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Is DayZ one of your main games?

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First time posting in like forever >.>

I know you all missed me (all 2 of you). DayZ is still one of my most played games. With all the new mods coming out like Overwatch, DayZero, Breaking Point and the new Epoch update I still find myself playing it. Though DayZ was best fun for me when it first came out (That's a different story). Anyone else play quite often, or just occasionally?

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It is one of my main games, yes. I don't really get tired of it that much.

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It still is THE game. Nothing has changed and there's still one or two things to do - even if it's not actually playing many of us are involved in things that are evolving around the game.

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I never play this one


what is???  :huh:





I make joke is game I playing 75% of gaming times

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at the moment i'm sharing my time between gta5, dayz and baldur's gate 2..dayz and gta mainly on weekends

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Hello there


For me the Mod and the SA are the pivot around which i rotate. (sounds a bit rude).


Its not the game itself which keeps me occupied, rather the stuff the game generates. Be it this forum or others, I find the community fascinating.


For me its the same with Arma3. In recent weeks Ive hardly touched the actual game, but im on the Bohemia forums everyday.


So whilst you may not see me on many servers, yes the game is integral to my day.





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Tbh my zombie dayz are over I'm back to the editor making all kinds of mediocre missions, trying out addons and scripts. What I am most excited about concerning DayZ is that maybe someday we can use the Chernarus+ map in the editor of Arma 2 or 3.

TL,DR : DayZ mod not anymore, Arma yes.

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i mostly play dayz. my time is 75 percent dayz and the rest split between planetside 2, bf3 and arma 2 wasteland.

i mostly play epoch when my friends are on but when they arent i'm playing vanilla.

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I play dayz probably at least once a day till i die then i rage quit till the next day :P


Fifa 14 & Minecraft are my other games, I play solo on almost all games, Hard to find guilds or clans who play that variety, they seem to either hate Dayz or Minecraft or Fifa.


Tried 4 different Star Citizen guilds so far and all hate Dayz, so i left em, Dayz is my numero uno game and if they dont like it then im a say asta la vista compardre :)


Pardon my non-english :P

Edited by Jaygoon

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It's weird, once I started playing DayZ, everything else just felt so... bland. I still play Chivalry sometimes and the Battlefield 4 beta was fun, but I probably wouldn't pay money for it.

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Same here. I used to play Warband, Killing Floor and a couple of other games, but since I got into DayZ I haven't even launched another game. They all feel so linear, so predictable, so restrictive.

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Same here. I used to play Warband, Killing Floor and a couple of other games, but since I got into DayZ I haven't even launched another game. They all feel so linear, so predictable, so restrictive.




SalamanderAnder  &  h3l1x   thats exactly my experience too, problem is i got into Dayz last august lol, So its been hard to play anything else.

No other game has that fear, dread and sheer excitement as Dayz  :)

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Yep. It is my most played game lately.



I'll play Skyrim or another singleplayer game for a bit, but then I want to jump right back into DayZ and end up there for hours.

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I still play every now and then.


Its gotten to a point where I just don't enjoy the game like I used to. Part of it is that I have played for about a year and a half, and I have practically done (and seen) everything the game has to offer. The other part is that the game to me and many others, has a much different feel than when it started. Gone are the days of friendly face-to-face encounters. Gone are the days of trying to sneak by zombies. Gone are the days of private hives being actually good (bar a few that still struggle by).


My main focus at this point is getting my YouTube channel ready. Planning stuff out. Editing banners, intros, outros, finding good royalty free music (which by the way, for any YouTubers, go to TechnoAXE :P), and making sure it's all working. Next will to be to buy Dxtory, buy my new rig, and I'll have a professional looking YouTube channel by the end of March - Start of April :D

Edited by OfficerRaymond
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Yup, never get tired of it :D  Every new character is a new adventure!

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I still play and mostly Vanilla at that. Dont know why anyone would play anything else. Actually I do know why people play other mods, its easier to PvP. No need to avoid PvP situations because if you F up you can just heal yourself all up. No need to worry about sprinting into barracks to get a gun because if you get swamped by zombies you can just heal your self up.


Self blood bags takes away from the game imo. It takes away from the value of your life. You f up and you can just heal yourself. No need to be careful, cautious, avoid gun battles or etc. Makes the game easy mode.


Self Blood Bags are the worste thing to happen imo. Taes the real survival aspect way out of the game.

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