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What you think of the community in DayZ?

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as the title said please tell me what do you think of the current state of the community in DayZ 



i lost all hope in the community in this video i show why. 




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haha you deserved that tbh :)


Made me lol :)

Edited by Jaygoon

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  On 12/30/2013 at 5:37 PM, TheNerdySecret said:

Nope, how will it go? 


To the Gallery!

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If you search out what you are looking for in DayZ you will find it. Role Players, PVP COD types, lost souls, lost bambi's, loners and anything else you want is here. So I am very happy with this community. People complain because every single person they run into isn't 'their type' but that is what makes this so great.

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Concerning the video, that guy was probably pretty reasonable. He heard shots, and you came up to him after showing him you had a loaded gun and were prepared to fire. He had no way of hearing what you were saying from that distance, so he heard nothing. For all he knew you were a bandit that tried to shoot at him.


Concerning the actual community, it's not that bad. Too many uninformed people coming in from the hype, people who shouldn't be representing are involved too much , while there are many reasonable and mature people who don't get involved. However, you were probably refering to the matter of PvPing players, which I am not going to touch with a barge pole in this thread.

Edited by Jaginun
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  On 12/30/2013 at 5:40 PM, Jaginun said:

Concerning the video, that guy was probably pretty reasonable. He heard shots, and you came up to him after showing him you had a loaded gun and were prepared to fire. He had no way of hearing what you were saying from that distance, so he heard nothing. For all he knew you were a bandit that tried to shoot at him.




Exactly my thoughts.


When you started speaking to him you were around 100 meters away from him. I think the VOIP range is 20 meters.

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I would have had to shoot you too if I was him, and I've haven't killed a person in SA for nothing yet. You acted brashly and without care. I guess you got it for being too trusting. :)


And as for any community which has people in it, especially a one that has gamers in it, you can expect anything. I mean I've met some gorgeous ass dudes and gals in the DayZ community, and I don't let the idiots and douches change my outlook on it. I think its great.


Good luck out there! Regards

Edited by Zarniwoop
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If someone doesn't respond for over half a minute you either shoot him or run away. In this situation it was clearly your own fault for getting shot. This player obviously did not want to interact with you or otherwise he would have responded.

But you kept running towards him (on an open field, without your gun being lowered).

I would have shot you too in this situation. If I was told repeatedly to come out of my cover for some free stuff I would be cautious. Feels like a bait.

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I'm totally friendly and would probably have shot you too.


First of all, you run in the middle of the goddamn runway in one of the most competitive areas, you fire your gun, you come at him directly with your rifle in your hands, meaning you're only one click away from blowing him away. You're saying one thing over direct chat and doing the opposite with your actions. You're saying you're friendly, while you're appearing to take hostile action against him. You forced his hand.


There's being friendly and then there's being reckless and if you're being reckless near me, friendly or not, you're a liability to my own survival. If I don't survive, I can't be friendly, so I'd have to shoot you in that situation too.

Edited by Dallas
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not all will kill, but you had a gun out!


saying 'i am friendly' with a gun out?

if you wanna communicate, take a chance and put you gun on back. what's the worst that could have happened, nothing more than did.



also airfields are pretty much KOS, don't go looking for friends there

Edited by Sooden
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  On 12/30/2013 at 5:45 PM, Korsbaek said:

Exactly my thoughts.


When you started speaking to him you were around 100 meters away from him. I think the VOIP range is 20 meters.

I remember it having a larger range, in the mod. i might be wrong on that tho.

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In the mod direct channel was something like 40 in text and 80-100 in voice, looked like he were at +100-200 meters. Despite that you were telling him your were friendly, while showing hostile intent in the careless manner you approached him

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  On 12/30/2013 at 6:02 PM, Dallas said:

In the mod direct channel was something like 40 in text and 80-100 in voice, looked like he were at +100-200 meters. Despite that you were telling him your were friendly, while showing hostile intent in the careless manner you approached him

Yeah i now that you point it out it there was errors on my part as well. should have lowered that gun. Ah well lesson learned next time! 

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Killing mindless zombies is not fun... killing unpredictable players is challenging and fun. 


DayZ - 1 community 

OP - 0

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In my opinion you always have to break contact when you see a firearm, just like when you see someone holding an axe, you have to keep a safe distance. If someone avoids you, pursuing or flanking them can only be considered a threat. First thing you need to learn as a friendly player is to stay alive, second thing is to learn to approach other players in a non threatening, but safe manner. People are so paranoid, two friendly players can easily misinterpret each other and end up in a deadly fight.


You have to remember that you can't predict other people's motivation in game, but people are always concerned with their own survival first. You also have to make sure that your own desire to be friendly doesn't compromise your own safety or the people you try to contact.


This is really what makes DayZ so interesting, you can't rely on that the people wearing the white hats are able to tell other white hatted players a part from bandits wearing the black hats. :)

Edited by Dallas
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:( poor dude, Dem KoS kiddies suck, we all know :P. The community is pretty good tbh, just some of the cod kiddie players who join ruin it for the legit players.

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running around open fieled on the neaf the most dangerous place in the whole game ,shooting zombies , playing nice and try to lure him out like the old man lure kids to his van because of ur stupid video and expecting him to be super friendly?


sorry but this is soo stupid....

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What saddens me is the fact that I have behaved perfectly, that is the opposite of you, and still got shot in the face.


Now I shoot first and ask questions later. Amazingly my characters are living much much longer  :)


EDIT: Also, I realize there is a language barrier but getting shot in the face isn't "backstabbing".

Edited by DrGonzo
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  On 12/30/2013 at 7:04 PM, DrGonzo said:

What saddens me is the fact that I have behaved perfectly, that is the opposite of you, and still got shot in the face.


Now I shoot first and ask questions later. Amazingly my characters are living much much longer  :)


EDIT: Also, I realize there is a language barrier but getting shot in the face isn't "backstabbing".

Exactly what i am doing from now on.

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I'm sorry... but are people complaining about PvP?


I mean... I look for it. IMO having a shoot out is way more fun than just.... living..... 


I don't play this game so I can hold hands with people while we chop away at mindless zombies together. The only players I'm friendly with are the ones I'm in mumble with. Everything else is just loot with legs. This is the apocalypse... and my survival will be much easier if I have your ammo and beans.  ;)

Edited by UGLYMRJ

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