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Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

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If u dc whilst cuffed, you should lose your char otherwise nothing will stop people logging if they are cuffed, u never know what people are gonna so so being cuffed doesn't necessarily equal death. However, I do agree that if you dc whilst unconscious after being shot or axed, it should make you respawn, but not if it's due to illness/thirst/hunger. But ATM, surely it's easier or understand if it's simple, if unconscious and disconnect, you have to respawn.

Also, the only down side to this that the game probably wouldn't register any difference between exiting and loosing internet connection, should people be punished for having crappy connections? No, but imo, people could exploit it, all they need to do is reset their router... So I have to agree with the way it stands currently

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Just want to send congrats to Dean and the entire DayZ team for taking the big step into open Alpha. Now it falls to all of us to be their eyes and ears and guinea pigs to smooth out the wrinkles and make this game the best it can be.


Can't wait to see the new updates, but I would definitely like to see zombies being flushed out and solidified as a true threat rather than just an occasional annoyance.

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fix the m4 inaccuracy, fix the random 3 times in a night character wipes besides update wipes, fix the players disspearing when killed if they disconnect and don't hit respawn, fix the loot spawns, and fix the anticheat, AND! fix the zombie spawns. then add in other ideas.

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fix the m4 inaccuracy, fix the random 3 times in a night character wipes besides update wipes, fix the players disspearing when killed if they disconnect and don't hit respawn, fix the loot spawns, and fix the anticheat, AND! fix the zombie spawns. then add in other ideas.


fix the m4 inaccuracy

hardly that thing is way too good, The mosin needs to be fixed  when sniping on a hill you have to be at least 10 feet away from any tree standing up so the bullet wont hit the ground/tree/grass or anything else.

fix the random 3 times in a night character wipes besides update wipes

Stop Server hoping, from what i understand if you server hop X amount of times you get thrown to the sea, Stop being a grub and cheating and you will keep your character I still have mine since the hacking reset the other day.

fix the players disspearing when killed if they disconnect and don't hit re spawn

This i do agree with people alt f4ing as their dying,dead or being shot at is stupidly annoying and i think myself and the whole community are getting sick of that and think that should be one of the major priorities along with better server hoping.

Fix the loot spawns,fix the anti cheat

Rocket has stated that he is ongoing with work on the anti cheat the platform that all arma games are built on are terribly easy to hack and say what you will DayZ is built on the same engine and platform so the same rules apply, loot spawns are fine while there needs to be more loot in buildings that don't currently spawn loot rocket has also said he is playing with the loot and zombie spawns as they had trouble with them in the first place.

Fix zombie spawns

Again see above, currently there is 15,000 items and 1000 zombies in the game more than that caused way too many issues with the server and with people crying about fps now think of what it would of been like before hand with increased server load.



With that said in my honest opinion rockets post about server control and admin abilities should be priority with the ability to break off from the main hive and create private hives between servers solves a lot of the problems posted here with,increased zombies,loot,server restarts "THE ABILITY TO TELL OUR PLAYERS WHEN A RESTART WILL HAPPEN" and stop people server hoping and ghosting as well as banning and kicking people for combat logging, While these are just temp fixes they can and would help the populace enjoy the game till more features come out and change the meta game from "Hoping from town to town drinking wells get loot hope to dead server get more loot and hope to another server kill people die reset".

Edited by ComradeCommissar
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High priority atm should be server stability, performance and security, everything else that get fixed or added I consider a kind of nice bonus. There is no sense in talking about ballancing and stuff since major components like deseases, poisend and contaminated items, item degradation, survival aspects, working zombies and last not least large parts of Chernarus + are completely missing. Game experience will compeltely change over the next months,We should focus on what is imortant right now. Reporting bugs and discussing game features and mechanics but not trying to get things fixed asap just for our own fun....



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Dear Rocket // Team,



Please can you advise when the server Query port's will be working?


I notice some are working for some servers, but I believe for the majority they are not...






any news on this?

Edited by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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  • Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop

There is a problem with this. I noticed when you run and want to switch to pistol you stop anyway. + Your character still stops when walking slowly and changing weapons. Quite annoying. This fix did not helped much with this.

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If this happens during combat that's bad luck tbh. Any form of combatlogging should be punished even if it's unintentional. It's the only way to prevent people from finding "loopholes" and abusing the system.

If you get shot, you die, simple.. it's not realistic shooting at somebody that vanishes in thin air, it kills the experience.


As a software developer myself, i'd say its not. As people will always find what triggers it and what not. 

Its a tad bit annoying situation, as the ways i can think of is far from perfect.


Optimal would be that you would be stuck on that server for an x hours, if you logs your body stays on the ground appearing only half dead.  

I see, thank you guys!

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  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die

Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die


Finally the old mod abort trick fixed... question... does their body and therefore gear remain or does that vanish when they log off?


Because if so then it can still be used to troll someone who has managed to take you down so they cannot have your shiny gear.

Edited by Lancer 2-2

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Had an issue with the logging out while unconscious. It appears there is a bug where the unconscious player keeps moving in game (not every time but on some occasions) I was unable to apply defib's to my friend as he was moving and had to log to fix the issue which of course caused him to die.

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  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die


Finally the old mod abort trick fixed... question... does their body and therefore gear remain or does that vanish when they log off?


Because if so then it can still be used to troll someone who has managed to take you down so they cannot have your shiny gear.




Pretty sure they disappear. I had a guy run into the building I was in and start punching me in the head, I got knocked out for a sec, and while he was taking my stuff I returned the favor. I got my stuff off his body, but right afterwards his body disappeared, I don't know if he hit respawn or exit however.

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The south west military base by Pavalo. I was on the roof of the hospital, and pressed the f key to use the ladder to get off. My character went flying to the ground as soon as I pressed f, and then came back to the top, and climbed onto the ladder. And then I died :(

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The south west military base by Pavalo. I was on the roof of the hospital, and pressed the f key to use the ladder to get off. My character went flying to the ground as soon as I pressed f, and then came back to the top, and climbed onto the ladder. And then I died :(

I'm sure they will read this but this is about the update not bugs.

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I worry about upcoming weapons, nothing special there at all...

I love bolt action rifles, why we will have only one and from WWII?


Meanwhile people who spray&pray will have planty to choose of....

Edited by Lukis

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I worry about upcoming weapons, nothing special there at all...

I love bolt action rifles, why we will have only one and from WWII?


Meanwhile people who spray&pray will have planty to choose of....


Not only that but there is WAY too many M4's, i understand there are only 3  : now 4 including the 357? the magnum, but there is literally like 5 M4's per person on a server. While mosins are few and far between at least with bolt action rifles if you miss you have to quickly find cover as well as the terrible reload time which makes the game more fair and enjoyable and not just " WOOOOOOOOO YEAH MURRICA guns ablazin with the M4"

with that said i honestly hope there are more bolt action rifles like the SKS and less fully and semi automatic rifles.

<3 America :3

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SKS is semi, just saying, loaded from a stripper clip.  For a single shot jobbie, how about a Shiloh Sharps?

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SKS is semi, just saying, loaded from a stripper clip.  For a single shot jobbie, how about a Shiloh Sharps?

 Yes true, i am wrong but it still does have a slow rate of fire and i was thinking maybe something like a PTRD/PTRS in place of the barret one of the better rifles from the soviet era in the 40s and with the "helicopter commands" under keys i think it would do nicely trying to shoot something down with one of those.

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Not only that but there is WAY too many M4's, i understand there are only 3  : now 4 including the 357? the magnum, but there is literally like 5 M4's per person on a server. While mosins are few and far between at least with bolt action rifles if you miss you have to quickly find cover as well as the terrible reload time which makes the game more fair and enjoyable and not just " WOOOOOOOOO YEAH MURRICA guns ablazin with the M4"

with that said i honestly hope there are more bolt action rifles like the SKS and less fully and semi automatic rifles.

<3 America :3


Funny thing is i was in a server 2 days back and at balota there was loads of piles of loot, chainsaw was there, aswell as an sks. i didnt bother with the sks as i had an m4 (surprise surprise ha).. the chainsaw wouldnt turn on

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Why dafuq does Blood and health not Regenerate? I think it should be! From 0 to 100 in 3 hours or something, but it have to! And why need my Char so much food? all 2 minutes I have to eat? Where is  the sence? 



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I worry about upcoming weapons, nothing special there at all...

I love bolt action rifles, why we will have only one and from WWII?


Meanwhile people who spray&pray will have planty to choose of....



Nothing special..? What about the Mauser and the 22mm Ruger  both confirmed afaik :-)

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Why dafuq does Blood and health not Regenerate? I think it should be! From 0 to 100 in 3 hours or something, but it have to! And why need my Char so much food? all 2 minutes I have to eat? Where is  the sence? 



Yea no blood regen for me either, screen is forever colorless

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Why dafuq does Blood and health not Regenerate? I think it should be! From 0 to 100 in 3 hours or something, but it have to! And why need my Char so much food? all 2 minutes I have to eat? Where is  the sence? 




Yea no blood regen for me either, screen is forever colorless

You start near dieing of thirst and hunger.

Eating/drinking enough to make the hunger/thirst go away is NOT the same as eating enough so you get to heal!

Eat a LOT, like two full powdered milk thingies, wash it down with 15 sodas, don't run around(yes! it takes away energy) and you will heal. It even says "healing" in the inventory screen then.

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I have been playing DayZ SA for a while now. It seem you have to eat and drink way more than is realistic, is this really intended!?


After eating and drinking like 2 cans of food and drinking 2 full cantines(10 drinks), I am still thirsty and hungry!? Le wut


When you finally get rid of the hunger and thirst, you take 2 steps and the hunger and thirst comes back...

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Really liking the slow health regeneration makes things more interesting on the survival front.

Looking forward to the re-implementation of stamina so that walking From A to B comes back into play rather than everyone sprinting everywhere like every other fps.

Really hope things like item weight affect your stamina and too much will slow you down.


Also looking forward to the implementation of diseases, hope they are transferable just so we can watch them spread across servers :) 


Shame the server hopping exploit is still present maybe they will introduce a non spawn zone around all towns and military areas or some other such system otherwise everyone will be moving to private hive to avoid that exploit soon as they are out.

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  • Live
  • Config: greeting with 2 handed weapon now possible without disarming
  • Because we're all going around waving to each other.
  • Engine: Servers with incompatible version marked in the server browser
  • Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ
  • Engine: The „Player uses modified data“ message is removed from CHAT
  • Design: you can craft splint and fix broken limbs with it
  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
  • Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly unrestrain them? Logic = none.
  • New weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo
  • No one is going to be playing dress up and surrendering or using handcuffs on anyone, it's going to be just like the mod and everyone is going to kill everyone else on sight.  Until you actually give players a reason to work together, this won't ever change.  This isn't a PvE game, it's a PvP game with zombies.
  • Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop
  • And what you actually did was cause the player to keep moving forward AFTER they've stopped moving, while unshouldering/shouldering a weapon.  Nice one.
  • UI: Early Access warning dialogue
  • Engine: Updated rain texture with refraction
  • It's a good thing the rain got updated yet our flashlights still go through every other wall, yet are rendered useless when colliding with objects inside buildings... interesting.


You guys aren't off on the right track.  Bioware and The Old Republic didn't start off on the right track, and they ended up derailed.  You guys need to step up and fix the real issues that are actually preventing game play.


You either need to start hosting OFFICIAL servers, by Bohemia, or stop telling people what to do with their own servers.  I feel bad for anyone that's renting a server, and shelling out the money BOHEMIA should be, and being told they can't even kick people or lock their server down for LEGITIMATE and CONTROLLED testing, or their server will be rendered useless by the hive.  You all want to act like people server hopping around for protection, loot, or whatever you think shouldn't be happening; when you all are the reason they are doing it!  Why would you EVER think that going back to a public hive would be the smart thing to do?  Is that why there are so many public hive servers of the DayZ mod right now compared to Private hives?  Oh wait... Public hives died out as soon as privates came along.  Gee, I wonder why.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that a new player couldn't just hop to the server YOU were hosting, that YOU were paying money for, just to disrupt everyone's time.  They'd have to start a new character and start from scratch.  People couldn't just log out somewhere nice, and while you're looting that somewhere nice, suddenly log in behind you.  But hey, that's what you guys decided to go with.  Good one.


Either turn on some simple database saving per server, start hosting official servers that YOU ALL are paying for (out of that nice $5.1 million you made in one day, now $10 million), or get the fuck off your high horses.  You don't release an "alpha test" with NO official servers, and then tell people what they can and can't do with their fucking servers.  If you want to be in such control, stop being so cheap.

Edited by McG2

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