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why i wouldn't make it through the zombie apocalypse in real life

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so i was just thinking - partly because i've had a few drinks - there are some things that would see my certain downfall after a couple of years of zombie apocalypse.


i'm not squeamish in any way so i'd have no trouble smashing the skulls open of any zombie or bandit that came at me, my downfall would be a much more personally instigated thing. after a coule of weeks of the major power grid be off the supply of danish blue cheese would be non-existant, after a couple of months the local supply of guinness would be dry and after a year or so the lack of being able to listen to my record collection would bum me out to the point of turning my G17 on myself - i would die to my own hands, scornful and tired at the lack of blue cheese, stout and vinyl.


what would be yous guyses reasons for downfall? barring the obvious few dying to real life KoS

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haha yeah a lack of good coffee would suck, though i have to admit ive never had a starbucks (there aren't any in my area of my country that i know of) but i am partial to a good cup

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I am in France and barely speak any French, it really closes quite a few avenues of negotiation when neither of us know what each other is saying.

I wouldn't blame them for instantly giving up and beating me to death with stale baguettes and eating me.

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Auto-immune diseases I have, as well as I'm allergic to tons of things like wheat, and I need to take medicine every day.

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C'mon we all know that France would just surrender.



hahaha +1. on the french note, baguette goes so well with danish blue, damn you guys for making me wish i had a baguette right now heh

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hahaha +1. on the french note, baguette goes so well with danish blue, damn you guys for making me wish i had a baguette right now heh

You'd probably like Roquefort, it's one of the more 'local' cheeses in Toulouse - they have loads of it from nearby.

C'est tres bien.

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You'd probably like Roquefort, it's one of the more 'local' cheeses in Toulouse - they have loads of it from nearby.

C'est tres bien.

it sounds like it's le bombè

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Hmm... It's hard to say what would do me in.


I have lived long periods of time without technology, like when I would go on hunting trips This isn't an issue.


I don't have any particulars about what I eat at all. I be a tiger shark. No issue.


I like social company. But I talk to myself so I'd most likely form multiple personalities if I were by myself. But still... not an issue.


I know a lot about wilderness survival and have a basic knowledge of anatomy and medical issues. Can hunt, fish, hide, climb, dig, and build things with what nature gives me. I'm also pretty decent with a gun and even my hands... (I was a boxer from 15-18, started Brazilian jujitsu and taekwondo when I was 12 and finished my blackbelt in both at the age of 17 and 18 respectively). Not an issue whatsoever.


To be honest I see myself lasting a long while with a small group of people I know, or even by myself. That being said, with my luck something random would happen to kill me. Like getting bit by a mosquito with West Nile, or tripping and falling on a sharp stick, or something of that idiotic nature.


It's like my fiance says... I could get hit by a car, break my bones, or even cut my arm to the bone... and man up about it. But when it comes to small things like cat scratches, paper cuts, or splinters... I'm a pussy little bitch that whines. ROFL. It's just the way I am.

Edited by OfficerRaymond
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No technology would slowly turn me into a madman...

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Vegemite. Vegemite lasts forever so all good.


Lack of Metal and a good cold rum. That would do my shit in.



The abundance of fat cars, a good stezza and plenty of free fuel and a gennie to keep a battery charged though ? Straight to some out of the way spot in a forested area on a a nice high hill with a few jars of vegemite and all would be sweet.

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haha yeah a lack of good coffee would suck, though i have to admit ive never had a starbucks (there aren't any in my area of my country that i know of) but i am partial to a good cup


Please don't ever try Starbucks coffee then. They over roast their beans and most of their processes really ruin coffee.

The thing most likely to end me will be trying to make sure the people I love are safe. My kids live about 2-2.5 hours away by car. Roughly 120 miles from me. If there is a panic it will be difficult to reach them so unless everything breaks down when I have them... 

I've got a half dozen places I could try and hole up here although up there near them there are more so I would likely bite it on the journey. Luckily I still have a pretty good collection of books not yet on my kindle so I might be able to keep from going crazy from doing nothing but surviving. Then again, might be my glasses being broken or me running out of contact supplies that might do me in. I'll be like Piggy in Lord of the Flies.

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Wouldn't know where to find me some more Tren. Without this I will lose all my gains.

If anyone here lifts, they will know what I mean.

Edited by LiftCore

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what kill me in the end??? :|


after long hard life survive everything, after I grow tired from killing and steal foods from gangs camp and after pet dog #5 is become bbq dinner in winter snow for survive....


..I putting 45 calibre pistol in mouth, think about time before apocalypse, I think most about sarah Davidson tits and make last smile feel good satisfy and pull trigger blow brains into spray like red paint onto wall of house I using for base


now I am dinner for pet dog #6, good luck #6, you need for sure :thumbsup:  :ph34r:

Edited by KoS
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No need to lose your music! I love hacking into stuff and a couple years ago realized that Home Depot sells off a lot of it's solar powered yard lights at the end of the year. I bought a dozen for less than a buck a piece because I found out they actually contain AA batteries inside. Sun light charges the battery then the light runs off of that at night. I tried it out with a few and figured if the electricity ever goes out for any reason I can still have a supply of charged batteries. I also bought two of these power packs that will charge my tablet and my phone using AA rechargeable batteries so I should never run out of music!

My downfall during the apocalypse will probably be other people killing me to take my stuff. No matter how badass you think you are there will be groups of ex-military or biker gangs coming to take your shit. Unless you're in a bigger group, you might be done for. Probably won't be too many lone-wolves in a real zombie apocalypse after a few months in. 

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Hello there


Whilst I like to think I could wade through the wailing hordes with a hedge trimmer, Im now quite the Dark Lord Id like to be.


I think id be lucky to make it through the first year.


Without my mouse I am nothing.





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Not seeing the next season of Attack on Titan? Not seeing the next season of Game of Thrones? Not playing Metal Gear Solid 5? Never knowing how Big Boss became Big Boss? Never seeing the second Avatar movie? Never seeing the Hobbit 2 and 3?

Never playing the DayZ Standalone?!?!

There would be no sense in life... a bullet would be the only solution.

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Not seeing the next season of Attack on Titan? Not seeing the next season of Game of Thrones? Not playing Metal Gear Solid 5? Never knowing how Big Boss became Big Boss? Never seeing the second Avatar movie? Never seeing the Hobbit 2 and 3?

Never playing the DayZ Standalone?!?!

There would be no sense in life... a bullet would be the only solution.


Well, why not just try to get to the Czech republic and at least play the dev version of SA XD

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Well, why not just try to get to the Czech republic and at least play the dev version of SA XD

Yes, after that I go to Japan and ask Hideo Kojima how MGS5 ends.

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if i got smart about i could grow weed (but i probably wouldn't unless i hooked up with a group of people that were also keen on the idea). me and a mate are prepared and have our meeting spot in case of apocalypse so i shouldn't be alone. my biggest issue would be food, i can be a little picky about what i eat.  but i like bake beans (i would really prefer them warmed up though).

Edited by DMC14

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I am fully prepared for the zombie apocalypse.


Prepared to be delicious.


Statistically speaking, any infection-related apocalypse will not likely be anything glamorous like zombies.  It'll just be people dying.  Anyone who had any immunity to it would lose probably all of their friends and family, and then have to walk through a world quite literally filled with dead bodies.  Bodies in the streets, in people's homes, in stores, everywhere.  The stench alone will drive most people to the brink.  


If I managed to be ...fortunate(?)... enough to be immune, and found a way to mitigate the stench long enough to get away from populated areas, and wasn't crippled by the depression of losing everyone I've ever loved...


...I'd probably just eventually starve to death.  I'm a computer nerd.  Not the hip and stylish computer nerds in their 20s right now, talkin bullshit about "geeks are sexy."  I mean old school, I have been a dweeb since the 80s.  I don't hunt.  I don't think I could kill and dress an animal, even with my survival depending on it.  If I could find seeds, I could probably grow a little food assuming good weather...but I wouldn't bet on me making it through the first winter. I don't even know how to can.  I don't own guns and am not a fighter, but I'm also incredibly stubborn and willful - so I definitely wouldn't survive my first encounter with an aggressive bandit.  They'd just shoot me, and take my beans.  

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Me personally, i would want to try and run solo only to the reason that i wouldnt have to look after another person (food for them, water and so on). Best bet for the zombie apocalypse i would say (and this is realistically, no some bullshit crazy military weapons) is a hunting rifle with plenty of ammo, and pistol of choice, and a hatchet, sword or blade of some sort, to take things out quietly. Now my downfall would probably be me making a stupid mistake or being to trusting only to be murdered for my equipment.

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