end up killing an unarmed fresh spawn player.  I kind of felt bad about it. 


One time I spawned near Elektro and decided to see how long I could last running thru town.  I had a horde of 5-6 zombie's chasing me about.  This was when you could still outrun them.  I started hearing shots and at first I was like, "Awesome, someone is going to help me!"  Hahaha.  Nope.  I went down in the next 5 seconds.  I was not surprised.  =) 

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Personally I killed 5 people yesterday. All geared up. I also got killed by two hackers, but it was a good day anyway. 

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I personally think that you get more out of the game by not playing a KoS style.  You can have some pretty interesting encounters with other players, both good and bad.  There is a way higher risk level of that play style.  I don't play as a hero necessarily, I like to call it a survivor style.  I have been in combat but never initiated the hostility.  I have both killed and have been killed in these situations.  Sometimes it is complete BS in combat.  

I'm kind of the same way in regards to KOS. I really don't set out to just shoot other players for no reason. But at military spawns or high value spawns I am much less likely to try take my chances with people. 


I also feel that I'm not really a hero or bandit, but a survivor or survivalist too If I'm even to have a label in game. I play always in the grey area, and treat each encounter different. 


Seeing the reality's of the stand alone, I'm far more impressed with someone that can keep his or her avatar alive and healthy for long periods of time. For weeks even month's. Is able to survive danger time and time again, and is a really good at tactics when they do pvp.  Then someone who just sets out to shoot other players, and that's there primary focus. I'm just not impressed by it at all. After shooting other players my self, I rarely felt rewarded for it unless it was a real challenging situation. I just don't care really because I know the person on the other end will just have to re-spawn, and the only real harm I'm causing them is to there ego if they choose to let it get to them. I generally don't care if I get shot either, because it bound to happen at some point. If I have had a long life in game and die, I feel satisfied that well I did good on that life in game. Next time I want to try to survive even longer. 


That's just me. DayZ SA has game play freedom.  

Edited by CJFlint

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I saved a guy who was on the ground with a zombie smacking him I was freshly spawned and had nothing. He was yelling help me help me. So I punched the zed off him but couldn't kill it. He dropped an axe so I picked it up and dispatched the zed. The guy had 2 broken legs and was bleeding so was I. He gave me some bandages which saved me but he was not going to make it with broken legs. After telling him I had not seen any wheelchairs around he asked me to put I'm out of him misery. I did it out of the kindness of my heart. I was planning on playing friendly but after getting shot in the head out of the blue I have determined to stay away from anyone I don't know. Kinda sad but can't trust anyone

I like your way of thinking CJ

Edited by Oldsquatch

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My first kill in standalone came about 10 minutes after I logged in the day the game came out. I was looting balota in the dark when 2 knuckleheads came in an threatened to shoot me if I didn't leave. One of the short bus riders neglected to make sure his microphone wasn't broadcasting when I hear him say he was gonna rob this negro in the jail building with no ammo and its gonna be epic cause I'm filming it. I was kind enough to bury my axe in one dudes clown mask and then hacked his buddy about 100 times, ruined all his gear just to prove a point. Point is if you're gonna rob someone, make sure your mic isn't open so the person you are robbing doesn't hear you say you are committing said robbery with no bullets. But coming from the mod my first kill came long ago...

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My first was an hour into the game, i was looting a school. I had a clown mask and a fireaxe and i felt like i didnt look the friendly type. This new spawn found me looting some beans and it's obvious he's not played before, but neither have i so i was after the taste of blood. He waved, i split his skull but he got up, so i kept hitting and hitting, it must have been hours of just pumping my axe into his body, crippled and spouting blood. He was dysncing bad and made multiple moves to stand up and run, but he kept getting teleported back under my axe just before another strike. I paused for a second to watch him crawl for the exit, blooding pouring from his head and torso before he fell unconscious from blood loss and soon after died.

But tbh i think karma got me, because i was killed my a man sporting a clown mask and a fireaxe later the same night.

Edited by Alldaypk

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