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airtonix (DayZ)

The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

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The logoff timer in EVE is a recent addition (a year? Maybe a bit longer), until then, you logged off blind as it will be in DayZ.


You can argue that the 1 minute timer (without aggro) in EVE was much safer than 30 seconds in DayZ, and I might agree. You have better safe spots, and can be reasonably sure nobody will get to you in that minute. Plus, before the timer, your ship despawned after a minute no matter what, so most of the time you could be almost 100% nobody could find and kill you within 60 seconds.


DayZ is a bit riskier, but 30 seconds is still not that long,


I see new anti comba tlog systembeing huge problem for Elektro junkies and airfield campers.


I logged out away from hot spots many times now on experimental servers and haven't been killed even once.

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i have often left the airfield to the north, only to drop into some foliage for the night. the new system will actually force you to scan your back and wait for possible followers, maybe even 'bait' by assuming the logout position and waiting..


this might add new layer of tension & gameplay - looking forward to it

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If you managed to follow him for 5 minutes (that would be throught about 2 kilometers) and he didyn't noticed you then you deserve your kill.


Specially if this was like for exemple from airfield, one of the most hot zones on the entire 225km^2 map, one of not many places that you can expect to have tail when you leave it.




While you have a mostly valid point, since you play with everything disabled or on the lowest setting you should know better than most, that it's easy to see other players, even if they are decked out in camo clothes. Add in that if they have the eye candy on and playing in 1PP they aren't going to see you.


I've followed people around a lot longer than 5 minutes, it's one of my favorite things to do in DayZ lol.


Needless to say, as you pointed out, when this patch goes live the tears are going to flow :lol:



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While you have a mostly valid point, since you play with everything disabled or on the lowest setting you should know better than most, that it's easy to see other players, even if they are decked out in camo clothes. Add in that if they have the eye candy on and playing in 1PP they aren't going to see you.


I've followed people around a lot longer than 5 minutes, it's one of my favorite things to do in DayZ lol.


Needless to say, as you pointed out, when this patch goes live the tears are going to flow :lol:




Yes and no.


It is easy to spot players but only if you are looking for them. For exemple when you are camping airfield or Elektro and expect to see people there eventually.


But if you freerunning thorught forest or just scout some random small town for 1 minute then you may not notice another player even if he is 10 meters away from you. He don't even have to be prone or hiding. If he is not directly in from of you then you may never even notice another player if you are not expecting him.

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Really?  People can't find some bush a half mile from the nearest town to log out in?


I like having the 30 second timer on screen so you can abort if you are threatened.  But if you just unplug your computer, your character should still sit there for 30 seconds.


How do you know if someone is server hopping or they just happened to log in for the first time today right on top of you?  You can't.  How frequently does that happen anyway?



It's not perfect, but it should be enough to make it somewhat inconvenient to just hop from server to server or eject from the game when you get into trouble.

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Think of logging out like your character sleeping. A bandit could be stalking you through the woods for the perfect opportunity to take your possessions, and what easier way than to wait for you to shut your eyes for the night? A quick slice across the throat and all your gear is now his.

Being ingame at all time is just going to make people stop playing the game. No-one can go on and play DayZ 24/7 so a bandit doesn't kill you.

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Current System
  • You find a safe place (a fallacy, there are no safe places in dayz)
  • You assess the surroundings and determine you would most likely stay alive for the next 30secs
  • you press escape and choose exit
  • you are now looking at the main menu.
  • your character is still in game sitting down for the next 30secs.
Does It Stop Combat Logging
Does it stop Ghosting?
Does it stop Loot Hopping?
Are there negative side effects?
Improved System
Ok, So now that I've sufficiently twisted your panties and wound you up for a tear streaming session, lets talk about how it should happen.
Prevent Server Hopping & Prevent Ghosting

Switching server(or server group) within X hours of joining current server(or server group) results in :

  • you being moved to a random location on the map
  • That location will not be near other players or high value loot locations.
Switching Server after X hours, results in :
  • You remaining in the same location
The benefits of this are
  •   Loot Hoppers will be facing a far amount of time running to new high value loot locations each time they change
  •   Ghosters will find that they are now facing a long trek to attempt their "flanking" manuvure. 
The downsides are
  • Players performing a quick legitimate server change will find themselves in new locations.
Prevent Combat Logging
  • You find a safe place (a fallacy, there are no safe places in dayz)

    • ensure you are not in a status of combat.

    • You assess the surroundings and determine you would most likely stay alive for the next 30secs

  • You press escape and choose exit

  • Your character is sitting down for the next 30secs watching a timer.

    • At this point you are only able to stand back up or move your head.

    • Head movement will not cancel the logout timer process.

    • Standing or clicking the cancel button will cancel the logout process.

  • Someone finds you before the timer ends? move and defend yourself. simple. logout prevented.

    • You will then be in combat for the next 60secs.

Can it be abused
No. Don't agree with me? provide an example of how it can be abused.
There is a group of people that hate the idea that someone logging out can cancel the logout and defend themselves.
The only reason I can think of that someone wouldn't like that is because it means they can't catch people in the process of logging out undefended.


You could log out while someone is hunting you, and rejoin, 5 km away from the bandit. That's how it can be abused.

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Being ingame at all time is just going to make people stop playing the game. No-one can go on and play DayZ 24/7 so a bandit doesn't kill you.


But it would be fun to look for people's avatars hidden in forests etc.


Those areas are so empty couse when people play they stick to airfields and Elektro only.


Maybe when tents get implented or survival score board then exploring all map will be more fun.

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Yes and no.


It is easy to spot players but only if you are looking for them. For exemple when you are camping airfield or Elektro and expect to see people there eventually.


But if you freerunning thorught forest or just scout some random small town for 1 minute then you may not notice another player even if he is 10 meters away from you. He don't even have to be prone or hiding. If he is not directly in from of you then you may never even notice another player if you are not expecting him.

Speaking of low detail, I'm in the same boat, do you have difficulty seeing people at a distance, my draw distance is at 1500 so it should be fine but I've had instances where looking thru a long range scope I'd just see a few items of clothing floating around like a poorly dressed ghost.


back O/T

So the poor logger would sit and watch those he'd just fired on and praying the countdown will run out before they find and kill him.



When people propose having a countdown timer this is EXACTLY what will happen and how it will be abused.

People will say oh the game let's me do it so I'm gonna do it.  Which is EXACTLY what people said when they tried to defend combat logging/ghosting.

Yet if people exploit a bug that lets you say.. see thru walls everyone will come crying hackers because they doing know how to do that.


So it comes down to this your either.

Crying because you can't combat log anymore and pretending it's because you think the bogey man is going to kill your charterer in that 30 seconds.

Your on board and have the smart's to log out somewhere safe and trust that you where wise enough to choose a good place for it.

Edited by Window Licker

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Speaking of low detail, I'm in the same boat, do you have difficulty seeing people at a distance, my draw distance is at 1500 so it should be fine but I've had instances where looking thru a long range scope I'd just see a few items of clothing floating around like a poorly dressed ghost.


Didyn't had occasion to look at people throught the scope that were away more then 400 meters.

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Ok, I'm fine with the 30 second timer and all... Just have to be more careful when logging out.

But what happens when you're say... Being chased by a zombie or in the middle of a firefight and your internet decides to take a shit on you? If my internet goes out, I'm already pissed. If my internet went out and I lost all my shit because of it, I'd probably throw my keyboard at my cat.

People began to placing their routers near their keyboards for this very reason. So they could "lose" their connection instead of pressing alt-f4. You saw it all the time in the mod:


Player was killed.

Player is losing his connection...

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Finding such a safe place has always been part of my rollplaying..A loot run should not simply be visiting the NW Airfield, looting some barracks and log out as soon as you are outside the fences...

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People began to placing their routers near their keyboards for this very reason. So they could "lose" their connection instead of pressing alt-f4. You saw it all the time in the mod:


Player was killed.

Player is losing his connection...


Aaaaah so THAT might be how the guy I killed yesterday at the NEAF spawned back in after I killed him...


...at least thats the only thing that makes sense to me

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Oh you know they will have to fix it especially if Dean does plan on putting in the 100 roaming hoards at a time like he talked about in the past. Its going to mess ppl up eventually. Maybe not right away since everything is still alpha but if hordes are going to get tougher and bigger than its going to become a big issue latter on down the line for legit players.

Zombie AI won't be able to find you of you're hiding in a bush. All you'll have to do is hide in some type of foliage and zombies won't attack you.

Again, 30 seconds isn't that long. If you can't be bothered to just look around and make sure 200 zombies aren't roaming at you, you're careless.

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Current System
  • You find a safe place (a fallacy, there are no safe places in dayz)
  • You assess the surroundings and determine you would most likely stay alive for the next 30secs
  • you press escape and choose exit
  • you are now looking at the main menu.
  • your character is still in game sitting down for the next 30secs.
Does It Stop Combat Logging
Does it stop Ghosting?
Does it stop Loot Hopping?
Are there negative side effects?
Improved System
Ok, So now that I've sufficiently twisted your panties and wound you up for a tear streaming session, lets talk about how it should happen.
Prevent Server Hopping & Prevent Ghosting

Switching server(or server group) within X hours of joining current server(or server group) results in :

  • you being moved to a random location on the map
  • That location will not be near other players or high value loot locations.
Switching Server after X hours, results in :
  • You remaining in the same location
The benefits of this are
  •   Loot Hoppers will be facing a far amount of time running to new high value loot locations each time they change
  •   Ghosters will find that they are now facing a long trek to attempt their "flanking" manuvure. 
The downsides are
  • Players performing a quick legitimate server change will find themselves in new locations.
Prevent Combat Logging
  • You find a safe place (a fallacy, there are no safe places in dayz)

    • ensure you are not in a status of combat.

    • You assess the surroundings and determine you would most likely stay alive for the next 30secs

  • You press escape and choose exit

  • Your character is sitting down for the next 30secs watching a timer.

    • At this point you are only able to stand back up or move your head.

    • Head movement will not cancel the logout timer process.

    • Standing or clicking the cancel button will cancel the logout process.

  • Someone finds you before the timer ends? move and defend yourself. simple. logout prevented.

    • You will then be in combat for the next 60secs.

Can it be abused
No. Don't agree with me? provide an example of how it can be abused.
There is a group of people that hate the idea that someone logging out can cancel the logout and defend themselves.
The only reason I can think of that someone wouldn't like that is because it means they can't catch people in the process of logging out undefended.




I already posted a lengthy topic on this, and it's got multiple pages.  The dev team apparently thinks you should either A) roll the dice every single time you log out, assuming you are a combat logger, every time.  Or B) You're some sort of exploiter for being able to use your fucking eyes while sitting down for 30 seconds, and using your player skill to evade a dangerous situation or encounter while trying to log out.


Their logic is completely ass backwards, and pretty much non-existent.  How they think that their "internal" testing which probably didn't have 200 players on 6 available servers, while telling people to server hop, while trying to test these.  Somehow I imagine they had one main server, and a "server hopping" server, to allow players to log over and "ghost" around on, and then log back on to the main server, claiming ultimate failure for sitting down and logging out, versus this stupid ass logout system they're about to implement.

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'Bad apples' spoil everything, why should DayZ be any different.  Once tents are in, dying won't be so much of a pain in the arse anyway.

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We need this combat log system, but as a player more interested in survival than personal kill streaks, I have to think there is a better way.



Except there is not, atleast not at this moment.

So let's savour tears of combat loggers and don't spoil the moment :-).

I'm happy devs did something that matters.

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So... the current implementation of this logout timer system is broken... there's a bug report already and I've confirmed it with a screenshot example. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=7958


Basically, if you think simply finding a safe spot to logout will work, think again as the servers don't seem to put you in the same spot you logged out from... not cool if you end up respawning out in the open (where you were 20-30 seconds before logging out).



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No it wouldn't. The current system is fine.

Why wouldn't it?

And the current system is flaw.

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But it would be fun to look for people's avatars hidden in forests etc.


Those areas are so empty couse when people play they stick to airfields and Elektro only.


Maybe when tents get implented or survival score board then exploring all map will be more fun.

I agree somewhat.

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There is no problem with this timer, sure it would be nice if you could stay in the game after pressing exit and look while the 30 second timer is counting down and cancel it if anyone comes to kill you. But seriously, its extremely easy to find a location where you will be safe for 30 seconds.

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sure it would be nice if you could stay in the game after pressing exit and look while the 30 second timer is counting down and cancel it if anyone comes to kill you.

Sounds like Rocket defines that as exploiting and calls it "ghost combat logging."


And I gotta agree.

Edited by Dallas
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They just need to make it like 20seconds, and it should be like WoW where it shows you the timer as you log out, so if something starts to happen you can cancel the logut and defend yourself

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