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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Please consider adding a fix for zombies. Game is almost ruined with these "super zeds". 10' date='000+ health and full food, water, everything fine. Walk into a shed and a zombie hits me once. Instantly get a broken bone, unconscious x 5 minutes, bleeding. Dead. After being alive for a good 24 hours and being at the northwest airfield. So frustrating to spend all that time, then watch yourself bleed to death as you curse the game, because zombies run 10x faster than Olympic sprinters, hit 10x harder than Mr. Tyson, hear 10x a frightened deer, and see better than any human ever could. They also run back and forth like they have been trained to be a professional zombie.


I was under the impression that was random chance, if the 5% knockdown chance happens to go off on the first hit then you're just terribly unlucky. Maybe that situation should be a warning that you need to be more careful... or that the solitary survivor isn't as safe as he thinks he is.

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ZOMBIES ARE TOO EASY! Holy crap.. Lets go back to 1.7.4. Broad daylight and I can run right past these guys. Give me a break. When zombies are as deadly or deadlier than bandits people will band together like they would in real life. Humans would stick with humans. This game has NO challenge. Lets do it rocket. At least give them better view distance.

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* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage

Thank you for listening.

But don't listen to us too much eh ;) Stick with your instinct.. So far it's delivered.

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Don't mind me. Just a major wall of text coming through.

Is anyone else getting the white circles showing the locations of zeds and animals' date=' that you can use to track them through buildings and terrain, often at great distances? Often times they are limited to the edges of my screen, but sometimes I see them quite plainly in the middle of the screen.

These white circles also become brighter when the animal or zed is in an alerted state, so it can be used as a spidey sense to let you know when you have aggro.

oh, also I just learned that these white circles can be used to track players as well. NO ES BUENO!


It's on recruit servers that do this.

uuh, i mostly play on veteran servers and the circles are present there. not in the middle of my screen, but they're on the sides and i use them to track zombies, animals and sometimes players (kind of, they're not very accurate)

Server owners/administrators can turn this feature on and off. You'll see it on basically every Recruit level server, and on many Regular servers. I've yet to see it on a Veteran server or higher, but it's apparently not unheard of.

I hope our primary weapon will not disappeare from our inventory on this patch' date=' as it was at ...


you realize at some points all of your gear will be reset.

mod is still in testing stage so dont be upset if we all get clean slates every now and again.

I wasn't upset when my tent was deleted when transitioning between and, because it was intentional, probably necessary, and we were warned ahead of time. If Rocket decides to wipe everyone's stats when the game goes into full release, (though I actually happen to doubt it - not every game does btw) then so be it. When items are randomly deleted from our inventory or packs, without reason and without warning, don't tell me or anyone else to not get upset. Besides, personal emotions and attachments aside, it's obviously a glitch and needs to be fixed. It isn't supposed to happen and it needs to be looked into.

Dear Rocket' date='

Please fix debug forest spawns, thnx!


Did you not read the changelog?

Did you not consider the possibility that it wasn't properly fixed? I know for a fact that it hasn't. I've been online with people recently, while on, who have continued to spawn in the debug from time to time.

But again why only audibility??? Visibility is not shorten in rain??? i'm pretty sure it is so why not add it?

This actually makes sense to me. +1 for this idea. Please consider implementing it.

Rocket said that if he were to implement the investigating zombies' date=' it would have a significant performance impact due to the constant location spamming.


Was he specifically referring to gunshots or something? Zombies already investigate player movements and have for at least the last update or two.

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Personally I think the zombie los/sound detection is pretty good at the moment. In movies etc zombies notice people at greater distances than in DayZ so there is no real need to complain about that. The only suggestion I have is maybe when they hear a sound like gunshots or footsteps' date=' switch them to investigative mode rather than aggressive mode until they spot you visually or hear you make a more human like sound.


my favourite part is when they see you through walls! the LOS really works wonders!!!

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Ugh I just hate hate hate getting hit through walls.

I crept into the Nw airfield south barracks rarer this week and one came out of each room, so I had to shoot them.

Every zombie for five miles came running, of course, so I took up position in the hallway, taking them down as they appeared in the doorway. Suddenly, I was getting hit. From outside, through the wall.

I retreated to one of the side rooms, but they're so small that they can hit me through the wall but I can only shoot them when they lunge forward to attack. It was sad...

Although I know it's been pointed out a million times... And I think it's not fixable in the current engine.

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Yeah, I got in a small shed once when running from a horde to make them funnel in only one way so I could hatchet away. Baaaad idea.

Equivalent to being surrounded by the complete pack as all 8 of them roughly were getting swings in at the same time lol.

Walls were basically nonexistent.

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Ugh I just hate hate hate getting hit through walls.

I crept into the Nw airfield south barracks rarer this week and one came out of each room' date=' so I had to shoot them.

Every zombie for five miles came running, of course, so I took up position in the hallway, taking them down as they appeared in the doorway. Suddenly, I was getting hit. From outside, through the wall.

I retreated to one of the side rooms, but they're so small that they can hit me through the wall but I can only shoot them when they lunge forward to attack. It was sad...

Although I know it's been pointed out a million times... And I think it's not fixable in the current engine.


Would I be wrong in assuming the recent change in zed's strike distance has had a negative effect on them being able to reach through walls "better" now?

or put it another way the added distance has broken the fix that was supposed to prevent them hitting through walls? Oddly I never saw people begging for zeds to be able to hit further or harder for that matter, getting a broken leg from ONE zed bitch slapping you twice is slightly unrealistic (it happened to me earlier.)

I know (obviously) nothing of the engine yet i'm guessing theres some form of collision parameters for each building, adding extra in game "width" to the offending walls would require having a list of those models and is it possible to apply to 1 or 2 offending walls per building? or is it something else entirely?

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I'm a bit bummed the patch didn't come out today. Oh well. Has there been anything on twitter or IRC or something from the devs about why it didn't come out? Were there problems? Last think I read was that this patch was coming along nicely.

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I'm a bit bummed the patch didn't come out today. Oh well. Has there been anything on twitter or IRC or something from the devs about why it didn't come out? Were there problems? Last think I read was that this patch was coming along nicely.


Scroll down to rockets post. :P

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Ugh I just hate hate hate getting hit through walls.

I crept into the Nw airfield south barracks rarer this week and one came out of each room' date=' so I had to shoot them.

Every zombie for five miles came running, of course, so I took up position in the hallway, taking them down as they appeared in the doorway. Suddenly, I was getting hit. From outside, through the wall.

I retreated to one of the side rooms, but they're so small that they can hit me through the wall but I can only shoot them when they lunge forward to attack. It was sad...

Although I know it's been pointed out a million times... And I think it's not fixable in the current engine.


Would I be wrong in assuming the recent change in zed's strike distance has had a negative effect on them being able to reach through walls "better" now?

or put it another way the added distance has broken the fix that was supposed to prevent them hitting through walls? Oddly I never saw people begging for zeds to be able to hit further or harder for that matter, getting a broken leg from ONE zed bitch slapping you twice is slightly unrealistic (it happened to me earlier.)

I know (obviously) nothing of the engine yet i'm guessing theres some form of collision parameters for each building, adding extra in game "width" to the offending walls would require having a list of those models and is it possible to apply to 1 or 2 offending walls per building? or is it something else entirely?

you may be right. also I dont know if this happened to anybody else but whenever a zombie hits me thru a wall, I am seriously injured or knocked down unconscious. Last time I get killed after going unconscious @ 11k blood.

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I'm a bit bummed the patch didn't come out today. Oh well. Has there been anything on twitter or IRC or something from the devs about why it didn't come out? Were there problems? Last think I read was that this patch was coming along nicely.


Scroll down to rockets post. :P

Thank you very much :D Didn't want to read through all the pages in this thread, hadn't thought of just looking at Rocket's recent posts. :rolleyes:

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Not releasing tonight guys' date=' sorry - I learned my lesson after the 1.7.1 debacle.

The bugs in the new system have been ironed out, but consequently the balancing is (again) all over the place. So tomorrow I need to spend some time adjusting the balancing, then we need to go through some serious closed testing.

Sorry guys, disappointing I know. But this means that I'll be able to squeeze some content in while it is being tested tomorrow. I'm off to sleep for a bit :)


good to hear rocket

squeeze the makarov back in when we spawn will ya :)

thanks for all ya hard work

I'm sorry, but players without Makarov are the ones that are helping the griefers go back to their senses. I was gonna shoot a guy with my friends, but saw his hatchet and was like: Dude, he has a hatchet, leave him alone, probably just spawned.

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2) I never managed to have a broken bone... why? Coz zeds cannot break your legs if you lay down. But no ppl pretend to run and gun and then they come here to whine "it's too hard".

zeds can break your leg if you are prone. happend to me many times. and stop acting like an elitist douche lol.

what heppend t me yesterday, i had 10k + hp, i was prone. one zombie hit me once, and i broke my leg, started bleeding, and got knocked out at the same time. i survived with 2k hp.

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How about an audible indicator of bleeding? I've watched myself' date=' my friends, and streamers all not notice they are bleeding and lose thousands and thousands of blood unnecessarily.


I'm not sure about this... Do you hear something when you cut yourself in real life? I've unknowingly hurt or cut myself in real life and have gone minutes before noticed it right away.

I'd suggest you pay more attention to the blood indicator either in the top right in the debug menu or the hud icon. Both are excellent ways to tell if you need a bandage.

I hear a noise when I cut myself, starts with F and ends with K... Often repeated in frequent intervals :P

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Oh man... just went through 3-4 hours of adrenaline and stress.

I was in Msta and got injured enough to be left with about 3k life, the food was getting red and i had no food in my pack.

Basically went Dolina - Shakhova - factory - Polana - Gorka - Dubrovka (and the buildings to its left side) and throughout all the barns and buildings I found only 3 cans of food.

Polana was empty...well it had a watch and revolver ammo and two czech packs. And Coke and Pepsi.

Coke, Pepsi are EVERYWHERE. Zombies drop them, I found them so much I had about 10 of them in the backpack. 30 -35 zombies killed throughout this trip and only ONE gave a can of pasta.

After Dubrovka, i was left with 350 life, from all the zombies i had to kill and the faintings from lack of food. I finally found ONE cow by the side of the road which gave me 8 raw meat that solved both my health and the food issue.

In all the fields, near deer stands, anywhere I looked there was NO animals. Well, I lie, there was ONE CHICKEN in Gorka.... but it was pointless to go kill him in the middle of the road.

Maybe I was really unlucky that i got a server that probably didn't restart in a while but still... it was more hard than I'd like to experience every day.

Stumbled on this lack of food the previous days as well (not pepsi/coke, if the three are in same group maybe there's some bug where the drinks get lot of priority?)

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Cool beans, man. Everyone's got their own opinions and taste.

But you failed to change mine... I'd still prefer a weapon at spawn and actually feel it's utterly ridiculous without one. But hey, that's me.

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im against weapons at spawn. it gives you a chance to bond with other weaponless survivors. it also doesn't allow you to be a scum bandit until you get gear, and even then you will be a bit more careful who you shoot, unless you want to look for weapons again.

basially with a makarov at spawn, you are free to atack anyone to steal his shit, because you have nothing to lose, you will just spawn with the same gun again. pretty crappy.

unrelated to the makarovs, please fix the living dead animals. every now and then, you find an animal thats standing still. when you shoot it, it bleeds, but it never dies.

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I don't mind the idea of starting with a weapon.

But those weapons should be your fists, maybe you can't physically cause damage with fists, just concussion/knockdown/knockback on players and Zombies. That way, I can loot either without hurting anything, I just have to be quick or they will wake/get up and probably come after me for suckerpunching.

Then when I get a melee weapon which means I can crack skulls for damage, I will feel like Ash in Evil Dead.

Then I'll get my Boomstick! And all will be glorious.

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Has to do with the difficulty of the server. If it allows 3rd person and crosshairs' date=' it most likely allows player positions on the map. It'll also show zombies on the map too.


Was it always like that on recruit or regular servers? Because I played on many within the past month and never saw these globs of light actually showing through WALLS across the middle of your view until just the past week or so (I hate it and to me it's cheating). Isn't this a relatively new thing of late? I'm aware of the small peripheral dots that stay at the very edges of the screen that are inherent in the Arma 2 engine, not talking about those.

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Here is a possible bug:

While playing with a friend, we raided the supermarket in Stary Sobor. About a minute after leaving town, my character suddenly teleports back to the Stary Sobor supermarket. I try leaving town again, and about a minute out I'm once again teleported back to the supermarket. Worried about losing my gear, I escape the market and abort from server after I get a relatively safe distance from the city.

First time something like that happened to me, it was a low ping server and I was given no signal that I was having connection issues. Anyone else have a similar experience?

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