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About petermann2

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. petermann2

    Well, people did ask for more zombies

    Are there really more zombies now or do they just respawn so fast that it feels like there are more of them?
  2. petermann2

    Nav Mesh

    Don't zombies ignore walls anymore?
  3. petermann2

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    I always wondered what the second P in 3PP stands for. 3rd person p...?
  4. petermann2

    To the man I killed in Balota Airfield barracks

    I usually skip all stories beginning with "... at Balota Airfield ..." Does anyone really cares what happens at Balota? Some fresh spawns with nothing to lose fighting against other fresh spawns with nothing to lose. Where's the thrill?
  5. petermann2

    Please fix this.

    I'd like to see a screenshot of that specific military hero look...
  6. petermann2

    Please fix this.

  7. petermann2

    Are Zombies Running?

    Run faster.
  8. What's the point of equipable clothes then, if everybody gets their skin based on the humanity system? Personally I would bring back Taviana. It was such a great map with so much variety and cool different places. I would make the bridge a little bit shorter/smaller though.
  9. petermann2

    Locked doors

    Hello there, I really enjoy that almost every building is enterable now. But I would like to see some locked doors which can only be opened with tools (i.e. axe, crowbar or lockpicks). Depending on the tool, opening a door could be noisy enough to attract zombies (or other players). What do you guys think about this idea?
  10. petermann2

    Rarest Item?

    No one mentioned the Walkie Talkie so far. I've found plenty of everything. But only one Walkie Talkie.
  11. petermann2

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    If someone doesn't respond for over half a minute you either shoot him or run away. In this situation it was clearly your own fault for getting shot. This player obviously did not want to interact with you or otherwise he would have responded. But you kept running towards him (on an open field, without your gun being lowered). I would have shot you too in this situation. If I was told repeatedly to come out of my cover for some free stuff I would be cautious. Feels like a bait.
  12. petermann2

    Best way to stop combat logging

    Okay, let's take the logout timer AND add a system which recognizes if you are "in combat" or "out of combat". I'm not quite sure but I guess this is already implemented in the mod (or at least on some private hives). You are "in combat" if you have zombie aggro and/or if a bullet was shot near you / hit the surrounding near you. In this case the player cannot log out and the logout timer wont count down from 30 to 0 until he gets "out of combat". If the player decides to Alt+F4 out of the game when he's still "in combat" the character would still stay in the game until he gets "out of combat" somehow... which wont happen unless the other player (from your mentioned standoff situation) stops shooting. Or let's go a step further and say: A player can't logout if another player is nearby (i.e. within a 100m range). Wouldn't this solve the problem?
  13. petermann2

    Best way to stop combat logging

    Let's make it just like in World of Warcraft. If you hit the escape button to logout, you have a 30 second timer before you can actually press the "Exit / Logout" button. And if you Alt+F4 out of the game, the character will still be on the server for 30 seconds before he vanishes. This gives other players and zombies the chance to still kill the player and take his loot even though he's not in the game anymore.
  14. petermann2

    Character customization won't save

    Maybe you need to die before the changes take place.
  15. petermann2

    Disappearing Bodies and combined magazines

    I just realized that this thread was posted in the wrong section. Maybe a mod can move it into the standalone-section.