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"For no reason"

You might think there isn't a reason, there is always a reason. Having only played for a couple of days now. Every person I've come across has been a friendly except 1, geared + nothing. I've helped feed other newbies and given them directions.


That said, I went hunting for a guy earlier. He did nothing.. he was minding his own business. The problem was that he was looting the same town as me. Heading in the same direction. It means, less for me to survive! I would have probably left him, but he was plain ignorant. (e.g: he could have looted left side, I'll do right).

I didn't actually end up killing him, sadly I lost him. 

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Well this is coming from the mind of a bandit, or well i use to be one the shoot on sight rule of a  bandit comes from fear. bandits are mostly people who have been killed so many times that hey want revenge or they are to scared to trust any one. i know this cause once apon a time i use to do the same thing killing out of fear. so if you see someone and they have a gun and you are scared do not shoot. talk to them. try to make them put down there gun and try to help them. use the "dude put down your gun or i am gonna have to shoot" and then walk them threw it "open your gear and click on your gun and it drop, then back away and drop your secondary, then stand up so i can make sure you do not have one." Now this normaly works the two things you have to look out for are 1)when you leave they grab there gun track you and kill you. 2) is they pull out there axe while you are not looking and kill you. now the second one is more for teh mod but the first one goes for dayz stand alone and dayz mod.



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i dont play battlefied 4 to make friends in game. so why should Dayz be any different?


Because DayZ isn't Battlefield. DayZ isn't a run and gun pvp game. It has that element but thats not what its about. It's a survival game. Period. If you think part of survival is murdering other people for 'no' reason then so be it. You're the one who has to live with being a douchetard coward. I suppose it takes far less effort to kos than it does to actually interact with others. I for one prefer not to be a lazy gutless coward but each to their own. :)

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Because DayZ isn't Battlefield. DayZ isn't a run and gun pvp game. It has that element but thats not what its about. It's a survival game. Period. If you think part of survival is murdering other people for 'no' reason then so be it. You're the one who has to live with being a douchetard coward. I suppose it takes far less effort to kos than it does to actually interact with others. I for one prefer not to be a lazy gutless coward but each to their own. :)


If I murder, its to get their ammo, their food, their weapons. Why do I do it? To survive. So sorry, Im afraid I dont follow your logic.


Your death = my survival.


You are assuming Im KOS. Wrong, douchewagon.


If I kill, I loot. Why do I loot? To survive. You might have collected it, but when I take it, its helping me survive.


Why is such simple logic lost on people?

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Why is such simple logic lost on people?


Oh I understand what you do and why. It certainly doesn't make it any less douchey or cowardly. And for simple logic to be lost on me you need to state something logical first.

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That is the question. I could say play COD if you want to play dayz as it. You have a problem if you think that dayz is a shooter. That is the real problem. When i bought the game, i thought that i shall be going to survive from zombies. If the theme is survive teen minds i cant offer this game to anybody. I feel my time and my money wasted. What a pity!!!


The rest would have you think you are inferior for your thoughts.  Here's a hint.  They are the ones shooting you KOS with no intention of anything more than taking your gear.

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If I murder, its to get their ammo, their food, their weapons. Why do I do it? To survive. So sorry, Im afraid I dont follow your logic.


Your death = my survival.


You are assuming Im KOS. Wrong, douchewagon.


If I kill, I loot. Why do I loot? To survive. You might have collected it, but when I take it, its helping me survive.


Why is such simple logic lost on people?


Probably because you base your argument on playing COD or Battlefield.  Those games you are specifically pitted against other players, the GOAL is to kill the other players.  Taking that mentality to DayZ is the problem.

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On a personal level, I have no problem with a proper KOS, meaning, they come up to me, and we have a real fight. What really bugs me, are the people who are sitting in some random house, picking off everyone, its stupid, give your opponent a chance, even if you out-gear them 10-1. Why, because its them who made the mistakes, not you, you fought, and won.

Today, I had next to nothing, and heard footsteps nearby, ran for what i thought was a decent hiding place, next second, at least 50 shots blow me to pieces, im glad whomever it was wasted a lot of ammo for anything, have fun with my pepsi sirs.

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Sure they might be assholes for shooting people on sight, but I've seen people that just deserve it....






seriously tho they might not be doing the right thing by killing you on sight, but knowing that you should also try not to be seen and they wouldn't shoot you because you are not "on sight"

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Srsly mate.

I like to drink your tears

he wins!!!!

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If this were a real world event... I'd shoot you for your stuff too. I'm not a dooms day prepper because that's a waste of time. Instead, I'll kill you for your stuff.

Sounds like you've got some psychological issues if you would actually do that. I can't imagine any sane person going around killing people for food and water.

Edited by Beck
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Sounds like you've got some psychological issues if you would actually do that. I can't imagine any sane person going around killing people for food and water.


It's scary he'd even post that,


on a side note, Beck, good job on giving Ponda Karrde his dream job!

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Sounds like you've got some psychological issues if you would actually do that. I can't imagine any sane person going around killing people for food and water.


I agree.  However,  a good stretch of days without food, and especially without water, will probably be enough to override most people's moral compass...however sane they started out.

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cry me a river. 


you collect, i kill you, and i collect.


guns are part of the game. last i checked, the m4 isn't a hunting rifle for game. 


put on your big boy pants and deal with it. so sick to death of these crybaby bitch tits who just want to run around eating beans and drinking from wells.



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Hi everybody, just got a lot of items in DayZ, when they suddenly shoot me for nothing.

You answer your own question, inside the question.


You feel unhappy because you lost the cool items. How long till you're willing to kill for them?

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Many of you use gear and supplies as an excuse to KoS but almost all gear gets ruined if you kill someone and will become completely useless (especially after the upcoming patch) So i think that is completely bogus. And as long as you stay concealed this 'they are a threat ' thing i don't buy into. If you stumble right onto someone with a raised weapon, that is a different story. I think it has to do with being able to get some slight amusement out of it without any regard for the consequences it has on others player experience. Just because they can. ' its not me so fuck it lol'

Edited by Hagon94

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Many of you use gear and supplies as an excuse to KoS but almost all gear gets ruined if you kill someone and will become completely useless (especially after the upcoming patch) So i think that is completely bogus. And as long as you stay concealed this 'they are a threat ' thing i don't buy into. If you stumble right onto someone with a raised weapon, that is a different story. I think it has to do with being able to get some slight amusement out of it without any regard for the consequences it has on others player experience. Just because they can. ' its not me so fuck it lol'

not true


we use mosins and sks's with PU or LRS...


no gear damage with a head shot!


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Are you really so naive? You think in a real apocalypse (zombie or not) everyone else will just hold your hand and help you through it? Nobody's going to just fucking kill you for your food and equipment?

Such faith in humanity would be fatally misplaced.

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Some people will always kill others for no reason. I do my best to kill people who play like this, but its not going to stop them from gearing up and doing it again. The trick is to just not care.

Ive spent hours running around and getting gear and then headed back to the coast to try and help out new player just to get punched in the head, knocked out and punched to death. Does this bother me? A little bit, but in the end I really don't care. I can always get more gear.

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I don't understand the random killing in experimental right now since everything gets completely ruined. Oh hey a guy, ignore each other, he chases me and punches me then gets axed to death. All his shit is ruined. Oh hey a guy just logged in and said Friendly to me and then shot me in the back and got an axe to the noggin while I was bleeding. All our shit is ruined and unusable. Why kill people who have no interest in bothering you at all especially since all their gear and even yours is liable to get completely ruined? It just makes no sense. If anything you should be robbing people instead.

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cry me a river. 


you collect, i kill you, and i collect.


guns are part of the game. last i checked, the m4 isn't a hunting rifle for game. 


put on your big boy pants and deal with it. so sick to death of these crybaby bitch tits who just want to run around eating beans and drinking from wells.



Yeah, i don't like being KOS'ed sometimes, but i deal with it. Come on, nobody here can tell me he didn't even once try to KOS... it's a part of this game..

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I don't understand the random killing in experimental right now since everything gets completely ruined. Oh hey a guy, ignore each other, he chases me and punches me then gets axed to death. All his shit is ruined. Oh hey a guy just logged in and said Friendly to me and then shot me in the back and got an axe to the noggin while I was bleeding. All our shit is ruined and unusable. Why kill people who have no interest in bothering you at all especially since all their gear and even yours is liable to get completely ruined? It just makes no sense. If anything you should be robbing people instead.


You are completely right!

I think instead of KOS, i'll force people to change there items around, then drop their backpack, giving them the chance to keep vitals, while I still get stuff.

People need to get into this mindset, problem is, some people don't even bother to loot the people they kill.

In addition, why kill, and not loot the bodies, its just a waste or resources. 

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The only fun thing to do in Day Z at the moment is shoot other players until you eventually die, that's why I usually KoS not because I can't trust them a lot of the people I run into I can trust. Doesn't mean they can trust me though.


And you get geared A LOT faster if you just kill other players rather than spend hours looking for the gear yourself.


USUALLY the only times I let people go is if they are, new spawns and don't think they pose any threat, people who gave me stuff (weapons, food, gear etc), and people who aren't worth the ammo or the time it would take to kill them.


I have killed plenty of players who said they would be friendly doesn't mean that I am a jerk or a bad person, just playing the game. I went through it when I was learning the game and people killing me, almost everyone goes through it. One of the best ways for you to get more experienced in the game is to get shot or killed in some way and try again, eventually you will get the hang of it.

Edited by Timecharge

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