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First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

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What is the problem there? If you want 1pp play 1pp. If you want 3pp play 3pp. If you want 1pp on a 3pp server just do that.

Whatever you want to to construct here: Nobody cares - 99% of players play 3pp for a host of reasons and if you don't like those reasons you are free

to play on 1pp without someone playing 3pp whining and nagging that you should play 3pp because of "reasons".


I play both for a lot of reasons.

I like to have 2 different chars on public and (and this is the important part) >>personally<< feel much safer (hence "easier" *) on 1pp because I know

if I cannot see someone they cannot see me. But since perspective and proportion are f'ed up in 1pp I play a lot of 3pp. If they adress those issues I

(and maybe others) will play a lot more 1pp. But that is my personal choice and I will not push that on someone else. Because that is such a lowlife

douchebag behaviour and none of my business at all.


So please stop trying to tell others how they "have" to spend their free time


* Please note the quotations marks that indicate sarcasm and system immanent pointing out the uselessness of those kinds of argument to the 1pp only crowd


If you read my comment you will see a very short and simple explanation why there is a problem there which skews the entire debate where saying 3pp is a fallacy because it is actually a hybrid system. and your logic of "if I can't see them they can't see me" is hilariously silly. Finally, when did I tell anyone they HAVE to do anything? I just don't like misrepresentation of information or false entitlement, of which this argument is full of and I would be just as likely to point it out in any side of the debate.

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As long as we are going on about how it isn't acceptable to expect people to spend extra money to 


Have you seen the 1pp official servers offerings on stable?  I sure haven't.  So, if it is not acceptable for 3pp players to be made to use rented servers, why is it okay to suggest that people need to rent their own servers to play 1pp.  Am I actually not playing the game right, for just wanting to play the vanilla game, and disregard all the mods?


I have very little interest in playing mods of a game conceived of a mod.  I quit playing Red Alert Two when I could no longer find any regular servers.  This was because most of the modded maps had overpowered features, infinite resources, and many other changes that basically defeated the purpose of the game.


Do you even play on the official servers?  I do, and they are all 3pp servers.  I have to go find a private server for 1pp, there is currently no public hive 1pp servers available, to my knowledge.  People act like it's going to ruin the whole game, if the same amount of public server offerings provided for 3pp official servers, were available for people who wanted to play 1pp.  You act like 1pp advocates are somehow putting you out, by asking for a place to play the game as they wish to, without having to rent a server.    Even if it is 50/50, worst case scenario is that the 3pp officail servers will be extra full.


I really hope that you can see why it is so hypocritical for people who prefer 3pp to deny the option for people to have freely available public 1pp servers.  You are literally trying to protect a resource that there is a significant unused surplus of on the public server offerings.  There are literally dozens of empty 3pp public official servers that could be used for 1pp, with no appreciable loss to the 3pp community.  Why are you fighting so hard to hang onto something that is never even used?


I honestly just want to play the vanilla game on 1pp public hive servers.   And I have no opportunity to do so, because the official stable servers are all 3pp.


What would you lose if DayZ US Central 1-55 was set up for 1pp?  If your answer is nothing, then what are you even doing here?

incorrect, there should be 50/50 split on "dayz hosted" official 1p servers however your official servers are public rented servers too as you hive character transfers over.

Get the record straight i couldn't care less about your 1p, 3p official servers. I care that the game isn't ruined by a handful of people that forcefully wish 1p only existed.

Don't take my quote out of context to the other posters remarks. But the truth hurts don't it?


Nobody i repeat nobody is going to keep the 1p rented servers alive in the future. Allow for BI to host the 1p, but i sure the heck wont.

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also 7, this really isn't a zombie type game blood and gore, flesh eating game. I foresee this as a survival in the wilderness like the real life shows on TV, but with a human presence like the walking dead. Sometimes your attacked other times you bring in new people to your compound. This is where groups become towns, and protect life as we see. We sometimes will fight other groups for all the survival needs to continue on. Territories will be made, and building will happen with big walls to keep you out

I think you're a bit optimistic about the scope of the game. I'm pretty sure we won't see territories, etc. There is basebuilding in the mod and it pretty much just means: I have too much stuff and need walls to protect it. At its core Dayz will always be a shooter and everybody knows shooters are played best in 1p. However, it is also a cinematic experience. We are used to watching upon our heroes through shows such as the Walking Dead; we are not used to being them. So the difference of views may be explained through the simple fact, that most people prefer a camera view upon their character, instead of a first person (his) view. 


I'd be careful to put too much hope into what Dayz can become. We know all its features - that's why there is a design doc and the quarterly goals, which are never met. A lot of those things, e.g. companion animals aren't even in the game and might get scrapped on the long run. I'm pretty sure we'll rather see a reduction of features than an expansion, as they have to push this game into Beta and can't continiously add new functionality. 

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I think you're a bit optimistic about the scope of the game. I'm pretty sure we won't see territories, etc. There is basebuilding in the mod and it pretty much just means: I have too much stuff and need walls to protect it. At its core Dayz will always be a shooter and everybody knows shooters are played best in 1p. However, it is also a cinematic experience. We are used to watching upon our heroes through shows such as the Walking Dead; we are not used to being them. So the difference of views may be explained through the simple fact, that most people prefer a camera view upon their character, instead of a first person (his) view. 


I'd be careful to put too much hope into what Dayz can become. We know all its features - that's why there is a design doc and the quarterly goals, which are never met. A lot of those things, e.g. companion animals aren't even in the game and might get scrapped on the long run. I'm pretty sure we'll rather see a reduction of features than an expansion, as they have to push this game into Beta and can't continiously add new functionality. 

modding, not the core of the game.

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My personal opinion is that Hardcore is King, that being said, practically everyone favours 3PP and is evident in which servers are currently the most populated. My clan server had changed from 3PP to Hardcore the last time this argument rose its head in hope we could attract some of the so called Hardcore players and although our numbers were dwindling, we seen them take another hit, and now we've switched back to 3PP the numbers are trickling back in. I love Hardcore, and tend to play mostly in 1PP even when on 3PP servers but with the option there it's hard not to use 3PP to your advantage in combat situations knowing fully well your opposition are doing the same. If everyone who prefers Hardcore played on Hardcore servers we wouldn't even need this argument, but sadly, many like myself, opt to play 3PP as a consolation either because there are no decent populated Hardcore servers or simply their friends/team/clan don't like Hardcore.

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My personal opinion is that Hardcore is King, that being said, practically everyone favours 3PP and is evident in which servers are currently the most populated. My clan server had changed from 3PP to Hardcore the last time this argument rose its head in hope we could attract some of the so called Hardcore players and although our numbers were dwindling, we seen them take another hit, and now we've switched back to 3PP the numbers are trickling back in. I love Hardcore, and tend to play mostly in 1PP even when on 3PP servers but with the option there it's hard not to use 3PP to your advantage in combat situations knowing fully well your opposition are doing the same. If everyone who prefers Hardcore played on Hardcore servers we wouldn't even need this argument, but sadly, many like myself, opt to play 3PP as a consolation either because there are no decent populated Hardcore servers or simply their friends/team/clan don't like Hardcore.

If there weren't a choice, people would simply get used to 1pp and continue to play. 3pp needs to be removed!

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If there weren't a choice, people would simply get used to 1pp and continue to play. 3pp needs to be removed!

What needs to be removed isn't 3p, or 1p but the simple viewing distances over walls etc... BI can fix this.


otherwise 3p way out number 1p so it would be best to remove 1p and get it over with.

Agreed? Saves us more grief listening to post after post about 1p or 3p choices. My gawd this has been beat to death.


No i don't agree, choice is most important. 1p and 3p either or doesn't matter.

Edited by TheSneakyDude

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What needs to be removed isn't 3p, or 1p but the simple viewing distances over walls etc... BI can fix this.


otherwise 3p way out number 1p so it would be best to remove 1p and get it over with.

Agreed? Saves us more grief listening to post after post about 1p or 3p choices. My gawd this has been beat to death.


No i don't agree, choice is most important. 1p and 3p either or doesn't matter.

Only way they can fix this is to not render any player, zombie, loot or player placed things like barrels and shit, if they are not in your character's field of view. People would cry a lot because of this, because the very core reason people play 3rd is because it is easier. It wouldn't make sense in playing third person to a lot of people.

Edited by Avant-Garde
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incorrect, there should be 50/50 split on "dayz hosted" official 1p servers however your official servers are public rented servers too as you hive character transfers over.

Get the record straight i couldn't care less about your 1p, 3p official servers. I care that the game isn't ruined by a handful of people that forcefully wish 1p only existed.

Don't take my quote out of context to the other posters remarks. But the truth hurts don't it?


Nobody i repeat nobody is going to keep the 1p rented servers alive in the future. Allow for BI to host the 1p, but i sure the heck wont.

We seem to be having a number of persistent misunderstandings.  I am unsure if you can correctly distinguish between an official server, and a rented server; both of which share the same public hive.  I agree with you on the first sentence, with the exception of calling the official servers rented; as I understand it, those servers are contractually required to be provided free to the public by the hosting companies, for the privilege of renting the servers out individually.


That was exactly my point; that basically nobody plays on the official servers, so making even a majority of them 1pp would not negatively impact the 3pp players.  We don't have anything even close to 50/50 at the time.  Until Cold Atrophy pointed it out to me, I was of the impression that 1pp official servers did not exist.  I was mistaken, but it was an easy mistake to make, as I was searching for populated 1pp servers to play on; so I ended up restricted to the private hives.


I'll reiterate:  What do you have to lose if a significant portion of the freely-provided, official, public hive servers were converted to 1pp?  What do you have to gain from this discussion?  Why are you here?  

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My personal opinion is that Hardcore is King, that being said, practically everyone favours 3PP and is evident in which servers are currently the most populated. My clan server had changed from 3PP to Hardcore the last time this argument rose its head in hope we could attract some of the so called Hardcore players and although our numbers were dwindling, we seen them take another hit, and now we've switched back to 3PP the numbers are trickling back in. I love Hardcore, and tend to play mostly in 1PP even when on 3PP servers but with the option there it's hard not to use 3PP to your advantage in combat situations knowing fully well your opposition are doing the same. If everyone who prefers Hardcore played on Hardcore servers we wouldn't even need this argument, but sadly, many like myself, opt to play 3PP as a consolation either because there are no decent populated Hardcore servers or simply their friends/team/clan don't like Hardcore.

This is exactly the issue I have found when playing with groups of three or more.  There is always one person who absolutely refuses to play 1pp, so the entire group has to play on 3pp.


I sure do wish Boneboys would go ahead and make a pinned topic where all of the 1pp enthusiasts could come together and try to populate servers and discuss other 1pp related things, without the topic inevitably degrading into a race-war.

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If there weren't a choice, people would simply get used to 1pp and continue to play. 3pp needs to be removed!

Dammit man, we were trying to keep this one moderate, civil, and possibly even productive, for once.   :P


Ease up on the extremism, we already know all-too-well that it always ends up in a stalemate.  The underdog must be gentle and sly, until the hen is in-mouth.

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I like the analogy of put up or shut up.  All these 1pp players should be on those servers.  It is plainly evident they are not, they scream at the top of their lungs that 3pp servers are stealing THEIR players.  That has not and has NEVER been the case.  The argument that 3pp is not fair, you can see over walls, that's not real life... NEWFLASH!  There are zombies in the game, they are not in real life either.  I doubt anyone that reads this forum will take more than one or two hits from an AR and live to tell about it like you can in this NOT REAL LIFE GAME.  Simulations...simulate.  And if this game loses 3pp, BI will have no reason to continue development as their will be no playerbase.  I would never have played this game and clocked over 2500 hours if it weren't how fun it is in 3pp.

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All these 1pp players should be on those servers.  It is plainly evident they are not, they scream at the top of their lungs that 3pp servers are stealing THEIR players.

I can tell you emuthreat and myself have seen each other on one of the 1PP experimental servers. I play on 1PP servers the vast majority of the time. I play on Gents of Novo server which is 3PP because of the community involved as those guys are great, but I wish they had a 1PP server for myself and friends.


The argument that 3pp is not fair, you can see over walls, that's not real life... NEWFLASH!  There are zombies in the game, they are not in real life either.


This is a poor argument. We are attempting for an AUTHENTIC zombie apocalypse survival game. Zombies in that case are authentic, but 3PP is not.

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This is starting to feel like deja vu


I personally think the topic should be banned from the forums.  People are too unreasonable and nothing new or important ever becomes of it.


It's amazing that these discussions are allowed but ones about stuff like hacking aren't.

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I personally think the topic should be banned from the forums.  People are too unreasonable and nothing new or important ever becomes of it.


It's amazing that these discussions are allowed but ones about stuff like hacking aren't.


Cheat topics aren't allowed because they can give people hints as to how to go about cheating.


As long as people post in the correct place and the forums aren't full of 10 of the same topic then I don't think any subject should be prohibited without good reason.




Merged with and reopened the old 1pp vs 3pp topic.

Edited by Mos1ey

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This is exactly the issue I have found when playing with groups of three or more.  There is always one person who absolutely refuses to play 1pp, so the entire group has to play on 3pp.



I've found that happens to a lot of groups. You have the one person who refuses to play on 1PP servers so when we play with them we give in and let them have it. 

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This is starting to feel like deja vu

Well, it was fun while it lasted.  How about a pinned topic for 1pp social development?  That way 1pp advocates don't always have to be trolled into oblivion by the same old stalwart haters of the minority?


The 1pp experimental servers seem decently populated for the most part.  Maybe this is evidence that it should be given more of a chance on the official server offerings.


All we want is a free place to play.  Maybe a safe place to discuss 1pp without any argument would help keep this beaten horse buried?

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Well, it was fun while it lasted.  How about a pinned topic for 1pp social development?  That way 1pp advocates don't always have to be trolled into oblivion by the same old stalwart haters of the minority?


The 1pp experimental servers seem decently populated for the most part.  Maybe this is evidence that it should be given more of a chance on the official server offerings.


All we want is a free place to play.  Maybe a safe place to discuss 1pp without any argument would help keep this beaten horse buried?


You can't discuss the advantages of of 1pp without also discussing its disadvantages and as a result, the advantages of 3pp. That would be a very boring and one sided conversation.


Debate keeps things interesting and helps everyone to see the advantages, disadvantages and how things could be improved, rather than a topic that essentially consists of:


"1PP is good."




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I can tell you emuthreat and myself have seen each other on one of the 1PP experimental servers. I play on 1PP servers the vast majority of the time. I play on Gents of Novo server which is 3PP because of the community involved as those guys are great, but I wish they had a 1PP server for myself and friends.



This is a poor argument. We are attempting for an AUTHENTIC zombie apocalypse survival game. Zombies in that case are authentic, but 3PP is not.


No... a poor/false argument is that this is an "AUTHENTIC zombie apocalypse survival game".  Have you been through the apocalypse?  If not, how would you know that it is authentic?  Again... NEWSFLASH.... Zombies have never existed in the history of mankind, watching George Romero movies and The Walking Dead are works of FICTION and it doesn't make anyone an expert on anything except what is a generally held mass CONCEPTUALIZED fictional idea of what a "zombie apocalypse" would be like.  DayZ fits that category as well, it is fiction, there is nothing authentic about it and I am tired of hearing people parrot what the developers have said to justify a false argument.


Look at the stats... 1PP has so few players at any time, I can count them very easily most of the time.  3PP is a completely different story.  It is plain to see that there are a few select loud voices attempting to push the vast majority that enjoy 3PP away.


Finally, it IS a game, nothing more, it's not the Second Coming, it's not an AUTHENTIC anything... it...is...a...game....nothing more....nothing less.

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No... a poor/false argument is that this is an "AUTHENTIC zombie apocalypse survival game".  Have you been through the apocalypse?  If not, how would you know that it is authentic?  Again... NEWSFLASH.... Zombies have never existed in the history of mankind


Yeah man, I'm sure that if we got a zombie apocalypse, our view would suddenly become 3PP.

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No... a poor/false argument is that this is an "AUTHENTIC zombie apocalypse survival game".  Have you been through the apocalypse?  If not, how would you know that it is authentic?  Again... NEWSFLASH.... Zombies have never existed in the history of mankind, watching George Romero movies and The Walking Dead are works of FICTION and it doesn't make anyone an expert on anything except what is a generally held mass CONCEPTUALIZED fictional idea of what a "zombie apocalypse" would be like.  DayZ fits that category as well, it is fiction, there is nothing authentic about it and I am tired of hearing people parrot what the developers have said to justify a false argument.


Look at the stats... 1PP has so few players at any time, I can count them very easily most of the time.  3PP is a completely different story.  It is plain to see that there are a few select loud voices attempting to push the vast majority that enjoy 3PP away.


Finally, it IS a game, nothing more, it's not the Second Coming, it's not an AUTHENTIC anything... it...is...a...game....nothing more....nothing less.


So let me get this straight. You think the Outback Steakhouse employs only people from Australia because it is an "authentic australian steakhouse"? Are these clothes over 100 years old as they are "Authentic Old West Wear"?



You seem to not understand that "authentic" doesn't mean something actually IS it means it matches what a real thing might be. An "authentic murder mystery dinner" would not mean the victims were actually being killed, but it would have all the classic elements common to murder mystery novels.  See, murder mysteries, as they are novelized, are not real, but something can be authentically based off them. 


Zombies are not real. The apocalypse has not happened. We can't perfectly simulate it short of risking our actual lives, but we can create an authentic experience and I can tell you that looking out through my character's eyes is a LOT more authentic than seeing they back of their head and over and around things. 

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You can't discuss the advantages of of 1pp without also discussing its disadvantages and as a result, the advantages of 3pp. That would be a very boring and one sided conversation.


Debate keeps things interesting and helps everyone to see the advantages, disadvantages and how things could be improved, rather than a topic that essentially consists of:


"1PP is good."




The idea was not another 1pp vs 3pp discussion, but rather a "we're here because we all like 1pp, here's what servers we are using right now, and what is going on in each one," type of thread.  I've met more friendly people in 1pp experimental servers since .59, than I had in the entire past year.


Edit:  It seems odd that you would advocate for the continuation of this stalemate argument, rather than just give a little bit of space to the 1pp crowd.

Edited by emuthreat
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The idea was not another 1pp vs 3pp discussion, but rather a "we're here because we all like 1pp, here's what servers we are using right now, and what is going on in each one," type of thread.  I've met more friendly people in 1pp experimental servers since .59, than I had in the entire past year.


Edit:  It seems odd that you would advocate for the continuation of this stalemate argument, rather than just give a little bit of space to the 1pp crowd.


You're welcome to start that topic but I don't see it going very far. There just isn't very much to talk about.

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You're welcome to start that topic but I don't see it going very far. There just isn't very much to talk about.

I was thinking more along the lines of a meeting place, where people who like 1pp can come together and try to organize and populate public hive 1pp servers.  Maybe a pinned topic in the server discussion section, where people who want to play on populated 1pp servers can go to see which ones are getting traffic at the time.


Maybe I'll give it a try once stable hits.  I would only ask that mods be diligent in not letting it turn into another argument thread.  The goal is to try and facilitate a 1pp community for the people who prefer it, and to make sure people don't pop in just to say "not this again," or try to turn it into the same old argument again.


Also, why has this been moved from DayZ SA General discussion, to the Mod Forums?

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