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Concerned about the Sawn Off

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I have to say that each time I see a thread like this I'm left scratching my head.


I previously saw a thread that said the regular shotgun did no damage. I took some fellow testers into Elektro and one shot each from about 20 meter distance.


Then I saw a thread about SKS's accuracy being low, however I tried it out and scored headshots with each shot at 300-500 meters with just ironsitghts.


Is this just another one of those I wonder?  <_<


Sawn off used to do more than moderately upset whoever is hit by it.



Also, are there meant to be slugs still? When there were no shotguns we had slugs.

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Had same situation, a guy with a sawn off and me with an SKS  "danced" in barracks he fired both shots and he could not miss, not in that narrow corridor, not at that range. He dealt no damage. My SKS on the other hand dealt a lot of damage. 



That's him. 

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I have to say that each time I see a thread like this I'm left scratching my head.

I previously saw a thread that said the regular shotgun did no damage. I took some fellow testers into Elektro and one shot each from about 20 meter distance.

Then I saw a thread about SKS's accuracy being low, however I tried it out and scored headshots with each shot at 300-500 meters with just ironsitghts.

Is this just another one of those I wonder? <_<

The issue is rather inconsistent... Edited by Insane Aradia

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I have to say that each time I see a thread like this I'm left scratching my head.


I previously saw a thread that said the regular shotgun did no damage. I took some fellow testers into Elektro and one shot each from about 20 meter distance.


Then I saw a thread about SKS's accuracy being low, however I tried it out and scored headshots with each shot at 300-500 meters with just ironsitghts.


Is this just another one of those I wonder?  <_<


Have you done testing with the  Sawed Off Shotgun to? Last night in Balota I was covering overwatch for the Airfield and it was in a two story red house just north of the food house in Balota.


I heard movement and action outside the room I was in and got my sawed off out and was about 2 feet from the door. Just close enough that I would be standing next to it as it opened. It opened, I fired both shots at the chest area and the guy lived. I mean I could have spit on him he was so close and 2 blasts didnt drop him. 


Might want to look into sawed off and do some testing with that as well.

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ive rinsed people with sawn off, 1 cartridge


edit: in last few days

Edited by qww
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considering you only have 2 shots with a shot gun, it's easy to say he simply missed. If you are not at point blank range, and the target is not moving, and he knew how to shoot, you'd probably be dead. I don't think the "spread" you would expect from a shotgun registers in the game yet. I believe it detects the target like any other single round shot. I've seen people completely dodge shots just by weaving back and forth in erratic patterns. Hell, I've had zeds get right up in my face after missing them from point blank range with a 357 or FNX. Your reticle has to be on them, or within the circumference of the silhouette to land the shot, and surprisingly, that isn't easy when the target is moving, even slightly. 

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Pre-patch I had killed 2 guys with the sawn off, single shot pretty close range (both were about 5 to 8 meters roughly) but the aiming is a tad strange if you're not used to it.


I haven't had the need to use it since it got nerfed but I doubt it's THAT useless but more or less either a range or an aim issue.

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It's easy to sight the sawn off. Really easy. Before you saw it off, pull it out, and aim in. Get a general feel of it with the long version, now, go into shouldered mode, where you have the dot. Look at the dot, and see where it is in relation to the gun. Saw it off, and shoulder the sawn off, you'll see how much was removed. Find the dot, aim at your desired target with the dot center of mass. Then aim in, once aimed in, you'll get a feel for where the shotgun is in relation to that dot. Since you no longer have any sights, and the gun is quite small now. But, that dot is very important in getting a general feel of where the gun is aimed at, because sometimes the gun doesn't even look like it's pointed at the target.


But i've had times when rounds fired at close range did not register as hits. Just kind of went through them, doing minimal damage. Had it happen with the magnum at 5m and the shot at the same range. I'm guessing it's a velocity issue at such close ranges. Def needs to be looked at.

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I have to say that each time I see a thread like this I'm left scratching my head.


I previously saw a thread that said the regular shotgun did no damage. I took some fellow testers into Elektro and one shot each from about 20 meter distance.


Then I saw a thread about SKS's accuracy being low, however I tried it out and scored headshots with each shot at 300-500 meters with just ironsitghts.


Is this just another one of those I wonder?  <_<

God damnit. You never contribute anything to the discussion Accolyte, if it works for you there must not be an issue going on! Even though it's been reported quite a few times, and by reputable forum goers.


Edited by Daemonkid
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shot at someone with a sawn off spitting distance away.. separate shots center mass and didn't do a damn thing. he wasn't wearing a vest or anything like that either.

shot at a zombie from the too of an apartment just for fun. it was far enough away that I couldn't see much detail of the zombie standing profile to me and the second shot hit..

saw the pellets hitting the ground in a 3 foot radius around him

Edited by SkyPig

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If you stop picking up bird shot that might help...









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I've executed two people with a sawn off from point blank but they were not moving. This was about a week ago

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I would test this using my hardcore character if I could.  It's a fresh spawn and I would be willing to take the shot FOR SCIENCE!  But, alas, I cannot...


EDIT:  100th post!  Woo!!

Edited by Haven923

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sawed off shotgun:




super inaccurate unless 10m or closer.


recoil affects your aim massively, both barrels fired at once causes me to shoot above the target 99% of the time.


the cone spread of the pellets has to be broken in some way, either such a random spread or the pellets don't register individually.


the shotgun doesn't "ricochet" at all.


only two shots with massive recoil and you have to reload with a speedloader that is slower than all other rifles.






useless trash weapon, avoid at all costs, unless fixed by devs will always be trash

i'm waiting for a pump action shotgun so i never have to witness a double barrel again

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sawed off shotgun:




super inaccurate unless 10m or closer.


recoil affects your aim massively, both barrels fired at once causes me to shoot above the target 99% of the time.


the cone spread of the pellets has to be broken in some way, either such a random spread or the pellets don't register individually.




Nah, sawn off isn't inaccurate, i've dropped zombies and players from 15-20 meters easily. It's just hard to get used to aiming down the sights, since it looks like you should be aiming high, when in reality, your gun should be a bit lower.

The gun is piss poorin CQB though, i've shot people point blank and they just go "lolwat."

Edited by Daemonkid

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Nah, sawn off isn't inaccurate, i've dropped zombies and players from 15-20 meters easily. It's just hard to get used to aiming down the sights, since it looks like you should be aiming high, when in reality, your gun should be a bit lower.


I don't think this is the problem, since most of the people tend to hipfire the gun (without "aiming down the sights").



The problem is the hit-detection, as Dchil said, I believe ;)

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i use in close quarter mosin over the sawn-off shotgun.


The shotgun does not enough damage, and i think that the shotgun should spawn more frequently. its a gun with many negativ effencs, but i find a blaze faster and it can kill at 300 meter

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Works like a charm for me. I one-shotted some guy with a press vest and ballistic helmet who was peeking down from the upper part of the prison just a few days ago. 

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I have to say that each time I see a thread like this I'm left scratching my head.


I previously saw a thread that said the regular shotgun did no damage. I took some fellow testers into Elektro and one shot each from about 20 meter distance.


Then I saw a thread about SKS's accuracy being low, however I tried it out and scored headshots with each shot at 300-500 meters with just ironsitghts.


Is this just another one of those I wonder?  <_<


I experienced it often enough with or without sawn off barrel.

Point blank -> nothing happens. Sometimes bang - guy dead. Sometimes poof - nothing happened.

(All happened inside of houses/corridors)


On how many server did you try it?

What was your range in ping?

What was the range of ping for your 'victims'?


Or did you just connect to a server tried it there and then thought: "Yeah that will do it enough data has been created for significant results."?

Edited by Rauchsauger

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Bump MAN

the sawn off can be damn powerful.

But as strong as it can be, it also becomes rather shitty and useless randomly.

Sometimes I kill an enemy over 20-25m distance with 2 shots, and sometimes I only make him bleed, even when he's "next to my faiz", or no 5m away from me.

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Bump MAN

the sawn off can be damn powerful.

But as strong as it can be, it also becomes rather shitty and useless randomly.

Sometimes I kill an enemy over 20-25m distance with 2 shots, and sometimes I only make him bleed, even when he's "next to my faiz", or no 5m away from me.

So far it's only been good to me, and against me 

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I can vouch something is wrong. I made a topic about it. Long story short: cornered in a barn by a group, shot a guy less than 5 meters with both barrels, saw the pellets hit him and around him, he walks away with no damage and not even bleeding. Me and my buddy are both dead. I've never carried a sawn off again, It is a shitgun as someone else said. Until some balancing is done it will be little more than a novelty. "found a shotgun! *point and laugh, pull out pistol, shoot guy in head*"

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i think i am into something. was shooting zombieswith my sawn off and a friend who had a normal one!


the random spread is calculated already when the bullets leave the barrel and then moving in a linear line. NOT IN A CONE.



needs more testing .....   this gun sure has style

Edited by brumey

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i think i am into something. was shooting zombieswith my sawn off and a friend who had a normal one!


the random spread is calculated already when the bullets leave the barrel and then moving in a linear line. NOT IN A CONE.



needs more testing .....


Well then in theory it's possible the pellets are missing because they are spaced too far forward/behind/left/right of the target, thus causing less damage because the pellets are being hitscanned rather than projectiles. Flaw in the projectile itself rather than the shotgun?


Edit: clarification and spelling

Edited by bodybagger2430

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