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What dayz could have been without zombies

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If anyone has not yet seen it or read the book I highly recommend The Road.




The road is by far the scariest post apocalyptic film I have ever seen and no it does not feature any of the tired old tropes of the Genre.


There are no zombies, no fast zombies, no mutants, no vampires no ghouls and no aliens.


The  film and the book prove that the scariest thing in a post apocalyptic environment is the lack of hope and the monstrosity of human nature.


Nothing for me has come close to being as scary as the cannibals in the movie and book I mean nothing.



The sheer thought of people losing all of their humanity and succuming to eating other living breathing humans as a means to survive should be bone chilling for everyone. The reason why this is so horrifying is because it is so surreal , these monsters could be anyone, they could be your friendly neighbor , your mail man that nice cashier at the super market.


This inner beast exists in each and everyone of us and because of this it is so terrifying.

While I've never seen or read the Road (And I really want to, I've heard such wonderful things), the scariest thing in Day Z are the other players. Very early on in my Day Z experiences, the first time I was really outfitted well, I finally started to move off the coast (Also the first time I had attempted this). Within two minutes, I took a mosin round to my left leg, which shattered. I lay unconscious, hoping I'd wake up. Instead, he (Or maybe his friend) walked up to me and finished me off. Zombies don't scare me in Day Z (Unless I lack resources to bandage myself up). Infection doesn't scare me. The other players are the biggest threat in the game.

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For christ sakes.  If you didn't like zombies/infected why the fuck did you even purchase this game?  This thread is fail and utter garbage and doesn't belong in the DayZ forums.  Go repost this on A3's Wastleand forums and praise how glorious that game is without out infected in it.  Better yet, go play wasteland and stop ruining the forums with this filth.


My word you are incredibly offended by a suggestion, can you please calm down?


This is a discussion, not a mudslinging championship.


The thread is about what DayZ could be if it shedded the zeds, so? Its actually a rather good topic to discuss and talk about.

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While I've never seen or read the Road (And I really want to, I've heard such wonderful things), the scariest thing in Day Z are the other players. Very early on in my Day Z experiences, the first time I was really outfitted well, I finally started to move off the coast (Also the first time I had attempted this). Within two minutes, I took a mosin round to my left leg, which shattered. I lay unconscious, hoping I'd wake up. Instead, he (Or maybe his friend) walked up to me and finished me off. Zombies don't scare me in Day Z (Unless I lack resources to bandage myself up). Infection doesn't scare me. The other players are the biggest threat in the game.


Well, I am pretty sure the reason some want the zombies to go (including me) is that it would allow for the game to be made into a more harsh survival experience where the main threats are the enviroment, your stomach, and others who are trying to survive.

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My word you are incredibly offended by a suggestion, can you please calm down?


This is a discussion, not a mudslinging championship.


The thread is about what DayZ could be if it shedded the zeds, so? Its actually a rather good topic to discuss and talk about.

It's not a good topic and it is utterly pointless to even belong on the forums.  This should be in an off topic section or like I said before, on Arma 3's Wasteland forums.  There you can praise how glorious it is to play a game that isn't based on having infected in it.   

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Well, I am pretty sure the reason some want the zombies to go (including me) is that it would allow for the game to be made into a more harsh survival experience where the main threats are the enviroment, your stomach, and others who are trying to survive.

And I'd be okay with that. On the other hand, if the zombies get vamped up, or they increase horde numbers (I've never faced a group of zeds numbering more than three), and actually become a credible threat, I think it could actually change the way we play Day Z. No more would you see LaMOE (Last Man On Earth) mentality, but guys banding together to stay safe.


The thing I don't like about the concept of no zombies, is that at that point, everything goes to banditry. With the things you've suggested, limited resources, more environmental hazards, everyone would LaMOE or group together to fight other players for their resources. The way things are now, you could actually see a practical use for a hero based clan. They could band together to defend against bandits and help scavange towns. They could, and I love this concept, seize NWAF and turn it from a deathtrap into a safe haven. /endrant

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There could be lots of things.


My firm belief is that the Environment itself should be the most dangerous thing in a survial game.


Imagine a game where a deadly pandemic killed 90 percent of the world.


The lack of law and order caused people to loot murder and pillage. Food sources went scarce.


People resulted to cannibalism , and murdering and stealing just to survive.


This to me is far scarier and better than ......... zombies the most tired and gimmicky thing in gaming and media soo daam corny man.


Imagine a game where the environment was so deadly that most of your in game activity revolved in and around surviving the elements and trying to build a better environment for yourself.


Planting crops, building fortifications for your settlement or home to defend against bandits, cannibals and thieves. At the same time building your settlement with friendly players who each took roles and specialized in different things.


At the same time you could just live a harder life by becoming a cannibal become a human eating nomad who preys on the weak and unlucky.


Scary thing is in real life we are due for a pandemic too. The last one was the 1918 flue pandemic.

so essientially a PVP fuck fest i'll pass theres already a bunch of these types of games BF.COD.dayz. and what kind of environment dangers radiation,cold,heat yeah right one town would be the hub and no-one except a few would go there because they can get guns anywhere I'm sure sounds boring and lame. and as for finding friendlies to help and join with that will never happen just as in this game only d-bag clans and folks who know each other in real life that's it. everyone would just be shooting anything that moves just as in dayz.

Edited by gannon46

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so essientially a PVP fuck fest i'll pass theres already a bunch of these types of games BF.COD.dayz. and what kind of environment dangers radiation,cold,heat yeah right one town would be the hub and no-one except a few would go there because they can get guns anywhere I'm sure sounds boring and lame. and as for finding friendlies to help and join with that will never happen just as in this game only d-bag clans and folks who know each other in real life that's it. everyone would just be shooting anything that moves just as in dayz.


If you make bullets like blocks of gold no one will be able to afford shooting anything that moves.

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im totally for more S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and less Counterstrike. but i think we will see that in future.

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While I've never seen or read the Road (And I really want to, I've heard such wonderful things), the scariest thing in Day Z are the other players. Very early on in my Day Z experiences, the first time I was really outfitted well, I finally started to move off the coast (Also the first time I had attempted this). Within two minutes, I took a mosin round to my left leg, which shattered. I lay unconscious, hoping I'd wake up. Instead, he (Or maybe his friend) walked up to me and finished me off. Zombies don't scare me in Day Z (Unless I lack resources to bandage myself up). Infection doesn't scare me. The other players are the biggest threat in the game.


If you cant read the book Go on netflix and watch the movie.


It is an extremely depressing and realistic movie on what I would imagine a post apocalyptic would be like.


I can hardly describe how depressing and hopeless the movie and books make you feel, this is the feeling a dayz wthout zombies could have conveyed on the player.

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Actually a Day and night cycle can REALLY add to the game. 


If zombies are mindless walk dead during day, and vicious flesh tearing sprinting aggresive beasts by night, People will have to arm themselves with weaponry, supplies, and shelter by day and even need to compete with each other for supplies ( leading to banditry / cannibalism / etc ). By night people will need to find shelter or group together quickly before dusk to barricase a house or prepare to defend against ravaging aggressive swarming zombies.  Perhaps once in awhile the game could make a reason to head out at night due to unfortified housing, injuries, to make it more dynamic. This is a good way to enhance gameplay in so many levels.

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Removing zeds woudnt be that hard later, Im certain suchs server will become to exist at least when modding is allowed.
Why not make both to satisfy more people at the end.



Actually a Day and night cycle can REALLY add to the game.


If zombies are mindless walk dead during day, and vicious flesh tearing sprinting aggresive beasts by night, People will have to arm themselves with weaponry, supplies, and shelter by day and even need to compete with each other for supplies ( leading to banditry / cannibalism / etc ). By night people will need to find shelter or group together quickly before dusk to barricase a house or prepare to defend against ravaging aggressive swarming zombies. Perhaps once in awhile the game could make a reason to head out at night due to unfortified housing, injuries, to make it more dynamic. This is a good way to enhance gameplay in so many levels.

Sounds like this minecraft type of thingie game that was up while ago...
You realize thats never going to work as you describe it.. never, look how well all that survivory apocalypse scene is acted out now... you cant force people to play that way.

Edited by Zeppa

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so essientially a PVP fuck fest i'll pass theres already a bunch of these types of games BF.COD.dayz. and what kind of environment dangers radiation,cold,heat yeah right one town would be the hub and no-one except a few would go there because they can get guns anywhere I'm sure sounds boring and lame. and as for finding friendlies to help and join with that will never happen just as in this game only d-bag clans and folks who know each other in real life that's it. everyone would just be shooting anything that moves just as in dayz.


You do realize that that is what would happen in real life, right?


In my hypothetical Day Z scenario, there would be a lot of loot, but it wouldn't respawn

Then, the playerbase realizes that loot isn't respawning. All they have is the building blocks of the cities they stripped clean, and some books they found while looting. Chemistry texts, machinery guides, agriculture handbooks,. An idea begins to form...


People would band together in towns so they wouldn't starve to death, because the server was picked clean of "raw" loot months ago. With those towns, come industry. People would work as farmers, trading crops for clothing, or a recognized currency. Someone might work in a factory, producing goods.. A town might specialize in, say, ammunition production, trading finished ammunition with other towns in return for other goods, like food, clothing, or raw materials.

Those goods are traded by players who act as merchants, being vetted by each community as a person that is trustworthy. Each merchant runs a caravan (maybe vehicles, maybe carried on the backs of porters), and hires guards to protect their caravans from bandits, those murderers living in the hinterlands that ambush caravans, or even raid and burn small towns if powerful enough. These bandit groups could trade their ill-begotten goods with other towns for cash, or use it themselves.


In order to protect themselves from these bandit gangs, towns might band together, unofficially or officially. New nations might form, and wage war between themselves for supplies, arable land, geographic features (river crossings and mountain passes are excellent places to control as they can charge a tax for passing through), or just for dominance.


Behind and above all of this, roam those wanderers, those brave who who risk life (and worse, infection) to travel into the cities of the old world to look for untapped reserves of raw materials, the machines that let us live like kings instead of scrabbling in the dirt. The ruins would be a nexus of living death, absolutely crawling with it's former residents, and the scavengers would have to work together to find the best loot to bring back to whomever pays the best......


Hey, at least it gives a much better justification for PvP. Instead of randomly fuckmurdering everyone in Berezino, you could be from rival scanvenger-bands, competing over the untapped loot. Or, you could be a member of a city-state militia, fighting over new farming land. Or, you could be a bandit, waging war on the caravans and city-states for fun and profit.


Your choice, play a game where shooting people (and bragging to their corpse) is the name of the game and survival is an afterthought, or play an actual social experiment?

Edited by Whyherro123

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Somebody is bound to make a mod for it OP. Is modding possible in the standalone yet? Will it ever be possible? I haven't got the standalone yet and I haven't played the mod in almost two years. Reinstalling it now.

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Actually a Day and night cycle can REALLY add to the game. 


If zombies are mindless walk dead during day, and vicious flesh tearing sprinting aggresive beasts by night, People will have to arm themselves with weaponry, supplies, and shelter by day and even need to compete with each other for supplies ( leading to banditry / cannibalism / etc ). By night people will need to find shelter or group together quickly before dusk to barricase a house or prepare to defend against ravaging aggressive swarming zombies.  Perhaps once in awhile the game could make a reason to head out at night due to unfortified housing, injuries, to make it more dynamic. This is a good way to enhance gameplay in so many levels.


This would promote 24h day servers even more.

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This would promote 24h day servers even more.


Day and night servers will never be a thing unless they can get Arma 3s amazing lighting in.

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Whats to say they wont make it look all post apocalyptic later on with the cachable static objects. Then its more like...


Dayz:The road:With zombies


Personally I always felt dayz had much of the feel of the road. Or any apocalyptic setting with or without zombies, its always more about what it does to us as people than the backdrop :)

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I will agree with you here...toss the zombies all together...lets get more of a "Book of Eli" or "The Warriors" or "Road Warrior" going on.  DayZ was born with the implementation of zombies, that doesn't mean DayZ always has to have them...need to evolve.

well, as soon as the Standalone becomes moddable, or...

well i don't know, there would be a moddable game that has something to do with dayz...

maybe there will be someone doing this? OP maybe? *cough* arma 2 *cough*

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How are zombies a "Gimmick" when it's a zombie survival game??

Congratulations, you just defined "gimmick."

The gimmick of Sonic is running very fast. The gimmick of Braid is turning back time. The gimmick of DayZ is zombies.


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