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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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I personally welcome the new running animation and running speed. Agree with other posts that some zombies should be faster than others.


One thing I would like to see in the future would be more 'Roaming' from the zeds when they have no target. Currently are motionless.


Zombies can still hit you from a lower floor, needs a fix along with proper path-finding and building navigation.


Maybe the zombies could have spawn points in the woods outside villages and have a waypoint pre-set to return where it was killed to simulate a horde.


More zombie spawns inside houses please.

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Absolutely love the change.

The game feels like DayZ again, now you actually have to worry about something besides other players.

Especially in the rarely traveled regions of Chernarus where you are unlikely to encounter another players, the zombies now pose a

threat where there was none before.

Before, you just checked every house until the place was cleaned out and moved on. Zero challenge.

Now this is actually fun again.


It also makes PvP a lot more interesting, because you cant just spray down everyone you see in the middle of a city without

drawing a ton of zombies, which is how it should be.


To the people who feel they are too hard:

- you can still outrun them, played a couple of hours today and some of our team died, but  they always managed to drink in Berezino and run back

up north with zombies chasing them

- they are still easy to kill with a decent melee weapon, just move sideways and hit them after they jumped. I killed dozens of zombies this way today and got hit only once

- shooting will NOT always spawn new zombies. we had a standoff in a prison that lasted for almost an hour, and we kept trying to shoot each other through doors and walls and after a while 

 we did not aggro zombies anymore 

- if you wanna shoot them, be prepared to spend some ammo to clear them all up. its still very much doable, but takes a lot more time and ammo.

just use a melee weapon for now, and once suppressors work they will become a lot more manageable, you shouldnt be shooting zombies without one anyway (draws too much attention)

Edited by vile.
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Just got a teleportation loop. I couldn't escape a military base because everytime time I tried I was teleported back where I was 5 seconds ago. Zombies hit me 4-5 times in this base, yet I managed to logout/login then escape without any blood loss and damage to my clothes, all thanks to my new technique:




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I've played 43.116251 a bit, and I've got split opinions of the new zombie AI. The new, faster zombies are great, I love the speed they have, but there doesn't seem to be a LOS aggro like the mod. If it is then I hope you guys will fix the audio range of the weapons

There is no point in having a scilenced .22 when every zombie in 200m radius freaks out when you fire a shot. It would be plausible that the zeds in the same direction of the shot would be aggroed due to the sound of the gun itself, taking into account that a scilencer doesn't completely muffle the weapon in the direction it's fired.


Also, the zombies shouldn't be able to run uphill if we're not able to. As of this patch (43.116251) they're epic uphill runners.


I also saw a thread about zombies aggroing when there's blood, and that would be quite nice, and as a preventive measure make them aggro sound first, then visual, and third bloodscent if that ever will be implemented.


Overall, great work guys!

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Here's my two bits:


- running speed upgrade is quite ok, it makes them harder to kill (sorely needed) - maybe it would be nicer to have a bit of variety, maybe some are thin and fast, some are fat and tanky, some are half-rotted and they poison you.. stuff like that

- zombie re-spawning is very bad at the moment - it's not ok that they spawn within your area after 10 seconds. It leads to situations where you fire off one shot then spend the rest of the day running and shooting the herd that is following you. If you kill 3-4 in one place you're basicly screwed until you reconnect to the server, they will keep spawning near you however far you run after you kill them, others will hear you killing the ones following you and run after you and so on. Maybe this could be a 'Death Incarnate' kind of game mode for some servers, or could be nice if everything else was working properly. But for a normal mode I think they should just spawn in set areas, not relative to player, after 5-10 minutes, gives u time to clear an area out, loot then run screaming to the woods and zombies will be there ready for next poor slob to come along. I also like the idea in the dev videos, where it was suggested that making a lot of noise could attract zombies from farther away, they will slowly make their way to where there's a big fight. I guess this would be a problem for server performance keeping track of all those zombies but.. who knows.

- i suspect the respawning thing wasn't really intended or tested enough before released, or is just a side-effect of some other bug. I'm curious to see how the devs stand on this particular aspect. It's hard to imagine they intended the endless spawn to be a feature, not how it works now anyway. If you ask me they just set the range the zombos spawn at wrong, if it was 700m-1000m it would be AOK imho, far enough to not aggro you again or be in sight of you in most cases. Now they spawn at 50 meters or less so they just aggro you instantly.

- i also wish they would implement silencers faster, right now if you don't have a fire-axe you're basicly locked out of towns because noise wakes up every zombie around. It's pretty silly to feel safer with an axe than an M4 with attachments and a backpack full of ammo clips.. I couldn't see it happening in a realistic setting.


I love the idea of being afraid of the zombies, I hope they never water it down like the mod where you just hide in a bush and you're safe. They should scare the pants off you when all you have is an axe and your clothes. They should really swarm to where shots are fired, even from 1km away so they discourage camping towns with a sniper rifle. They should come in droves to all firefights so it forces them to be skirmishes at most, fire off a few rounds then run like hell before the zombie army comes to town. Very hard zombies would really start co-op in a natural way, the common enemy. They should also be optional for server owners, thus pleasing ultra-realistic mil-sim fans (turning them off) and uber survival co-op rp fans (turn them up to 11 for zombie hordes).



I know full well that in a setting of "reality" sense, i would be VERY unlikely top EVER find a fully automatic assault rifle lying around anywhere in towns and so on, maybe large cities in police stations but even then they would be kept behind locked doors a plenty and so on so very difficult to access, and i know that if i was to shoot at any point a gun that makes the kind of noise these do i would expect to be dead within around 5-10 minutes, if every one who is infected is looking for fresh brains and noise is a main attraction for them, these zeds would be literally everywhere, and i think id be happier with an axe to take on zeds and a gun for the sole purposes of use to confront other people not infected.


i think this mechanic is very good and really people just need to learn to adapt to the game, instead of say it would be better if it wasnt so hard... the whole point of the game is to survive, in a place where you should not be able to easily. i dunno call me old fashioned but games only ever kept my attention when i struggled to win at them, in the last 10 years computer games have nose dived into gratuitous shoot em/ beat em ups and all good franchises have been raped of any sembelance of respectability by turning them into "action adventure" series resident evil for example, clunky controls slow as shit zombies huge horrible boss fights with next to no sign of how to beat them and crappy weaponry till almost the end of the game, then check resi 6, start with assault rifles and just run round blotting everything that moves with it,,,, way to ruin a great game concept. i hope the zombies get even harder and more frustrating, as then i can utilise my super sneaky playstyle to camp out near zombies and use them to locate and hunt(bandits) or aid other survivors. just again my opinion

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Man, whoever wrote that thread about the scent of blood aggro concept must be a genious as well as a sexual tyranasaurus. Whoever he was.

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My take on the zombies is as follows:


Regarding the last patch:


The respawn rate needs to be lowered and the spawn radius has to be increased. Right now you kill a zombie another spawns 20-40 m away from you, usually already alerted if you used a gun. You should not be able to see zombies spawn, unless you're on an open field, and even then it should be far off. 



Regarding future stuff:

Second I'd prefer if zombies would get slightly less alerted by gunshots. It makes little to no sense that you're laying down in full camo for a zombie to somehow manage to home on you from a mile away. I think after a gun shot the zombie should turn into the general area it came from, maybe walk 20-30m, take a look around and if it sees a player (not necessarily you) then it should aggro, if it sees nothing it should go back about its business. 

Another thing being able to evade zombies without needing to run like a madman once they see you. If zombie loses sight of you it should check the last place in which it saw you and then break pursuit. It makes no sense for the zombie to chase you through buildings with perfect accuracy.

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The zombies are a work in progress as it is an alpha and they aren't high priority with bug fixes at the moment. As for zombies agroing with blood, Zombies aren't known for their sense of smell. They hear something and shuffle/sprint to it. They see something they shuffle/sprint after it. They don't stop their shuffle and sniff around for a potential meat sack to eat and turn. They aren't vampires. 

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The zombies are a work in progress as it is an alpha and they aren't high priority with bug fixes at the moment. As for zombies agroing with blood, Zombies aren't known for their sense of smell. They hear something and shuffle/sprint to it. They see something they shuffle/sprint after it. They don't stop their shuffle and sniff around for a potential meat sack to eat and turn. They aren't vampires. 


Well. Maybe. Isn't that subject to change? I'd quite like to see zombies that are generally docile, but then freak out when the prospect of a fresh man sandwich arrives. If the snack evades them then they return to their original docile state. 


In regards to the running up hill thing - yes. Please fix that. When I'm running away from zombies I have to make sure I'm going down hill, because when I'm forced to jog or walk by an incline then they just keep on sprinting.

Edited by BeefBacon

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Did somebody say "Man Sandwich"? I mean, uh....yeah. I agree. About the agro and AI. And stuff.


(On a serious note I wouldn't mind seeing something from the dev's about what exactly they have planned for the zombies, if anything else.)

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They need to fix the collision...There's no point on aggressive zombies if they still pass any walls...How am i going to evade them? And how am i supposed to evade if they follow me basically throghout the entire city? I mean, it's impossible to avoid once there's 3 or more zombies chasing you right behind your azz...

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I've played 43.116251 a bit, and I've got split opinions of the new zombie AI. The new, faster zombies are great, I love the speed they have, but there doesn't seem to be a LOS aggro like the mod. If it is then I hope you guys will fix the audio range of the weapons

There is no point in having a scilenced .22 when every zombie in 200m radius freaks out when you fire a shot. It would be plausible that the zeds in the same direction of the shot would be aggroed due to the sound of the gun itself, taking into account that a scilencer doesn't completely muffle the weapon in the direction it's fired.


Also, the zombies shouldn't be able to run uphill if we're not able to. As of this patch (43.116251) they're epic uphill runners.


I also saw a thread about zombies aggroing when there's blood, and that would be quite nice, and as a preventive measure make them aggro sound first, then visual, and third bloodscent if that ever will be implemented.


Overall, great work guys!



Zombie feedback goes here :)



Edited by kichilron

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Zombies now hit you and ruin your gear in one hit. Please fix this rocket. Not fair to search hours for loot to be ruined in one second by glitches Olympic zeds

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I'm for the change. The cities should be swarming with zombies so that if a player decides to go into a city they should really stop and consider if its worth the risk of the zombies. A problem with the mod was that loot, while being time consuming to gather sometimes, was never really difficult to get your hands on. If medical equipment from the hospital becomes more rare because the cities can actually kill you then it forces players to interact with each other in the form of trading, robbing, murdering, ect ect which is what this game is really all about

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There are Pros and Cons to zeds now.


I like the increased speed, but with wall clipping it is OP.In fact, I think the faster animations are perfect, but unfortunately its still too easy to sidestep and hit them in the back.


They sometimes respawn much too near.


They seem to either see you from miles off or just stand there waiting to be axed.


I like where things are going, but the fluidity of zombies, the pathing, the wall clipping - these are the areas we are really looking for improvements in.


Zombies should be a challenge because they are challenging by nature (small group attacks, calling others, intelligent pathfinding etc), not just because their animations are sped up and they can run through walls.

Edited by SniperVillan

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As stated many times already, they are a good addition to the game. The spawning right near you is a bit harsh, I think a spawn in the woods would be better, but the challenge that they pose now is much better. This MAY encourage people to work together a bit more, to help with the threat and loot more safely. I think, IMO, the only change to this current zombie build would be to move the pawn point further away from the player.


It is not impossible to bandage/do things with these zombies either, you just need to be more careful and have a plan of attack.

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Hi new here on this forum since 2 min, and i play dayZ almost 2 weeks now.


This patch they released was my first patch so i cant really say if this was a good one or a bad one in a way, i like the zombies are more dangerous now but i dont like the fact they can run trough walls cause that does not make any sense to me, also when u sometimes hear the zombie sounds arround u (or reloading, or eating) and u look arround you are in an open field and there is nobody near u...


i hope they fix this things

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hey everyone, im new to posting in forums. In my opinion (and being a Walking Dead fan) i think the zombie AI should be similar to the zombies in the show. As in slower then the current new zombie AI in 43.116251, more like the old speeds in previous patches but lots lots more of them. have them roaming the map in herds, Not to hard to deal with one at a time but when in a herd even with the best weapons and aim it could be fatal to engage them. Sometimes it could just be better to either run or just stay out of sight the achive your goal.

Also with the current zombie speeds and aggression, i think any new dayz player could be over whelmed by how hard it will be for them to survive those first few crucial hours. Especially having 5 or more zombies chasing you with no way of killing them or out running them. thoughts?

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How's this for feedback:

- you have some of the most god-awful melee in any modern game on any system. Congrats.

- increasing infected speed without addressing clipping and melee issues is just trolling the community...stop it.
- ruining gear instantaneously at random on hit from infected...get a clue.

- respawn in front of player as fast as player can shoot ...brilliant!

I am starting to believe dev's are trolls.

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hey everyone, im new to posting in forums. In my opinion (and being a Walking Dead fan) i think the zombie AI should be similar to the zombies in the show. As in slower then the current new zombie AI in 43.116251, more like the old speeds in previous patches but lots lots more of them. have them roaming the map in herds, Not to hard to deal with one at a time but when in a herd even with the best weapons and aim it could be fatal to engage them. Sometimes it could just be better to either run or just stay out of sight the achive your goal.

Also with the current zombie speeds and aggression, i think any new dayz player could be over whelmed by how hard it will be for them to survive those first few crucial hours. Especially having 5 or more zombies chasing you with no way of killing them or out running them. thoughts?

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hey everyone, im new to posting in forums. In my opinion (and being a Walking Dead fan) i think the zombie AI should be similar to the zombies in the show. As in slower then the current new zombie AI in 43.116251, more like the old speeds in previous patches but lots lots more of them. have them roaming the map in herds, Not to hard to deal with one at a time but when in a herd even with the best weapons and aim it could be fatal to engage them. Sometimes it could just be better to either run or just stay out of sight the achive your goal.

Also with the current zombie speeds and aggression, i think any new dayz player could be over whelmed by how hard it will be for them to survive those first few crucial hours. Especially having 5 or more zombies chasing you with no way of killing them or out running them. thoughts?

This isn't the show. This isn't The Walking Dead.

This is DayZ.

In The Walking Dead, zombies aren't a huge problem. What is the main fear in that show? Other people.

In DayZ, what is currently one of the main irritants to players? PvP-- people versus people killing, a la Call Of Duty. Therefore, making zombies have a similar threat level to The Walking Dead zombies is a bad idea, because it encourages PvP to the level that is in the show.


My thoughts: When you have no gear on you, you should be able to outrun zombies. A backpack more than half full should slow you down to the point where they can catch you running.

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Ah, thanks! Didn't see that thread.


An other suggestion I'm sure people have mentioned is hoards. Would edge up the gameplay with packs of zombies walking about on the west side/random on the map (a number of zombies that would be a run or die scenario for a single geared player). It would also make shoot on sight more risky. (who would want 50-60 zombies running at you at full speed just because you wanted to shoot an unsuspected player. Just like a 28 days later scenario.

I'm just throwing balls here.

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Fully Equipped -> Fine, taste the cold steel of my axe. Yesterday I killed round about 30 zeds in a row, but they just kept coming. Really annoying.

Freshspawn -> unplayable.

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hey everyone, im new to posting in forums. In my opinion (and being a Walking Dead fan) i think the zombie AI should be similar to the zombies in the show. As in slower then the current new zombie AI in 43.116251, more like the old speeds in previous patches but lots lots more of them. have them roaming the map in herds, Not to hard to deal with one at a time but when in a herd even with the best weapons and aim it could be fatal to engage them. Sometimes it could just be better to either run or just stay out of sight the achive your goal.

Also with the current zombie speeds and aggression, i think any new dayz player could be over whelmed by how hard it will be for them to survive those first few crucial hours. Especially having 5 or more zombies chasing you with no way of killing them or out running them. thoughts?

This game doesn't have zombies it has still living humans who are infected with a R.A.G.E. like virus (like from 28 days later). Their current actions are almost perfect the only problem is the remaining bugs like clipping and being laggy that have been around since day 1. Also you are supposed to feel overwhelmed that is literally the entire point of the game. Enjoy it while it lasts you'll be running around without the need for a map, ignoring the zombies, and being fully geared after 15 minutes like the rest of us soon enough.





... Walking Dead doesn't have zombies either they are walkers  :D

Edited by Weedz

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My whole thing is that, instead of working on some unrealistic respawn mechanic, the devs should just be focusing on increasing the sheer number of zombies in the map. I mean, they can respawn when the server restarts but there should be no reason what's so ever that zombies should be respawning at all. You guys should really take ques at how the ARMA 3 Dayz Breaking Point Mod. Now that's what i call zombies. Not too fast, not too strong but their not glitching through walls and jumping at you every 2 seconds. How about we focus more on zombie AI and increasing their count Rocket hmmm? Your wasting a lot of time on that zombie respawn mechanic since it's so unrealistic unless you have something big planned for it like if your gonna use this respawn algorithm for animals or something but other than that, you are treading on thin ice with this zombie respawn thing. 


Also, the one hit bleed mechanic is totally bullshit if your gonna make the zombie do body shots 90% of the time. Not only can i no longer put shit on my jacket/coat because they all get ruined fast as shit when getting hit by zombies but your also making me bandage every 5 secs and risk getting killed by a fucking player. So basically to get this straight, not only are you making inventory management more difficult because everything gets ruined so quickly when their in your torso, but your also making me risk my neck every time i get hit by a zombie and have to bandage because of that long ass animation not to mention the sound it makes. If your gonna one hit bleed us then spread out where the zombie is hitting and maybe reduce the damage a little. Also is there away to cut off the animation while bandaging?

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