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If you combat log don't play, quit.

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With the logout and server hopping timers this really doesn't bother me at all now. If someone logs and I can't get to them in time then so what? They either way 3 minutes of whatever for them to swap server or they need to wait until the coast is clear before returning and they have no way of knowing when the coast is clear so that'll tend to be longer than the server hopping timer.

All that's happened, imo, is that someone is no longer shooting at me, so...


I think the best thing to do (assuming you are in no peril) is go stand in the area where the combat logger skipped out, wait for the tool to come back in on the same server after his time out ;)


*SPAWN* "Ahh good the guy is..... you are dead!




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Actually, it makes them equal because if you can't kill someone who cannot defend themselves for 30 seconds, you really should quit playing the game just as much as the combat logger.

Thats just about right if you ask me. Justifying killing some one that cant do anything dosnt make you any more of a man than the person thats logging. In fact some one might be just logging that think things are safe outside of a hot zone when some one comes across them. The other person thinks combat logger and kills them.

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Actually, it makes them equal because if you can't kill someone who cannot defend themselves for 30 seconds, you really should quit playing the game just as much as the combat logger.

Actually no. What if you shot someone 300 meters away? With your logic it's alright for me to combat log if someones shooting at me from a distance. All you have to do is go into a building and log off.

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Actually no. What if you shot someone 300 meters away? With your logic it's alright for me to combat log if someones shooting at me from a distance. All you have to do is go into a building and log off.

Then you should be a better shot and you are only sniping to grief people because you obviously don't care about looting their corpses.  You are most likely the type of scumbag that camps the coast and snipes fresh spawns with nothing but a flashlight because you don't want to risk getting killed by shooting at other players who are armed to the teeth.

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Then you should be a better shot and you are only sniping to grief people because you obviously don't care about looting their corpses.  You are most likely the type of scumbag that camps the coast and snipes fresh spawns with nothing but a flashlight because you don't want to risk getting killed by shooting at other players who are armed to the teeth.

Grief no... I don't think you understand how to play this game. It's pretty stupid to fight each other from 15 meters away.

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But one persons fun can be another persons grief it all DEPENDS on what your version of "FUN" is.


That's absolutely a bullshit argument. It's like when people play on a Minecraft server with PvP enabled and cry about "Griefing" if they get killed (but their creations are left intact); you KNOW what the game entails, so there is no excuse.

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Grief no... I don't think you understand how to play this game. It's pretty stupid to fight each other from 15 meters away.

You seem to be the one who doesn't understand that there is no correct way you should play the game.  You play it however the fuck you want.  Sniping from 300M is a viable way to play, if you are shooting at someone else who is armed.  If you are shooting at unarmed players, you are just a cowardly piece of shit.

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That's absolutely a bullshit argument. It's like when people play on a Minecraft server with PvP enabled and cry about "Griefing" if they get killed (but their creations are left intact); you KNOW what the game entails, so there is no excuse.

That is completely different though you dont have to go on pvp servers with mine craft. Hell you can play solo games without any problems. This game gives no option to go solo with it however everything is forced in terms of player interaction.


And you have PLENTY of time to kill players now there is no excuse NOT to finish them off with the timer in place unless your trying to snipe.

Edited by Deathlove

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agree OP :beans:


pussy guys don't belong in dayz  <_<


if you find yourself doing log out after pvP is start listen this - YOU ARE NO TESTICLE COWARD BITCH > :(


BUT life will repay you coward NO BALLS GUY


 remember your subconscious mind remember everything you doing and one day TRUTH HIT YOU LIKE BULLET YOU TRY TO AVOID WITH COWARD LOG BULLSHIT :huh:



I know Im not the first one to do it, but I find so much of what you say worthy of being in my signature. Would you mind?

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however everything is forced in terms of player interaction.



Meaning that combat logging is denying people who have spent perfectly good time and money from enjoying DayZ.

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Their characters stay in the game for 30 seconds and the people who can't kill them in that amount of time suck.  


It's not like they get a notice that the person is logging. If you hold someone up and say don't move it's pretty easy for them to log without you knowing it, even if you're beside them pointing a gun at their head.

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Meaning that combat logging is denying people who have spent perfectly good time and money from enjoying DayZ.

They will find there kicks else where its not that hard to move on. If your getting hung up over it you just need to take a breather man its just a game.

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All that work and effort for what? gear I don't need, takes the piss.

It's only a game, after all. As I say I look at it as a threat removal. The person who could have killed me is now not going to kill me.

Sorry im not trying to have a go at you personally, I just cant see how so many people are happy with this :)

You're not, and I just don't let it get to me.. ;)


I think the best thing to do (assuming you are in no peril) is go stand in the area where the combat logger skipped out, wait for the tool to come back in on the same server after his time out ;)

There isn't a timeout to the same server, so you can log in and out within the minute, it's more the player who CL'ed waiting long enough for you to have disappeared. So yeah, if someone has logged on me you have to be careful. Of course if you remember where they logged from and make sure there isn't an obvious line of sight from them to you then if/when they log back into the server they will be the one paranoid about you creeping about while you'll be happily leaving the scene.

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I know Im not the first one to do it, but I find so much of what you say worthy of being in my signature. Would you mind?



I don't mind nothing help self feel free fill boots  :thumbsup:  :)

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It's not like they get a notice that the person is logging. If you hold someone up and say don't move it's pretty easy for them to log without you knowing it, even if you're beside them pointing a gun at their head.

Actually, you will know exactly when someone is logging because their character sits down, lays down, stands up and goes through a ton of motions for 30 seconds before actually logging out completely.  Thanks for commenting on something you know absolutely nothing about though.

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You seem to be the one who doesn't understand that there is no correct way you should play the game.  You play it however the fuck you want.  Sniping from 300M is a viable way to play, if you are shooting at someone else who is armed.  If you are shooting at unarmed players, you are just a cowardly piece of shit.

I don't even know where shooting unarmed players came from. This thread is about combat logging...

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Meaning that combat logging is denying people who have spent perfectly good time and money from enjoying DayZ.

that is a load of crap. while i do not condone combat logging, those people who do that bs did not pay for this game to give you or anyone else enjoyment. this is a sandbox game and they are free to play however they want, nomatter how cowardly that might be.  the point of sandbox game is to play however you want. if you cant handle that aspect of a sandbox game then maybe this game is not for you.

Edited by hellcat420

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Actually, you will know exactly when someone is logging because their character sits down, lays down, stands up and goes through a ton of motions for 30 seconds before actually logging out completely.  Thanks for commenting on something you know absolutely nothing about though.


I had one person combat log on me and he laid down on the ground as I told him and then disappeared. So maybe I should instead say "This is a robbery. Spin in circles while standing up".


There should be a more obvious way to tell if someone is logging is what I'm saying.


EDIT: To all this blah blah blah play however you want. The problem is that a combat logger isn't playing the game. They're quitting. You can't play ball by walking off the field.

Edited by Strawman
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that is a load of crap. while i do not condone combat logging, those people who do that bs did not pay for this game to give you or anyone else enjoyment. this is a sandbox game and they are free to play however they want, nomatter how cowardly that might be.  the point of sandbox game is to play however you want. if you cant handle that aspect of a sandbox game then maybe this game is not for you.

Cheating isn't allowed in any sort of game...

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They will find there kicks else where its not that hard to move on. If your getting hung up over it you just need to take a breather man its just a game.



Regardless of whether it is "Just a game" or not, if I sit down for entertainment, I expect entertainment. It isn't fun to die, I don't like to die, and I'd be perfectly content never to die in DayZ, but that doesn't mean I have to cheat to do it, which combat logging is. Cheaters have no right.

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 they are free to play however they want, nomatter how cowardly that might be

It isn't an issue of them being cowards; it's an issue of them being cheaters. Cheaters deserve nothing except having their copies of the game given to people that aren't assholes.

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I had one person combat log on me and he laid down on the ground as I told him and then disappeared. So maybe I should instead say "This is a robbery. Spin in circles while standing up".


There should be a more obvious way to tell if someone is logging is what I'm saying.


EDIT: To all this blah blah blah play however you want. The problem is that a combat logger isn't playing the game. They're quitting. You can't play ball by walking off the field.

It is a sandbox game with no rules and if someone doesn't want to get robbed/killed by some douchebag, so be it.  They are well within their right to "combat log" if they feel the need.  



Cheating isn't allowed in any sort of game...

Combat logging is not cheating.  Sorry to burst your bubble, little man.

Edited by OR3GONIZ3D

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Combat logging is not cheating.  Sorry to burst your bubble, little man.



Combat logging is easily considered cheating. It's essentially a very cowardly method to almost never die. Whenever you're in danger you either need to run away and hide or fight off your attacker. Not just log off and join a different server. But I guess a combat logger wouldn't understand this would they.

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It is a sandbox game with no rules and if someone doesn't want to get robbed/killed by some douchebag, so be it.  They are well within their right to "combat log" if they feel the need.  



Combat logging is not cheating.  Sorry to burst your bubble, little man.


Combat logging equals "not playing". What part of that do you not understand?

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Combat logging is easily considered cheating. It's essentially a very cowardly method to almost never die. Whenever you're in danger you either need to run away and hide or fight off your attacker. Not just log off and join a different server. But I guess a combat logger wouldn't understand this would they.


I don't combat log and will take a death like a man but combat logging is no more cowardly than people shooting fresh spawns.  The bottom line is, if you are not killing someone in self defense or for their loot, you should probably go back to playing games like Battlefield and Call of Duty.

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