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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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I played after the Z respawning was introduced and my reaction was more like:"... oh well, they respawn now but still they are lame."


all the whining and enjoyment let me doubt that those are the Zs everybody is talking about.


maybe the oldtimers remember the 1.7.7 fiasco where you could not play and test enough before the Zs got nerved down again and  never came back to the mod as a real threat.


i get hyped now to hear there might be real Zs which alter the gameplay or is it just the new players "whining" cause they never experienced Zs as a threat at all?


damned i cant wait to test it....let me know if it is worth to become hyped...


In terms of getting hyped, your a good 6 mopnths away from that i reckon, these zeds are still placeholder mechanics working from a lot of the old code from the mod zeds, so still from a clunky system that does n ot deal with melee all that well.


I loved that you made reference to the 1.7.7 fiasco, i was in the testing group and skype chat with the devs that were working on the new updates, and how we all laughed that when this patch was released, the world of interwhebs would be filled with the gracious tears of crappy players and bandits who would die by zeds all the time. we tested everything over and over till literally you could sneak walk BACKWARDS or sideways but never forwards directly (your footsteps make a slight higher noise level than sidestep and back peddle) right up behind a zed and kill it easily in which ever method you chose, but then if you alerted a single zed, as it aggroed its screams would be as if a players sprint noise and attract more, and more and .... well more and the reason they would chase you so ferociously was because they would run to the last alert spot (where they last saw you or where the last noise you made was) and the n do a line of sight and sound check, if you lay out of sight and didnt move after turning a corner, they would wander off after 5 seconds or so AND WE WERE RIGHT EEEEEEVERYbody moaned, and razor AND dean hall were happy about it, because they wanted that level of shit ur pantsness for players from zed aggro. if you liked that patch maybe we should team up sometime lol u seem legit dayz OG to me



Here's my executive summary (I read somewhere that they're not Zombies, but rather Infected, so I shall refer to them as Infected)...



  • Infected speed makes the more of a threat
  • Respawning Infected is good and keeps on the pressure to be observant of your surroundings


Cons (which I understand is mostly just because some things aren't fixed/put in the game yet):

  • Infected respawning near players and in line of sight
  • Infected line of sight/reaction to noise is ridiculous at the moment
  • Walls don't block line of sight to Infected
  • Infected have limited collision detection to walls

So here's my long and short of the positive side of things:

I love that the Infected are faster because their speed makes them a valid threat now. With the Infected respawning while playing on the server, it heightens the need to have situational awareness. Since this is just a new implementation and not a finished product, I can understand why the Infected spawn randomly in front of you... rather, that they have specific spawn spots, which in my opinion is fine. It's not optimal, because it breaks immersion, but I'm sure even this could be fixed, making them spawn inside sheds/buildings and walk outside (like they did in the mod).

I noticed that I didn't bleed every time an Infected hit me, so that's been a nice change. I think the randomness with which I am made to bleed by an Infected attack is decent right now.

Now, here's my assessment of the negative parts:

A lot of the buildings still don't block the visual cone of the Infected and that is something that needs to be addressed BEFORE the Infected are made more difficult. It seems that either their auditory or visual cone is quite large and may need some toning down.

I'm not a fan of the Infected ruining player gear in one hit (just reading on the forum of this occurrence even though I haven't had this happen myself). If this is the case, it should definitely be toned down, unless we can start using duct tape and the sewing kit to start fixing things like ballistic vests, backpacks and other gear. I also feel that the damage to gear inside pants/jackets/backpacks/vests should also be limited by Infected melee attacks.

Crap... I really have to go pinch off a loaf right now... brb... more to follow

10 minutes later...


Ok... back...

A thought that would make the game even more interesting... Make the Infected health higher so that it takes 2 - 4 body shots and a single head shot (except for the Infected wearing helmets) to take down. I noticed that I was a lot more careful about where and when I used my rifle and was actually running out of ammo scrounging around in cities, thereby making ammunition much more of a commodity. Kudos on that effect, because it really helps with the "survivor" immersion aspect.

Something else worth evaluating, and I don't know if it is possible... If a player or group of players decides to camp out for an extended period of time, and makes a lot of noise, a detection system should be put in place to spawn an Infected horde close to their group. I don't know what a reasonable amount of time is, and I don't even know if the engine allows for it, but my thoughts are that a horde should spawn within a 100m radius of the group after they've been at a particular location for longer than 20 - 30 minutes. This means people camped out in/on the hospital, or the 4 story office building, even in the woods under some trees... the longer they camp there, the bigger the spawning horde of Infected.

Overall, I love the direction this game is heading... you guys (developers) are doing a great job, even though at times it might be a bit confusing to those on the outside and out of the loop... keep it up!



Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be an ass here, but don't blanket your statement with "how the majority of the community feels" as you certainly don't speak for me and I'm sure you don't speak for a lot of others. You are not an authority that "has all the numbers" and I also don't believe that you've done any polls allowing you to speak for everyone with any sort of authority.

What you are presenting is how YOU feel and what YOUR perception is. ;)




Your the kind of player that converts a friendly like myself into a merciless hunter type. if anything the 1.6 million odd people who played the mod i would say around 4/5ths wanted the mod to get harder and more like it is now, and also wanted the game to be more so. if i dont speak for you thats great, dont let me find you in game though, as i will just aggro zeds all over your ass and then come beat you with a bat relentlessly once your dead till i get bored :) ;) oh and :P

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I had an fist fight vs 3 Zeds in Berenzino earlier, punched all 3 to death then died due to blood loss :D

This is especially annoying. Sometimes you spawn in and already 2 or 3 aggros running at you due to their long distance aggro perk

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Hey guys, this is a zombie game, now you cry about this?

I think its a lot of fun to deal with the zombies at the moment.

You can run away through houses, trees and others.

Or you do all silence like in the good old arma 2 mod,

than you don´t pull them and you can loot whatever you want ;)

If you want only pvp and no zombies so go and play bf or cod

Dude its's not about the zombies being hard, people are complaining about how broken they are after the latest patch (0.42). I don't know why it's so damn hard for Rocket to get it right. A mod team did it for free with the ARMA 3 Dayz Breaking Point Mod. Their zombies are near perfect in speed and damage, not to mention they don't clip through walls like Harry Houdini (at the very least they are clipping a lot less than SA). Watch some of the mod's vid on youtube and tell me what Rocket's excuse should be for not delivering great zombies, since they made at least a million with this game already, while a mod team out did them without being paid a single cent for it. Also I haven't even talked about how great the zombie animation and design is on that mod.


And chances are, that if your playing Dayz mod/SA you don't want pure PVP since it's such a niche game to begin with and you probably found the game/mod while searching for a pvp shooter alternative, so no.

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Dude its's not about the zombies being hard, people are complaining about how broken they are after the latest patch (0.42). I don't know why it's so damn hard for Rocket to get it right. A mod team did it for free with the ARMA 3 Dayz Breaking Point Mod. Their zombies are near perfect in speed and damage, not to mention they don't clip through walls like Harry Houdini (at the very least they are clipping a lot less than SA). Watch some of the mod's vid on youtube and tell me what Rocket's excuse should be for not delivering great zombies, since they made at least a million with this game already, while a mod team out did them without being paid a single cent for it. Also I haven't even talked about how great the zombie animation and design is on that mod.


And chances are, that if your playing Dayz mod/SA you don't want pure PVP since it's such a niche game to begin with and you probably found the game/mod while searching for a pvp shooter alternative, so no.



why not just go play breaking point then??? these infected ARE NOT what we will end up with, they are clearly testing different mechanics using the old system to see the reaction from the creche and then decide whether or not those mechanics will work well with the newly coded ai... why cant people see that what they are doing is finding out how much crying gets done when the zombies we currently have slightly resemble the zombies we (hopefully) will end up with soon. it beggars beleif that peoples idea of feedback is just say zombies broken fix now cant beleive not fixed blah blah, they know all that, personally for me i think the fact they hear you when your sprinting behind them around 100-150 metres or so is perfectly legit, u always see the hyper alertness of the infected/undead in these settings, its more the issues with being lay down in the grass behind them at similair distances that cause the frustration for me and many i play with, but we know that this is temporary so hence do not moan about these things

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As per the latest changelog, post your feedback here. Keep it constructive.


What would be nice, if you would add slow and fast walkers. For now all zombies are fast plus 1 hit and you start bleeding. Animation is kinda buggy, but i know you guys going to fix it. I would say military zombies should be slow, since they wear armor. Civilian zombies should be faster. Since i have been reading some forums posts zombies are not dead. Maybe you guys changed it? Still kinda confused.

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I wouldn't mind the speed of the Z's...IF


1. Their respawn rate was a little slower..and


2. They were subject to the same physics we are. Meaning if I have to run around a tall fence or wall, so should they. Or if I run into a building and close the door, they shouldn't be allowed to walk through the wall. Zombies aren't Magic, they're dead.


Fix that and id be a happy survivor

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Focusing on the new, faster zombies, I think they're amazing.


I think they'll significantly change player tactics, especially when soloing. The crap like running through walls and nearly infinite view distance with next to null hearing is still a problem but the speed I think is a great change. I believe it will increase the number of player encounters outside towns and will cause people to move through looting areas a lot faster. It helps take away that sense of security that you should rarely have in a survival game. I mean, I started tossing guns in the street if I didn't have the ammo/proper attachments which I would never do with slow zombies.

For example, I found a .22 that I planned to use for plinking zombies in order to conserve M4 ammo, I had no magazine and had to rechamber another round after every shot. With the low damage of the .22 (which it should have) it can take as many as 3 shots to kill a zombie (assuming they all hit) and with their new speed and numbers, reloading that often was not an option. I dropped that .22 and its ammo in the street.

Now, in order to conserve resources like ammo and bandages, you have to loot a town a lot faster and be much more observant. Not only that, but using your gun to kill zombies is a respectable option for more than just role playing purposes. I almost never used guns on zombies because they were so easy to kill with melee, but now melee is a much less viable option unless you want to use up a lot of bandages.


tldr; Zombies are a threat, move fast and stay aware in order to conserve resources.



A change for the better, for sure. They just need fine tuned now. Improve their hearing so we can't just march up behind them and punch them in the back of the head. Reduce view distance, I mean they're dead, their eyes can't be that great. For future updates, they shouldn't be able to go through doors without at least busting them open (and obviously not walls/floors).

Personally I really like the idea that zombies are really becoming an issue. Maybe even increase their direct health damage a bit? That's questionable though. Being that this game isn't just a zombie survival game, and is survival in general + zombies, we probably want zombies to be threatening, but not the main focus.

Oh and I think zombie bodies should be much more persistent but also don't block you from walking. After I get attacked by a horde, I'd like to be able to look back and see the destruction I've left.

Edited by Alcon

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Fix the zombies and you will make more money.  Don't fix them and you will lose money and also lose reputation.  Simple formula. 


Zombie problems:


1) Too fast they can now outrun humans.  This is not acceptable.

2)  Not only can they outrun new spawns with no chance of survival because they do not spawn with anything but the clothes on their backs... but trying to outrun them is pointless as they pass right through walls, trees, buildings, etc. 

3) Running faster they also perform perfect leaping attacks that destroy all clothing and any gear you may have.

4) The melee combat is not working well at all.  Thus trying to kill a zombie with say a shovel..  not good, and then you have more than 3 super fast zombies on you because of the agro of the first zombie... the others swarm you and your gear is ruined.


Constructive Ideas:

1) Fix the zombies "clipping" through everything immediately.  that should be your first order of business starting right now.

2) Zombies have now super vision and hearing.  Reduce this to conform with a more balanced game play please.  Are they zombies or are they not zombies?  What is the storyline on them?  This will solve a lot of conflict if we know if we are talking about Walking Dead type of zombies... Or 28 days later type of rage infected people.   Figure it out now so there will not be any more confusion on the issue. 

3) Improve the Melee system so that New Spawns of Players have a chance in combat against these creatures.  10 lbs. of force on a knee joint would put one down to crawling.  Your Melee system is about as complex as that old school arcade game Karate, or Mortal Combat.  Please people... you have millions of dollars.  You can afford to hire competent Developers for this game. 

4) Make different types of Zombies, that have different types of characteristics... Some should be fast and very aggressive, some very slow, mix it up a bit.  The way it is now... They are all Super Zombies hopped up on steroids that can do 10 foot running leap attacks that shred everything.  Varity is good. 


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Fix the zombies and you will make more money.  Don't fix them and you will lose money and also lose reputation.  Simple formula. 


Zombie problems:


1) Too fast they can now outrun humans.  This is not acceptable.

2)  Not only can they outrun new spawns with no chance of survival because they do not spawn with anything but the clothes on their backs... but trying to outrun them is pointless as they pass right through walls, trees, buildings, etc. 

3) Running faster they also perform perfect leaping attacks that destroy all clothing and any gear you may have.

4) The melee combat is not working well at all.  Thus trying to kill a zombie with say a shovel..  not good, and then you have more than 3 super fast zombies on you because of the agro of the first zombie... the others swarm you and your gear is ruined.


Constructive Ideas:

1) Fix the zombies "clipping" through everything immediately.  that should be your first order of business starting right now.

2) Zombies have now super vision and hearing.  Reduce this to conform with a more balanced game play please.  Are they zombies or are they not zombies?  What is the storyline on them?  This will solve a lot of conflict if we know if we are talking about Walking Dead type of zombies... Or 28 days later type of rage infected people.   Figure it out now so there will not be any more confusion on the issue. 

3) Improve the Melee system so that New Spawns of Players have a chance in combat against these creatures.  10 lbs. of force on a knee joint would put one down to crawling.  Your Melee system is about as complex as that old school arcade game Karate, or Mortal Combat.  Please people... you have millions of dollars.  You can afford to hire competent Developers for this game. 

4) Make different types of Zombies, that have different types of characteristics... Some should be fast and very aggressive, some very slow, mix it up a bit.  The way it is now... They are all Super Zombies hopped up on steroids that can do 10 foot running leap attacks that shred everything.  Varity is good. 


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I think before making zombies fast, they should of fixed zombies going through the wall. The only best  melee weapon is fire fighter axe and splitting axe. Shovel is horrible. When zombies became fast, I went to apartments got attacked by many zombies and eventually they broke my legs, so i had to plant my stuff in the woods and make my run to them.

Edited by Beastmanss
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So the pilot is the whole show, yeah?

No... however the times they are "at ease" in the movie when facing zombies tends to be a rather small portion. You're saying the entire show is this way, and it is far from it. Mind you people build barricades to keep them out... Besides... who said DayZ was modeled after The Walking Dead? This is Dean's Infected... not your preconceived notion of what they SHOULD be... ;)


This is especially annoying. Sometimes you spawn in and already 2 or 3 aggros running at you due to their long distance aggro perk

I've respawned plenty without issues this weekend. So, you're saying that you actually have to work at being a newspawn? Hmmm... Imagine that...


Your the kind of player that converts a friendly like myself into a merciless hunter type. if anything the 1.6 million odd people who played the mod i would say around 4/5ths wanted the mod to get harder and more like it is now, and also wanted the game to be more so. if i dont speak for you thats great, dont let me find you in game though, as i will just aggro zeds all over your ass and then come beat you with a bat relentlessly once your dead till i get bored  :)  ;) oh and  :P

Can you be a bit more clear as to wth are you referring to? From what I read in your comment there, you didn't even spend any time reading what I posted. I had no problem with the difficulty of the Infected and furthermore, thought they needed to be harder.

Since we have THAT out of the way, in the original comment I quoted you spoke from a position of knowing that the majority agrees with you. While your general content was ok... I was merely addressing your "assumption" like you knew what the rest of the DayZ world thought... ;)

I hope that this clears up the confusion like I'm trying to state the Infected are too hard... which, if you read my post, I didn't state at all.

Besides... aggro them all over me if you want... a few minutes of running and they give up anyways... so no love lost. <3

Edited by sniperdoc

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Zombie spawning is out of control.


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I was playing yesterday in random servers and the zombies seemed fine , not too difficult etc. Then I moved to a server my clan has to play on it with clan members (CQF) and the zombies were ridiculously tough. I sincerely hope they do not stay this way as this has taken all the enjoyment out of the game. At one point I was being chased by 7 Zombies who could all run faster than me and I was armed with an M4, which obviously did nothing to help me defend myself.


I'm unsure iof this is the place to write this but as far as I am concerned I hope they are scaled down at least slightly as this is a complete game breaker for me and would even make me consider stop playing the game altogether.


Would it not be possible to have different levels of zombies available for selection on different servers?


Would make the game A LOT more scalable and then people could play to their preference.




Also name me 1 "GOOD" TV show/Movie/Game involving the zombie genre etc where Zombies are faster than your average Human. In EVERY media I have ever seen that involves zombies at any point in my 31 years of life, Zombies have always been lifeless beings that exhibit V limited speed at the most.

Edited by Martsmac

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Zombie spawning is out of control.

Did I just see right? First you run in a straight line, then you just stand still to shoot zeds.

It's not the game that's broken, mate.

Edited by alphadogmeat

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Zombie spawning is out of control.


i agree with what u said: zombies can be mean and faster but the respawn like that is way to much, this is not hitman where u need to sneak into every building so u are invisible to zombies

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Did I just see right? First you run in a straight line, then you just stand still to shoot zeds.

It's not the game that's broken, mate.


You run in a straight line to line them up and make them not only hit themselves when they leap, but to also give you a nice straight line of them to hit when you turn around. It's basic horde control in any game and real life, "mate".

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Also name me 1 TV show/Movie/Game involving the zombie genre etc where Zombies are faster than your average Human. In EVERY media I have ever seen that involves zombies at any point in my 31 years of life, Zombies have always been lifeless beings that exhibit V limited speed at the most.

world war z. 28 days later they were pretty fast.

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You run in a straight line to line them up and make them not only hit themselves when they leap, but to also give you a nice straight line of them to hit when you turn around. It's basic horde control in any game and real life, "mate".


Line them up?  WFT for?  You can only shoot one at a time.  (BTW you're not too good at that either.)  So you're standing still out there like a wart on a dick, firing your gun, taking hits and getting your gear ruined, all the while just begging for a LRS headshot.  No wonder you're complaining about zombie spawning.


Oh, and "basic horde control", my arse.  Basic mistakes and failure to comprehend the threat is nearer the mark.

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I like how aggressive they are and the number of them. It seems like I am huge target and they hit me from far away. Where its the complete opposite for me trying to hit them. I don't like how if you are trying to sneak around and you do make it past them... You see one off in the distance, staring at in in zoom(not moving) and that one sees you. Then it seems to alert all the zombies and now you have 7 chasing you.

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Line them up?  WFT for?  You can only shoot one at a time.  (BTW you're not too good at that either.)  So you're standing still out there like a wart on a dick, firing your gun, taking hits and getting your gear ruined, all the while just begging for a LRS headshot.  No wonder you're complaining about zombie spawning.


Oh, and "basic horde control", my arse.  Basic mistakes and failure to comprehend the threat is nearer the mark.



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seriously, not once did he think to pull out that axe??? if you had done that and they were still swarming you after you cleared a load (which they wont due to the mechanic working as such, shoot zambeh, zambeh dies, respawns in your vicinity but usually out of direct line of site, then spawns in with that last audio alert as its aggro target. yet if you axe one it dies and respawns with no audio cue to aggro to... mechanic works pretty well for a test on making more zombies feel like they are in game without killing performance on the connections) as it stands the current PLACEHOLDER mechanic is not ideal, but while the real zombies are being worked on, this is actually a great method of making the alpha testing more fun imho

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1) I feel like they are just a TAD too fast. But really, just a tad. To those saying you can't outrun them anymore, it's not true, running with fists up totally makes you faster than them. I lost some running away in a straight line on train tracks just last night.
2) They are super buggy, or too fast for their own animations or something cause the other night I was getting hit circling around behind one. Totally lame to bleed from one zombie when you never even saw the front side of it.
3) I HATE how close and fast they respawn. It should be a slow process, the infection must take some amount of time to take hold, and if they were "there from the start" then, i should be able to see them, and clear them. It's totally bogus. But they SHOULD respawn. just not that fast, or close.

4) This one im not sure of, but it seems like they always respawn facing you, which means insta aggro if you don't have cover to break LOS, and decent sneaking skills(because they respawn so close), and sometimes, even that doesn't seem to matter. and im a damned ninja when it comes to zeddies.

Example of why the respawn is lame:

I was at NWAF, practicing with my new LRS and my mosin on some zeds. Didn't realize the new respawn mechanic had gone live. I cleared the field as fast as I could (this is part of my sniper training, I also have friends aggro them and run them around so I can practice hitting moving targets). But anyway, I cleared the field. I was on a hill more than 300m away from the airfield, then add the actual distance of the airfield and your talking about as far as the mosin can possibly hit. 800+ yards. Using dayzdb map as an approximate rangefinder, def over 800m. So I was prone, in a quiet, already checked/cleared field. All of a sudden I'm getting hit. I'm like WTF, that's never happened before. So I get up, and there's a freaking zombie hitting me. So I kill it quietly, and lay back down to shoot some more, and get hit AGAIN. WTF?, I get up, kill the zeddie, and get hit from behind by another one and die. LAME LAME LAME. End story.

It makes it so even if you kill the zeds from a LONG way away, they respawn *near you* no matter how far away you killed them, and aggro you almost immediately. This is essentially zombie teleportation. So much for sniper training and being tactical and clearing a town before you go in eh? The only way to make a town safe now is to have someone run through a town without killing any zeds (you don't want them respawning), shoot a mosin, wait for them to gather, shoot again, wait for the stragglers, then run them out of town and get them lost in some trees while your friends loot.

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seriously, not once did he think to pull out that axe??? if you had done that and they were still swarming you after you cleared a load (which they wont due to the mechanic working as such, shoot zambeh, zambeh dies, respawns in your vicinity but usually out of direct line of site, then spawns in with that last audio alert as its aggro target. yet if you axe one it dies and respawns with no audio cue to aggro to...


It was pretty much a hilarious perfect example of what not to do when getting aggro'd- right down to blaming the zombies for doing it all wrong.

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"Besides... aggro them all over me if you want... a few minutes of running and they give up anyways... so no love lost. <3"


WRONG!  They do not give up!  Also you CANNOT OUTRUN THE ZOMBIES/INFECTED ANYMORE!  Do you understand that?  Is that now clear to you?  Stop talking down to others in this thread.  You are not the badass you think you are.  Imagine you are a new spawn.   You get agro'd by a zombie, other zombies are alerted by the noise.  They also are SPRINTING to your location and are now leaping at you and ripping you to pieces.  You try to run,  They outrun you, you have no weapons.  The black screen appears.     YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS!    then a shorter message appears.   YOU ARE DEAD!    Do you get it yet?

Edited by White Wizard

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I would even like more zombies, but only thing before that is fixing zombies bugs,running thought walls and seeing u from 1km away and stuff like that... This is a zombie survival game so more zombies , i took out 21 zombies with a farming hoe, got hit one time but could bandage it after ... Very great updates, but need to fix running through shit ..
u use axe or something for close combat... How uses gun if zombie is away from u like 6 meters? 

Edited by cottoxgaming

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