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If you combat log don't play, quit.

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I was on a server with 4 people. One being myself and 2 friends. Then the combat logger. It's easy to figure it out.



Server hopping? No. We start on empty servers seeing as there's no point in looting full servers until item re spawns are in.


Combat log more. You're defending it which is sad.

I only loot/play on high pop servers yet somehow I find loot.. its fucking weird bro.


What about the times you have someone pinned down in a building? It's kind of tough to call that thirty second window on whether or not to push in.

He as well as I have mentioned this aspect.

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What about the times you have someone pinned down in a building? It's kind of tough to call that thirty second window on whether or not to push in.


Yeah.  Motherfucking THIS.


Pin someone down somewhere. Wait twenty minutes. They don't come out. Decide to push in. No one there...


But I'm still the one who sucks though right? not the combat logger who should be playing on a PVE server.

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What about the times you have someone pinned down in a building? It's kind of tough to call that thirty second window on whether or not to push in.

Then they are indeed cowards and will eventually meet their demise and hate it.




The game is a PVP game, there are plenty of Empty or PVE servers for a combat logger to choose.  So when I'm in a server with 30 people, try to hold one of them up, and they combat log on me, it takes all of the fun and adrenaline out of the game.

It's cheapening the game for the combat loggers because they are robbed of what could've been an exciting/amusing/interesting engagement.  And if its not a positive experience, it would've provided a low point, making high points feel that much sweeter.


In response to your second statement there... Do you even play DayZ bro? Someone goes prone behind a wall, there isn't a tunnel they can magically take to get away without you seeing.  It's not that hard to track someone from 300m away. 


If you read the DayZ rules, you would know that we are currently NOT allowed to have PVE servers and what is the fun in playing on a server by yourself?  Also, if you read any of the other posts I have made in this thread you would know that I feel it is cowardly, but I am not going to get upset and cry about it on the forums.


Yeah, I play DayZ but I usually venture far away from the coast.  I also, know that there are ways to escape snipers and how characters act when they are logging out.  You obviously have never witnessed someone logging out since they implemented the 30 second rule.

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How about every time you log out you have to re spawn at the coast!?


No shit that's a dumb idea but apparently that's the only way to stop people from bitching about combat logging on the forums.


Get over yourself and stop thinking your opinions the only right one.


You think you have the right to call people pussies because they are playing a game they paid for the way they want.


Its not going to change. Not ever.


Bitching wont help, Get over it.

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How is it cheapening the experience for the people who don't wish to engage in PVP?


Why does someone play this game if they don't like PvP?


This is a full PvP-game.


Choose a different game.

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Why does someone play this game if they don't like PvP?


This is a full PvP-game.


Choose a different game.

I thought the point of the game was to survive a zombie apocalypse, not asshole kids from Call of Duty.


Yes, the game is PVP... until private servers are allowed.


People shouldn't be chased away from the game if they would prefer to have positive interactions with other players or role-play as a doctor who helps people.


If you don't like how other people are playing a game that has no official rules or way to play and they paid for, perhaps it is YOU who should go play something else because it is obviously not the game you want to play.

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Get over yourself and stop thinking your opinions the only right one.


You think you have the right to call people pussies because they are playing a game they paid for the way they want.


Its not going to change. Not ever.

FYI, it has already changed once... and as everyone likes to point out its ALPHA.


It was also stated that this was a temporary fix until a better one is implemented.


You might check your facts before posting.  We can't stop them from playing the game as it was NOT intended but we are allowed to discuss it on the forums.

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If you read the DayZ rules, you would know that we are currently NOT allowed to have PVE servers and what is the fun in playing on a server by yourself?  Also, if you read any of the other posts I have made in this thread you would know that I feel it is cowardly, but I am not going to get upset and cry about it on the forums.


Yeah, I play DayZ but I usually venture far away from the coast.  I also, know that there are ways to escape snipers and how characters act when they are logging out.  You obviously have never witnessed someone logging out since they implemented the 30 second rule.

Regardless of the "rules" (even though in your next post you claim there are "no official rules") PVE servers exist,  And most loggers (in my experience) are so scared of other survivors that they don't engage or communicate with others AT ALL.  Those that do, usually try to KOS and then run, hide and log off when they miss cause they have no idea what they're doing.  They're exploiting a loophole in the game that allows them to be aggressors, and shoot on sight, but as soon as they're in any danger, they can bail.      I try to play as a hero.  I don't combat log.  I die.... It makes the game that much more rewarding when things go well.  As soon as a better log-off mechanic is implemented combat loggers will be forced to learn that. 


I understand the 30 second rule completely.  Doesn't change my point that when you're in a standoff with someone they can easily logout without you knowing.

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I thought the point of the game was to survive a zombie apocalypse, not asshole kids from Call of Duty.


Yes, the game is PVP... until private servers are allowed.


People shouldn't be chased away from the game if they would prefer to have positive interactions with other players or role-play as a doctor who helps people.


If you don't like how other people are playing a game that has no official rules or way to play and they paid for, perhaps it is YOU who should go play something else because it is obviously not the game you want to play.


If I didn't want PvP, I wouldn't spend my money on a PvP-game. It's pretty simple really.


If people are chased away from the game because of something that's a not a part of the game's nature, then that needs to be fixed. However if people are chased away from the game because of a part of the game's nature, then they've chosen the wrong game. In this case people are put off by the risk of getting shot, which is part of the game. People being put of by combat logging is an example of the former statement. It needs to be prevented.

Edited by Strawman
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FYI, it has already changed once... and as everyone likes to point out its ALPHA.


It was also stated that this was a temporary fix until a better one is implemented.


You might check your facts before posting.  We can't stop them from playing the game as it was NOT intended but we are allowed to discuss it on the forums.

Whats the point of discussing it when its just a bunch of people calling other players pussies because they don't play the way they want? Or when people call each other names because their opinion isn't the same? 

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If I didn't want PvP, I wouldn't spend my money on a PvP-game. It's pretty simple really.


If people are chased away from the game because of something that's a not a part of the game's nature, then that needs to be fixed. However if people are chased away from the game because of a part of the game's nature, then they've chosen the wrong game. In this case people are put off by the risk of getting shot, which is part of the game. People being put of by combat logging is an example of the former statement. It needs to be prevented.

But it's not a PVP game.  It is a survival simulator.  PVP is not the main objective in DayZ.


If you wanted PVP so badly, there are many games that are focused solely on PVP for you to play.



Regardless of the "rules" (even though in your next post you claim there are "no official rules") PVE servers exist,  And most loggers (in my experience) are so scared of other survivors that they don't engage or communicate with others AT ALL.  Those that do, usually try to KOS and then run, hide and log off when they miss cause they have no idea what they're doing.  They're exploiting a loophole in the game that allows them to be aggressors, and shoot on sight, but as soon as they're in any danger, they can bail.      I try to play as a hero.  I don't combat log.  I die.... It makes the game that much more rewarding when things go well.  As soon as a better log-off mechanic is implemented combat loggers will be forced to learn that. 


I understand the 30 second rule completely.  Doesn't change my point that when you're in a standoff with someone they can easily logout without you knowing.

Okay, you've made it clear that you are only commenting to argue with someone.  Cool bro, do your thing.

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Whats the point of discussing it when its just a bunch of people calling other players pussies because they don't play the way they want? Or when people call each other names because their opinion isn't the same? 

Yeah, the language in the thread is over the top. People can argue the point without being jerks. The point stands though- you call it "playing the way they want" but it is in fact NOT playing the game. It is the antithesis of playing; it is quitting at the very moment when the game becomes a game, when interactions and decisions are most important, they'd rather take the easy way out and leave everyone else standing around. This is the same as the kid who says "I'm taking my ball and going home". 


Note- I'm not a PvPer, and I think you can for the most part avoid it entirely if you want. I don't think it's an unrealistic element in a post-apocalyptic world. It is part of the game, and always will be. Learning how to prevent PvP (edit-PvP death) through your words and actions is part of the challenge of survival. Logging is undeserved survival.

Edited by PJSleaze

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Whats the point of discussing it when its just a bunch of people calling other players pussies because they don't play the way they want? Or when people call each other names because their opinion isn't the same? 

Because not everyone is name calling.. You have to wade through a lot of posts I know but the forum still gets the job done most of the time.


Learning how to prevent PvP (edit-PvP death) through your words and actions is part of the challenge of survival. Logging is undeserved survival.

This concept does not resonate with combat loggers/ghosters.  Such is the world of the internet I guess.

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This concept does not resonate with combat loggers/ghosters.  Such is the world of the internet I guess.



But sir... ghosting is part of someones play style! They paid for the game they should be able to do what they want!
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Trying to save your own life is a valid reason to combat log.  What is the valid reasoning for sniping someone who isn't aware of your presence and isn't a threat to you?  Oh shit... they are both valid reasons because that is how you choose to play.

... you do not have to combat log to save your life. There are more realistic, fun, and challenging ways to do so. You can get yourself out of any situation if you put some effort into it- logging out requires no effort.


If you're shot by a sniper, and don't immediately go down, you don't just log. You get to cover, bandage up, and wait for him to leave or get impatient and come after you. Or, you flank up behind him and kill him while he's scoped in, or, you get out of their- while under cover, of course.


If you're about to be robbed by some guys, you have a few options- Run, let them rob you, or rush them with, like, your fists. All viable options, though if the players robbing you are any good, you'll be shot once your legs start kicking or your fists start pumping. I will admit, hitting a spazzy-running player with a mosin or even an M4 can be rather difficult, so do that. Run unpredictably.


If you're in a combat situation with a hostile player, run, hide, get to cover, shoot back. Don't just log.


Logging is the worst way to get out of a situation. It stops you from enjoying an encounter and saves your ass as cheaply as possible and takes a fair chance at you away from a player. Combat logging is cheating, as it cheats you and other players out of fun.

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agree OP :beans:


pussy guys don't belong in dayz  <_<


if you find yourself doing log out after pvP is start listen this - YOU ARE NO TESTICLE COWARD BITCH > :(


BUT life will repay you coward NO BALLS GUY


 remember your subconscious mind remember everything you doing and one day TRUTH HIT YOU LIKE BULLET YOU TRY TO AVOID WITH COWARD LOG BULLSHIT :huh:



KOS, you are the best poster on the fourms.

I love everytime you post and it would be an honor to be killed on sight by you.

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KOS, you are the best poster on the fourms.

I love everytime you post and it would be an honor to be killed on sight by you.

That's why i quoted him for my sig.


I dream of one day being kos'd by KoS.


Edit: The quote was part of a much larger description of a game mechanic for recovery from an infection. Kinda want to look for it now.


Edit2: yeah it was totally about a real life news topic here on the forums, and kind of an interesting one at that.  Got ahead and copy my sig quote into the search and check it out

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That's why i quoted him for my sig.


I dream of one day being kos'd by KoS.

i imagine him running around on open voice chat killing everything rambo style calling everyone a pussy in heavly accented english

damn i'd wanna play with kos and just troll hard on folks

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i imagine him running around on open voice chat killing everything rambo style calling everyone a pussy in heavly accented english

damn i'd wanna play with kos and just troll hard on folks

I have wet dreams about being killed on sight by KoS...

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Yeah, the language in the thread is over the top. People can argue the point without being jerks. The point stands though- you call it "playing the way they want" but it is in fact NOT playing the game. It is the antithesis of playing; it is quitting at the very moment when the game becomes a game, when interactions and decisions are most important, they'd rather take the easy way out and leave everyone else standing around. This is the same as the kid who says "I'm taking my ball and going home". 


Note- I'm not a PvPer, and I think you can for the most part avoid it entirely if you want. I don't think it's an unrealistic element in a post-apocalyptic world. It is part of the game, and always will be. Learning how to prevent PvP (edit-PvP death) through your words and actions is part of the challenge of survival. Logging is undeserved survival.

Personally I avoid everyone, but i understand that it aggravates some of you when people combat log. But see both sides of it, some of you can consider it fun to kill and rob others players (Part of the game) but it frustrates you to no end when someone combat logs. Correct?


Well what about the other player? He/She spent hours collecting things and enjoying the PvE side of things because he/she sees that as his/her fun. Now maybe it frustrates this player just as much as it does you when he/she gets killed compared to you getting combat logged on.


So when he/she combat logs he/she is trying to preserve what is fun to him/her.


So does that mean he/she is a "douche bag"  or "Pussy" because he/she was preserving what was fun to him/her but taking your fun away? No it doesn't, he/she is simply playing the sandbox game the way he/she intended to when he/she used his/her money to buy the game.


Now on the other hand people who shoot at you, miss, then combat log...... idefk


P.S. To everyone cool down with the hate and respect one anothers opinions.

Edited by BxK Str8shot
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I have wet dreams about being killed on sight by KoS...

can we make a KoS apperication thread and get him on twitch or something

he makes my panties wetttttttttt

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Well what about the other player? He/She spent hours collecting things and enjoying the PvE side of things because he/she sees that as his/her fun. Now maybe it frustrates this player just as much as it does you when he/she gets killed compared to you getting combat logged on.


So when he/she combat logs he/she is trying to preserve what is fun to him/her.


Now on the other hand people who shoot at you, miss, then combat log...... idefk


P.S. To everyone cool down with the hate and respect one anothers opinions.

I understand what you said.  If someone is logging out to protect their gear, I hope they get glitched or wiped because last I checked rule #1 was "Don't get attached to your gear".


The thing is though that most 90%+ of combat loggers are also server hoppers and sometimes even ghosters.  So for you they almost all fall into the idefk category.


Either way I don't lose sleep over it but it does annoy me that one of my friends is one.  RL ofc.

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If you're in a combat situation with a hostile player, run, hide, get to cover, shoot back. Don't just log.


Logging is the worst way to get out of a situation. It stops you from enjoying an encounter and saves your ass as cheaply as possible and takes a fair chance at you away from a player. Combat logging is cheating, as it cheats you and other players out of fun.



To me, it's no different from turning on god mode as soon as the going got rough in Quake when I was 10.  Sure I got to continue to progress through the game. But it took most of the fun out of it.  Unfortunately by the time I realized I wasn't really having much fun I'd already completely run through half the game, and you never get that discovery and accomplishment feeling when you're going legit, but already know the tricks of the map.  I learned to respect the game.

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I understand what you said.  If someone is logging out to protect their gear, I hope they get glitched or wiped because last I checked rule #1 was "Don't get attached to your gear".


The thing is though that most 90%+ of combat loggers are also server hoppers and sometimes even ghosters.  So for you they almost all fall into the idefk category.


Either way I don't lose sleep over it but it does annoy me that one of my friends is one.  RL ofc.

There are the ones that i will defend that do it for the right reasons but the ones that fall under the idefk category... Well... idefk

Edited by BxK Str8shot

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SOLUTION: Player has to engage in a procedure in order to log out and not leave their character lying on the ground in game.  They must do something which takes a certain amount of time AND involves them traveling a certain distance and building a "camp" (doesn't require materials).


...I dunno... just throwing something out there.

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