wild_man 4442 Posted March 1, 2014 More like ten seconds.I don't camp here, or in game. you just doing dance of shame behind tree looking no expose to danger :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Kyrah 1110 Posted March 1, 2014 Are you guys done with the smack talk yet or do you need more time? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted March 1, 2014 Hello there LK is correct. On topic, please. Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickyriot 1009 Posted March 1, 2014 Hello there LK is correct. On topic, please. Rgds LoK Thing is the topic *is* smack talk, you only need to look at the OP. If you want to stop people taking the piss, close the thread. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted March 1, 2014 Thing is the topic *is* smack talk, you only need to look at the OP. If you want to stop people taking the piss, close the thread.The mods need something to laugh about Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted March 1, 2014 Hello there Dont argue. Get on topic. Re read OP.L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickyriot 1009 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) Get on topic. Re read OP. So without wanting to seem like I am arguing with you, but what part of this... Seriously, firefights in hardcore are MUCH much better. In regular it's basically free wallhack for everyone. ..is not "smack talk"? Edit: btw, I'm totally fine with, humour is always good. Edited March 1, 2014 by ricp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) Why is hardcore so underpopulated?Seriously, firefights in hardcore are MUCH much better. In regular it's basically free wallhack for everyone. Especially in urban areas, if you are behind cover you automatically win as you can spot enemies but cannot be seen. This is really unfair, discuss? This is my last comment on the subject. See title, See bold. Debate and argue. Fine. Its starting to get personal, We dont allow that. Carry on. L Edited March 1, 2014 by orlok Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sickerthansars 53 Posted March 1, 2014 So again to reiterate. 3pp is not an equal/balanced game mode, just because everyone has 3pp view does nothing to level the playing field.1p itself doesn't make the game hc, or make you elite for playing on it, it does however make the game equal for everyone playing on the serverthere are other features planned for hc if i recall correctly which will make it more difficult. both 3pp and 1p have roughly the same amount of mature/immature players per serverneither viewpoint is perfect both have flawsthe "i like looking at my character" thing is silly, just hit tab if you want to play dress up problem solvedthe arma engine is very clunky, but its just as bad in both viewpoints Since 3pp gives an unfair advantage to some players and not all they should just remove it already, yes there will be a week or two worth of tears and whining but most of those same schmucks will keep playing the game anyway, they already cry/whine about everything else and play anyway /thread thanks for playing 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidcactus 719 Posted March 1, 2014 cause most arent as hardcore as me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cels 43 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) I dont consider the idea of hardcore being view preference.. You should be asking "Why is 1st person only servers so underpopulated?" And to me, thats because people dont like playing in just 1st person. To those like me who enjoy both first and third person view. We deal with that fact that people abuse the third person view advantage. Hate it completely that its possible, but I enjoy being able to switch between views and rather not have to play in just 1st person to get away from it. More so when its really only a issue with 3rd person when i'm in a town. This abuse of third person view seems to be one of the bigger reasons people choose 1st person servers.. Others do it cause they do enjoy that perception of play. I hope they fix third person since it can be fixed.. 2017 mod shows this.. I think once more aspects of what defines "hardcore" is brought to hardcore servers.. They will still be underpopulated because some people just dont care to play in just first person. This will probably end up being a issue(only 1st person) and negatively effect amount of hardcore servers you see(maybe). I would place a bet.. That if hardcore was actually both 1st and 3rd person view(with the exploit fixed so you dont have the view advantage).. You would see alot more people on "hardcore" servers, ALOT more. To me, "hardcore" shouldnt of been defined by view. Less ammo, head shots only kill zombies, no silencers.. so on and such. Thats what makes a server hardcore.. Making it just first person was just a easier fix to the third person issue, one that's probably going to hurt the numbers who play on hardcore as we see already. More things should be brought to the idea of what a hardcore server is that isnt preference to view.. But for that to happen. Third person needs to be fixed. Then you will see a jump in hardcore servers. Another video of a third person fix. Edited March 1, 2014 by cels Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hoschelhoff 15 Posted March 1, 2014 Ever since Sacriel explained how 3PP undermines all kinds of tactics etc. I haven't laid a finger upon regular servers. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted March 1, 2014 Ever since Sacriel explained how 3PP undermines all kinds of tactics etc. I haven't laid a finger upon regular servers.whats a sacriel ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted March 2, 2014 And so you're telling me that if you were playing battlefield and half of the servers had wall hacks enabled, you wouldn't be upset about it? And if 90% of the player base played on walhack enabled servers, you wouldn't want to enlighten them to the error of their ways? Attempt to show them that the game can be played in a different, more frightening way? Can you ignore the blatant trolls and shit flingers long enough to see that some of us are just trying to help you? Help me....help you....If the developers made the game to be played that way, then why would I? The way 3PP functions has been a staple of the series and the RV engine since as far back as I can recall (though my memories OPFP are, admittedly, beyond hazy). So implying that it's a hack (which your example does) is no better than blindly calling it an exploit. They're playing a in a developer sanctioned way, and my enjoyment isn't dependent on their choice, so on what grounds should I start going around calling them "pussies" or claiming they're "CoD noobs," as many here have done? Being upset (and I'm not sure I would be, as I don't see an issue with playing a game-mode the developers created) is not an excuse for the vitriol some HC proponents are spouting. I never enjoyed console shooters, and I don't see the appeal of games like Halo or CoD. I think PC shooters are far superior. But I don't go around telling people they are wrong for enjoying something that I don't, and can't. The problem with missionaries or proselytizers is that their help is often unasked for, unwanted, unneeded, or a combination of the three. I have no issue with people arguing in favor of HC, only with the attitude and rhetoric they choose employ. If you want more people to play on those servers, then by all means, sell them on the benefits of doing so, don't bash them or their choice. Personal attacks and blatant disregard of facts have no place in a debate, nor does generalizing an entire community.It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that I'm not accusing you in particular, but merely addressing the attacks and general negativity that has been expressed in this thread and others. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted March 2, 2014 See, the things is, I can survive for weeks on a hardcore server, yet I can't survive an hour on a regular? I still only play 1pp on regular yet, guys camping on rooftops or building can see me coming a mile away. And most of the time it's not even them that kill me, they just use the advantage of the view and let their buddies know where I am. So, in conclusion, 3pp does make it easy mode for those who use it yet it is not an exploit but extremely cheap tactic. And as other have pointed out, it was in the ARMA games for the simulation and tactical part of the single player mode. Hell, didn't the Rainbow Six series have it so you could set up tactical points while playing single player? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipemr 160 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) If the developers made the game to be played that way, then why would I? The way 3PP functions has been a staple of the series and the RV engine since as far back as I can recall (though my memories OPFP are, admittedly, beyond hazy). So implying that it's a hack (which your example does) is no better than blindly calling it an exploit. They're playing a in a developer sanctioned way, and my enjoyment isn't dependent on their choice, so on what grounds should I start going around calling them "pussies" or claiming they're "CoD noobs," as many here have done? Being upset (and I'm not sure I would be, as I don't see an issue with playing a game-mode the developers created) is not an excuse for the vitriol some HC proponents are spouting. I never enjoyed console shooters, and I don't see the appeal of games like Halo or CoD. I think PC shooters are far superior. But I don't go around telling people they are wrong for enjoying something that I don't, and can't.The problem with missionaries or proselytizers is that their help is often unasked for, unwanted, unneeded, or a combination of the three. I have no issue with people arguing in favor of HC, only with the attitude and rhetoric they choose employ. If you want more people to play on those servers, then by all means, sell them on the benefits of doing so, don't bash them or their choice. Personal attacks and blatant disregard of facts have no place in a debate, nor does generalizing an entire community.It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that I'm not accusing you in particular, but merely addressing the attacks and general negativity that has been expressed in this thread and others. the 3rd person camera has been on RV engine games cause they were all military simulators where the combat wasnt focused on camping rooftops or hiding in building and you didnt have anything relevant to lose by dying, opposed of what dayz is. The RV engine was never designed to DayZ, dayz just herded the 3pv from arma 2, people got addicted to it... Let's remember that this game's still an alpha, they'll probably do drastical changes to the game before it releases and it wouldnt surprise me if they get rid of the 3pv camera. People like third person just as a junkie likes his heroin. Edited March 2, 2014 by lipemr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Santza 2 Posted March 2, 2014 I really just like exploring the map and running around with 3rd person. The tactical advantage is very big in gunfights, but I think still its good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HazZarD87 166 Posted March 2, 2014 the 3rd person camera has been on RV engine games cause they were all military simulators where the combat wasnt focused on camping rooftops or hiding in building and you didnt have anything relevant to lose by dying, opposed of what dayz is. The RV engine was never designed to DayZ, dayz just herded the 3pv from arma 2, people got addicted to it... Let's remember that this game's still an alpha, they'll probably do drastical changes to the game before it releases and it wouldnt surprise me if they get rid of the 3pv camera. People like third person just as a junkie likes his heroin.You didn't read the guy now did ya. More like the anti 3PP zealots are addicted to bitching about it, even though they've got servers where it can't be used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) the 3rd person camera has been on RV engine games cause they were all military simulators where the combat wasnt focused on camping rooftops or hiding in building and you didnt have anything relevant to lose by dying, opposed of what dayz is. The RV engine was never designed to DayZ, dayz just herded the 3pv from arma 2, people got addicted to it... Let's remember that this game's still an alpha, they'll probably do drastical changes to the game before it releases and it wouldnt surprise me if they get rid of the 3pv camera. People like third person just as a junkie likes his heroin.They wont ever get rid of 3pp hell at best there were some whispers of fixing it a little but nothing official in 2 to 3 months so i doubt its going away specially as it is the most popular way to play BY FAR.. I honestly dont mind 3pp why because it doesnt affect me .. I have said before there are plenty of good reasons to use it if thats what you like .. Oh 3pp has been a feature in arma all the way back to OFP it was in at the lowest skill levels to allow players a chance to get there footing in the game made it easier to not get shot by super accurate AI and also to control/order men seeing the field better...Once you hit veteran level or higher difficulty it was by default locked to 1pp.. Again that doesnt mean you cant be a skilled player and be playing 3pp because view selection is a personal choice there just as many bad 1pp players as 3pp.. Nothing elite about playing 1pp its just a different view of the game one thats recognized by the developers as being slightly harder, no big deal .. Seeing over walls is not a hack or exploit it is infact intended use of the feature again it was in to make it easier on guys learning to play a mil simulator, so there not hacking exploiting cheating they are using what they are ment to... Dayz is no longer a mil simulator and 3pp has been worked into a legit play style not one i like but hey i dont have to play it but if i do i dont complain about people camping i realize they will and adjust play style accordingly ( not always with great effect but hey such is life) Edited March 2, 2014 by SoulFirez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StoutAle 69 Posted March 2, 2014 I played 3pp to start because a lot of FPS give me vertigo/motion sickness feeling really bad. I researched it and messed with the settings and after changing some things first person doesn't bug me at all. I honestly feel cheap using 3pp honestly. I have to friends that a team with and they both use it and see people I can't around fences and such but I just don't get it. Seems to kill part of the game for me. People say the field of view on here is horrible and use that as an excuse to use 3pp but lets be honest a real life FoV doesn't allow you to see over an 8 foot fence or around corners without actually looking so lets toss that excuse to make things easier out already. If you like 3pp fine, it's in the game and use it all you want. Just stop with the lame excuses to justify making a game easier. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solodude23 649 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) I played 3pp to start because a lot of FPS give me vertigo/motion sickness feeling really bad. I researched it and messed with the settings and after changing some things first person doesn't bug me at all. I honestly feel cheap using 3pp honestly. I have to friends that a team with and they both use it and see people I can't around fences and such but I just don't get it. Seems to kill part of the game for me. People say the field of view on here is horrible and use that as an excuse to use 3pp but lets be honest a real life FoV doesn't allow you to see over an 8 foot fence or around corners without actually looking so lets toss that excuse to make things easier out already. If you like 3pp fine, it's in the game and use it all you want. Just stop with the lame excuses to justify making a game easier.I wish more people thought like this. I don't look down about those who play 3PP. I don't think I'm anymore "elite" for playing 1PP. But, I know for a fact that the "combat" in 3PP servers is dumbed down beyond belief and is nothing more than an advanced game of peek-a-boo with guns. If people like 3PP, that's fine, but they MUST not care much about the game in terms of having more tactical PvP. Also, I don't like it when people say the FoV in 1PP is too small. It's the exact same FoV as in 3rd person. Try it. The only differences is the camera is placed behind and above the player, thus creating an illusion that the FoV is wider. Plus it's adjustable anyway. Edited March 2, 2014 by solodude23 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knorke 1 Posted March 2, 2014 For me, the most important thing in such a game is immersion. And immersion is far better in 1st-person. 3rd Person has an unfair advantage over 1st Person, because you can see around corners / over edges / behind you, etc. That's why I play on hardcore, so it's fair.Some hints for better 1st-person experience:Set FOV to the max. Some people complain playing 1stpp is like playing with horse blinkers, I think those people have their FOV to narrow.Turn off head bob. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crazy Ivan (DayZ) 15 Posted March 2, 2014 Why is hardcore so underpopulated?Because most of these bragging “baddest cats in the ally” cant play with out cheating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Branathon 15 Posted March 2, 2014 ill start playing hardcore when they fix the mouse acceleration, and when zombies can no longer walk through walls Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mefistoz 7 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) First of all it is not popular..it sux(especuially with bugged sound) it is not even hardcore it is easy core ...(3PP is actually Hardcore)...Hardcore community in Arma games was allways weak and not popular...nowdays many players coming from other First person games in Arma do not realising that Arma games is not FPS games if you want fps should play game which is fps not this game...3pp is harder,more tactical..with more dinamic fun and fast paced gameplay...therefore 80 % of players prefere 3PP..proven in mod as it is here...i hope this answering your question...i have so many facts that supports 3pp...trust me when Zombies come in their full power you will see even less hardcore players...this game simply is not good for first person..Map is huge many threats..(this is not small map with few rutes which is easy to controll) in Hardcore if somebody see 's you first you simply do not have chance in 3 PP you can still dfend and find a way......campers freedem..orientation chaos..there is so many reasons why "easycore" is not popular...should have some insane and reworked FoV to barelly work properly here...with this FoV and sound gameplay is cripled...and even then will sux anyways...but at least will be playable and more fun as it is now...majority of players will play 3pp ofc Edited March 2, 2014 by MefistoZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites