Malibuz0r 14 Posted February 11, 2014 I hope they don't change anything about players, love KOS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 11, 2014 Have to disagree with you on that point. The interactions is part of what makes this game fun, goofy or not.LOL true i wouldnt use that approach but i would be smiling or laughing at anyone who did it would be fun (lol they need to add a sheriff outfit) his run of being the law of berezino would most likely be short but hell if he enjoyed that time then he won for the day..... AT grimey rick kinda agree we are all survivours making a choice on each encounter... Some good some bad some get us killed some get a friendly or unfriendly killed. i Dont need any teams other than the ones i form for the game in my own way... PS if they add sheriff outfits might try to get the guys i play withto all find the uniform and try out being some crazed apoc surviving police force may be fun... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted February 11, 2014 lol if thats how you can only think to determine a bad guy well me explaining to how silly you sound would be a waste of my time wouldnt it instead ill resort to your level game ment to be authentic cause we all know in real life bad guys were arm bands so cops can just spot them and arrest them.... shit we dont need any system in place to effecftively determine guilt guilty people just show that they are... WOW common sense why is it not very common in dayz communitySoulFirez, you argue the armbands aren't realistic, but i argue 99% murder isn't either. If you want to look at this as just a game and keep it at that, thats your opinion. I'd like it to be something more life-like, but with combat. You might say just don't KOS then, but nothing is going to stop it, nor should it really. There are poeple complaining about the lack of combat who KOS, for guys who prefer to put themselves into the game, its 20x worse because we're never KOS'ing people or putting ourselves at risk, which would in turn put others at risk. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martmital 436 Posted February 11, 2014 isn't it funny how all the KoS kids are crying "nonono" we can't have that shit..."i can't play nice and shoot people in the back if they know i'm an asshole" i like the idea to make bandits easier to make out in some way Im not a KoSer, but I still don't want a 'quick look' recognition system... The fact I have no idea if that dude I just spotted is gonna shoot me in the face or give me a can of beans is what makes this game special! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 11, 2014 SoulFirez, you argue the armbands aren't realistic, but i argue 99% murder isn't either. If you want to look at this as just a game and keep it at that, thats your opinion. I'd like it to be something more life-like, but with combat. You might say just don't KOS then, but nothing is going to stop it, nor should it really. There are poeple complaining about the lack of combat who KOS, for guys who prefer to put themselves into the game, its 20x worse because we're never KOS'ing people or putting ourselves at risk, which would in turn put others at risk.I agree there is to much KOS i generally dont KOS except airfields mil bases to much tension there to walk away (well for me any way ) yes i would like the levels to reduce to a more realistic level BUT you say you want this to be more than just a game but your solution is to put a very gamey mechanic in ????? I am hoping things will balance out with what ever the devs have planned but time will tell,,a gamey and very exploitable system as shown in the mod is not the answer... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sickerthansars 53 Posted February 11, 2014 I really LOVE that Rocket's videos all have a bunch of friendly players that he meets in a private locked I would love it even more if he went into a full public server and ran around Electro or Cherno for a couple of hours. It would be a shit video and not a good advertisement for the game, because he'd get KOS'd over and over and over. I would love to see Rocket getting chased for 20-30 minutes by some 12 year old with an axe. Would you like some cheese for that whine? What about all the streamers with groups of random friendly players? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
napalmdog 71 Posted February 12, 2014 Heroes are balanced in real life, right? You all strive for realism in this game, right? Who knows who's toting a gun these days, ready to hold up a store? That's the whole point. her·o·ismˈherōˌizəm/nounnoun: heroism 1. great bravery. synonyms: bravery, courage, valor, intrepidity, boldness, daring, audacity,fearlessness, dauntlessness, pluck, stout-heartedness,lionheartedness; More That's not the definition you're looking for. This is... he·ro[heer-oh] Show IPA noun, plural he·roes; for 5 also he·ros. 1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Noble qualities. That's the catch... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted February 12, 2014 I fail to see how adding armbands and pre-determined looks to people adds any interaction. This thread is still fucking stupid. How does knowing who to kill and who not to kill add anything to the game? Oh look a guy with a RED ARMBAND OMFG BETTER KILL HIM. Boom now I've killed him with no interaction. Fucking awful idea why is this thread even still active? Oh yeah because Airborne makes it his job to go into EVERY OTHER THREAD on the forums and post about how KoS players are at such an advantage over "dur heroz" and how they should vote for the true, godsend, correct humanity system. Fucking. Retarded. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted February 12, 2014 noLol you know it's a good idea when the first reply is this ^ and gets more beans than the original post. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteveLord 32 Posted February 12, 2014 Oh great, people are pulling out dictionary references again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted February 12, 2014 That's not the definition you're looking for. This is... he·ro [heer-oh] Show IPAnoun, plural he·roes; for 5 also he·ros.1.a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Noble qualities. That's the catch... I didn't use that definition since it started with, "man". It felt too 1950s. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 12, 2014 I fail to see how adding armbands and pre-determined looks to people adds any interaction. This thread is still fucking stupid. How does knowing who to kill and who not to kill add anything to the game? Oh look a guy with a RED ARMBAND OMFG BETTER KILL HIM. Boom now I've killed him with no interaction. Fucking awful idea why is this thread even still active? Oh yeah because Airborne makes it his job to go into EVERY OTHER THREAD on the forums and post about how KoS players are at such an advantage over "dur heroz" and how they should vote for the true, godsend, correct humanity system. Fucking. Retarded.brutal maybe a touch harsh but accurate. So what he really wants to do is make this battle field ya know 2 teams fighting each other the bad guys have a red symbol so there easy to spot and kill.. When i want to play battlefield ill play battlefield thanks ( hey i like the game its a very different experience to dayz to but anyone calling it realistic would be crazy.... As for the guy with the dictionary yeah noble deeds and whats ya point if you play hero as it stands you can do noble deeds its just harder.... Welcome to Dayz a game thats ment to be authentic and HARD.. You choose to play hero well done you have chosen the hardest difficulty your among the elite i play survivour i try to live( no that dont mean i KOS everything that moves) id call that medium and some choose to play the bandit yeah i call that the easiest level of game play ... You want to be hero play a hero but thats not what you want you want to KOS as much as a bandit be honest thats why you want them to have an arm band so you know who to shoot... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted February 12, 2014 I've seen this thread pop on and off the front page, I've ignored it because having a system I think is a bit stupid but, other people are of the opinion that it's something they feel would add to the game or at least let them decide if this person on the other side of the LRS should die. "And what are you dressed as?""A serial killer because they look just like everybody else" Having direct chat in game function the way normal conversation would add an element of social skill's, how charming can you be? can you pick out behavior that you feel is untrustworthy? How much do you trust your judgment? can you handle stress well? do you remain calm under pressure? can you lie well? These are all element's of the game that would be instantly eliminated once people have a visual identifier, to me the loss would be sorely missed and would be the removal of a very important and unique part of the game, shit after that's gone might as well go play battlefield. What's being suggested would remove a large portion of the social aspect of the game and leave only the shell that every MMO out already has and provides. The loss in uniqueness would mean that dayz would lose something and gain nothing. You already have the methods of deciding if a person is a bandit or if they are a hero, whos fault is it if someone successfully deceives you? At very least should they decide to implement this system I'd much prefer they limit it to "regular" or maybe rename them to "pussy pussy bitch bitch" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martmital 436 Posted February 12, 2014 At very least should they decide to implement this system I'd much prefer they limit it to "regular" or maybe rename them to "pussy pussy bitch bitch" I play on regular servers and I don't want this... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted February 12, 2014 The fact that the devs went out of their way to add more character customization in terms of appearance gives me hope that this stupid thing won't make it into the SA. Half the fun is assessing players around you and determining whether or not players are friendly. If you run in "HURR DURR" to every situation, you are GOING. TO. FUCKING. DIE. If you play smart and scout a town before entering or watching someone before you approach, your chances of survival, not surprisingly, increase. Imagine that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted February 12, 2014 The fact that the devs went out of their way to add more character customization in terms of appearance gives me hope that this stupid thing won't make it into the SA. Half the fun is assessing players around you and determining whether or not players are friendly. If you run in "HURR DURR" to every situation, you are GOING. TO. FUCKING. DIE. If you play smart and scout a town before entering or watching someone before you approach, your chances of survival, not surprisingly, increase. Imagine that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reapers239 57 Posted February 12, 2014 no and no, i have ignored this until now. Will say this it didnt work as it should in mod it wont now. The only changes to the player is skin should be beard, hair for how long you staid alive, besides that nothing. If you keep getting yourself killed to often your doing something wrong. Up your game when you move into towns, for heavens sake do 360 degree recon has much you can with what you got before moving to scavenge. Be quiet dont waste bullets on Zombies if you can.... These player encounters is what gets the blood pumping for this game, you dont like then go player COD where you have red and blue teams, really. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zegeda 2 Posted February 12, 2014 Strongly against it, We don't want this game to turn into Infestation (WarZ) Also i would like to keep this game realistic as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zegeda 2 Posted February 12, 2014 Strongly against it, We don't want this game to turn into Infestation (WarZ) Also i would like to keep this game realistic as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1S1K-Airborne 148 Posted February 14, 2014 Strongly against it, We don't want this game to turn into Infestation (WarZ) Also i would like to keep this game realistic as possible. I love the people that say "Don't turn this into WarZ". You obviously never played the game. WarZ was KOS as well. Still is. DayZ = WarZ <------oh, I said it now! Actually with the state of the Alpha right now, and the fact that they're making small dumb changes instead of getting the core big game mechanics in there........WarZ is better than DayZ. And it's realistic that 80-90% of encounters in the apocalypse will end up with one of the two players dead? Guess we don't have long to live right? Better get shooting then! In real life, you would not shoot everyone you met for a can of beans. Or, if you were dumb enough to do that, you would meet someone like ME that is actually military trained on guns and tactics........and you would cease to exist :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ordeal 8 Posted February 14, 2014 hah...hahaha..haaa this guy ^ Wtf did i just read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
real meatshield 424 Posted February 14, 2014 I love the people that say "Don't turn this into WarZ". You obviously never played the game. WarZ was KOS as well. Still is. DayZ = WarZ <------oh, I said it now! Actually with the state of the Alpha right now, and the fact that they're making small dumb changes instead of getting the core big game mechanics in there........WarZ is better than DayZ. And it's realistic that 80-90% of encounters in the apocalypse will end up with one of the two players dead? Guess we don't have long to live right? Better get shooting then! In real life, you would not shoot everyone you met for a can of beans. Or, if you were dumb enough to do that, you would meet someone like ME that is actually military trained on guns and tactics........and you would cease to exist :)OOOOH oh shit, we got a hardass here fellas. What if that dumbass coming to shoot you for your beans was ALSO former military, hmmm? what if he was an ACTUAL COMBAT VET who treated everyone he ran across as a potential threat, and saw through your ruse right away- and ended you? Play your own GAME, and quit trying to justifying turning this into a pussy-ass survival cosplay over your inability to grasp that the world is full of bad people who will end you for a can opener and a pair of socks. Real life is a bitch as it is- you think its gonna go all hippy-style nirvana when TSHTF and people are gonna trade hugs for a can of food? I would shoot both of the peaceniks and take ALL their shit, if it meant I got to live another couple of days. And if you wouldn't do the same, don't plan to live very long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kobeandodom 23 Posted February 14, 2014 I can see special skins maybe or something similar, but in real life, do the bad guys stick out from the norm in anyway other than their actions? No.yes often times "bad guys" stick out a lot from the crowd of the normal "good guys" most of them are loner types, mental problems, social outcasts from bullying. Now do "normal" types do bad things as well im sure they do, but there are profiles for "bad guys". Even more so you can walk down a street and go in stores and see people who will be obviously nice, and people who are flat out going to be jerks, and are easily distinguishable. You can go ask anybody that works retail and they will tell you they know when a nice person is coming up in line and with a not so nice person is coming up in line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King_Soggy 5 Posted February 14, 2014 trouble is, a good bandit would be disguised as anything other than a bandit.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 82 Posted February 14, 2014 DIE thread DIE! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites