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The CCSD (Chernarian Creepy Stuff Department) Needs investigators for the Radio transmission mystery.

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Can you please post the decrypt method and steps. Just wondering


Basically the user ChickenFighter (who presumably speaks russian) said in this thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168683-creepy-radio-transmissions-heard-near-electro/ (the original thread for the transmission) that the woman repeated the numbers "0 3 7 0 9 4", which are the cords.


It can then be confirmed by translating "zero three seven zero nine four" from english to russian with google translate, which will give you this result "nol' tri sem' nol' devyat' chetyre".


Edit: So the cordinates were 037 094 http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.037.094

Edited by bjurrsson

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Damn why won't we just ask Rocket and be done with this?!


Kind of takes the fun away.


We just ventured up to GM but there was no sounds, disappointing. :(

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I am since 1 hour in Green Mountain , no sound all frequenzes :( . different servers :( . a friend of mine is in elektro wit transmitter , also no sounds....... now i readet that there is a radio in the woods , 37-120 i will check it tomorrow .

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I just have 1 question... How do I know when the radio transmitter is turned on or off? Should it say 87.7 on or 87.7 off? 

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YO! I just heard this transmission again in Elecktro NO SHIT. I think it is only happening on high pop night servers in Elecktro. Thats the only thing I can garner so far. Someone jump on a high pop night server with Fraps! I feel like I am a crazy person if no one else can get this on tape. 

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YO! I just heard this transmission again in Elecktro NO SHIT. I think it is only happening on high pop night servers in Elecktro. Thats the only thing I can garner so far. Someone jump on a high pop night server with Fraps! I feel like I am a crazy person if no one else can get this on tape. 


what server this time?

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not sure some server that was around 2100 hours, i just clicked one I didnt see a server name, it had around 14 people in it. Last night the server when I heard it had about 12. 

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hmm that would explain why i always hear nothing . im on servers where i am alone , to check it . 

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not sure some server that was around 2100 hours, i just clicked one I didnt see a server name, it had around 14 people in it. Last night the server when I heard it had about 12. 


can you find it in history and maybe get an IP? (click details)

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Ok only server in my history thats night with a lot of people is Civil Warriors. Around 20 people now

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Ok only server in my history thats night with a lot of people is Civil Warriors. Around 20 people now



Dude I got it... I f'cking got it..

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You're not crazy unless I'm crazy too...




HAHA! Thar she blows. Yah, it goes quiet every once and a while and after a few minutes will start up again. 


Thats at least 2 servers its been heard on.


My battery is dead now. 

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HAHA! Thar she blows. Yah, it goes quiet every once and a while and after a few minutes will start up again. 


Thats at least 2 servers its been heard on.


My battery is dead now. 


I feel like going to Green Mountain on this server now hmmm....


Edit: And  also, it has been quiet for over 10 mins now.

Edited by bjurrsson

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You're not crazy unless I'm crazy too...



fuuuuck....thats enough internet and dayz for today...shit too scary, im out.

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isn't anyone concerned that the video is a guy hiding inside a building with no textures? Thought this meant he is inside a zone you normally can not get to

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isn't anyone concerned that the video is a guy hiding inside a building with no textures? Thought this meant he is inside a zone you normally can not get to


I logged out on the top floor, it's just a bug.


Edit: Also the damn server reset.

Edited by bjurrsson

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I'm late to the party...


I'm waiting for people to hear this;'


It's 'Harry' from managment. We have a problem! There's big mess over by the Condos on 122nd se st! One of the residents' water pipe burst, wet all over! The whole buliding is gonna be flooded soon... hope you can get this shit ASAP... Don't go easy on the mop!

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Wait a second..... did you tell me to join that server so that you could play the sound for me VictorM?


Edit: The more I think about it I'm starting to believe that VictorM is playing the sound.


He didn't want to fraps, because that would show that his mic was on in-game.


And also at about the same time he said in this thread that he ran out of batteries the transmission stopped playing.


I'm extremely sceptical right now...

Edited by bjurrsson

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Not me brotha. I have neither the patience nor computer literacy to put something that spectacular together. I just stalked up on batteries yesterday after I initially heard it so I could keep the radio tuned in and been looting the shit out of elecktro. 

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Not me brotha. I have neither the patience nor computer literacy to put something that spectacular together. I just stalked up on batteries yesterday after I initially heard it so I could keep the radio tuned in and been looting the shit out of elecktro. 


Well I still have to be sceptical untill i encounter this without you pointing me to a server.

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