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First discount of DayZ standalone on steam

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It is not about the money but the principle. Also you should drink coffee somewhere else, sounds like you are getting ripped off :P


Like I said in my first post, I agree, it's stupid. I just don't think it's worth caring about, at this point. This game is doomed.


Also, I don't drink drip coffee. ;)


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True enough


BI is 15 years old, comgratumalations!








Seriously don't know why you'd have a problem with it?



I'm thinking of getting Carrier Command, Take on Mars and Take on Seattle.



Holy shit so it is fifteen years! happy birthday BI! &  thanks for all the hundreds if not thousands of hours entertainment, not too mention all the crazy lunatics i've had fun playing your games / mods with.  No begrudgery here, nice to see you share the birthday cheer with your fans old & new!!

Edited by Calibre
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The real news is that Arma 3 is 40% off. Go buy that!!!


Really? Awesome, I'm travelling and pray its still on sale when I return, been waiting. 

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Holy shit so it is fifteen years! happy birthday BI! &  thanks for all the hundreds if not thousands of hours entertainment, not too mention all the crazy lunatics i've had fun playing your games / mods with.  No begrudgery here, nice to see you share the birthday cheer with your fans old & new!!


Yeps seems like a $4 four day discount trumps a 15 year anniversary.


Priorities baby.

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15 years, good sh/t BI ! B) ..and 4 dollars off sa in alpher as part of the celebrations..well i never.  Guess the world must be ending. All celebrations of any type must forthwith and henceforth and right damn now be cancelled whilst we all consult our worldy morals and throw a hissy fit. 

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lame nothing like helping haxxors be prepared for the flood

Yeah, pretty much. I am looking forward to the rapid influx of (well, causal is not the right term, but it fits slightly) casual players who want to come in and deathmatch it up, all the while not contributing to the Alpha process......



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And what about when BI has it's 16th birthday and 17th and 18th, huh? What then?

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Oh no. The game is on sale. How can they do that to us gamers. Games on sale is the last thing we want.

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DayZ Standalone goes on sale...


Brings in more players...


More players means more data...


More data to help fix bugs...


Less bugs means more complete game.

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The DayZ discount is only $4.50, or roughly what kichi charges for a back alley Cleveland Steamer. Not that big of a deal.

not a big deal until you times it by the few million who brought it. then we talking serious money.


the whole point of buying in early is to test and get it cheaper . lowering it after selling it like this is pretty shitty tbh.


if you going to buy a bi game buy arma 3 for mods. it is worth it for breaking point alone !! 2017 soon aswell.

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I thought Dayz was mostly played by mature people.. Guess i was wrong.

The whining on this board is abnormal, and you guys wonder why devs left there own board lol.

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I thought Dayz was mostly played by mature people.. Guess i was wrong.

The whining on this board is abnormal, and you guys wonder why devs left there own board lol.

You should have figured that out with all the mindless KOSing going on right now even before checking the forums.

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You should have figured that out with all the mindless KOSing going on right now even before checking the forums.

Oh i gave most the benifit of doubt as there is litle todo besides pvp at this point.

Edited by wez

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Oh i gave most the benifit of doubt as there is litle todo besides pvp at this point.

Most of the mature ppl are hear on the forums. Its just a matter of how much of a discount is acceptable before it becomes stupid really. I can understand in about like 2 years when the game is fully released but were not even out of alpha and price is already showing signs of dropping. Yes its a smart marketing tactic to get new players but it upsets ppl that believe they got a "discount "when 3 months from now it goes down 30 or 40 more %.


Truthfully this doesn't bother me but its a matter of how much are ppl willing to let it be ok.

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Hmm i thought once you put your goods for sale on steam , steam had control over the prices to a fair extent there are several other early release /alpha build games that have gone to special in the last year i hardly think its a marketing move by BIS more a sales thing of steam to keep there profit share rolling in now the sales of Dayz have slowed.


Hey i could be wrong but i recall the devs of Assetto corseta ( racing sim) explaining this very thing to there fans when the game when on sale still in alpha( which its not out of yet ) and they seem to care alot about there fans are on the forums almost everyday ( probably everyday but i cant prove its everyday so better to understate lol) and they had stated the same pricing model of dayz and arma 3 eg cheaper in alpha price going up at each stage.

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Honestly I can't believe that some of you guys are making such a big deal out of a £2 discount in honour of BiS' 15th anniversary...


The game is not getting cheaper and the devs haven't contradicted themselves. The game will increase in price as we move into beta and then again on final release. That doesn't mean that it won't go -75% on Steam one day a few years down the line though...

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i bought it to support the development, not to get it as cheap as possible. a 15% sale doesnt detract from that.


if you got an issue with this sale, you need to ask yourself why you bought this game:


did you jump a hypewagon? then gtfo and cry more, you deserve it.


did you hope that its the lowest possible price? then you're naive, because there will always be sales in the product lifetime, you should have waited for the steam christmas sale in the second year after retail release


or did you willingly shell out your money to support the developers because you have faith in their vision? well, then you probably are a happy backer like me and dont care how much other people paid.

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Really? Awesome, I'm travelling and pray its still on sale when I return, been waiting. 


Sales ends May 19th, which is Monday. Not sure of the exact time, so pick it up early to be safe. :)

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i bought it to support the development, not to get it as cheap as possible. a 15% sale doesnt detract from that.





Yes it does, a sale means less money for the game, the game doesn't need more players, it's CONSTANTLY in the top sellers. 

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Yes it does, a sale means less money for the game, the game doesn't need more players, it's CONSTANTLY in the top sellers. 


i am sure you have the numbers of sales prior and during the sale at hand to support your assumption, right?

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I have no problem with this.....either way people would have moaned...


Put it in sale we have all that "cash grab" conspiracy


Keep it out of sale.....and they would have even more conspiracy...."its a whole BI sale, but not dayz...look they trying to distance themselves from there failure already"


The sale encompases there entire catalogue, Dayz is part of that...


So I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY BI! .....and btw....THANKS for the sale, picked me up the mars exploration game :D

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IMHO this is outraging and a slap in the face for all day1 supporter/customers and the fanbase!

Don't get me wrong, i still want to see the finished product, but i (!) feel betrayed as a fan/supporter. For me, the hype and faith is somewhat over... that was the last piece missing to make me think that BI (and Rocket) are using the DayZ franchise as some quick money-cow (wich they milk pretty hard imho).

Yeah, i read the disclaimber on purchase, and yeah... i know its alpha (yadayada) ... but on purchase i just had some faith into BI/Rocket.


I predict in 1 1/2  or 2 years (and some more discounts) they will release a finished product with missing content/broken content. But i hope they prove me wrong!

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a 15% sale doesnt detract from that.





i am sure you have the numbers of sales prior and during the sale at hand to support your assumption, right?




There you go, arguing with yourself.

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I have no problem with this.....either way people would have moaned...


Put it in sale we have all that "cash grab" conspiracy


Keep it out of sale.....and they would have even more conspiracy...."its a whole BI sale, but not dayz...look they trying to distance themselves from there failure already"


The sale encompases there entire catalogue, Dayz is part of that...


Pretty much this...



Anyway...congrats to BIS!

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