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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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In other words, incredibly easy to see from well over 400m away. So, godsight. Just like we said like 20 pages ago and you got all up-in-arms about.


If you want to not kill heroes, then don't shoot people until you know whether or not they're a hero. It's "pretty simple."


Once again, you misrepresent stuff.


Take a look at the EYES pictures.  At 50 meters, with just your eyes, it's almost invisible.  Its visible from longer distance only if you SEE the person, have optics, and can aim at them.


You act like it's a rotating police siren on a person's head..........or some hacked ESP mode.


And you can TAKE IT OFF.  So you don't need to play with it on.  Your choice.

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@OP: No we don't. That's stupid. If people choose to wear an identifiable item as part of a clan/tribe, that's fine. But making a mechanic to identify someone based solely on their actions is, like I said, stupid.

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Honestly no, I don't think that is a good idea at all. The whole point of this game is terror of not knowing. The unknown is why this game is fun, its why so rewarding. I think they need to implement endgame mechanics that make it more desirable to work together instead of in opposition with one another. I do however not feel that they need to get rid of bandits entirely, they do have there place. Nor do I feel that they need to make a way of calling them out for playing the role of a bandit. 


You don't need to use it.  You can take it off.


You can still play however you want to play.

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to the OP:


You can't judge a book by its cover; you have to read the book, interact with it; follow it to its conclusion to see how the story ends.


Being able to see whether someone is bad or good based on how they look is a poor mechanic that removes all adventure and mystery from this social experiment called Dayz.


Player branding does not have its place in this game. there are other games you may find more to your liking; i recommend finding one of them and leave us to our game.


Warm regards,



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Take a look at the EYES pictures.  At 50 meters, with just your eyes, it's almost invisible.


The people I care about aren't using their eyes to look at me.





And you can TAKE IT OFF.  So you don't need to play with it on.  Your choice.


Oh, very nice. Except while I have the option not to wear the Bandit armband, I don't have the option to wear the Hero one, right? All the Heroes wear their's, and suddenly "no armband" is just another way for you to identify bandits. Nice try, though.
If you want people to have choice, then nothing needs to be implemented except more clothes. Let people wear whatever they want. If the community wants to agree on a "good guy" costume then go ahead and put that on, but I get to wear it too if I want.
Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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If the community wants to agree on a "good guy" costume then go ahead and put that on, but I get to wear it too if I want.



No, no, no, you can't wear the good guy costume when you're not a good guy. 



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Oh, very nice. Except while I have the option not to wear the Bandit armband, I don't have the option to wear the Hero one, right? All the Heroes wear their's, and suddenly "no armband" is just another way for you to identify bandits. Nice try, though.


Thought you said you were playing as a hero?


If you're going to play as bandit, what do you care if I have an armband on?


You can wear it, but you also don't have to wear it.  Your choice.


And no, you can't "fake" the armband, otherwise the system won't work.

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And no, you can't "fake" the armband, otherwise the system won't work.


the system won't work regardless... :)


this isnt red vs blue


this isnt shirts vs skins


Dayz isnt black and white  (well...unless you have severe blood loss, but anyway)


there are as many "costumes" as there are people playing. you cannot force people to wear an artifical skin to make decisions easier for you.

Edited by Bubbajones
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Do we really need 25 pages to realize that this is a dumb idea and shouldn't be implemented?  It seems that the majority of posters in this thread hate the idea lol.

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Thought you said you were playing as a hero?


If you're going to play as bandit, what do you care if I have an armband on?


You can wear it, but you also don't have to wear it.  Your choice.


Except it's not really a real choice. I called you out on the ruse already, mate.
Under your proposed system "Bandit armband" and "no armband" both mean exactly the same thing, so you can identify me either way. What does it matter if I have a "choice?" It's an illusion. Either way, you know I'm not a Hero, which is what you want in order to justify pulling the trigger on me without actually doing any observation or discovery on your own.
We're back where we were 20 pages ago. You want God (or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Faerie) to come along and tell you who the bad guys are. Whether they're in a Bandit armband or exercising their "choice" to not wear their bandit armband, you know they're not good and that's all that really matters.
That's what your system boils down to. We didn't need 24 pages and sample screenshots and a bunch of ridiculous arguments about the size of the armband or how hard it is to see from what distances to figure it out. You could have posted once. 
"Please tell us who the bad guys are so we know who to shoot."
That's it. That's what you want (or, in your opinion what you "NEED").
I for one genuinely hope it never happens. It was artificial and magical on Page 1 and it's sitll artificial and magical on Page 25.
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That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.


I have mine and I'm entitled to it.


But thanks for helping me keep the topic going :)  You're a real trooper!

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Do we really need 25 pages to realize that this is a dumb idea and shouldn't be implemented?  It seems that the majority of posters in this thread hate the idea lol.

OP keeps bumping it, we have to collectively ignore it until he gets banned for continuous uninterrupted bumping for this thread to finally die.

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Yeah I think that would be verry nice :)
Indeed I love beeing a here rather than kill others. The problem is at one point you are fed up with those guys you helped and THANK killing you.

As an addition to your first posting:

As you spawn you'll have an bandana in your inventory for free use or not. But if you kill some one who not harmed you first the bandana will vanish.

I know this might cause some problems if you help your mate who was attacked but it's a nice way to identify friendly people.


What I see now is that the amount of peaceful players decrease from day to day. So all will end up in one horrible kill on sight slaughter.

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OP keeps bumping it, we have to collectively ignore it until he gets banned for continuous uninterrupted bumping for this thread to finally die.

This.  Everyone stop giving this guy attention and we'll all be OK.  Mods will eventually lock if he just keeps bumping it himself.

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Im a new player and I've been KOS'd 5 times in three days now, and died twice of my own accord. I've lost probably 8 hours of my 12 or so hours of play time to being KOS'd while at a water well or something  I wanted to give my opinion into this pot, I'm only going to post once though, as to not go against Mdogg2005's suggestion.


Yes, KOS is damn annoying.

Yes, KOS makes the game less fun for the person getting shot

Yes, KOS makes the game very brutal sometimes, and makes you want to rage.

Maybe, it needs to somehow be discouraged, but ONLY to make the game slightly more fun for newbies (Although I dont think KOS will be such a problem once everyone stops spawning on the coast in the same 3 places right next to each other)


However, if they are going for realism in this game...


No, A bandit wouldnt wear anything to identify himself

No, A hero wouldnt wear some shining light costume

No, you wouldnt have visual cues to identify who was friendly and who was not.

Youd have a person. He is going to kill you, or hes not. Its up to you to figure that out.


If it were a real zombie apocalypse (and i know its not) then it would be every man for himself.  I've no doubt that there would be a lot of KOS type behaviour going on.


The only possible solution I could see to discourage KOS (There is nothing wrong with the playstyle, but it makes the victims life less fun and so may hurt the uptake of the game) is that the KOS's players respawn timer increases by 30 minutes every kill they make.  Every 24 hours, that respawn timer is reduced by 30 minutes.  This gives bandits 1 kill a day, which would slow down the KOS, but not eliminate it, or ruin any of the realism aspects of KOS style play.


You CANNOT have ANY way of knowing or being warned if someone is going to KOS You.  However, KOS is more attractive in a game than it is in real life, because if you get killed as a consequence of killing, you just come straight back to life.   The only way to reduce the frequency of KOS is to slightly, and completely invisibly penalise the KOS'er for it.


If you cant handle KOS go play call of duty.  From what I've learnt so far about this game, if I get KOS its my fault. I was somewhere I shouldn't of been, I wasn't careful enough.  Don't go the places that are camped unless you have proper recon, cover of darkness or both.


If you get shot in the face, its probably your own fault...Your in a war zone people!

Edited by Delarado

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As hero's why not just  ware the red berry or any berry as a sign of good will,  it stands out quite well and peeps will soon put the word around about using the red berry as a sign that you mean good will !

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As hero's why not just  ware the red berry or any berry as a sign of good will,  it stands out quite well and peeps will soon put the word around about using the red berry as a sign that you mean good will !


Because within about 10 minutes of starting something like that......every KOSer in the server would be hunting for them.  Even if it was only given to heros on restart, every bandit KOSer would be wearing one shortly after they shot somebody that was looting.  It just wouldn't work.  Plus an armband is much smaller / harder to see.


KOS is the only possible gameplay style right now, unless you like being a bullet / axe sponge hero.


I'm trying to change that, without giving any negative or positive aspects to heros or bandits.

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KOS is the only possible gameplay style right now, unless you like being a bullet / axe sponge hero.


I don't KOS, I've played for 40+ hours on the SA and several hundred of the mod. Never been a bandit, never been a bullet sponge. I've got a total of 2 or 3 kills to my name, and been murdered by other players a similar number of times. More than 90% of my deaths have been self-inflicted or caused by bugs. Generally I survive weeks at a time, and I've met (and not even been shot by!) many new friends in game. You know why? I'll tell you why. It's because I play smart. If you were smart, you wouldn't be championing a system that dumbs down the game and takes away the one difficult decision that DayZ ever presents to you.


You should try Counterstrike. The terr'ists are all nicely labelled for you there, I think you'd like it. Then you can leave us alone.

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Because within about 10 minutes of starting something like that......every KOSer in the server would be hunting for them.  Even if it was only given to heros on restart, every bandit KOSer would be wearing one shortly after they shot somebody that was looting. 

And how is this a problem at all?

Not to be rude or anything, but after 25 pages it really seems like you need someone to hold your hand and walk you through the game.

People are free to do what they want, NOBODY should be forced to look a certain way, because of they're actions and everybody should have the same choices tbh.


This game is ment to provide a challenge, not put big "flags" over peoples heads so you dont have to think on your own lol.

Deception is part of the human "nature" we all do it from time to time and in crisis situations it becomes even more apperant, so why would you try to take something like that away?

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More bumps for this stupid thread in hopes the mods will lock it down.  25 pages of No's and the point is still not getting through to the OP

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This is a hero (thats me by the way):


This is how a bandit looks like, for obvious reasons:


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