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Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

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I know friends who play CoD who laugh about dayz 3rd person pussy mode :(


is CoD players saying this :|

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Hopefully Rocket is listening.


By default 3pv should be removed in stand alone.


If only Rocket and team were not afraid of put their foot down and remove tpv thus improving the game tenfold.


But nope they probably do not want to alienate anyone even when tpv is so game breaking.

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He states his opinion on the matter.  He also suggests playing 1p is a new experience, and might take people out of their comfort zones.  Which is true.

He's not berating anyone or rustling any jimmies.  lol  He likes first person, and he's trying to share why.

I don't know, I guess it could rustle the jimmies of some superbly oversensitive folks- but they're likely too busy making "Why am not PvE servers?" threads to bother reading this or watching the video.  Their jimmies are safe.

( See?  ^ That's a jimmie rustler. )



That is a good jimmie rustler indeed. I'm sure my word choice is a bit hyperbole. However, when he's talking about how the game should feel with the example streaming right before the viewer's eyes, and asks, "isn't this what Dayz is all about?" it sounds to me more to me like patronizing accusation rather than an actual inquiry.


It sounded like he could have said, "Why would you even think to play Dayz any other way, stupid?"

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3PP exploitation is for the meek, but since the vast majority are only using the 3PP servers the devs aren't going to remove it.


Really would you throw your money away if you were in that situation?



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The video was posted on reddit as well.


Also unsurprisingly there is vast support to remove TPV are the devs not listening ?

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..Though one problem remains with 1pp - the eyes of your character are on his neck, which makes him too short and you cant peek over stuff that you should be able to.


You know what I thought the same thing "This dude seems shorter than he should be"  The view needs to be higher at least when in upright stance, I think this will be more comfortable too.



When I'm running full stance through trees it feels like I'm groveling and hunched over like a cave man, the ground is so close to me.

Edited by Big_T

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I have been against 1PP only and even posted complaining about the 1PP only servers, but in the last while I have found it makes more sense and is overall a better way to play in Third Person. In a gun fight im never in 3PP anyway.

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3PP exploitation is for the meek, but since the vast majority are only using the 3PP servers the devs aren't going to remove it.


Really would you throw your money away if you were in that situation?




If the devs came out and told the truth on the matter, (i.e. "We're not going to change it because it makes us more money.") then I'd have a lot more respect for them.


As it is right now though, they're actively advertising this game as the anti-game but allow something completely anti to the anti-game. 3PP as it now in Dayz is a huge contradiction and an extreme example of hypocrisy on the devs part.

Edited by Sidewinder24
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Screw you guys lol!

3rd rocks, ok so its got flaws, but you guys act like everyone using 3rd is looking round every corner, its just not true. I use 1st for combat (as do most of my friends), because 3rd sucks up close. That doesn't mean I want to be locked to it all the time  I play.  You have to see the game as more than just a combat simulator now. Il never understand why people aren't happy with the hive split, maybe because the servers aren't as populated as they hoped :P


While it may be for some, for me  3rd isn't a crutch or a bandage, its a storytelling tool. It adds a dimension to the game, seeing your survivor interact with the world adds massive immersion. Removing it would feel like the game was moving back towards Competitive deathmatch shooter, not towards Survival horror RPG :)

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Removing it would feel like the game was moving back towards Competitive deathmatch shooter, not towards Survival horror RPG :)


Lol what ?


Removing it will merely stop people from exploiting this crutch and looking over and around corner, it will stop people from seeing what they should not see, it will improve the game tenfold instantly.




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If the devs came out and told the truth on the matter, (i.e. "We're not going to change it because it makes us more money.") then I'd have a lot more respect for them.


As it is right now though, they're actively advertising this game as the anti-game but allow something completely anti to the anti-game. 3PP as it now in Dayz is a huge contradiction and an extreme example of hypocrisy on the devs part.




I agree wholeheartedly, but I get the impression they are scared to mess with it at all(if any devs read this I don't mean that in a derogatory way, I would fear losing income too).


At least they ARE going in a more hardcore fashion for most other things, rather than trying to make another mainstream FOTM clone.



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Screw you guys lol!


3rd rocks, ok so its got flaws, but you guys act like everyone using 3rd is looking round every corner, its just not true. I use 1st for combat (as do most of my friends), because 3rd sucks up close. That doesn't mean I want to be locked to it all the time  I play.  You have to see the game as more than just a combat simulator now. Il never understand why people aren't happy with the hive split, maybe because the servers aren't as populated as they hoped :P


While it may be for some, for me  3rd isn't a crutch or a bandage, its a storytelling tool. It adds a dimension to the game, seeing your survivor interact with the world adds massive immersion. Removing it would feel like the game was moving back towards Competitive deathmatch shooter, not towards Survival horror RPG :)


Unfortunately its "flaws" as you put it, far outweigh its highly subjective pros. Good for you for not exploiting the camera view to see over and around objects, but the sad reality is that the majority of people who use that perspective do abuse it. Sometimes they don't mean to either. By just being in the perspective while not yet engaged in combat you might happen to benefit from it before you switch into your preferable 1st person view. Then you realize had you been in 1PP the whole time you wouldn't have even been alerted to a combat scenario.


Besides the unlikely scenario of a non-abusive 3PP advocate, they do exist, you evidencing that, the truth is the vast majority do use 3PP specifically for its "flaws" which creates a problem

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Screw you guys lol!


3rd rocks, ok so its got flaws, but you guys act like everyone using 3rd is looking round every corner, its just not true. I use 1st for combat (as do most of my friends), because 3rd sucks up close. That doesn't mean I want to be locked to it all the time  I play.  You have to see the game as more than just a combat simulator now. Il never understand why people aren't happy with the hive split, maybe because the servers aren't as populated as they hoped :P


While it may be for some, for me  3rd isn't a crutch or a bandage, its a storytelling tool. It adds a dimension to the game, seeing your survivor interact with the world adds massive immersion. Removing it would feel like the game was moving back towards Competitive deathmatch shooter, not towards Survival horror RPG :)






I personally have nothing against 3PP on its own, just the use of its exploits. If they added something like the 4th wall fix, then it would be perfectly fine mixing the 2 views on same server.



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Lol what ?


Removing it will merely stop people from exploiting this crutch and looking over and around corner, it will stop people from seeing what they should not see, it will improve the game tenfold instantly.


In combat im in 1st....outside 3rd...why should i loose 3rd when its quiet? im gaining no combat advantage. Most good RPG's have 3rd to aid storytelling and buildig a relationship with your toon. How will your gameplay improve tenfold.....when you are already playing on a 1st only server? it wont :) 

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I agree wholeheartedly, but I get the impression they are scared to mess with it at all(if any devs read this I don't mean that in a derogatory way, I would fear losing income too).


At least they ARE going in a more hardcore fashion for most other things, rather than trying to make another mainstream FOTM clone.





Funny how they won't touch or are not commenting on touching the single most important hardcore feature.


All of the other hardcore things mean absolutely nothing if you can still see around corners and cheat during combat.

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Funny how they won't touch or are not commenting on touching the single most important hardcore feature.

All of the other hardcore things mean absolutely nothing if you can still see around corners and cheat during combat.

This mean absolutely nothing if you can still go on a first person view server.

All ok. We get a own hive.



Oh look! Another pointless 1pp thread.

Not pointless, it´s advertising. Nice video. Strange movement.

Edited by NoCheats

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Oh look! Another pointless 1pp thread.


Why is sharing a video about Dayz a pointless thread? Is this the Dayz General Forums?

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Really would you throw your money away if you were in that situation?

Throwing it away? Ha! The SA sold some 800k copies in the first few weeks and, I believe, is now North of a million copies. At $30/€23/£20 a pop, that's a lot of cheddar to have in a pocket. ;)

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I'm not sure why people are comlpaining about 3rd person at the minute TBH. I'm pretty limited on the servers that I can play on with a reasonable ping due to my location and I have no problems finding 30+/40 player first-person only servers, so what's the problem? :)

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In combat im in 1st....outside 3rd...why should i loose 3rd when its quiet? im gaining no combat advantage. Most good RPG's have 3rd to aid storytelling and buildig a relationship with your toon. How will your gameplay improve tenfold.....when you are already playing on a 1st only server? it wont :)

1.Because without 3rd you lose the overhead view that gives you a lot of undeserved information to assess whether it's "quiet" or not. Whether you actively abuse it or not, your camera is still bolted higher that you should be able to see, negating completely the huge drawbacks of the prone position, and negating most of the effect of camouflage (you see low walls, small bushes and grass from a top down view (at close range), where those objects offers the least concealment. Also you see what's going on directly in your back!

3.Yes but this is not an "RPG" and it's not a "toon" it's supposed to represent you in the game world, games don't all have to behave like their predecessors.

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Unfortunately its "flaws" as you put it, far outweigh its highly subjective pros. Good for you for not exploiting the camera view to see over and around objects, but the sad reality is that the majority of people who use that perspective do abuse it. Sometimes they don't mean to either. By just being in the perspective while not yet engaged in combat you might happen to benefit from it before you switch into your preferable 1st person view. Then you realize had you been in 1PP the whole time you wouldn't have even been alerted to a combat scenario.


Besides the unlikely scenario of a non-abusive 3PP advocate, they do exist, you evidencing that, the truth is the vast majority do use 3PP specifically for its "flaws" which creates a problem


Its sad but probably true, and don't get me wrong i love fps games. But i also like slowing down and enjoying 3rd person. At the moment dayz offers both, those that are that bothered about it can go to 1st only servers. Personally i don't mind so much if some guy peeks a wall to see me for what's added in other areas.


If you were in a restaurant and they served 2 dishes, you wouldn't demand everyone else eat the same as you, because thats what you prefered :) 

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The most pertinent footage is between 0-7.00 minutes. He has a some things to say about 3PP too and although they're scathing, they're 100% true.


3PP exploit lovers beware. This video will surely rustle your jimmies.





I watched it, great vid. I prefer the idea of 1PP, as I have stated earlier.


I neither heard nor inferred anything scathing.


That said, there is no "right way" to play the game. That, like beauty and many other things, lies in the eyes of the beholder. As no one is forcing you, me, Dslyecxi, or anyone else to play either way, I don't get the fuss. It's still a game at the end of the day. You will die, and you will lose your loot, and then you can go get some more. One guy, no matter how impressive a small interaction he manages to record to validate his point (inductive reasoning, by the way), is still only one person - even if he is an amazing pilot, too.


These small things that incite forum holy war are alternately amusing and annoying.

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