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Third person view removal from SA discussion

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For me I use both 3rd and 1st person first person when clearing buildings and in combat etc but you need third for certain situations due to design flaws to fix the issue they just have do what they did in the vanilla dayz mod and have 1st and 3rd person servers don't need separate hives that's more work then they need right now (if you like first then you filter for first person servers only how hard is that?) then all partys are happy!! i'd rather them fix the loot system, combat logging, server hopping, animation glitches etc and other game breaking bugs tbh

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  On 12/23/2013 at 5:48 PM, IcyZ said:

Splitting the community? How? EVERYONE can select the server he wants to play one, joining a FPS once will not stop him from joining a TPS the next time. It's just a matter of choice


You want 1st person, join a 1st person server

You want 3d person, join a 3d person server



Did you even read my OP? Not everyone plays as a lone wolf, so as long as they play with friends, they will always need to compromise, or their friends need to compromise. That's how the player base will get separated.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:44 PM, DemonGroover said:

If there are plans to make separate Hives for 1st/3rd person servers then the problem is solved and we can all go back to playing the way we like.


For 3rd person servers however i would like the server locked to 3rd as well. Why should you be able to have it both ways? ;)

But you, who prefer to play on first person servers, want to have to both ways too. You want to play on first person servers and dictate how third person servers are run. How about you focus on filling first person servers first, I mean clearly, there's apparently enough of you to do so.


Unfortunately Rocket can not remove third person view. He knows removing third person view is a deal breaker, because he knows players have been expecting and demanded third person since it was introduced in Operation Flashpoint in 2001, it was always a part of ArmA 1, 2 and 3, part of the DayZ mod in 2012 and was also a feature in 2013's Standalone and Rocket is not going to remove one of the largest components of 414,081 sales. If he starts removing features from the game we bought, clearly promised in screenshot on the sales page, he's going to have a major headache, he don't need, on his hands.


There's already a perfect solution, but if first person players wont even play on first person servers, why the hell should third person players have to?

Edited by Dallas
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I began to wonder how many people actually got the main point that I was trying argue in the OP. Maybe it's time to add a TL;DR

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:21 PM, realm13 said:

Did you even read my OP? Not everyone plays as a lone wolf, so as long as they play with friends, they will always need to compromise, or their friends need to compromise. That's how the player base will get separated.

That's a problem between you and your friends and not a game issue.


Separate servers is the way to go.


WE get your point, its just that the point your are trying to make is an issue between you and your friends. It is NOT a game issue. Hence why no one cares about your suggestion.

Edited by Zogvarn

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The arrogance to start a new thread because you didn't think your post got the attention it deserved?


Nom nom nom.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:25 PM, Zogvarn said:

That's a problem between you and your friends and not a game issue.


Separate servers is the way to go.

It's a common issue not just in DayZ but in a lot of games. And for the 1000000000000th time I don't have that issue with my friends currently in DayZ. It was a hypothetical situation.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:27 PM, RedNome said:

The arrogance to start a new thread because you didn't think your post got the attention it deserved?


Nom nom nom.


If you don't like it. Why bump it?

I tried to raise a new question and all you idiotic people can see is NO TPV? It's not even my frigging main point.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:23 PM, Dallas said:

But you, who prefer to play on first person servers, want to have to both ways too. You want to play on first person servers and dictate how third person servers are run. How about you focus on filling first person servers first, I mean clearly, there's apparently enough of you to do so.


Unfortunately Rocket can not remove third person view. He knows removing third person view is a deal breaker, because he knows players have been expecting and demanded third person since it was introduced in Operation Flashpoint in 2001, it was always a part of ArmA 1, 2 and 3, part of the DayZ mod in 2012 and was also a feature in 2013's Standalone and Rocket is not going to remove one of the largest components of 414,081 sales. If he starts removing features from the game we bought, clearly promised in screenshot on the sales page, he's going to have a major headache, he don't need, on his hands.


There's already a perfect solution, but if first person players wont even play on first person servers, why the hell should third person players have to?



Rocket can do whatever he wants especially in the alpha.


Removal and addition of features can happen any time.


like I said at the very least he should remove it from all the servers during the alpha to test it out.

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Lol with what everyone is suggesting there would be no third person servers so your friends  would not have a choice but to play in fps servers.


So really you would have no problem.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:36 PM, gibonez said:

Lol with what everyone is suggesting there would be no third person servers so your friends  would not have a choice but to play in fps servers.


So really you would have no problem.


I don't think the TPS is ever going to go away. Might as well find a way to improve it(by improving I mean to limit its exploitative nature) instead of hoping they will remove it.

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I just don't see he having that option available, without facing a WarZ level backlash.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:40 PM, realm13 said:

I don't think the TPS is ever going to go away. Might as well find a way to improve it(by improving I mean to limit its exploitative nature) instead of hoping they will remove it.


If rocket and team decide to make the default setting in day not include tpv and lump tpv with the easy mode server setting with tags and all the noob stuff then yes tpv servers will disappear.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:46 PM, Dallas said:

I just don't see he having that option available, without facing a WarZ level backlash.


Warz got backlash for it anti consumer practices and quality of the game.


Dayz with the removal of tpv for testing purposes would get over half the people praising it and a vocal minority complaining for a short time.


That is until they adjust. War z got backlash for a completely different reason. Dayz getting backlash isnt a problem however it will sell regardless and if removing tpv ensure better balanced more intuitive game play then its the right choice.

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It's as simple as this. If 3rd was removed we would all be at the same level of being "fair". If you remove 3rd you would also have to remove the FOV slider. A player that can't handle "Quake Pro" basically to a real life downfall of motion sickness will not be able to use that. So what does he/she get? A box that gives nothing more than it can VS the person that doesn't get motion sickness and can see "nearly" 180°. So that means we lose 3rd AND the FOV slider (that's just my outtake on all of it). All in all if 3rd was the thing that was taken out only, we would lose a massive player base. Now I understand some people are going to have the mentality that "I don't care. If they can't play like me they shouldn't be here". However look at it like this. Many players complain right now that they can run around a server and not see anyone even if they are on a full server (happens to me quite often as well), if you take 3rd away more than half of the players will leave, or at least somewhere in that ball park. So what does that leave us with? Less players and more bitching about not seeing anyone. We all know 3rd is going no where unless a Hive is created with a "Hard Core" mode, and there is nothing wrong with that. And that leaves us with this, and I hate to be a dick, but get over it. We have all used 3rd to cheatsie-doodle every now and again. So when that day comes where you know 3rd is gone and you get mad because you died after 5 days of survival because you know someone was there and you couldn't place where they were by using 3rd? You have no right to get mad. I already know someone is going to contest me with "You don't know me, I ALWAYS play in 1st", and when they do I can't do anything about it because we can't prove if you do or don't. Too add this is all coming from a guy that plays in 1st for the most part.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 4:58 PM, realm13 said:

Why having 1st-Person-View only server isn't the solution for the exploitative 3rd person view camera.


I have post this in another major thread discussing FPV and TPV, but no one seemed to have noticed and kept on saying separate the server etc., so I have to make a new thread.



Merged, because


  On 12/23/2013 at 5:04 PM, daze23 said:

you shouldn't make a new thread just because you feel people aren't responding to what you said

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:12 PM, daze23 said:

it's a lopsided situation where one person has a huge advantage. the 'other person' could do the same thing to other people

I die by it, you die by it and they die by it..

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  On 12/23/2013 at 5:57 PM, ShokeR said:

First person view only servers = no kids , combat logger, hoppers, etc

Your just shit. Sorry but your a shit player

Edited by Max Planck
No personal insults please.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:51 PM, FoamNinja said:

It's as simple as this. If 3rd was removed we would all be at the same level of being "fair". If you remove 3rd you would also have to remove the FOV slider. A player that can't handle "Quake Pro" basically to a real life downfall of motion sickness will not be able to use that. So what does he/she get? A box that gives nothing more than it can VS the person that doesn't get motion sickness and can see "nearly" 180°. So that means we lose 3rd AND the FOV slider (that's just my outtake on all of it). All in all if 3rd was the thing that was taken out only, we would lose a massive player base. Now I understand some people are going to have the mentality that "I don't care. If they can't play like me they shouldn't be here". However look at it like this. Many players complain right now that they can run around a server and not see anyone even if they are on a full server (happens to me quite often as well), if you take 3rd away more than half of the players will leave, or at least somewhere in that ball park. So what does that leave us with? Less players and more bitching about not seeing anyone. We all know 3rd is going no where unless a Hive is created with a "Hard Core" mode, and there is nothing wrong with that. And that leaves us with this, and I hate to be a dick, but get over it. We have all used 3rd to cheatsie-doodle every now and again. So when that day comes where you know 3rd is gone and you get mad because you died after 5 days of survival because you know someone was there and you couldn't place where they were by using 3rd? You have no right to get mad. I already know someone is going to contest me with "You don't know me, I ALWAYS play in 1st", and when they do I can't do anything about it because we can't prove if you do or don't. Too add this is all coming from a guy that plays in 1st for the most part.



FOV sliders are a standard in pc gaming they would not go away if third person was removed.


FOV is the very reason why third person is no longer needed you can now adjust your fov to your liking and get the same situational awareness that you would have gotten from tpv. Exept now you cant see around corners and over cover.

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Lol lets discuss something that does not generate such passionate responses like gay marriage or abortion. 


100% kidding, I am not really seeing why so many people want to remove an option. I wish they would have released first person only servers on day one so most of the people could be happy. You will always have people who think everyone should play their preferred option but they would be easy to ignore since they already had the option to play first person only. 


Also I am fairly tired of seeing there is no valid reason for third person. Let me drop a knowledge bomb on you guys, spatial awareness. Third person gives you the ability to understand your place in the environment, first person does not. Games are never perfect and I am 100% aware of the exploits of third person, but here is the kicker, I could care less if someone I do not know thinks I am playing the cupcake version of the game. The only person who cares about an individual opinion is the person who holds it and those that agree, everyone else realizes that your personal opinion is not the end of the discussion. 


Just live and let live guys, there will be server options rolling out shortly and anyone who thinks that is not enough to address the issue is not worth listening to in the first place. 

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:55 PM, Skinup69 said:

I die by it, you die by it and they die by it..

I'd rather be able to live, by being vigilant, and observing my surroundings

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  On 12/23/2013 at 7:02 PM, Zombie Jesus said:

100% kidding, I am not really seeing why so many people want to remove an option. 




"Cake or death?"


"Eh, cake please."


"Very well! Give him cake!"


"Oh, thanks very much. It's very nice."


"You! Cake or death?"


“Uh, cake for me, too, please."


"Very well! Give him cake, too! We're gonna run out of cake at this rate. You! Cake or death?"


"Uh, death, please. No, cake! Cake! Cake, sorry. Sorry..."


"You said death first, uh-uh, death first!"


"Well, I meant cake!"


"Oh, all right. You're lucky I'm Church of England!" Cake or death?"


"Uh, cake please."


"Well, we're out of cake! We only had three bits and we didn't expect such a rush. So what do you want?"


"Well, so my choice is 'or death’? I’ll have the chicken then, please.


Eddie Izzard gets that sometimes having two options still means there is only one choice. Right now the only option is 3rd person. Eventually it will be 3rd person or 1st person but it will still only be 3rd person, just like in the Mod. As for spatial awareness... it's still bullshit. I don't stumble and get stuck on everything in games that only have First Person because after just a bit of playing you learn what space your virtual body occupies just like in real life. All it does is eliminate that very short learn curve. 

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Remove it or dont just add hardcore servers without tpv and im happy

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