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Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

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  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die



Meh, only way to revive an unconscious player was to have him reconnect in order to make him stop running back and forth

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Rocket, when will more zombie and more loot be added?


Please dont add one without the other.




Why more loot? I think its perfect like it is right now!



Also Im gonna love the day the Ak is released, have loads of ammo, attachments etc. for it ^^

Edited by .VincenT.
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Oh man! This should be an answer to all those who are questioning, "Is it worth the money?!?!".


Three updates in less than a week into release of the Alpha version?  This bad boy is shaping up nicely and I am loving it - keep 'em coming.  Great work all!

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I just love the way youre spitting out new updates every day!! Keep it up. Love ya

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Nice, another update. Love you guys.


Little question:   " licking a battery now displays the battery's state properly"


How do you lick a battery???????

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Nice, another update. Love you guys.


Little question:   " licking a battery now displays the battery's state properly"


How do you lick a battery???????

Right click it i suppose?

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Very nice to see new patches so fast ! but 1 question. When will u add flares and chemlights ? i miss them in night time..

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Best update yet, more fluid gameplay, removed annoying crap and new gun!

(and a hotplate!)

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The recent updates and this update in particular really improve the Standalone to an almost presentable state :P

With this rate we´re gonna be out of Alpha in no time , right guys :D ?

Still a long way away from having animals, vehicles back in I'm sure. Alphas gonna be awhile :D I'm really happy with the frequency of the updates though, keep up the good work Devs !

Edited by FraB

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We want quality not just quantity. We have got the Alpha let's appreciate it and not pressure the devs for things that can wait like Vehicles. Then we will be able to build them rather than just find one.

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I am really greatfull that you guys update the game so quickly! BUT I definitely have a big problem with the game. 

Your Character is too thirsty. I mean it may be thought off realistic but at the current stage you cant find more then 1-2 Drinks in a town.

But you need to drink like 5 liters an hour.... srsly is this guy a camel or what?!

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Still a long way away from having animals, vehicles back in I'm sure. Alphas gonna be awhile :D I'm really happy with the frequency of the updates though, keep up the good work Devs !

I dont know if your all that correct, the vehicle and animal .pbo`s are already in your dayz folder :)

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I am super impressed with how fast and well this dev team can push updates.


You guys are my favorite dev team..... EVER!


Keep up the great work! Hopefully tomorrow will bear even more goodies ;0

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I love the updates but I am sure you guys deserve at least a christmas break.

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I am really greatfull that you guys update the game so quickly! BUT I definitely have a big problem with the game. 

Your Character is too thirsty. I mean it may be thought off realistic but at the current stage you cant find more then 1-2 Drinks in a town.

But you need to drink like 5 liters an hour.... srsly is this guy a camel or what?!

Your guy starts off with minor dehydration. Find a water pump and drink for awhile after the "thirsty" indicator goes away in your inventory screen, and your guy will be good to go for a pretty long time.

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Design: Player blood and health not regenerating naturally



Solo players will not have any way to survive?O_o

Or it is a "fix" to get heals regenerating?

Edited by industria
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  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die


When will we get an update that fixes the players body from disappearing as soon as they die due to instantly disconnecting?

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Solo players will not have any way to survive?O_o

Or it is a "fix" to get heals regenerating?


It is listed under fixes so we can assume it's a fix to get the heal regenerating, that, and the fact that it was stated multiple times that blood should get regenerated.

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What is wrong with Day Time?

Some servers seem to be 24hr night cycle. Vilayer in australia is an example. i could be wrong though.


Solo players will not have any way to survive?O_o

Or it is a "fix" to get heals regenerating?


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