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Alcon (DayZ)

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About Alcon (DayZ)

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    Svetlo, wondering where I parked my car.
  1. Alcon (DayZ)

    How To Find Love In a Zombie Apocalypse - Trailer

    Can't wait to see more!
  2. Alcon (DayZ)

    Post Your Gear So Far

  3. Alcon (DayZ)

    The New #1 Melee Weapon

    From my experience, the Fireaxe can take 1-3 head shots to kill a zombie, the machete is 1 shot every time. Can't argue with results.
  4. Alcon (DayZ)

    Currency - what would it be?

    I think we should use something that is fairly common, intrinsically useless, and stacks. I recommend .22 caliber rounds. I mean, Fallout uses bottle caps, this can't be any worse. Or consider real life, we use paper and plastic, some of the most common shit on the planet.
  5. Alcon (DayZ)

    The New #1 Melee Weapon

    Zombie combat tested, the Machete is now a 1 shot kill upon striking the head of a zombie. Not even a Fireaxe is a guaranteed 1 shot kill anymore.
  6. A change for the better, for sure. They just need fine tuned now. Improve their hearing so we can't just march up behind them and punch them in the back of the head. Reduce view distance, I mean they're dead, their eyes can't be that great. For future updates, they shouldn't be able to go through doors without at least busting them open (and obviously not walls/floors). Personally I really like the idea that zombies are really becoming an issue. Maybe even increase their direct health damage a bit? That's questionable though. Being that this game isn't just a zombie survival game, and is survival in general + zombies, we probably want zombies to be threatening, but not the main focus. Oh and I think zombie bodies should be much more persistent but also don't block you from walking. After I get attacked by a horde, I'd like to be able to look back and see the destruction I've left.
  7. Alcon (DayZ)

    Your thoughts on the new patch/hotfix?

    Seems reasonable if you're using a Mosin. Not a quiet gun.
  8. Alcon (DayZ)

    Your thoughts on the new patch/hotfix?

    Focusing on the new, faster zombies, I think they're amazing. I think they'll significantly change player tactics, especially when soloing. The crap like running through walls and nearly infinite view distance with next to null hearing is still a problem but the speed I think is a great change. I believe it will increase the number of player encounters outside towns and will cause people to move through looting areas a lot faster. It helps take away that sense of security that you should rarely have in a survival game. I mean, I started tossing guns in the street if I didn't have the ammo/proper attachments which I would never do with slow zombies. For example, I found a .22 that I planned to use for plinking zombies in order to conserve M4 ammo, I had no magazine and had to rechamber another round after every shot. With the low damage of the .22 (which it should have) it can take as many as 3 shots to kill a zombie (assuming they all hit) and with their new speed and numbers, reloading that often was not an option. I dropped that .22 and its ammo in the street. Now, in order to conserve resources like ammo and bandages, you have to loot a town a lot faster and be much more observant. Not only that, but using your gun to kill zombies is a respectable option for more than just role playing purposes. I almost never used guns on zombies because they were so easy to kill with melee, but now melee is a much less viable option unless you want to use up a lot of bandages. tldr; Zombies are a threat, move fast and stay aware in order to conserve resources.
  9. Alcon (DayZ)


    Lunch box sounds like a legitimate idea. I mean, you can have a child's briefcase, so why not a lunch box?
  10. I think the whole indicator above their head is ridiculous, but what about blood stains? No exceptions, you kill somebody with a melee weapons then your clothes become blood stained. If you kill someone at range, no blood stain but if you loot the corpse you get blood on you. This would affect everyone. Even if you didn't kill a player, looting their body gets blood on you. This would then indicate if someone has been involved in any killing or fiddled with dead bodies, suggesting that they could be a murderer. If someone is clean then you have to judge whether they are friendly, or just haven't gotten their hands dirty yet, or if they changed clothes.
  11. Alcon (DayZ)

    Boot Camp

    Seems plausible but it might take away from that whole first experience you get when you first enter the game. I enjoyed that the very first time I entered DayZ I was lost and afraid. No idea what to do but just had to jump in and figure things out. Without that initial fear, you wouldn't have as much appreciation for what may or may not actually be out there while you're running around like a chicken with your head cut off.
  12. Alcon (DayZ)

    Battlefield Surgery

    I feel like this would make combat too much of a task. We still want it to be a fun game along with the realism. There has to be balance, somewhere to draw the line.
  13. Alcon (DayZ)


    Also, I've just noticed that I will get multiple notifications of being completely soaked without ever changing status. Though not frequent enough to take a screenshot of it happening especially since the rain stopped before I could do a proper timing test to find out exactly how frequently the same notification appears whilst in the rain.
  14. Alcon (DayZ)


    These attachments show the potential these notifications have and how over bearing they can be. Yes, the second one is exaggerated but the fact that this COULD happen is just ridiculous.
  15. Alcon (DayZ)

    PVE or How to m ake Chernarus a better place?

    I think this a neat idea, but not for this game. It seems to pull away from the focus too much. Having a "raid" just seems out of place. I see this as a game that is built around the community and made entirely by the players. If the focus is changed from interacting with the people and the environment to something like raiding a form of base just wouldn't work for the setting. I will agree that certain Kill On Sight players (i.e. the ones that do not gain anything and are basically just griefing) are pretty much worthless. However, having both good and bad players are essential. Without conflict this game would not be what it is meant to be. You have are meant to have a very limited number of people you can trust and should always be fighting to survive, not fighting to build an epic base.