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Thread in defense of banditry

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There is no real struggle to get gear in wasteland, plus you have a team that helps you.


Tjhere are vehicles everywhere also.


Getting geared up and surviving in dayz is a pretty challenging thing at times and quite satisfying, this adds tension to the pvp and its why it is so popular.


In wasteland within 2 seconds of spawning you find a car, get a weapon and are on your way to your favorite pvp spot.


Meanwhile in dayz you have quite a bit to do before you reach that level.

It depends on the server,

you can get the exact same situation in DayZ, were you get loadouts/vehicles everywhere/etc.

I've found many Wasteland servers that were an exact copy of vanilla DayZ, just without the zombies.


It appears I have killed the thread. What do I win?  :lol:

Edited by Geckofrog7

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Whats wrong with CS/BF/COD or the ArmA series itself for that purpose? Ive played them all extensively and still do. Not COD though. That game is trash. 


I love fortuite pvp in this game, but I have this strong feeling that those like you who enter a game like this just to KoS people do it because it's the only way they can actually kill something, like an unarmed new spawn or someone unaware minding her own bussines. Because when it comes to equal chances and the hunter is also the prey, things dont go that well right? well, If you suck at fps pvp learn, dont go the easy way dude xD LOL... Im not touching that one. Assume much?  :D 








Edited by lrish

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Anything and everything can be villainized into "ZOMG they're telling us how to play."

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I KOSed last night because I saw a guy run into a building in miliary-like gear. I had no idea whether this guy was armed, friendly, or had friends around. We shot him as soon as he walked out for the sake of self defense and getting loot...although he got away anyway from logging out.

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In this thread we discuss the defense of a very valid playstyle and the bad game mechanics that the developers add that cater to care bears and that punish our playstyle.


Game mechanics that artificially try to change our playstyle but ultimately fail.



So go forth fellow bandits and display your distaste for crappy game mechanics that punish our playstyle such as items becoming completely damaged and useless when killing players.


And the countless other gamey mechanics that are in the game now or will be added in the future.

if you are shooting people for an item , you have to be good enough to not shoot that area of the player, or be a more skilled "bandit", by holding them up and taking the item, without (or before) shooting them.......

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Let us be honest in this post and all the other ones like it. This game is just death match with zombies and if that is what you want to play than you will be happy. Those people who are looking for more come back once the game is further along. Right now the game cycle is simple: spawn, gear up, kill people, die, repeat. If you are looking for anything else it is not here yet and we we never get it. That being said I have no problem with what we can do in the games current state. I do enjoy gearing up and I love trying to kill other geared up folks. I stay away from the coast till I want to die and when I respawn I get away from the coast fast. I have fun and if I die so what I have more fun alot of times I get a good laugh out of getting killed.


So no matter what you want to call it banditry, KOS or douchbagness it is really all we have right now so enjoy have a laugh or two. If you are unhappy well get out and come back when it is more to your liking, but please don't rain on my fun I have real life for that. Thank you for your time.

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I shot a guy in the back today (he had a backpack, bike helmet and a wrench), but i only had one round in the chamber and gave him the benefit of the doubt, i was then bum raped by a zombie that sneaked up on me and almost killed me because the game glitched out and wouldn't let me equip my axe instantly. 15 seconds later as i'm hiding in a field the same guy comes running straight towards me with a zombie on his heels, after he passes me i get up, whip out my axe and slay the zombie, me and the guy gave each other a 5 second stare down then ran separate ways. Honestly i won't waste my time trying to kill a player that is clearly freshly spawned, it's a waste of time, it's like beating on a child, your always going to win and you gain nothing from it.


Banditry is totally justifiable as the game is very tough and resources are scarce enough as it is, but some people are just down right psychopaths and kill for nothing as i almost did, KOS is for cowards IMO, if your killing every player you meet i'd never want you in my clan and wouldn't trust you if i knew. I've actually encountered more friendly people than hostile people in the game, but i tend to just go my separate way as i don't play enough since it's still pretty buggy and the mouse controls blow. 

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Banditry is totally justifiable as the game is very tough and resources are scarce enough as it is, 

Nothing wrong with banditry, but don't try to justify it saying "resources are scarce". Like hell they are!

You can get fully geared up within 2 hours if you know what you are doing. Resources aren't "scarce"....they are just "scarce" where everyone and their zombified mother is -cough,cough-COAST-cough-

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Whats wrong with CS/BF/COD or the ArmA series itself for that purpose?


I love fortuite pvp in this game, but I have this strong feeling that those like you who enter a game like this just to KoS people do it because it's the only way they can actually kill something, like an unarmed new spawn or someone unaware minding her own bussines. Because when it comes to equal chances and the hunter is also the prey, things dont go that well right? well, If you suck at fps pvp learn, dont go the easy way dude xD


Typical hero talk. You carebears don't get it. We shoot people armed and unarmed alike, because it's funny to see them lose all that progress they made. We kill on sight because you clumsy looters like to run out in the middle of the street making a bunch of noise. We dump bleach down people's throats to see if they make a gurgle sound (spoiler:no gurgles). You can't do that in COD or the other bullshit games you mentioned. You guys think you have more skill than us because you scrounge around buildings looking for loot like a bunch of roaches, crying to each other for bloodbags, rides, etc. It takes more skill to be the hated scumbags we are than to be some noble hero.  Without bandits this game would be complete shit and always would have been. If heroes disappeared nobody would even notice.


great thing about being a bandit is you can find just find an axe or an empty gun and the road to robbing, murder, and torture begins.

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How would you describe us then ?


Murderers ?


I kill people in game to ruin their progress I get some satisfaction from knowing they now have to start from scratch. I don't even bother looting their body anymore due to the item damage mechanic i just leave the body there as bait.


The problem is that the people who RP bandits have adopted that term as well, so the word 'bandit' already has a meaning within the DayZ community that does not align with the KOS playstyle.


Why not just be more descriptive and honest, and call yourself KOS:ers. That describes your playstyle better.

Edited by TheSodesa

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Yeah I try to just shoot players with guns - yesterday we made it interesting though - a new spawn was chasing me and accusing me of stealing his mosin from his last character (I had an SKS, so obviously false) - I shot him in the leg because I don't take lightly to accusations, bandaged him and left him in the woods - Then I tell my buddy where he is over teamspeak - My buddy finds him in the woods ten minutes later still crawling around - The broken leg guy has a friend with him that's trying to heal him.  His friend pulls out a pistol and tries to kill my friend.  My friend kills pistol guy.  Then he handcuffs broken leg guy, takes his clothes and force feeds and drinks him - and leaves him in the woods.

Is that interesting enough? 


Tbh I would much rather something along those lines, it provides interaction while giving me a different scenario to try and get myself out of instead of the usual automatic firing on anything that's moving or the few times I've tried to go along with a robbery then just find out it's because the guy can't shoot for shit so just needs a target to stop moving to be able to hit it.


I mean yesterday some guy came up to me and was acting friendly, we were both armed but he seemed like a pretty chill guy and didn't pull a weapon when we ran into each other. We did some looting together and talked for a while, I didn't really trust him at all knowing what the community is like but thought, oh well if he kills me it's better then the usual source of death. And in the end he did try to kill me, a buddy of his turned up and shots were fired. One hit me but i managed to get away and hide in a building to bandage, i could see them outside in the street looking for me so i followed and managed to kill the guy who i had been looting with (that was very satisfying after his betrayal of my somewhat given trust) i tried to get his friend but the server hit reset before things could progress further :( . This is just a cut down version of events so my post doesn't get too big.


You know, this probably doesn't sounds overly exciting, but too me it much better then the usual Kos. Wondering whether or not this friendly fellow would try to put a bullet in my brain when i was looking elsewhere, whether things would go ok and we eventually go our separate ways or if for some other reason things would turn to shit and the turn of events that would follow gave it a tense feeling, it was an experience most players simply don't offer.

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DayZ rule # something, something...


"Each and every player that is a "Carebear", "Hero" or "Bambi" if given enough time and reason will eventually, at least once, turn KOS/Bandit."


You either get murdered in the woods as a hiker, or live long enough to murder hikers.

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Typical hero talk. You carebears don't get it. We kill on sight because you clumsy looters like to run out in the middle of the street making a bunch of noise.



Every hero I've met has had the drop in me, because they stay hidden

99% of bandits just do this and run around with whatever they can find gunning people down in the open

Kinda makes your post invalid doesn't it? Seeing as your kind do the exact same thing..... And because bandits are far more common you guys actually do this more than us 'heroes' do

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In this thread we discuss the defense of a very valid playstyle and the bad game mechanics that the developers add that cater to care bears and that punish our playstyle.


Game mechanics that artificially try to change our playstyle but ultimately fail.



So go forth fellow bandits and display your distaste for crappy game mechanics that punish our playstyle such as items becoming completely damaged and useless when killing players.


And the countless other gamey mechanics that are in the game now or will be added in the future.


The devs arent trying to stop banditry- they are however trying to incentivize emergent interactions other then just blowin' everyones head off on sight. Providing Options like handcuffs and having things hit by gunfire be damaged makes it more "vlauable" to hold someone up then simply snipe them.


The BIG problem i have with the developement philosphy that i see is the idea that "if we make the game stupidly complicated and hard to survive people will stop fighting eachother". artifically inflating difficulty to try to steer playstiles to thier vision is the worst possible way to address it. all this stuff like multiple types of illness, random infections from dozens of sources, multiple blood types, etc. All interesting enough but they seem more intent on producing "field medic simulator" over providing content that Already worked in the  mod. (see tents, vehicles, Balistics instead of gamey dispersion cones)


Making it more obnoxious to survive for one more hour of play time wont make me more willing to help unknown randoms- if anythign i'd more more inclined to avoid them first, and kill if confronted rather then have to deal with the hastle of getting back to my curent position within the game.

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I'm not a bandit I'm a hunter.

The problem is after a while you realize hunting animals that don't fight back is too easy (even in hunting sims) so you move to hunting people who can be unpredictable, fight back and bascially offer better challenge.

Plus I like the idea of hunting with whatever weapon I can find atm instead of choosing some kind of loadout before the hunt.

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I wouldn't define KOS as a play style because people do it for different reasons. I am generally what you might call a friendly player, however if I am at a military area I will kill anyone I see unless they are obviously not a threat (in which case I would make them leave). Everyone has their idea of when it is okay to kill on sight, so its difficult to describe it as a play style when most players have a KOS line as it were.


I would define a bandit as a player that seeks to exploitatively gain at the expense of others. Whether that is holding them up, or KOSing them. They are doing it for a reason and make a choice about who they kill. This in my opinion is a valid and necessary component of DayZ.


I would define "griefers" as players who KOS indiscriminately for their own amusement. This is all they really want from it and any gear is a bonus. They have no problem shooting unarmed players. I don't think there is a valid means of stopping this play style, and one could argue that it is therefore legitimate, however it is rather pathetic and childish in my opinion. All I can hope for is a large number of clans and organisations to emerge with the sole purpose of griefing the griefers and sharing their tears with the world. Mmmm sweet justice.... 

Edited by DoctorBadSign

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I wouldn't define KOS as a play style because people do it for different reasons. I am generally what you might call a friendly player, however if I am at a military area I will kill anyone I see unless they are obviously not a threat (in which case I would make them leave). Everyone has their idea of when it is okay to kill on sight, so its difficult to describe it as a play style when most players have a KOS line as it were.


I would define a bandit as a player that seeks to exploitatively gain at the expense of others. Whether that is holding them up, or KOSing them. They are doing it for a reason and make a choice about who they kill. This in my opinion is a valid and necessary component of DayZ.


I would define "griefers" as players who KOS indiscriminately for their own amusement. This is all they really want from it and any gear is a bonus. They have no problem shooting unarmed players. I don't think there is a valid means of stopping this play style, and one could argue that it is therefore legitimate, however it is rather pathetic and childish in my opinion. All I can hope for is a large number of clans and organisations to emerge with the sole purpose of griefing the griefers and sharing their tears with the world. Mmmm sweet justice.... 


^ well put. KoS/Bandit is all too often considered the same thing around these parts anymore. There are KoSers who shoot anyone and everyone who dont care at ALL about the loot. There are also bandits who would rather avoid shooting (to avoid damaging the loot or for RP vlaue).


As for clans? i think the harder they make the game the more clan-dominated it will become. so in a sence it will increase cooperative play, but as we see in every other DayZ vareint Calns ultimately are out for thier own for the most part. More clans. more clan feuds for bases and resources. Cooperation goes up but PvP/Killing continues. At the very least, fighting with and against organized squads is more fun the random Deathmatching with zombies on the coast :)

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Take your time to aim, hit the head, don't ruin gear. It's not that difficult when you're shooting them from behind and they have no clue you're there and most likely using third person so they can't see you.



Edited by Jexter

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It is easy... I have two ways to play the game. I can spend hours going building after building trying to find some loot (or "treasure hunt" as somebody called it before), or I can go get the guy who already did that for me. Guess what I am going to do...


That said, I only do banditry in the deep inland, and I only KOS if I am playing by myself or have doubts of the other guy not being alone (robbing in SA is actually quite fun)


In the end, for those who whine about banditry: what do you expect to happen when you reach NWAF? You either have something we want, or you are looting the places we want to loot...

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Typical hero talk. You carebears don't get it. We shoot people armed and unarmed alike, because it's funny to see them lose all that progress they made. We kill on sight because you clumsy looters like to run out in the middle of the street making a bunch of noise. We dump bleach down people's throats to see if they make a gurgle sound (spoiler:no gurgles). You can't do that in COD or the other bullshit games you mentioned. You guys think you have more skill than us because you scrounge around buildings looking for loot like a bunch of roaches, crying to each other for bloodbags, rides, etc. It takes more skill to be the hated scumbags we are than to be some noble hero.  Without bandits this game would be complete shit and always would have been. If heroes disappeared nobody would even notice.


great thing about being a bandit is you can find just find an axe or an empty gun and the road to robbing, murder, and torture begins.


You didn't answer my question. If thats what you like, whats wrong with cs:go, or bf, or ArmA 3?. "You can't do that in COD", do what? kill people? Kill unarmed people? is the only thing you can kill?


Thats why I think im more skilled than you, because I love killing people in a lot of games intended for that purpose and Im daamnn good at it. So when I come to DayZ I look for something different and I don't actually give a flying fuck about rest of the people... except if they have something I want (Im no hero at all).


What would I do when Im fully geared? well, at this moment Im fully geared and what I am doing? not playing.. xD I play mostly cs:go and will only enter DayZ when someone of my group needs help or to try new updates (like today, maybe I may play). But play just to kill other people... fucking waste of time. Have a lot of better games for that.

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KOSers aren't bandits, they're murderers, simple as that.


Arrogant, stupid, ignorant, malicious, and downright awful to be around.


I like to think of a few types of players in DayZ, that have existed for as long as anybody has been playing on this mod, as it is human nature.


First, we have the Heroes. They are friendly, armed, and cautious. You do not want to tangle with them very often. A subcategory to hero is carebears, but only because they are friendly. Carebears are just fools who believe that everything should cater to them, which is wrong. All they say is: "omg why u shoot me i was just walking in the NWAF..." to which the reply is: "Nobody is friendly in NWAF."


Second, we have bandits.


No, not the modern definition. The old definition. They rob you, send you on your way, but they have a set of rules they adhere to, just like heroes, but the rules are far more loose. Nobody likes them, but they are required in DayZ, or there would be no thrill. The modern DayZ definition is false.


Third, we have the murderers, second to worst type of player in DayZ. They just shoot everything, like a game of COD. They give no quarter, and they take no prisoners. Why, you might ask? They are sad individuals, they fail to grasp the true meaning of DayZ, and as are dust in the wind. They don't deserve DayZ, and DayZ doesn't deserve them. DayZ never asked for them. They are unacceptable, and I hope by the time standalone has gotten stable enough to be played without bugs, that they are all hunted and brutally killed. I have some good examples of why I hate this type of player.


Lets see, one time I was hunting a bandit just out of NWAF on the way to NEAF and he found and held somebody up. I at the time was in full TTSKOs and had a mosin, but very little ammo, as when I got to NWAF after my trip to Balota, everything had been looted. Anyways, I decided I would use my pistol and I ended up emptying 3-4 revolver rounds into the back of him, as I didn't want his M4, nor any of his inferior gear. The guy with lower tier gear thanked me and headed off after I started telling him to leave. The bandit heard the gunshot and tried to unload a round into the guy before he died, but he missed.


He asked me: "Did I atleast hit him before I died?" I said no. He just sighed and said to me: "Oh, okay. Well, if you die later, see you at the coast." So sincere. I eventually said "Yeah, see you." with a bit of a chuckle in my voice.


Here's where the difference between bandits and murderers comes in.


I was strolling to NEAF on a regular server, before I even thought of joining hardcore servers, and I found a few guys there. I originally went there because a friend had told me that a guy was shooting up NEAF and he was just camping the ATCT. I went up there and eventually found him, the server was a high pop and there were just TONS of bodies around the hangers and ATCT. I had an M4 at the time, and I had seen him before coming in the the airfield. He had an M4 as well, but I started to sneak up on him and used the silent advantage of rolling to get into the ATCT, I walked up the stairs as slow as I could without making any noise, and I waited. After about 10-15 minutes he walked down the stairs and I was watching them, so I unloaded 20 something rounds out of a 60 round magazine into his chest and head. I killed him and went to go see his body and he must have known about the 'press esc to see when you're dead' trick because he called me a gasmask faggot motherfucker in a foreign accent after I had gone to check his body.... or maybe he saw me.


A bandit is a good sport, he holds up, only kills when he needs to, while a murderer just kills on impulse, for tha lulz, and then cries when he dies.


Now, onto the next type of player.


Betrayers. They're basically smarter murderers. Now, they put some thrill into DayZ. They don't kill on impulse, they're smart about it. They will become your friend for a month, then empty a couple into your head while you're not looking the next day, and laugh at you. These guys NEED to stay in DayZ. There is nothing more thrilling about paranoia. Sure they're dissapointing, low people, but still... where would DayZ be without them? lol.


We need an equal balance of archetypes, but not dumb, cod kiddy murderers, they need to leave.

Edited by Dr.Burd
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You didn't answer my question. If thats what you like, whats wrong with cs:go, or bf, or ArmA 3?. "You can't do that in COD", do what? kill people? Kill unarmed people? is the only thing you can kill?


Thats why I think im more skilled than you, because I love killing people in a lot of games intended for that purpose and Im daamnn good at it. So when I come to DayZ I look for something different and I don't actually give a flying fuck about rest of the people... except if they have something I want (Im no hero at all).


What would I do when Im fully geared? well, at this moment Im fully geared and what I am doing? not playing.. xD I play mostly cs:go and will only enter DayZ when someone of my group needs help or to try new updates (like today, maybe I may play). But play just to kill other people... fucking waste of time. Have a lot of better games for that.


PvP is more exciting in DayZ, period.


I've been playing vs other players in shooters since the times of Quake 2. Name a FPS game and there are big chances I've played it, whether it is BF, CoD, UT, CS or Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, ArmA series with various mods. 


It's just more fun and exciting, also a bunch of butthurt people complaining on the forums is just a bonus.

The posters making ridicculous assumptions about what PvPers are like in rl is probably more funny than sad.

"You killed me cus you have no life and yo mamma is fat" or whatever form of "You must play the DayZ as survivor because I say so". 

Edited by Alsmir

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PvP is more exciting in DayZ, period.


I've been murdering other players in shooters since the time of Quake 2. Name an* FPS game and there are big chances I've played it, whether it is BF, CoD, UT, CS or Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, ArmA series with various mods.


It's just more fun and exciting, also a bunch of butt hurt people complaining on the forums is just a bonus.

The posters making ridiculous assumptions about what Murderers are like in rl is probably more funny than sad.

"You killed me cus you have no life and yo mamma is fat" or whatever form of "You must play the DayZ as a survivor because I say so". 

Fixed that for you.


Also, just proved the stereotype of most murderers being cod kiddies. Congratulations, your group must be proud of you. I've also played all of the games you have mentioned, still doesn't mean that I murder people for fun.


Quake, Quake 2, Quake III Arena, Quake 4, most UT games, BF3-4, all of the COD since COD 1, DOOM, DOOM 3, Wolfenstein, Medal Of Honor, Counter-Strike + Source, TC GR, SCCT+BL, and OP-FLASH.


I too have played lots of PVP games, doesn't immediately give me an excuse to be an asshole, so what is your excuse?


Note - I remember MP on DOOM but I'm not sure.

Edited by Dr.Burd

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