Deathlove 2286 Posted April 8, 2014 They can. That was just an opportune time to use that phrase. Hacksawing limbs would be cool.Read the topic i made about a page or two down the list. Theres lots of valid things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zalvager 51 Posted April 8, 2014 I enjoy stalking and murdering people who deserve it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheScruffyBandit 382 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) When that happens you will loose a rather large player base and possible funding for the project.Luckily this isn't pay to play, their parents credit cards have already been processed and the money used to fund improving DayZ for the long term player base. Edited April 8, 2014 by TheScruffyBandit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) I just felt like running. Edited April 8, 2014 by Steak and Potatoes 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdizzy 15 Posted April 8, 2014 Because it reminds me of a modern day Dark Souls Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ptk (DayZ) 178 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) Dayz is still extremely PG though at the moment no matter how you defend it as a survival game. There are elements of survival but its still to tame and combat is still to damn tame.Pg is right. You can't even say masterbate in the forums without your post getting the ax lol. That post, silly as it was hurt no one and menwhile, down in the i kill medics LuLz thread, people are motherfucking each other like most other threads and nothing happens... Edited April 8, 2014 by ptk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Einhaender 1 Posted April 8, 2014 I know that feeling OP. Thing is you're able to gear up in about an hour and that's about it with looking for loot. Maybe there's a gun you still want but that's it. Hunger and thirst are no problem yet so "survival" is not really a reason for me at least.There's also the military focus of dayz. In it's current state it's not a survival game but a military survival game(obviously because of it's roots in arma2). And that kinda makes it boring for me sometimes. Military equipment is way too easy gathered and the rest of the tools are quite useless so I end. You can really smell the military atmosphere and that is in my opinion the one major limitation in dayz's evolution that will probably never get out of the way. I don't think there'll ever be "normal" people in "normal" clothing, armed only with baseball bats and other tools, desperately trying to survive - except for the ones who do RP. Anyway, I still play around 2-3 hrs a day since exploring never gets old for me. I also play with a friend and that boosts the fun a lot. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qww 287 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) i play dayz because i enjoy realistic first person games, and simulators, i knwo dayz isnt a sim, but its prob as close as fps games get.dayz might already be the best game ever in my view, im not even a zombie fan or anything especially, its just an immersive, and fresh game, a cool example of how something liek arma can be used as a starting point. edit: to reply to op, i do find myself just going north to empy zones, the towns to the west of nwaf, and just defending, i dont see hardly anyone, but i just do it anyway, because in real , that is what i woudl do.i wouldnt be trying to murder someone in a city for no reason. id be outa wil progres, players wil get more clued up, people/groups will be fighting for control over areas up north.when i run out of water, i might go to anothe town to get water, trying to move tactically wether i see another player or not, is kinda what the game is about i think. be sure that that town is clear, sometimes i see a coupel of players in remote north areas, and its cool, even if i dotn speak to them, would i bother in real? if i didnt ned to ? prob not, better to just be wary of them, or even stalk them if feeling brave.teh way zombies r spawning kinda fucks up a lot of stealth at the moment though.sure ist not alwas exciting, but ist 40 player max servers on 200=km2 so what can you expect inland at the moment? or what coudl you expect from survival in general. Edited April 8, 2014 by qww Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odin_lowe 3686 Posted April 8, 2014 Because I love it. The environment, immersion (hardcore), inventory management, and most survival aspects of the game. I love survival games, and the zombie apocalypse genre since Biohazard for PSX back in the days. Always loved them. With the current build, I spend my time mostly testing out features and providing feedback whenever I can. But while doing so, I'm having lots of fun. I like starting fresh on the coast and finding items to shape my appearance also. Well, for lots of reasons it seems... B) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) Because it's the latest version of this game. :D Edited April 8, 2014 by Geckofrog7 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NuckFuts 265 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) Pg is right. You can't even say masterbate in the forums without your post getting the ax lol. That post, silly as it was hurt no one and menwhile, down in the i kill medics LuLz thread, people are motherfucking each other like most other threads and nothing happens... Snuggle em.. I aint played for a while.. I'm not even playing when updates are being pushed to me through steam.. in the hopes that when I next boot her up.. I will have a fresh new experience akin to times past. DayZ is always going to be the type of game that is at its very best when you first play it, that's not to say it isn't fun when your a seasoned Chernarus survival veteran, but you will never fully get them lost, lonely, panicked, heartbreaking, emotional feelings back that you once had. This is my mindset.. Thou shall resist all temptation to click 'Play'.Thou shall try to ignore awesome sounding Dev Blogs and spoilers.Thou shall then come back in the future to enjoy DayZ once more, with its new features and with fresh spawn eyes. Edited April 8, 2014 by orlok Dont be a meanie to us mods 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted April 8, 2014 Pg is right. You can't even say masterbate in the forums without your post getting the ax lol. That post, silly as it was hurt no one and menwhile, down in the i kill medics LuLz thread, people are motherfucking each other like most other threads and nothing happens...Hello there Your post was hidden due to rule 9 as far as I can tell. Dont complain here about Mod judgments as it may get you into further hot water. If you have an Issue either "report" the mod or PM one of us and we will make an adjudication. Back on topic please. Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elLoCo 154 Posted April 8, 2014 I make my own story. Every character is a new life, a new story. Every decision a new twist to the plot. That's the point of games like DayZ that have no story. You aren't bound by what the "campaign" says you are and what you have to do. You don't have to be "Sgt. Paul Jackson of the USMC" or "CJ from Grovestreet". You are free to be whoever you want. You could be "James Eagle the stripper/secret agent" if you really wanted to. Its all about imagination. I also try and change the route I go after spawning and keep it interesting.If you repeat the same path over and over of course it gets boring.Indeed!Try to modulate your approach to the game, it alters dramatically your experience! and as already said: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nl 986 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) Because it's the latest version of this game. :DHad so much fun back in the day with the editor of OFP. 1 squad of snipers against the max number of enemies (was it 64 or 128) rushing towards my strong point across the desert and bringing in enemy reinforcements arriving by heli or trucks. Edit: I mean, who didn't do this in OFP :) --> Sorry, no more off topic. Edited April 8, 2014 by SAK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sistinas1973 50 Posted April 8, 2014 As the current state of the game stands, if you want a challenge, per say, simply log into a 39/40 pop server. I guarantee, 90% of the people who complain that they get geared up in 30 min are those that log on to low pop servers. Of course you will gear up fast. Try logging into the ONLY HC server on experimental atm. Yea, see how long you go until you starve of hunger and die. Don't placate your grievances with complaint threads about how easy the game is and troll about why you "should" be playing Dayz. Play the game for what it is, and if you want to play it in accordance to your lack of "challenge," then get on those high pop, non 2 hr resets and then get back to us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted April 8, 2014 Luckily this isn't pay to play, their parents credit cards have already been processed and the money used to fund improving DayZ for the long term player base.Who says there all children? lol You cant base the assumption off of the few squeaky kids you encounter lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sloshtt 17 Posted April 8, 2014 I play DayZ for the awkward social interactions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
problembarn420 3 Posted April 8, 2014 It's a good game to just "hang out" in. I play it simply because one of my closest friend started playing it, and opted I'd try it out aswell. It's a relativ cheap game for -200hours gametime (so far), and even though it can get frustrating at times; in about 10 minutes I forget about it and move on. I play alot as a PvPer, and as the game is sorta like an fps simulator with no imba fast movement and easy controlls as in Cod cs or battlefield, I feel tactical thinking and teamplay shines more easily in this game. (long sentence, but hopefully you get what I mean). As for the medic and hero side of things, the game has potential. However I fear players won't act on it that much, and the playstyle will probably be nonplayable-ish/frustrating for a long time forward. What would make me quit the game? Quite simple really, if I have none to play it with, I will probably not play it myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murlough 192 Posted April 8, 2014 I play for one reason and one reason only. To feel accomplished when i actually survive for two whole hours on a populated server. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sess130 50 Posted April 8, 2014 Honestly, the suspense and adrenaline rush when encountering other people. Story time! My buddy and I were chilling at the NWAF waiting for the third person of our group, when I noticed a group of three approach the firestation. I was on the metal guardtower and had a bead on them, but I noticed that one of their guys was scoping out my tower. Their sniper drops into prone and and starts scoping me out. So here are two snipers staring at each other through our LRS's and I decide its not a good idea to start a firefight when we're just waiting for our other buddy. So I climb the ladder down and the other sniper lets me dip into the woods. No shots fired, no KoS, just two snipers who realize that either one of us could have killed the other and we just go our own way. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted April 8, 2014 Honestly, the suspense and adrenaline rush when encountering other people. Story time! My buddy and I were chilling at the NWAF waiting for the third person of our group, when I noticed a group of three approach the firestation. I was on the metal guardtower and had a bead on them, but I noticed that one of their guys was scoping out my tower. Their sniper drops into prone and and starts scoping me out. So here are two snipers staring at each other through our LRS's and I decide its not a good idea to start a firefight when we're just waiting for our other buddy. So I climb the ladder down and the other sniper lets me dip into the woods. No shots fired, no KoS, just two snipers who realize that either one of us could have killed the other and we just go our own way.I shall steel the secret of your wonderful cheeses. >.> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ld-airgrafix 403 Posted April 9, 2014 I have given dayz a break for now, same reason, hate being killed by camping bandits, or little brats who dont even attempt to communicate. I decided to try 7 days to die, and i have probably clocked more hours in a week than i did 4 months of dayz. Its just so much more fun to play with alot more content than dayz. Even with shittier graphics, and glitches. Zombies are alot more truer to the original meaning of a zombie, and even being slower and easier to kill than dayz zeds, they are still more of a threat due to their numbers. At night they act like dayz sprinters and thats when this game becomes awesome, they actually hunt you, even on easiest setting, you get yourself to shelter boy, or you will die. With all the crafting and base building this game offers, its easy to spend hours playing without ever getting bored or complaining about glitches.I dont even care how unrealistic it is, when it comes to crafting.All this on single player mode. Multiplayer serves are shocking, worse than dayz. And since your character is bound to that server, unable to log in for days kind of sucks. And players are just as bad as dayz, they still want to kill you for no reason.Both games are alpha, so dont bitch to me how dayz is alpha.Overall, dayz will be a better game for me when its finished , as i look for realism. Although who knows what 7DTD, will end up like. Right now its lot more fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pacific_coast 632 Posted April 9, 2014 lols and loots and some time with my friends occasional tension, rage and satisfaction Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murlough 192 Posted April 9, 2014 lols and lootsand some time with my friendsoccasional tension, rage and satisfaction I know this is completely off topic but im loving the Inoue profile pic.^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites