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Should combat logging be ban-able?


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  1. 1. Should combat logging be ban-able?

    • Yes
    • No

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Well it's an exploit that ruins the game for others. I don't think a first offense is warranting of a ban, but multiple counts should = banhammer.


Simple solution, implement a logout timer.

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I'm so sick of 3/4 of the people I run into combat logging. It's cheating and it completely ruins the DayZ experience. I feel like if you combat log you should be banned, especially after so many times.

You cant ban people for a missing game mechanic. just wait for it.

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Easy fix. Instadeath.


Deal with it or play another game. 

Im glad the devs of the game are at least resonable/logical in their thinking, why would you add a ban when there is already a timer to stop combat logging. Its just not implemented yet, as they are making sure the servers for SA can handle loads of people playing, etc etc etc.  When they are sure they can/add servers etc as needed they will implement more and more security features. 


There have already been numerous posts about this, poll is pointless.

Edited by Sickerthansars

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dont worry too much it will be fixed, have faith man have faith... still early days




Nothing to vote her. It´s not about to ban or not ban.

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Not permabanned though. But an hour lockout. And exit timer.


I got "combat logger" on me when my game crashed in the mod.


Would be fair to be banned when the game crashes?

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Ive had multiple crash to desktops while running around (ive only been killed by players twice, havent logged out, wouldnt even consider it) but its in alpha, game crashes are going to be happening in and out of combat. Yesterday me and my bro crashed at the same time. What if you are initiate the combat, kill the person and before you are considered "out of combat" happen to crash (the irony), not as unlikely as you'd think at this point.


Its moronic to think they should ban people for something that has a counter yet to be implemented implemented...it keeps going back to stop playing the alpha like the mod. There will be things to exploit and people will use them (for reasons I cant explain). Who cares if they managed to save their stuff for another couple of hours before a wipe or they die of starvation. Im not saying its not pathetic, I am saying at this point why worry about it. Edit: As its been said I doubt the devs would even consider it.

Edited by Davschall

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Ok I am totally against of using things like combat loggin , server hoppin and all that honorless behavior.

BUT: If you Ban someone. Proove it. show me the Proove that he is activly logged out. maybe his computer crashed.

one time i logged out, and in exact that moment a guys runs around the corner. i only could see the gunfire than i was out.

what i mean is: you only can punish things if your 100% shure he did that. but i dont have a good solution for that.

But I am pretty shure, The Dev-Team and Dean will do something against it combat log and server hopping - we just have to be patient.


I had to buy Arma2 3 times. because they told me that i have done cheating. Thats like Calling me a liar in reallife, thats like saying that i am a criminal - a cheater - thats like saing i am raping little children.

And i can swear to the grave of my dead grandma. if they can proove it, they can cut my fingers off.

But they never showed me a bit of proove. so i just had to buy a new version.

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the sa has only been out for a few days, and already the forums are flooded with kos and combat logging threads.

guys... dont be mad just because you cant be superbad killwhores, or are denied your "earned/legit kills" by logging, or whatever.

its the least important department of the game right now, so just chill.


if you cant kill the guy in time you are just too slow, too bad, or have bad luck.

why are you so eager to kill anyone anyway?

its not a killing game, its a survival game.


killing as last resort for survival yes, actively chasing people just to cause grief? no thanks.

the timer should be there, but short. 20 seconds maybe. and only if not bleeding etc. (if you are bleeding you are taking damage and cant log).

so that i have to get away after being damaged, bandage myself, and then be able to log if the enemy is not within a few meters.

i understand the pvp aspect is necessary and part of the game, but i dont want to be forced to play a certain way by bullies who want to kill everyone just because.

you want to kill me? come and get me if you can, and if you are too slow or have bad aim i might be gone.


and for the server hopping:

flag everyone for 10 minutes after a fight where they cant change servers.

"you have recently been in combat and cannot change servers right now" or something.

ghosting problem solved...

Edited by miniboss
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As much as I hate combat loggers, I can't say banning is a good idea so long as we're in alpha where crashes/disconnects are prevalent.  Instead of banning, there just needs to be a timer that stops a person from logging for, say, 20-30 seconds as others have suggested. 

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Sorry for my harsh words on top. SORRY


but i am getting into rage-mode talking about this issue. so plz forgive me.

Edited by Ozar

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Missing mechanic, just as server hopping mechanics are missing aswell, wait for "proper" mechanics, handing out bans left and right is what power hungry admins do, its stupid and childish.

Yes, combat logging is bad, noone is DEFENDING combat logging(except as mentioned, they are combat loggers), an hour penalty also isnt a reasonable punishment.


All it needs is a 30 second logout timer, and if you force it, your character stays ingame during that time, and you cannot join other servers during that time, even this system can have its issues, but its more reasonable then a ban. Anything else will punish legit disconnects/crashes, if they are in combat, and you cant kill them within the 30 seconds, you're doing something wrong.

Also, gg, you just ruined the loot, which is the reason you're killing them, right?

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I think it would be nice to see a system like the one in league of legends. For example, lets say ur in a fight with someone and he combat logs. It should give you a message or log that you can save, link and then use it as a report. Repeated reports of the same person would lead to a ban. Simple

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No... there should never be a mechanic that will punish people who have legit bad connections permanently.


Are you saying you get disconnected every 15 minutes? Why are you even playing then?


Combat logging was probably the worst problem in the mod, and I hope they do everything they can to stop it.

Edited by Tundra

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I'm so sick of 3/4 of the people I run into combat logging. It's cheating and it completely ruins the DayZ experience. I feel like if you combat log you should be banned, especially after so many times.

Dean (Rocket) is currently fixing the combat logging protection. There is supposed to be one, but its not working.

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I heard about the intended way to prevent server hopping for loot and such. (Multiplying up from 30s). Here's show I think it should be done: Everytime you join a server a static timer will start counting down and if you play on that server long enough for the timer to go down you can join a new one without delay. Say the timer is 60 minutes, you join a server, play 15 minutes, you need to wait 45 minutes to join a new one (can join the one you were previously on). Obviously the actual timer can be changed to match what would work best. I think this would at least help remedy the server hopping for loot since with the multiply timer you can server hop 6 times before it actually becomes a nuisance. I don't know how hard this would be from a development standpoint, just my 2 cents on the issue. To prevent combat logging so easily; a simple timer like on most of the dayzmod versions should do fine. Or if not a timer make it so your character stays in the game for 30 seconds even after you press disconnect making it so you need to find a safe place to log out.

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All of you people complaining about combat loggers probably use the gamma exploit at night to loot all of your guns and ammo.

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You should be able to log out whenever you want instantly but your character should stay in whatever stance you put them in for an equal time to the combat log timer (15 sec, 30 sec, etc) and your character can still be killed and looted. Just because even when I know I'm in a safe place I still have to wait 30 seconds which can be a pain.

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Bannable? No. Punishable, yes.


Cant ban people for it (as much as i'd love to) because there will be far too many people crashing out/ping kicked/just straight up unknowingly disconnecting. 


A warning system allowing for a small number of in-combat disconnects before killing the player would be great. Once those warnings are used up the player is killed, and has X amount of time (days/weeks?) before warnings are removed. So if the player continues to combat log they will just be killed again and again. A system like this allows for leniency against people who are unlucky (or against potential hackers) but still punishes repeat offenders.


The 10/20/30 second idle character while logging out system doesn't always work in practice if you need to log out in a hurry, and with the frequency that people run into eachother in the strangest places :P Its certainly better than nothing, though.

Edited by CoveringFire

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Seriously, friend livestreamed for 12+ hours after running around the whole map. 18 out of the 20 people we encountered CL'ed on us. We stayed on the same server the whole time. Most server hopped to get a better position on us but we were a group of 8 and had every area covered. And to the poor sap we handcuffed and drained of blood. Hope you died when you CL'ed too. But thanks for being a good sport.

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they should have a 30 second log-out timer counting down when you choose to exit the game.


Exiting in other manner results in your character remaining in the world for 60 seconds.


goodbye combat loggers.


Mortal Online did this as well as other pvp enabled MMos.

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it sholdn't be banable - it should be done to not be able to combat log.

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in alpha when the game is still crashing, fixing this is not quite a good idea. 


are you going to ban everyone whose game crashes? 


good luck keeping anyone on your server

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I have logged out several times when in combat without being aware of it initially. Would be quite shitty if you got a global ban because of it. Instadeath on logout seems more fair tbh.

Edited by Jaux

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Easy fix. Instadeath.


Deal with it or play another game. 


Yeah, cause that would be fun if you're actually having a loss of connection (for whatever reason). Awful suggestion.

I'm sure you'd be pretty pissed if you died because something out of your own control caused you to lose your internet connection for a couple of seconds.

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