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If you combat log don't play, quit.

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It's far from the truth. I seriously don't understand where you're coming from. I don't even care to argue with you anymore you sound so stupid.

Can't win an argument with flawed opinion so rages and calls other person stupid.

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Forget to take your meds or something?!


nope :huh:


I don't put no chemical shit in my body never ;)


I getting all remedy I need right here reading butthurt QQ post by guys who don't manage to accept responsibility for keep character alive and safe :D


I never feeling better thankyou for ask :P

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the problem is its not an exploit. combat loggers are not circumventing any game mechanic to get unintended results. now if someone figured out how to work around the 30 second log out timer, and instantly combat log,  that would be an exploit.


no hacks are modifying or adding files to the game.



..Wtf did you describe then???  A series of key presses to log out instantly?  Shirley you didn't mean to say they would be able to log out instantly without changing the game in any way shape or form.

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Can't win an argument with flawed opinion so rages and calls other person stupid.

"flawed opinion" ... is your opinion..  B)


As to raging and name calling you're right on the button.

Edited by ChiefMasterKush

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..Wtf did you describe then???  A series of key presses to log out instantly?  Shirley you didn't mean to say they would be able to log out instantly without changing the game in any way shape or form.

i dont know if someone can exploit the log out button or not, as i have never tried. but since this game is in alpha its quite possible for there to be a way to exploit the button and instantly combat log without hacking.

Edited by hellcat420

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the problem is its not an exploit. combat loggers are not circumventing any game mechanic to get unintended results. now if someone figured out how to work around the 30 second log out timer, and instantly combat log,  that would be an exploit.

Exploit is taking a game mechanic and using it in a fashion that was unintended by the developers or by the game. 


working a way around the 30 seconds your character stays makes it either a script alteration or a hack.


Exploits,script changers, and Hackers are all C-H-E-A-T-E-R-S! 

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Can't win an argument with flawed opinion so rages and calls other person stupid.

You're defending combat logging as a style of play and they can do it if they wish. It's cheating and abusing the system. I'm just mind blown how you don't understand this.

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Exploit is taking a game mechanic and using it in a fashion that was unintended by the developers or by the game. 


working a way around the 30 seconds your character stays makes it either a script alteration or a hack.


Exploits,script changers, and Hackers are all C-H-E-A-T-E-R-S! 

the log out button is to log out plain and simple. they are not cheating because the intended function of the button is to log your character out. yes it is a cowardly tactic. but until developers introduce a decent logout system into the game nothing will change. combat loggers are gonna combat log, and everyone in this thread arguing about it(including myself) just look stupid.

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You're defending combat logging as a style of play and they can do it if they wish. It's cheating and abusing the system. I'm just mind blown how you don't understand this.

If you can't handle people combat logging go back to Call of Duty.  It isn't cheating or abusing the system.  Their character is still in the game for 30 seconds before being removed from the server.  

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Trying to save your own life is a valid reason to combat log.


No it fucking isn't.   And you just spouted some random bullshit to feel like you won your argument.  Regardless of whether you, specifically, combat log or not, there is no such thing as a "vaild reason to combat log".  It's a function of the game that is unintended and is easily exploited.  If was an intended aspect of the game (which makes zero sense) then sure...


It cheapens the gaming experience for everyone, including the loggers.



EDIT: Clarification of the word "you"

Edited by TheLastEmp
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If you can't handle people combat logging go back to Call of Duty.  It isn't cheating or abusing the system.  Their character is still in the game for 30 seconds before being removed from the server.  

It's no doubt a matter of abuse. Death is part of the game... if they can't handle it, quit.

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the log out button is to log out plain and simple. they are not cheating because the intended function of the button is to log your character out. yes it is a cowardly tactic. but until developers introduce a decent logout system into the game nothing will change. combat loggers are gonna combat log, and everyone in this thread arguing about it(including myself) just look stupid.

There is nothing that prevents people from alt+f4ing, but not everyone does this. 


Saying that Alt+f4 while involved in player interaction == combat logging


and that the use of the exit button while involved in player interaction =/= combat logging is ignorant.


Also, we're not arguing, we're discussing. A FORUM mechanic that is using the FORUM as intended. (replace forums with game).

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Legitimate question for advocates of combat logging: what constitutes 'fun' to you in the context of this game?

I myself agree that a game should be first & foremost fun. If you're not enjoying yourself - be it this game or the next - then there's very little reason to be playing it. [Part of] the fun I get from DayZ is from those tense stand-offs where you're thinking "am I going to die? Where are they? What was that noise? Who's there?!?" Etc. if I opted to log off when I sensed danger I would be ruining that moment - my fun.

Now, if my fun came from the hoarding aspect of the game - "I want every piece of optimised gear I can get and not loose it to some random SOB from 500m away" then I can understand the need to log off/switch server. Personally I wouldn't find this enjoyable - it would make me avoid interaction with anybody & almost seem too easy, but if that's your goal then so be it. No skin off my teeth.

However, what I gather most (?) people's frustration comes from is the KoS/Combat Log hybrid. You know the kind - appear on a server, kill a few people, when their cover's blown log off. Rinse & repeat. This comes down to FairPlay in my books, or lack thereof. Yes, you may have spent your money to play the game your way, but the thing about MMO games is... It's not just you. There's [literally] an entire world of people out there looking to play the game a certain way and the way DayZ is - the way it tries to be, or trying to become - is what I imagine the majority of people are looking to accomplish. A hardcore survival game.

There are always going to be 'grey areas' in games, especially online games of all genres. FPS? Spawn camping. RPG? Power Levelling. Sports games? Kinda similar to this actually... Log off before an inevitable loss. All 'options' in their respective games but all equally questionable one way or the other.

Is there any way to discuss this without erupting in flaming or is that a naive hope on the internet?

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No it fucking isn't.   And you just spouted some random bullshit to feel like you won your argument.  Regardless of whether you, specifically, combat log or not, there is no such thing as a "vaild reason to combat log".  It's a function of the game that is unintended and is easily exploited.  If was an intended aspect of the game (which makes zero sense) then sure...


It cheapens the gaming experience for everyone, including the loggers.



EDIT: Clarification of the word "you"

How is it cheapening the experience for the people who don't wish to engage in PVP?  Not everyone gets their rocks off by hunting other players for sport.


Also, thanks to the people who server hop for loot, your character stays on the server for 30 seconds before being removed.  If you think you are some sort of badass player hunter, learn to track and take the risk of running around a corner only to be shot in the face for fucking with the wrong person.  


Just because you lose sight of someone, doesn't mean they combat logged either.  They might spend the next 20 minutes hiding and waiting for you to come into their line of sight and get their revenge.



It's no doubt a matter of abuse. Death is part of the game... if they can't handle it, quit.

You obviously can't handle losing track of someone or them combat logging so maybe YOU should quit.  How the fuck do you even know someone is combat logging if you are 300M or further from them and don't give chase when you don't kill them?

Edited by OR3GONIZ3D

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Is there any way to discuss this without erupting in flaming or is that a naive hope on the internet?


Take the people off the internet.

Edited by ChiefMasterKush

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Take the ignorant people off the internet.


fixed :)

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Also, thanks to the people who server hop for loot, your character stays on the server for 30 seconds before being removed.  If you think you are some sort of badass player hunter, learn to track and take the risk of running around a corner only to be shot in the face for fucking with the wrong person.  


Just because you lose sight of someone, doesn't mean they combat logged either.  They might spend the next 20 minutes hiding and waiting for you to come into their line of sight and get their revenge.



You obviously can't handle losing track of someone or them combat logging so maybe YOU should quit.  How the fuck do you even know someone is combat logging if you are 300M or further from them and don't give chase when you don't kill them?

I've stated this many times as well.  I think combat loggers are ignorant to these facts or just choose to ignore it.

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Take the closed minded people off the internet.


fixed :)

either, both.. people on the internet feel the need to be abusive more often which I think has been translating into the real world.  Makes me sad.   :(

Edited by ChiefMasterKush
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You obviously can't handle losing track of someone or them combat logging so maybe YOU should quit.  How the fuck do you even know someone is combat logging if you are 300M or further from them and don't give chase when you don't kill them?


I was on a server with 4 people. One being myself and 2 friends. Then the combat logger. It's easy to figure it out.

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I've stated this many times as well.  I think combat loggers are ignorant to these facts or just choose to ignore it.

I think combat loggers are cowards but I am not going to cry foul and tell them to quit the game.  They will just get taken out by someone else on a different server.  


I can also feel sympathy for them because they might have spent the past three days getting sniped on the coast only minutes after spawning and when they finally get some gear, some asshat shows up and tries to kill them.  

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I was on a server with 4 people. One being myself and 2 friends. Then the combat logger. It's easy to figure it out.

So you guys were looting on empty servers and most likely server hopping then get pissed when the ONE other person on the server gets shot at by 3 people says fuck this and logs out.  Cool story, bro.

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So you guys were looting on empty servers and most likely server hopping then get pissed when the ONE other person on the server gets shot at by 3 people says fuck this and logs out.  Cool story, bro.

Server hopping? No. We start on empty servers seeing as there's no point in looting full servers until item re spawns are in.


Combat log more. You're defending it which is sad.

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Actually, it makes them equal because if you can't kill someone who cannot defend themselves for 30 seconds, you really should quit playing the game just as much as the combat logger.

What about the times you have someone pinned down in a building? It's kind of tough to call that thirty second window on whether or not to push in.

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How is it cheapening the experience for the people who don't wish to engage in PVP? 



You obviously can't handle losing track of someone or them combat logging so maybe YOU should quit.  How the fuck do you even know someone is combat logging if you are 300M or further from them and don't give chase when you don't kill them?



The game is a PVP game, there are plenty of Empty or PVE servers for a combat logger to choose.  So when I'm in a server with 30 people, try to hold one of them up, and they combat log on me, it takes all of the fun and adrenaline out of the game.

It's cheapening the game for the combat loggers because they are robbed of what could've been an exciting/amusing/interesting engagement.  And if its not a positive experience, it would've provided a low point, making high points feel that much sweeter.


In response to your second statement there... Do you even play DayZ bro? Someone goes prone behind a wall, there isn't a tunnel they can magically take to get away without you seeing.  It's not that hard to track someone from 300m away. 

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the problem is its not an exploit. combat loggers are not circumventing any game mechanic to get unintended results. now if someone figured out how to work around the 30 second log out timer, and instantly combat log, that would be an exploit.

I'm going to continue to try and use logic here. Vanishing into thin air when presented with danger is an unintended result for a survival game.

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