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About kihz

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    Carbondale, PA
  1. So, I did a search of the forums, and didn't see a topic related to this yet. I was in the Electro fire station on the top floor. I had just completely cleared the place with a shotgun, to make sure I wouldn't be ambushed while looting. I was going down the stairs, took a corner too sharp, and fell roughly 2 feet. My screen flashed, cause apparently it hurt. It ruined my pants, which I don't care about. But now I keep getting the red messages of "My feet hurt" and "My feet are sore" whenever I start walking. I can still sprint. I was wondering how I tend to this wound. I'd hate to be running somewhere, and to just fall over because I broke my foot due to not taking care of it..
  2. kihz


    To everyone having trouble finding them, do as I said before. Check the back doors of police cars.
  3. kihz

    Mosin + Bipod?

    Duct tape, taking your t-shirt off and cutting it to tie the bipod in place. Jury rigging in the zombie apocalypse. Have some imagination.
  4. kihz


    I'm glad it's running smoother. The current version is pretty skippy.
  5. kihz

    Mosin + Bipod?

    What? You're aware that you can lay down (anywhere) and use a bipod right? Therefore 90% of the map is "realistic" to use the bipod on. Now, if you're referring to the actual weapon and that there's nowhere to attach the bipod, then you're wrong again. The bipod in the game is an "Atlas Bipod". I personally own one of these. They clamp right to any rifle I want and work fine. Also, the LRS should never be removed. I don't even understand your explanation for it, and don't really want to.
  6. kihz


    I'm currently stuck in a location that I'm totally lost in. I spawned as a new-spawn and I was "Healthy" "Hydrated" and "Energized". I had no pants or shoes and was under a random bridge. I have no idea how this happened and where I am. Also, I don't play on experimental /:
  7. kihz

    Question about hunger/thirst

    I'd say yes.. However this is quite the odd question.
  8. kihz


    So far, 9/10 times I've found MP5's in the back doors of police cars. It appears to be an incredibly common spawn. The magazine though, I've had to find in military buildings. Haven't found one around or in a police station yet.
  9. Wanna know why there's KoS? Two main reasons: There's fucking guns in the game. People bitch about it so much.Stop bitching and fight back.
  10. kihz

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    You can't get in trouble for using glitches..
  11. kihz

    Your favorite Zombie sound?

    "MAHHH MAHHH MAHHH" is pretty good.
  12. kihz

    How often do you sever hop?

    I'll continue playing my way. Thanks for your opinion.
  13. kihz

    How often do you sever hop?

    Lol, I find it hilarious that people frown on server hopping. My answer to this was 40%-69% of the time. I'd say closer to 40%. This game at the current stage is built for server hopping. There is no way to save characters or loot right now, so when you die, you start over. Most people (I hope) don't have the time to sit there and play for 5 hours to get some gear. I'm incredibly impatient, which is why I don't bother looting small houses or any buildings that don't have high loot spawns. Instead, I go to the nearest airfield or military camp (usually airfield) and gear up for a bit. Then I go to a police station, not on the main road since they're always looted, and server hop till I find an M4. Depending on attachments I found previously, I'll go back and hop some more till I have an optic for it. I usually server hop 70% of the time my friends aren't online. The other 30% is running to a new place to hop around. When my friends get on, we meet up in a near full pop server(35-40), and play the game how we see fit. We usually look for a fight on the main road, heading towards Elecktro. When we find Bambi's, we help them with some supplies. This game, to me, isn't fun to run around and loot ALREADY LOOTED buildings until I find something worth my time. Server hopping saves on time, and I can watch Netflix/listen to music while doing it. Basically what I'm trying to say is until they add features that make server hopping unnecessary, I'm gonna keep doing it..
  14. kihz

    Where am I?

    Thanks. Found a police station here too. Unexpected.