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Bandits ruin this game

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They also have 'friendly only' servers so that may be the best bet to avoid PvP. I used to get pissed after dying because I wasn't used to losing my character and all his gear after hours of work. But knowing I will die and the point of the game is to survive as long as possible and not accumulate gear helped me to come to terms with this friggin frustrating game. This causes people to value every life and that makes the tension and suspense palpable. No other game has given me such a rush in recent years. Yea it's not a perfect game and it's mostly broken but it does make for a game that's unique. Hope they fix the bugs because SOE H1Z1 looks promising.

Edited by ZombieHeadHunterALPHA

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Another thing to consider would be to get as many people in the game as possible and travel in a group; larger groups tend not to be such prime targets.


Good idea..


Please line up in a orderly fashion while i get out my m4 with 60r mags.

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Hello all, 


I am a new player who had recently acquired a lot of gear in this game. My buddy and I had fully loaded M4's, and a lot of supplies on our journeys. We are good players who did not watch any trouble. We just like to kill zombies and have a good time.


Unfortunately, we were killed from coward bandits who didn't even bother showing their faces.


All for our gear which we had took days to acquire. Between this and all the bugs, this game is just too much hassle for me. I am a casual player with bad back problems from driving a truck for 15 years. I also have high blood pressure and diabetes and these bandit assholes don't seem to help it.


Please consider banning bandits from the game. Griefers like them are causing me TONS of health problems and I shouldn't be penalized for it. I just want to PLAY the damn game that I bought. 



I agree. I wonder why this game needs a zombie or hunger and etc if all gameplay becoms to simple PVP ? Its just stoopid, why I must care about my character if he be killed in fire fight? Why do we need so complex health system if we simple get shot? And killing other players not giving any points or something like in ordinary PVP shooter. So whats the point? Its just stoopid...

Edited by Zubareus1

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They need to implement a pvp-free server. There was a guy with no gun just standing there and he killed us. If there are PVE servers on every other MMO besides DAY Z why cant there be one without it here


There are PVE only servers.



They're fun on a bun.  

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Guys, OP is a troll post. Post count + non-no0b terminology [griefer]. I fell for it until I read the 2nd to last sentence.


Well played though, got a laugh out of it.

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I know full well of having health concerns and playing DayZ.


I myself am a Heart patient, have High-blood pressure, Anxiety/Depression ect.


But Bandit's/KoS'rs make this game out to be what it is, and I wouldn't have it any other way, when they add in more content like building bases, constructing vehicles, and hunting/cooking, there will be less of a focus on PVP and more of a focus on playing the game.


And if you where in Elektro, and didn't see the dudes/dudettes, they where most likely using Mosins and sniped you.

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I like the part where he cried.

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Hello all, 


I am a new player who had recently acquired a lot of gear in this game. My buddy and I had fully loaded M4's, and a lot of supplies on our journeys. We are good players who did not watch any trouble. We just like to kill zombies and have a good time.


Unfortunately, we were killed from coward bandits who didn't even bother showing their faces.


All for our gear which we had took days to acquire. Between this and all the bugs, this game is just too much hassle for me. I am a casual player with bad back problems from driving a truck for 15 years. I also have high blood pressure and diabetes and these bandit assholes don't seem to help it.


Please consider banning bandits from the game. Griefers like them are causing me TONS of health problems and I shouldn't be penalized for it. I just want to PLAY the damn game that I bought. 

i cant believe this op is serious, please sell your pc, stop pc gaming, or play some co op game with your friend offline or something haha , anyway its gota be a joke post

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 I am a casual player 

Please consider banning bandits from the game.

Alright, first off, I can't tell if this thread is just troll bait, but in the case that it isn't I'll tell you this, DayZ requires a large amount of dedication, and expertise, if you don't want to see yourself become a bandit, consider waiting until private servers, I'm sure there will be Call of Dooty servers that start you fully armed, and minimize your loss at death, or perhaps the upcoming freemium 2 casual 5 me rip off H1Z1 will be your calling, If you have a gross xbox 360, you can maybe look into apocZ. WarZ will allow you to pay 5 dollars to play on their servers, and buy your gear with real money to minimize your losses again. 


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You got attached to gear. Big mistake in DayZ. Never get attached to gear.


Bandits are not "bad" or cheating in some way. They are an inextricable part of what makes DayZ so much fun.


Although I have to say that adding in handcuffs was one of the smartest things they did in the SA. Makes for all sorts of more interesting banditry than existed in the mod.

Edited by ProfessorRex

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I'm sorry to hear they have you a bad time mate like Irish said chaos like this will always be part of the game. Bandits are the reason I play, they make for good shootin' and tend to get ragey when outplayed. Don't let them get to you treat everyone as a threat untill the prove they are not one, this doesn't mean spray down every player you see just be at the ready, a lot of people tend to flip out and do stupid things when they see guys with guns. Only put down those you need to. Don't hate them or fear them as this is a sure path to the dark side, You will be a bandit in hours if you let hate of fear make decisions for you. Take being shot on sight in your stride, learn their tactics then proceed to hunt them relentlessly, makes for good fun.. Hope things work out.

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Bandits are both a gift & a curse.

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But fighting bandits or becoming one is a big part of the game.

In this game, unfortunately, everyone is a bandit.


Even those players which don't want to rob others kill on sight preemptively for self defense purposes to not take any risk and not rarely heroes get shot because they are in a firefight and others think they are bandits. Since there's no real advantage in cooperation with unknown players which can deceive the trust you put in them with one single bullet you could say we play Diablo with guns. Everybody wants to grind and grab good gear and then do everything to keep it. And of course they want to use their precious guns as long as they have them.

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All for our gear which we had took days to acquire. Between this and all the bugs, this game is just too much hassle for me. I am a casual player with bad back problems from driving a truck for 15 years. I also have high blood pressure and diabetes and these bandit assholes don't seem to help it.


You're doing something wrong.


We usually end up being fairly geared within 15 minutes of playing.

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They also have 'friendly only' servers so that may be the best bet to avoid PvP..



When I first played this game I tried a few of the severs marked as being "friendly, noob playground, etc" but quickly realized most were nothing more than kill farm servers looking to feast on the nieve. There is one that stays highly populated in Texas that I've learned to avoid like the plague.


As for the OP, I think he's got to be trolling. This is not a zombie game. It's a survival game with sprinkled in zombies (even if they're dumb). In the future that will change but for now there is little to do so a lot turn into KOS'ers. I try to blend in not making my presense known and I certainly don't hang around the coast, especially Elektro, looking for trouble because you'll most certainly find it. Bandits make this game just as they would IRL if we were in a post apocalyptic time. As mentioned by someone else, I would rather them come down and hold me up and kill or torture me than just snipe me from 700 meters and never say a word, much less come down to claim their prize from my corpse. Personally interaction is what I love and it's the story or sick, twisted people you meet that make it worthwhile. KOS'ers or hackers of course aren't real bandits. They are just pond scum we have to unfortunately deal with.


DayZ is what you make of it. YMMV

Edited by haknslash

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Hello all, 


I am a new player who had recently acquired a lot of gear in this game. My buddy and I had fully loaded M4's, and a lot of supplies on our journeys. We are good players who did not watch any trouble. We just like to kill zombies and have a good time.


Unfortunately, we were killed from coward bandits who didn't even bother showing their faces.


All for our gear which we had took days to acquire. Between this and all the bugs, this game is just too much hassle for me. I am a casual player with bad back problems from driving a truck for 15 years. I also have high blood pressure and diabetes and these bandit assholes don't seem to help it.


Please consider banning bandits from the game. Griefers like them are causing me TONS of health problems and I shouldn't be penalized for it. I just want to PLAY the damn game that I bought. 



HAHAHA. you could Play sims !  dayz  isnt for casual Players!  only the strongest of the strongest survive (edit: or hackers)!


BANDITS ARE WHAT MAKES THIS GAME AMAZING! cuffing, poisoning, Shooting in the leg....  robbing ..  thats all fun for me! ist funny when i get rtobbed and ist funny to rob others!




dayz has turned me into the baddest kos'er of them all!     but u can rest assured! i m playing my dirty kos game on wasteland servers now!


getting the drop on People that dont see u is hilarious!  (not only in dayz) !!!

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bandits aren't the problem, serverhoppers and combat loggers aren't the problem. The problem is cheaters, who run x3 or x15 times faster than you and can teleport in front of you. This is the problem. Saying bandits ruin this game is like saying zombies are unnecessary and should have been left intact (aka, one hit from axe, one kill). Those people do not deserve and do not understand the game. They come from games like GTA V and CowADooty and think it should be the same.

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i come from demons souls and dark souls!


dayz is far too easy for me!   hitting the head of a Zombie took me some practice !  but i am back 1 hit killing Zombies!!!!


whenever i got bored in dayz i just walked to the coast looking for verbal interaction!

that was my way of respawning when the game got boring after hours of looting without any interaction at all!



but i moved on to arma3!   i m a KOS-SCUM now in wasteland!

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Wow, really? I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess you're still in high school. I guess I know which category you would fall into on my signature. Why don't you take your flaming and go try to jump-start a bonfire from the inside, eh? Fucking children.


Not that it matters, but I am an actual man-sized full grown adult.  And I was giving the OP some good-natured teasing about his KoS complaining.  YOU sir sound like a child with your crazy F-bomb dropping flame rant.  What do you think?  I'm supposed to be terrified by you telling me to jump in a bonfire?  Do you think I'm going to lose a moment of sleep or that other people reading your post think you're some sort of badass?  Or maybe you expect I will engage you in some sort of childish tit for tat ranting flame war where we can see who can drop the most F-bombs or craziest threats?


Here's the essence of the internet that everyone else seems to miss.  I can say whatever I like (within the rules of this board), and you can do absolutely nothing to stop me but impotently rant!  Which only makes you sound like another crazy person. :thumbsup:  :D  

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Please consider banning bandits from the game. Griefers like them are causing me TONS of health problems and I shouldn't be penalized for it. I just want to PLAY the damn game that I bought. 


Dayz is a true survival PVP/PVE game, you simply must be on your guards all the time. Also, it doesnt take days to gather any sorts of gear, bit more practice and you will know where to gear up fast with what you want.

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chances are it was a sniper, there everywheres  in electro


Not since spawns have been changed to NE ... but yeah snipers most likely.

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Hope they fix the bugs because SOE H1Z1 looks promising.


The game is in development, of course they will fix bugs. Do some people still think the alpha release was a full game release? Geez.

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Just because you can say whatever you want doesn't mean you have to be a fucking asshole; and if it really WAS just good-natured ribbing, perhaps it would be best to make that known at some point in your post so as not to be construed as just being a jerkoff. Being a "man-sized full grown adult" as you put it, I would think you'd be mature enough to get that. And I don't expect anything of you (besides being a jackass); I just get tired of people posting about a bad experience they had and immediately being hounded by hordes of assholes with the junior high mentality of "this guy's a pussy, so I'm going to call him names and treat him like a jerk just because I can". If new players see that the game is flooded with people who just act like jerks for the fun of it, they're likely to be repelled from the game instead of embracing it for what it is, as many people are looking for a game that might be relatively free of immature assholes since the internet is chock full of them.



So, in summary, no, I'm not trying to intimidate you (or anyone else) in any way (which would be ridiculous considering the anonymity of the internet), nor am I trying to impress anyone (also ridiculous), nor am I trying to initiate a flame war (that's just stupid); all I'm saying is, if you're going to tease someone in good fun, at least put a fucking "J/K" or something, so that people know it's in good fun, and that you're not just some pubescent punk who's just being a virtual bully because the pretty girl at school won't give him the time of day. I know that 3 things that by namesake alone should be evident everywhere really aren't (common decency, common courtesy, and common sense), but that doesn't mean that you can't make some sort of effort to show at least one of them.



Edited by Mancomb

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You're doing something wrong.


We usually end up being fairly geared within 15 minutes of playing.


The fact that it's so easy to aquire gear - with suddenly nothing else anymore to achieve - is one major reason to me why there's so much KoS.


Sometimes really the journey is the reward. To me they did everything right and only because we now know the "high risk/high gain" shortcuts doesn't mean, that we play the game any better or even have any more fun doing so. I sometimes ask myself if I don't actually kill all the exitement by taking these shortcuts but then again, when you know where the good stuff is and which houses you can ignore, you'd be a fool not to act according to it. Goddamn dilemma

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