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DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

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I like the devblogs :(

Lol, I like them too.  I just think it may be getting to the point where we actually have too much information and it may ruin the fun when it's released.  That's just me though, I've always actually preferred not knowing much about the game I'm about to play and discovering it as I go.


For example, after release I'd love this forum to fill up with threads trying to work out the new medical system and crafting etc.  If it's all described in minute detail beforehand it just seems a bit of a party killer.


Regarding the grief Rocket gets, I agree it's to be expected and he does deal with so that wasn't really my point.

Edited by Fraggle
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Lol, I like them too.  I just think it may be getting to the point where we actually have too much information and it may ruin the fun when it's released.  That's just me though, I've always actually preferred not knowing much about the game I'm about to play and discovering it as I go.


For example, after release I'd love this forum to fill up with threads trying to work out the new medical system and crafting etc.  If it's all described in minute detail beforehand it just seems a bit of a party killer.


Regarding the grief Rocket gets, I agree it's to be expected and he does deal with so that wasn't really my point.


Agreed about not knowing too much, it can ruin the experience and surprise's etc.. Nothing has to explained in raw detail in these brief blogs..


I guess the most important thing for Dean is to pass this milestone and get it in the hands of the fans as fast as possible so the real testing and bug fixing can begin, much like the rest of the Arma series of games :-)  Best supporting PC dev is and always will be BI :-)

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I do not agree that getting info about the development could ruin the fun. It is not like everyone really follows the development nor the blogs/forums/twitter and such.. If someone would desire not to learn the latest infos, they could easily avoid checking the blogs lmao.


The important thing about the devblogs is that they are about the development, not the keys of gameplay. They only show what has been done/what is being worked on/what will be done and that is all.

Edited by SoulHunter
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@Wolkoz - Agreed.  I've always been a bit of a BIS fanboy  :wub:


They're handling Arma 3 really well so far and making great progress.  I hope the SA will be handled in the same way once it gets to that stage, I think it will be.

Edited by Fraggle

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@Wolkoz - Agreed.  I've always been a bit of a BIS fanboy  :wub:


They're handling Arma 3 really well so far and making great progress.  I hope the SA will be handled in the same way once it gets to that stage, I think it will be.


lol nothing wrong with being a fanboy of BIS hehe.. I have faith in BIS to hold the same sort of support for SA  :D

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Agreed about not knowing too much, it can ruin the experience and surprise's etc.. Nothing has to explained in raw detail in these brief blogs..


I guess the most important thing for Dean is to pass this milestone and get it in the hands of the fans as fast as possible so the real testing and bug fixing can begin, much like the rest of the Arma series of games :-)  Best supporting PC dev is and always will be BI :-)

what do you bias this on ?


cause you like bi games there devs are superior or work harder than any others :lol:


many devs put in just as much time if not more its part and parcel of the game and i know many game devs who do just as others do and work hard.

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@Wolkoz - Agreed.  I've always been a bit of a BIS fanboy  :wub:


They're handling Arma 3 really well so far and making great progress.  I hope the SA will be handled in the same way once it gets to that stage, I think it will be.

hope its nothing like arma 3 tbh if im honest its a pos. i prefer two tbh. personal opinion but to me arma 3 is a gimmicky console version of arma 2 with worse controls/ aiming it just looks better than arma 2.

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hope its nothing like arma 3 tbh if im honest its a pos. i prefer two tbh. personal opinion but to me arma 3 is a gimmicky console version of arma 2 with worse controls/ aiming it just looks better than arma 2.

Yeh I've seen you say that a few times and as a long time Arma player I just have to disagree with you.


What makes it "consoley" to you?  If streamlining an inventory design or making UI's more intuitive is consoley then I'm all for it.  Many older PC games get away with having very poor UI design and Arma 2 is one of them.


In gameplay terms I just don't see what you mean, almost every aspect of gameplay has been improved upon for Arma 3.  The depth is still there, none of that has changed so I'm not really sure what you mean.  Of course it's light on content atm but that is soon to change.


Really though I wasn't referring to the actual gameplay, I meant the way BIS are communicating with the Arma community, rolling out patches and making good progress.  That's how I'd like to see the SA handled.

Edited by Fraggle

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what do you bias this on ?


cause you like bi games there devs are superior or work harder than any others :lol:


many devs put in just as much time if not more its part and parcel of the game and i know many game devs who do just as others do and work hard.


I base this on the way things are fixed and patched daily, Arma 3 just gets better everyday.. Arma 2 released 2009 and look at how many patches & support that game game got hehe, in fact i think they only just stopped updating AO2 if i'm not mistaken ? 


Yeah, been a fan since OPF way back then, and i feel very confident in BIS supporting DayZ SA, I have no reason not to tbh based on my own experience with there released titles  ;)

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All they need is some PR training or hire David Silverman.  :thumbsup:


edit: button -> awesome


Edited by PXXL

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1) Way too much muzzle flash ... just look up some youtube videos, you can barely see any muzzle flashes at daytime.


2) It doens't make that much sense to find a M4 without handguard or buttstock and it is also quite unlikely to find some spare handguards or buttstocks laying around. 


Also how do you take advantage of those items in game? i know which rail-system or stock i prefere in real life .. but those items mostly are for a better handling or some other advantages which you can't really integrate in a computer game. that's why i don't see the point.


Also for changing some items you need tools and you can't just put any buttstock on a regular M4 ... there are so many details with modding your real life AR-15, maybe dayz should keep it a little bit more simple.


Agree on the daytime muzzle flash, we had that problem with IL2 until it was patched out, at daytime you could not see where you were firing when you opened up, took a stack of real footage before the devs changed it.  The buttstock changeability may be just for gameplay , giving you something to do and the ability to mod your gun, fun before realism in some areas :) 



It looks like garbage, even mod looks way better.

I'm actually kinda happy thay they didn't released it earlier because i would probably sink money in it, now i know i wont.

Will actually wait for some decent Arma 3 mods.

Peace and gl waiting for it another 3 months. ;)


Did you even watch the devblog ?? I don't even..


That's something new for you?


Take off the blinders.


I'd be happy if nothing else was shown until release.  I already think there's actually too much information out there about it, more than most games at this stage.  Also, it'd be nice to actually have some surprises for people.


I don't mean he should stop all communication, tweeting how it's going etc is cool, just the full-on devblogs.  They take time andmost people seem to completely ignore the information within them or use it at a later date to try and stitch him up.  For me the cons just seem to outweigh the pros.



I like the devblogs :(


 Me too.

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Agree on the daytime muzzle flash, we had that problem with IL2 until it was patched out, at daytime you could not see where you were firing when you opened up, took a stack of real footage before the devs changed it.  The buttstock changeability may be just for gameplay , giving you something to do and the ability to mod your gun, fun before realism in some areas :) 




Did you even watch the devblog ?? I don't even..



Take off the blinders.





 Me too.


Your words of wisdom are hard to find...

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hope its nothing like arma 3 tbh if im honest its a pos. i prefer two tbh. personal opinion but to me arma 3 is a gimmicky console version of arma 2 with worse controls/ aiming it just looks better than arma 2.

Well it's already looking like Arma 3 but animations are too fast.

I don't know how Arma 3 really differs from Arma 2 that much because 3 just gives you more freedom in movement (sub-stances and more paces). Only thing in aiming that has changed is that the negative mouse acceleration can be turned off but I've it on.

The biggest change is the stamina system and it's waaaay too forgiving (well you can also run forever in Arma 2) because you can run uphill now. Stamina is a really big thing that need to be addressed in DayZ because it isn't moddable.

About worse controls that's what I don't really get what you can even mean. Controls are customizable, there are for example Arma 2 default controls that you can choose, and the've added/tweaked couple needed things in there. Both games got the same controls and Arma 3 has just added couple more.

Edited by St. Jimmy
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God damn, is it me or does the game look as good as ArmA 3? Yeah, lighting and texture quality are an A+ in my book. As much as the ArmA elitists hate it, bloom is good. It makes people like the game. So lather that bitch in bloom, lather it. Lather it so I don't need post processing to get bloom. Oh, and the M4 texture looks nice but that sight is pretty low poly. About as low poly as most current A2 sights. The animations add some variety and appeal, but they're only so much better than ArmA 2. Oh, and THANK YOU GOD, JESUS, CTHULU AND ROCKET FOR THE NEW HANDS. YOU MADE THEM LOOK DECENT? WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HATES ARMA 2'S HANDS? Why isn't anyone complaining, why? God, I need to lay off the 5 hour energy.

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- Animations are looking decent and useful, but they seem to not be so good with transitions.

Actually, they were going to add transition animations, but that would have made movement and shooting not clunky.

 - Ivan says 'uhh' a lot; fire him. lol jk

Please tell me you're joking.

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There's nothing new in this video. Leaping zombies and more of what you've already been saying.

My gosh, you are never happy.

Seriously, change your profile pic to grumpy cat or something.

Edited by colekern

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I'm hoping that the dev team at least attempts to keep it Chernarus. I don't want a first world, urban western european nation. We have enough of those. I think a post Soviet state is a perfect back drop. It shouldn't be dirt poor, but not exactly well off like most of Europe. I'd also like someone to port Chernarus+ to ArmA 3 and some of the weapons too, it'd be really nice.

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i expected to see at least something and definitly more than a new wounded-walk animation.what exactly i wanted to see? i dont no...really. maybe i just hoped we would see some functional gameplay, more than 10 player on the map, more than shooting still glitching zombies. maybe something that makes DayZ SA to SA.and now i reached a point where i dont even care anymore, because this still takes months and the milestone "server-client-architecture" never actually worked.rocket can keep up his twaddling about what they want to do and they are working hard... at least some people of the community are pleased with nothing at all. finally the reason why there is no weekly devblogupdate. there is nothing they could show except talking rocket and others about future plans.

The server client architecture has been working for a while.

I'm not really sure how you could possibly expect tons of new content with a small team in less than a year. Yeah, the sa hasn't even been in development for a year. Most games take longer to do what the DayZ devs have done with a large team and a much larger budget.

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Lol, I like them too.  I just think it may be getting to the point where we actually have too much information and it may ruin the fun when it's released.  That's just me though, I've always actually preferred not knowing much about the game I'm about to play and discovering it as I go.


For example, after release I'd love this forum to fill up with threads trying to work out the new medical system and crafting etc.  If it's all described in minute detail beforehand it just seems a bit of a party killer.


Regarding the grief Rocket gets, I agree it's to be expected and he does deal with so that wasn't really my point.


Totally agree. I don't want devblogs showing off features and cool new stuff; it's more then enough with a small update about the overall status of the project and maybe short explanations of what's being worked on. The rest I want to discover for myself. :)

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God damn, is it me or does the game look as good as ArmA 3? Yeah, lighting and texture quality are an A+ in my book. As much as the ArmA elitists hate it, bloom is good. It makes people like the game. So lather that bitch in bloom, lather it. Lather it so I don't need post processing to get bloom. Oh, and the M4 texture looks nice but that sight is pretty low poly. About as low poly as most current A2 sights. The animations add some variety and appeal, but they're only so much better than ArmA 2. Oh, and THANK YOU GOD, JESUS, CTHULU AND ROCKET FOR THE NEW HANDS. YOU MADE THEM LOOK DECENT? WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HATES ARMA 2'S HANDS? Why isn't anyone complaining, why? God, I need to lay off the 5 hour energy.


 As long as we can turn that 'Days of our Lives' Bloom off ...then they can lather that shit everywhere :D

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 As long as we can turn that 'Days of our Lives' Bloom off ...then they can lather that shit everywhere :D

Yeah don't panic, it's fully adjustable on a slider.  I like a tiny bit of bloom but not to the point where it feels like I'm spazzed out on morphine.  In fact currently almost every aspect of the graphics settings are customisable including the camera blur when you move your head so for peeps that watched the vid and didn't like those things, they can just tweak them or turn them off, problem solved.

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haha i have never met a player in arma apart from rocket who actually uses blur :lol:


its just a cover up option. its like putting vaseline in your eyes :D

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Yeah don't panic, it's fully adjustable on a slider.  I like a tiny bit of bloom but not to the point where it feels like I'm spazzed out on morphine.  In fact currently almost every aspect of the graphics settings are customisable including the camera blur when you move your head so for peeps that watched the vid and didn't like those things, they can just tweak them or turn them off, problem solved.



 Cool, i'm not a fan of bloom or blur :) although i do like the band. But not Orlando.

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i expected to see at least something and definitly more than a new wounded-walk animation.what exactly i wanted to see? i dont no...really. maybe i just hoped we would see some functional gameplay, more than 10 player on the map, more than shooting still glitching zombies. maybe something that makes DayZ SA to SA.and now i reached a point where i dont even care anymore, because this still takes months and the milestone "server-client-architecture" never actually worked.rocket can keep up his twaddling about what they want to do and they are working hard... at least some people of the community are pleased with nothing at all. finally the reason why there is no weekly devblogupdate. there is nothing they could show except talking rocket and others about future plans.

The server client architecture has been working for a while.

I'm not really sure how you could possibly expect tons of new content with a small team in less than a year. Yeah, the sa hasn't even been in development for a year. Most games take longer to do what the DayZ devs have done with a large team and a much larger budget.

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