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For those complaining about development pace

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Another example is the Dragon Age franchise. DA: Origins was developed in around 5 years, and is the best game i ever played, but because it sold so well, Dragon Age 2 was rushed. Development time: 1 year. It turned out to be an utter dissapointment for the original Dragon Age fans.


Bioware is now taking a bit more time (couple of years more actually) with DA3. I say: the longer i need to wait, the better. Let them take their sweet time, creating an awesome game. Same with DayZ.

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TBH I thought development pace was pretty fast.


A patch on a daily or bi / tri-daily basis? Win.


I've played many a beta's in my day (and only one alpha, ze arma 3) and this is pretty speedy gonzalas. I like.

Edited by bonesnap

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Well with 26 million dollars from game purchases they could at least hire a few more people to speed things up...

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I honestly want to believe / believe that Rocket is holding out a good chunk of the game.


There are some features I've seen in Devblogs that weren't implemented.


I feel he was just: "Here are some basics, I got to work on stability/security while you play"


I'm pretty certain the game will be very much different then it is now, when moving to the next stage.

Most people are just wasting their breath on complaining/defending ATM. 


All we can do is sit/play and wait for hopefully a pleasant surprise.

Edited by MT-Klips
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I have played/enjoyed DayZ for years now, always being free. So dropping 30 bucks was not a problem at all.


My only concern is I am not experiencing any real gameplay change from the old mod. Rocket claims to have rewritten everything, but I am not sensing that at all as I play the new SA (outside the new GUI/inventory/avatar clothing changes)...my fear is this thing is nothing more than a stripped apart ArmaII mod that is packaged up.


Edited by BigCountry

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Looking at the plan of 2015 beta and possible 2016 finished product, I assume we have every right to demand faster developement. 4 years of develpment time for a game based on another game, seriously??? HIRE MORE PEOPLE! Fuck you bloodsucker Bohemia, you always sucked money out of hardcore fps fans and never gave us a decent product. 

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I don't understand, we've added +800 gold, development schedule should be at level 60 by now. Maybe we should have all been wearing our Amulet of Dibella first... That is how business works, right?

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i dont know... this game has already sold 1 million copies on steam. i get it its an alpha, its an indie game, people knew this was going to take its time...blablabla


but even rocket said he never dreamed of so much sales.


what i EXPECT now is that he invests that money and hires some additional crew.


there is absolutely no excuse why things shouldnt speed up now. the game is popular and will remain so.


beta in winter 2014? 2015? NO FRIKKIN WAY.

Edited by RedNoak

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This game will be done in a few years. By then 95% of the people will lose interest. Then it will go on a huge steam sale and become popular again for a while.


Development pace isn't going to magically change now. Perhaps in 6 months they could have more people hired and brought up to speed and development pace will start increasing.


For content, rocket said he wants to see community contributions. Does anyone know how we could start contributing items, guns, etc?

Edited by lothix

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Take a look at what happened with games like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 - 

Only read up to this, Instant beans.

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When I first heard about this game I watched a video of people playing the mod and fell in love! Unfortunately at the time I didn't have the money to play...

Then the standalone was announced I decided to wait for that to be released instead of diving into the mod as soon as I had the funds.

Figured the experience of the standalone would be better since, as a mod, I assume you are restricted by what the game you are modding allows you to do. That's not a fact, that was my assumption at the time...


Anyway I have been waiting for this game ever since (maybe like... 1 and a half to 2 years?) and I would much rather wait another 2, 3, 4 years for this game and have it be everything It promises to be than have it rushed to release and be just another zombie FPS.

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Looking at the plan of 2015 beta and possible 2016 finished product, I assume we have every right to demand faster developement. 4 years of develpment time for a game based on another game, seriously??? HIRE MORE PEOPLE! Fuck you bloodsucker Bohemia, you always sucked money out of hardcore fps fans and never gave us a decent product. 


You have the right to demand anything you want, and we have the right to ridicule you for it. Doubling the staff might bump up the release date by a month or two.

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Obviously the game will take some time to develop and they were upfront about it being incomplete when they offered it for alpha release, however:


They need to not only work on security and barebones updates, but they need to also release minor content updates in the same timeframe.  Adding two new weapon spawns and a minor content boost per week when they release a security and bug fix update, will not break the game, it will not lead to five frames per second, however, not adding any of these for six months will severely hurt the interest in the game.

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The release of new patches feels like waiting for the alpha release all over again.


For the meantime, and framerate issues aside, I just want more zombies to pre-occupy my character (who's got tons of ammo on him).

Edited by tingkagol

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You have the right to demand anything you want, and we have the right to ridicule you for it. Doubling the staff might bump up the release date by a month or two.


Doubling only the modelling and texturing staff:


-twice as more weapons

-twice as more vehicles and vehicle modding

-twice as more zombie types, player character types

-twice better interface, twice as more items etc.


at least 1 year less developement time.


As far as I did modelling and texturing for a while, belive me you can always use an extra hand. Also knowing from their older games, Bohemia suck at some stuff like ragdolls, optimization etc. I believe specialists on those subjects could speed up the developement way more. However, since they already got the money it's unlikely. The only company I know that develops their product after sales is CD Projekt (Witcher series) 

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You usually get answered in the same way as you ask.

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Looking at the plan of 2015 beta and possible 2016 finished product, I assume we have every right to demand faster developement. 4 years of develpment time for a game based on another game, seriously??? HIRE MORE PEOPLE! Fuck you bloodsucker Bohemia, you always sucked money out of hardcore fps fans and never gave us a decent product. 


Despite what Activision has taught you with Call of Duty, games are not usually released on an annual basis and takes years to develop.  DayZ is being built from all new framework in mind using hardly anything (if anything at all) from the mod.  The reason CoD has a new game every year is control c + control v on the source code and editing a few models / names of maps & weapons.


Normal games do not work this way - nor should they.  So if you really think it's unreasonable for a game developer to take this long on a game, you need a reality check because it's not really that long, we're just seeing it at an earlier stage than we see most games.


More food for thought: most games are kept in the dark until their alpha / beta builds are ready which means we only see the short span from alpha / beta -> finished release - which is usually a year or less.  Because of this most people think that whenever a game is shown, it should only be a year or less for it to come out.


Remember, however, that we're in the VERY BARE-BONES EARLIEST POSSIBLE BUILDS for DayZ - meaning absolutely everything is still ahead of it as far as development is concerned. 


And once again, if you enjoy playing rushed, half-assed games that had a deadline and gave in to community QQ to release it ASAP, I invite you to play Battlefield 4, Diablo 3, or 9 randomly chosen games out of 10 that were released in 2013 and chances are you'll be playing a rushed, underdeveloped, full-retail price game.


Also remember that we're never playing the most up-to-date build of the game.  Ever.  There is always a version of the game that is better than the one we're playing that may just not be ready yet.  So cool your jets, be patient (I know, such a hard concept for gamers these days... or people in general) and play other games until more content is added if you don't find the current offering suitable.




Edit: Also, saying "fuck you" to the developer is... you know what... no I'm not even going to explain.  If you can't see what's wrong with this then nothing I say will do anything useful anyway.  Also, for the record, Bohemia never created any FPS's - let alone "hardcore" ones.  They create military sims.  CoD, Battlefield, CS, and the like are FPS's.  The Arma series of games are sims.  There is a difference.

Edited by Mdogg2005

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Doubling only the modelling and texturing staff:


-twice as more weapons

-twice as more vehicles and vehicle modding

-twice as more zombie types, player character types

-twice better interface, twice as more items etc.


at least 1 year less developement time.


As far as I did modelling and texturing for a while, belive me you can always use an extra hand. Also knowing from their older games, Bohemia suck at some stuff like ragdolls, optimization etc. I believe specialists on those subjects could speed up the developement way more. However, since they already got the money it's unlikely. The only company I know that develops their product after sales is CD Projekt (Witcher series) 


Okay you accounted for modeling.  Now account for sound, animation, programming (AI, UI, systems, weapons, zombies, item conditions, food, hunger, thirst, etc. etc....), increased resources, anti-cheat, improved server stability, increased server capacity and everything else that goes into a game like DayZ and tell me how doubling staff will magically reduce the game's development cycle by a year (lol).

Edited by Mdogg2005

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Okay you accounted for modeling.  Now account for sound, animation, programming (AI, UI, systems, weapons, zombies, item conditions, food, hunger, thirst, etc. etc....), increased resources, anti-cheat, improved server stability, increased server capacity and everything else that goes into a game like DayZ and tell me how doubling staff will magically reduce the game's development cycle by a year (lol).

quite defending the company, they have a million people who are paying them to test, what other game has that. 

Edited by iruncities

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quite defending the company, they have a million people who are paying them to test, what other game has that. 

I'm not defending anyone.  I work in software development and I always get a kick out of people thinking that extra cash means cutting the development time so drastically. 

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I wanna say something to it too.


There are a lot of legendary Games which had a bad ass long dev-time.

Look at "Black & White" i think it was a dev-duration of 12 Years.

Edited by Ozar

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I wanna say something to it too.


There are a lot of legendary Games which had a bad ass long dev-time.

Look at "Black & White" i think it was a dev-duration of 12 Years.


Black and White was mediocre at best, many would say grossly over hyped.


Let's be honest, development on this game IS slow.  No denying that.  They were upfront about taking a couple years more to release a 'finished' product, so good on them.


And to the 'person that works in software dev' who thinks adding more people to the DayZ team won't speed up development.. wow, just wow.  


Ultima Online was launched within about 2 years of starting development.  This was an ambitious game for it's time, much like DayZ really.  2 years to do everything, engine from scratch.  They had a large team and money behind them.  Point is, money CAN (if certain people arn't greedy) speed up the development of a game, and the game doesn't have to be generic shooter #232.


It's probably best just to.... relax.  It'll be done when it's done, and not a moment before!

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u wot m8



And to the 'person that works in software dev' who thinks adding more people to the DayZ team won't speed up development.. wow, just wow.  


Ultima Online was launched within about 2 years of starting development.  This was an ambitious game for it's time, much like DayZ really.  2 years to do everything, engine from scratch.  They had a large team and money behind them.  Point is, money CAN (if certain people arn't greedy) speed up the development of a game, and the game doesn't have to be generic shooter #232.


It's probably best just to.... relax.  It'll be done when it's done, and not a moment before!

Which is what I said right from the OP.  I was just saying that just because they have more money doesn't mean they will magically be able to throw money at the computer and spawn DayZ updates.  Not only that, but just because they can afford to hire more people now doesn't mean they can or want to. 


Don't try reading in between lines that aren't there.  All I said was that having money does not mean that your product just skips years of development.  And although I went to college for game programming, I am currently in non-gaming related software development and there is a lot of red tape with any software development - no matter what company you're with.  Not to mention, they could have tons of money to throw at new programmers, artists, etc. but maybe people aren't willing to move to where they are located, or maybe they aren't getting as many applicants as they need, maybe the people they're meeting with aren't what they're looking for quality or personality wise.


There's a lot that goes into this, so please don't "Wow, just wow..." me when you clearly aren't understanding what I mean by "money doesn't mean software magically appears in front of you."



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I don't mind it at all. I have waited 15 years for games like Duke Nukem or 10+ years on Fallout. But at least he (Rocket) can share a picture of that INCREDIBLE Ice cream he and the DayZ dev team are having. ^-^ *Slight sarcasm*

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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