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What I predict DayZ will achieve by the end of the year.

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Comparing the status of DayZ Standalone to DayZ mod is like comparing an apple to an elephant.


Yeah, you can try to do it, but you're still going to end up with an apple and elephant in the end... because they're two different concepts.

HUH not sure what you mean here there both on a a RV engine with net code differences now they have added physics great biggest difference is there making all new models as the mod uses arma 2 models which used arma 1 models ( may have used ofp models to lol ,not sure if arma 3 borrowed models from dayz or vice versa but many of the models are in arma 3 for loot objects.) The real crunch is you have paid codders who can get at the engine vs modder who have to script most effects.


So in the end your comparing paid african elephants vs slave labour indian elephants( its still zed survival in an open world on a rv engine) dont get me wrong in the end i believe SA will be far better but your comparing quote was just so widely wrong...


EDIT oh i think the game is starting to take shape nicely and not sure why your moaning about how the mod was when it first hit in may 2012 i personally think its finally taking shape into a survival game slowly vs the super solider death match that the mod slowly turned into withzeds in the background.

Edited by SoulFirez

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I know it's a kind of different engine and all but I kind of find it sad that we are just struggling to get the stuff that was already in the mod.

Ya because, you know, they aren't building the game from the ground up or anything.

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All H1Z1 will be doing is draw gamers away for a little while imo. Planetside 2 engine is crap and tbh I don't have much expectations from H1Z1. Also they have already made more money than they'd hoped for, competition is not really an issue any more.


The PS2 engine is not crap.


It has huge huge draw distances, can handle insane player counts and gargantuan maps, and it looks daam pretty.



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Everyone says PS2 is crap, i dont see whats so bad about it? unless smething got masively changed recently all that paying on micro-transactions did was give you a "short cut" to upgrades you can grind the old way anyways? i have plenty of hours logged and still enjoy it from time to time

There will be no shortcuts in H1Z1. It will be vanity items at best you can purchase to customize your character the way you want. If they stick with the vanity only pay option in there store like what Path Of Exiles does i can only see good things coming from the game.

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What I hope:

Some optimization

Some glitches fixed

New places

New stuff

Some vehicles

More military and civilian stuff added



What I expect:

More military stuff only

80 versions of the same hat

A bike that is glitched 

Even more Kos

New rock formations



In all seriousness, they're releasing updates left right and centre, but they should be because they are literally swimming in money now! Hell, they could do a lot more with the amount of money they've got!

Edited by falcon1439
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What I expect:

More military stuff only

Id be ok with this but there definitely needs to be a few better sniper rifle options. We will probably get a western one over an SVD but i really don't care if its a Russian pride thing. A sniper gun is a sniper gun. But if they do make an M107 they should include the rare alternative sniper rounds for it.


Id be ok with an SVD or VSS but they need to have lots of optional attachments. That make sense though of coarse lol.



PSL would be nice too.


Edited by Deathlove

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2 years in alpha. Less bugs. Better zombies. More weapons. More things to do. Vehicles. Less hackers now cause they moved to the standalone.

Give me spazy ass zombies any day over the current l4d tank zombies we have that also possess magical powers such as the ability to one hit kill you, walk through walls, use telekinesis to hit you and see you a kilometre away in a forest.

(Not including mutiple of the same variants of weapons, as standalone has attachments)

The mod had the G17, M1911, M9, .45 Revolver and Makarov pistols. The SA has the FNX-45, 1911, Amphibia S, CR 75, and Magnum .357, the same number as the standalone as of now, technically the mod had one more if you include the PDW. However, we have a Thompson Contender and Walther P-1 confirmed, so that actually means more pistols altogether, and we're still in the alpha.

The mod did have more shotguns (3), the standalone has two, but the 870 is confirmed.

Now, yes, it did have quite a bit more rifles, smgs & lmgs, but many of them were out of place and were just reused assets from Arma 2. So it's not really fair to complain about the standalone not having enough weapons when its' early in development, we have more, and they are all being made from scratch.

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we have more, and they are all being made from scratch.

And they look so much better in SA...

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(Not including mutiple of the same variants of weapons, as standalone has attachments)

The mod had the G17, M1911, M9, .45 Revolver and Makarov pistols. The SA has the FNX-45, 1911, Amphibia S, CR 75, and Magnum .357, the same number as the standalone as of now, technically the mod had one more if you include the PDW. However, we have a Thompson Contender and Walther P-1 confirmed, so that actually means more pistols altogether, and we're still in the alpha.

The mod did have more shotguns (3), the standalone has two, but the 870 is confirmed.

Now, yes, it did have quite a bit more rifles, smgs & lmgs, but many of them were out of place and were just reused assets from Arma 2. So it's not really fair to complain about the standalone not having enough weapons when its' early in development, we have more, and they are all being made from scratch.

Origins recently added some newer European guns if you haven't checked it out yet that id like to see eventually in the SA that are not in the original mod version ether.

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Origins recently added some newer European guns if you haven't checked it out yet that id like to see eventually in the SA that are not in the original mod version ether.

Origins mainly took weapons from pre-existing Arma 2 weapon's mods and just re-configured them (like Vilas' Weapons, RobertHammer's, etc.) In fact, pretty much every mod did, only a few of the big mods actually made their own models and even then they relied mainly on already existing ones for the most part.

Besides, I don't really count mods to a mod as being a comparison. Obviously a mod for a completed game with already available assets is going to be more complete than a standalone game essentially redone from scratch still in the alpha stage.

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absolutely nothing most likely

Right. Nothing.

That's not an overreaction at all, perfectly reasonable assumption.

Let's beg the devs to release the alpha super early, then complain about everything and get them to change it. Then let's complain again that we don't like the new changes. Then we'll complain that we want the changes back, yet again.


For fuck's sake people, you can never be pleased.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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The game isn't as fast as a dragster, but it isn't as slow as a snail.


Be at least a tad patient, guys.

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This game has by far the slowest development I've ever seen, its quite terrible. 




 Have you been part of many Alphas ? It is moving along quite nicely, we are not even six months into the public Alpha yet, sure there was the mod, and pre alpha testing..but this is the official Alpha we are all playing now . Of course there are fast Alphas..and a ton of shit games released that can attest to that. Give me a decent tested Alpha that takes at least a little bit of time over half the shite on the shelfs and in Steam atm.

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That is honestly what you expect, when we've had much more than that in less than five months? You're just purposely being an entitled sounding ass, dude.

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I wonder how long it will take the fanbois that endlessly defend the game from every ounce of criticism to realize that the foundation of this game, the engine, is never going to adequately be able to handle thousands of zombies around the map, vehicles, thousands of items/re-spawning, dedicated storage for thousand of items, base building, random map events, heli crashes, and 100+ players on the map.  It just isn't going to happen.  By the time they implement all that you'll be pressing the weapon button 50 times before it responds and rubber-banding every 5 seconds.  Hell it'll take them 2 years before half that stuff is even in anyway so I guess it doesn't matter really.

Edited by BonnyBrown
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I suspect that by December DayZ SA will be dying as development will continue at a crawl and new titles like H1Z1 and 2017 come out. 


The MOD is far superior in just about every way except for the inventory and there simply wont be patience for the 20 year development pace this team is currently running at...... the novelty of SA will have worn off and people will go back to the MOD or moved on to other games. 

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I suspect that by December DayZ SA will be dying as development will continue at a crawl and new titles like H1Z1 and 2017 come out. 


The MOD is far superior in just about every way except for the inventory and there simply wont be patience for the 20 year development pace this team is currently running at...... the novelty of SA will have worn off and people will go back to the MOD or moved on to other games. 

Sadly i think DayZ is sort of a victim of it's own success.


Many people who played the mod for a long time heard there was going to be an SA. First thought 'Awesome and optimized and polished version of what we love'. Thats not the direction rocket has chosen tho. I really feel that this total re-invention of every single aspect of the game play, balancing, and mechanics is both overly ambitious, and even if they pull it off many who love the mods fo what it is will find almost no parallel in the SA and be bitter of having purchased it in the hopes of a "refined version of dayZ mod".


The game has great potential. They could do a LOT with it. It however, is not the same animal that wen viral several years ago and that we all fell in love with.

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I just hope they fix the zeds clipping.. really, REALLY soon. I want to like this game, I just bought it.. but come on. Clipping before new weapons and skins, just common sense I'd have believed. 

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I just hope they fix the zeds clipping.. really, REALLY soon. I want to like this game, I just bought it.. but come on. Clipping before new weapons and skins, just common sense I'd have believed. 



Ist not as easy it seems. Assets have to get new properties for the Zs to recognize ist a barrier. No idea if that has to be done tile by tile or however one whould do that ? Invisible texture maybe ?

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And they look so much better in SA...

They fire like ass. I don't give a shit about visuals or fancy new content in a game until the actual game itself is addressing and fixing the key issues.

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They fire like ass. I don't give a shit about visuals or fancy new content in a game until the actual game itself is addressing and fixing the key issues.

QFT. Id much rather a good enjoyable play experience. i dont give one single flip about DX verison it uses or 64v32bit etc. The tech can be 10 yrs old as long as it does the job well and deliveres a smooth and enjoyable expereince.

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QFT. Id much rather a good enjoyable play experience. i dont give one single flip about DX verison it uses or 64v32bit etc. The tech can be 10 yrs old as long as it does the job well and deliveres a smooth and enjoyable expereince.

Exactly. Look at arma 2. I still play that game like made because its core gameplay is amazing. I tried arma 3 and yeah it looked nice but it has like 1/4 of the total content arma 2 had and its ballistics system is quite frankly. Ass.

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I think thats what gets alot of old dayZ vets myself included a bit hot. It's called DayZ, but its not the DayZ that went viral and sucked us all in. It's a total re-invention of the wheel. I suppose one could look at it that same as the Battlefield releases from BC2 onwards. (EG BC2 was a fun game in and of it's self- taken purely for that it was great. but most of us BF1942 and BF2 vets hated it because it didnt fit into the same design and balance regimine as the earlier titles)


I just hope that when its all done and private servers are done some modders will turn it back into what it was in the early days of the mod with some nicer lighting and optimizations. that would make my purchase worth while.


Those days are long gone. Sorry but that is never coming back and dayz was never a good game to begin with, it was a great concept but it was buggy as hell and clunky as fuck. The concept has now been taken up by other companies and the market is becoming saturated but as we've all played this game for years, the original feeling of the game isn't coming back. The SA is exactly where the game needs to go for less bugs and smoother gameplay.

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The PS2 engine is not crap.


It has huge huge draw distances, can handle insane player counts and gargantuan maps, and it looks daam pretty.




Gargantuan maps?? What Planetside are you on they're tiny unless they changed something since I stopped playing a year ago?

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