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Your video has now been officially reported for breaching my privacy and harassment, You have about 24 hours until youtube read my claim and decide what to do, if the video is kept up by youtube i will contact you again and i will contact a lawyer and we will have to settle this legally, ofcourse if you are under a certain age which i am sure you are, your parents will have to be involved.



I literally had an orgasm of uncontrollable laughter from reading this.  The butthurt is strong with this one.

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and that was not it all there was a transition during the video that skips out some of his rather hateful and immature comments


Then if they are cut out, you currently have no proof that they even existed in the first place.

Nor do you have any proof that you are even the person in the video, you could be some random guy who has taken on someone else's name.

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If i feel harassed by the video it is within my rights to contact YouTube and report the video, i have dealt with cases like this before, and if you watch the text chat in the video, not only is the user insulting but is also abusive towards me, and that was not it all there was a transition during the video that skips out some of his rather hateful and immature comments, that may be too vicious for this forum, unfortunantly, you and every other user here other than Supa Sand, doesn't have any idea whats happened and the fact Supa Sand posted first is unfortunate, because you are all feeding off his lies, i'm just another DayZ Player that is retaining his rights, and if i feel harassed by this video then i am very much entitled to report the video and take it step by step from there, and that is what i will do.



The logical approach would be to disprove these lies, given you are the admin of the server and you have access to chat logs and will have plenty of witnesses to testify, as opposed to what you are doing now which is screaming "OMG STOP OR I SUE U" and overstepping your authority by attempting to dictate who does and doesn't have any involvement with it. If it is displayed on our forums, we have every right to involve ourselves. Unless you're prepared to face this sort of thing in the correct manner (I.E; not what you're doing right now by screaming at everyone about your 'lawyers'), then I have no idea what you're doing with admin powers.


For example, ignoring the fact that his supposed behavior should've been addressed isolated from the other incident, had you instead came on here and posted about how this is inaccurate information, we might've been inclined to perhaps take your side, but you're too eager to remind us that we have no involvement, so I don't see why you're expecting me to act professional, when instead I'll just follow suit.

Edited by Rage VG
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So i read your post on the DayZ Forums, first of all, there are many lies on there you silly little child.
'The Huey starts landing, I get hit and become infected, the chances of survival are slim my best chance is to take down the ghillied pilot before he lands and ends my life'
I said to you, in direct chat that i was coming to help you, over VOIP, so this is a lie, you silly child.
'I run towards the Huey shouting " I will not let this happen" and take the ghillie out.'
This is also untrue, what you actually said was 'I'm Infected' to which i replied, i have Anti-Biotics,'
What i have done on your channel is not Threatening you, i asked you politely to remove the video, unfortunantly, you replied with a simple lol, a huge sign of immaturity, but seriously kid, don't lie to make it seem like i'm the bad guy, when i was trying to help you out, i recorded this too, as i am also a youtuber and the owner of the server and my good friend indeed heard me say what i said and he stated that you where being 'Unfair' and 'Childish' and he wouldnt have that on his server as the server was clearly Non-PVP this is stated on the old start-up splash screen when you join, you broke the rules and in turn you where banned,
Don't lie because liars are Always found out, i did not upload my footage of you out of curiosity for you, you where banned for breaking the rules, if you want to be a bandit and kill people, go on a server that is PVP not Our private hive NON - PvP server.
Your video has now been officially reported for breaching my privacy and harassment, You have about 24 hours until youtube read my claim and decide what to do, if the video is kept up by youtube i will contact you again and i will contact a lawyer and we will have to settle this legally, ofcourse if you are under a certain age which i am sure you are, your parents will have to be involved.


You are calling me a liar ? I think you need to watch the video, I can´t hear you speak at all, I guess you think your better than me because you own a DayZ server and you have more subscribers than me and you refuse to be recorded dying in DayZ and being a douche about it. As for the "kid" I am actually 3 years older than you are if you are really 17. Go back to your server you big smelly willy, before you really get in trouble kid.

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tl;dr "Niall" is buttfurious about something and wants to take it to the courts


lol good luck with that m8




It's amazing how serious people take things. 


Oops, did I say "OP" in the top part? Meant the guy who keeps bitching about this. 

Edited by Death Dealer
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If i feel harassed by the video...... and if i feel harassed by this video then i am very much entitled to report the video and take it step by step from there, and that is what i will do.






Edited by KoS
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Edit: OP, edit your video so you can monetize it. If this douchebag gets your video removed you can theoretically turn around and sue him for harassment, loss revenue, emotion distress, and possibly slander.

No dice. The music in the beginning will net him a copyright strike himself as it won't be under fair use any longer. Plus he needs a monetisation license from Bohemia Interactive first before trying to make money off of ArmA II footage.

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If i feel harassed by the video it is within my rights to contact YouTube and report the video, i have dealt with cases like this before, and if you watch the text chat in the video, not only is the user insulting but is also abusive towards me, and that was not it all there was a transition during the video that skips out some of his rather hateful and immature comments, that may be too vicious for this forum, unfortunantly, you and every other user here other than Supa Sand, doesn't have any idea whats happened and the fact Supa Sand posted first is unfortunate, because you are all feeding off his lies, i'm just another DayZ Player that is retaining his rights, and if i feel harassed by this video then i am very much entitled to report the video and take it step by step from there, and that is what i will do.




You do realize YouTube doesn't give two shits and a fuck if someone feels "harassed", right?


Go ahead and waste your time. 


You're also trying to claim being a victim of harassment from a video game? How can you not see how pathetic this is?


Congratulations on humiliating yourself in front of everyone. 

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If i feel harassed by the video it is within my rights to contact YouTube and report the video, i have dealt with cases like this before, and if you watch the text chat in the video, not only is the user insulting but is also abusive towards me, and that was not it all there was a transition during the video that skips out some of his rather hateful and immature comments, that may be too vicious for this forum, unfortunantly, you and every other user here other than Supa Sand, doesn't have any idea whats happened and the fact Supa Sand posted first is unfortunate, because you are all feeding off his lies, i'm just another DayZ Player that is retaining his rights, and if i feel harassed by this video then i am very much entitled to report the video and take it step by step from there, and that is what i will do.




If you feel harassed when confronted with your own actions then I think you need to rethink how you behave in your server.

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So i read your post on the DayZ Forums, first of all, there are many lies on there you silly little child.
'The Huey starts landing, I get hit and become infected, the chances of survival are slim my best chance is to take down the ghillied pilot before he lands and ends my life'
I said to you, in direct chat that i was coming to help you, over VOIP, so this is a lie, you silly child.
'I run towards the Huey shouting " I will not let this happen" and take the ghillie out.'
This is also untrue, what you actually said was 'I'm Infected' to which i replied, i have Anti-Biotics,'
What i have done on your channel is not Threatening you, i asked you politely to remove the video, unfortunantly, you replied with a simple lol, a huge sign of immaturity, but seriously kid, don't lie to make it seem like i'm the bad guy, when i was trying to help you out, i recorded this too, as i am also a youtuber and the owner of the server and my good friend indeed heard me say what i said and he stated that you where being 'Unfair' and 'Childish' and he wouldnt have that on his server as the server was clearly Non-PVP this is stated on the old start-up splash screen when you join, you broke the rules and in turn you where banned,
Don't lie because liars are Always found out, i did not upload my footage of you out of curiosity for you, you where banned for breaking the rules, if you want to be a bandit and kill people, go on a server that is PVP not Our private hive NON - PvP server.
Your video has now been officially reported for breaching my privacy and harassment, You have about 24 hours until youtube read my claim and decide what to do, if the video is kept up by youtube i will contact you again and i will contact a lawyer and we will have to settle this legally, ofcourse if you are under a certain age which i am sure you are, your parents will have to be involved.


I was just going to bug the points you mentioned which I colored with blue and purple, until the red colored part has been caught by my eyes..


Threatening is indeed a very childish and immature action that in general needs to be taken care of. However if that is the case that the server is a non-pvp server, then.. OP...




Edited by SoulHunter
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No dice. The music in the beginning will net him a copyright strike himself as it won't be under fair use any longer. Plus he needs a monetisation license from Bohemia Interactive first before trying to make money off of ArmA II footage.

He actually took it out somehow, I guess he was the legendary Butthurt kid with an army of lawyers on his side.

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He actually took it out somehow, I guess he was the legendary Butthurt kid with an army of lawyers on his side.


Re-upload it without the song. :)

Please. for the sake of not letting 'Butthurt Barbie Queens' rule the internet.

Edited by GuitarPants
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Re-upload it without the song

He will fell my fist on his butthurt ass, I will post it here when I do.

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Niall you are joking right? How far are you going to take this? Boohoo he killed and called you a noob, get over it.

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There's no winners here,


OP seems  surprised for some reason that he was banned for killing on a no pvp server, hardly seems worth posting a video. maybe he was unaware it was no pvp we'll never know.


Admin totally over reacts and rather than just informing the player of his mistake and dealing with him goes on a youtube crusade That actually makes him look worse than if he'd just let it slide.


Its all a bit silly really.

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No Pvp Server?! XD

The amount rofl my ass im having right now.




So wait a second..


Then why didnt his pistol look like this?



Edited by GuitarPants
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Curious how someone can make a copyright claim on a youtube video they don't own the content to? Can anyone just report anyone else's videos and have them temporarily removed?

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Hi nsjmurray,

Thank you very much for your notification.

We have deemed the material you have provided as Harassing and Upsetting.

The content has been removed.

The user has been notified.


- The YouTube Team

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Curious how someone can make a copyright claim on a youtube video they don't own the content to? Can anyone just report anyone else's videos and have them temporarily removed?


Well yes... didn't that just get confirmed? x)

Picture below answers your question:




There nice enough to say sorry though :lol:

Edited by GuitarPants

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Hi nsjmurray,

Thank you very much for your notification.

We have deemed the material you have provided as Harassing and Upsetting.

The content has been removed.

The user has been notified.


- The YouTube Team



10 Beers that this guy thinks thats an actually typed respondse from an actual person.



Edited by GuitarPants

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10 Beers that this guy thinks thats an actually typed respondse from an actual person.

Man this stuff is making my sunday so good! XD Thank you nsj.




i know it is an automatic response system. lol.

Edited by nsjmurray

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i have dealt with cases like this before, b/c i'm a douche on a regular basis.




fixed.  Please don't report me for harassment or try to sue me.

Edited by irdaemon
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i know it is an automatic response system. lol.


No you didnt. Because else you wouldn't post the already obvious event.

You were trying to back it up. Cause you thought youtube was behind you.

But you're an idiot.

There actually saying sorry because they have to remove anything by LAW that contains copyright music.

They dont give a shit what music is playing on there. Even if it was "Friday - Rebecca Black"




And im not against copyright so i think its right what there doing. its just a bit out of control.

Edited by GuitarPants

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