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How not to Rage losing a fully equipted character

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Okay...I'm asking this before I jump in.

I need tips people. TIPS!


How do you guys deal with losing huge amounts of good loot with a character you've had for a long time?

This will help more people...Not just me.

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put rage energy into new begin ;)


look on this experience try to see what you doing different next time, learn some lesson move on forget :thumbsup:  :D


don't worry is game for fun


gear don't have real value like life is not the loot you losing is the life you lost


if guy have advantage on me I say him 'take what you want' if he let me live is survival for me is win :thumbsup:  :D


never feel sad for lose gear only for lose life


this is secret to enjoy dayz and don't make rage after die ;)

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There's not really any tips man.  You just have to get used to it, I guess.  I've been playing roguelike games for a very long time which also feature permanent death.  Dying never quite loses its sting, but eventually it'll stop making you rage.  Besides, the moments when you overcome a challenge after dying a hundred deaths makes it all worth it in the end.  Just try to have fun and remember it's more about the journey than the destination. 

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Came here for the threadtitle. Equipteteteteteteted. :)


Really - DayZ is not the game for you if you can't deal with losing stuff. If that's something that you know can make you angry before even buying the game you should think twice about buying it.


DayZ is powerful to bring emotions up and that's why it's good. Some things you just have to deal with and most people that play for a while either learned to not care or didn't care from the beginning.


I see it like this: when I'm dead it gives me the opportunity to scavenge things again and I am happy to do that.

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loot goblin till you full again in 5mins :) never rage ! dont see point at this stage to not do it. Nothing to explore yet :) just pvp 

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Once you are geared up, you are just a loot bag...a man looking for a bullet.


I actually get some enjoyment out of being a trophy buck to someone. Also, the best interactions happen when you are not in full paranoia mode. 

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just remember always loiter around balota airfield and you'll be fine :)

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I just don't die

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Do not get attached to your stuff, and realize that there is a chance that as updates come, your character may be wiped.  Run with a group.  The group that I usually play with make supply runs all the time in between conducting medical experiments on our volunteers.  If one of our members is missing a piece of required uniform, we make sure to be on the lookout for it.  This helps in case one of us dies.  We know that our other members have stuff they can pitch in to jumpstart the journey on the road back.

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2 things:


1) get fine with not having the best of everything. The game still is quite fun without being decked out. Come to find that adequate loot is "good" and anything more is just icing on the cake. That way when you lose a lot of better gear, it doesn't matter. When your baseline is whatever you can get in 1hr of grinding, then dying isn't so bad.


2) don't die so much. It sucks a lot more when it happens a lot more. If you don't like losing stuff that much, play safer, and once you get bored of being safe, then you can risk and lose it all by having actual fun.

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DayZ will always translate to a novella entitled "The Shit I Did Before I Died". 


As much as it ever feels like you have something to lose, you never have anything to lose. One story ends and a new one begins. There's no progression in DayZ, just calm and then chaos. If you're lucky you survive the chaos a few times.

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Losing gear is a part of the game learn to expect it, but I don't really see why people rage anyways guess I'm just laid back but I normally shrug it off like Jesus did with the the crucifixion

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Weed, beer, go inside the bathroom and scream, go outside and punch the tree, bite yourself, curse and drop the pencil, grab your head and be silent for a min, get soda, make psychological warfare with your parents, go to forum and make thread about it, order pizza. ..etc

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Well considering my deaths are typically from DayZ gods reminding me of their existence and not a murder from some greedy sap, I just remind myself it's Alpha.


You get over it, pretty much.

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If you wouldnt rage about losing a char, the game wouldnt to its job.

DayZ is about having a great time with your character. If you lose it, all your invested time is gone. All your trips to baracks that were dangerous, all your firefights...all gone.


Dont try not to rage or grief.

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Most likely it is not about losing the character and the good stuff. It's more the idiots roaming there who just look how to inflict the most pain to others without being able to be 'punished'. But since this behaviour is not against the 'game rules' and is something everybody can do (and is 'allowed' to), it must be accepted.


Like in real life: the more you have, the more you're afraid of losing it.


Maybe this helps the most: there are hundreds of million or even billions of people who go to bed hungry each day, have no fresh water, no school, suffer mutilation, illness, pain and hopelessness and lose family and friends because of war. Or live under hellish and sadistic idiots like in North Korea. Or whatever. When your character on your screen dies... so what is it? Go to your fridge and get a fresh drink... this would be heaven for many people on earth.

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I try to die anymore. After having a character live for almost a month, winning dozens of gun battles and having everything in the mod I reached a point where I knew I would probably rage hard if I died. That day I walked into NWAF with the intent of not leaving alive. After that I could care less. The game is way more fun when you put yourself into crazy situations. Run through Elektro firing off your gun, gather as many zombies as possible then try to live. Way more fun than hiding in a bush afraid of death.

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@OP: You need to make clear to yourself that getting shot is part of the game. Its the nature of the game. And its always fun to start from scratch.

You get used to it if you play along. There is nothing bad about getting killed. Most of the time the fight before you die is really tense and exciting.

Also the fresh Spawn is a chance to experience the feeling of being hunted again =)

Edited by Sloddor

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I just died on a character that has been alive for almost 5 days straight. How I deal with it? Well, I got jumped by a party, but I took two of them out so I figured they came out behind. Also, I just play recklessly on new characters until I get some gear. Usually some funny shit will happen when you are playing recklessly.

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i went to hunt geared up people in cherno with my crowbar, but its hard with 20 fps lol, eventually i died with my middle finger raised high.

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