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Where are all the devblogs?

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So much entitlement, so little understanding :rolleyes:

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if devblog appears this weekend i hope to see:

  • at least something from the new health and med system
  • cherno and/or electro
  • something beautiful from zeds
  • one surprise
  • a big wtf? for many gamers to rant about
  • new animations / mocap footage
  • at least three new items
  • more crafting, besides combining A+B
  • Bigfoot
  • a brewery
  • a devblog



Sounds great to me, but I bet it will be more something like this:


  • statement they are working very hard on the mod
  • statement they are adding 'some features'
  • statement that it's done when it's done.
  • a few pictures of the inventory screen

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hi rockit were are dogs pls?

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"he wants the game to make "perfect" for the "core-gamers", dont you think they could cope with the bugs still left? no rocket is scared that casual gamers will be disappointed and do not buy it,

and im nearly done with this whole thing. this upcoming devblog is his last chance to convince me that the game is going somewhere, although there is now reason if the serverstructure "works" like he said and hold the alpha back


Would agree he spends wayy too much  time on Reddit trying to convince non believers or doubters over and over ( sure it's his time he can do as he chooses) , but whoa Rockett relax


Stick with us though man, doubt the Dev blog is a make or break thing

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and im nearly done with this whole thing. this upcoming devblog is his last chance to convince me that the game is going somewhere, although there is now reason if the serverstructure "works" like he said and hold the alpha back


It's getting quite dramatic around here...



My attempt to lighten the atmosphere a bit

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Maybe Rocket and the team


hi rockit were are dogs pls?

Maybe they have been working on dogz all this time, to make them perfect for the mod and then they will start the standalone  :thumbsup:  :beans:

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hop dogs r critcool 4 all alpha gaems!

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When your Post is hidden or deleted there is No announcement to yourself the person Moderating it should actually let you know.


Question for Rockett or a  Developer

Re a Comment a couple of Pages ago Rockett said that he was having trouble with the Zombies running in Straight lines then when changing direction they kind of Pivot ( my Word) then continue on the next Straight line making the Zombies look kind of weird. Just a thought would slowing the Zombies down to just a little more than a walk help with this ?  Being an old school Zombie Fan I prefer Zombies walking anyway, hence why they have always been referred to as the walking dead. If Servers will now have thousands of Zombies at walking pace they will still be a big threat one would think

It works pretty fine for me buddy.. And seems like the "report feature" also works as intended :lol: :lol: :lol:


As for slow zeds, no.

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Uhg... the devblog always brings out the worst in the community.

Don't have to be rude :(  It's only a bit of Comic Sans.

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week nearly at its end and the devblog is nowhere to be seen.


it´s going to be a "i will work the whole nigth to finish it"-thing, poorly put together and showing sh**.


i really liked rocket in the beginng. but he has become someone who just talks...taking back his "internal" releasedate made me realize that at last.

he said when the "mmostructure" client-server-architecture is finished, the alpha can be pushed out? nothing happend so far has it?

he wants the game to make "perfect" for the "core-gamers", dont you think they could cope with the bugs still left? no rocket is scared that casual gamers will be disappointed and do not buy it, with all his "i dont care if you loose the hype"-talking in mind.

and no, i dont want to revive the discussion,what why when (not) happend. i just need to state my opinion once in a while..




and im nearly done with this whole thing. this upcoming devblog is his last chance to convince me that the game is going somewhere, although there is now reason if the serverstructure "works" like he said and hold the alpha back

i must admit i agree 100% with you. wanting to push the game out on xbox and PS just shows you that he has the casual gamers at heart with this release. and all these bull shitters that say the team is not there to make money. please go bullshit someone else. this is all about "the team" and Dean trying to make maximum profit, and for that you need the dumbass casual gamers.

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As for slow zeds, no.


No offence , but re read the comment on Slow Zeds its a question regarding a Current problem with the Zombie tracking in the SA

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No offence , but re read the comment on Slow Zeds its a question regarding a Current problem with the Zombie tracking in the SA

I am not rocket, that was my personal answer, which was not regarding the way to solve the zed movement problem anyway.

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I am not rocket, that was my personal answer, which was not regarding the way to solve the zed movement problem anyway.


HUH ? You answered the question with NO lmao, well thought out  :thumbsup: 

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there was a video showing the path finding and tracking from zombies and it looked alot better than in game what happened to that? video was quite a while ago though.


wait till we have leeping zombies a whole new game of glitching zombies starts then.

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week nearly at its end and the devblog is nowhere to be seen.


it´s going to be a "i will work the whole nigth to finish it"-thing, poorly put together and showing sh**.


i really liked rocket in the beginng. but he has become someone who just talks...taking back his "internal" releasedate made me realize that at last.

he said when the "mmostructure" client-server-architecture is finished, the alpha can be pushed out? nothing happend so far has it?

he wants the game to make "perfect" for the "core-gamers", dont you think they could cope with the bugs still left? no rocket is scared that casual gamers will be disappointed and do not buy it, with all his "i dont care if you loose the hype"-talking in mind.

and no, i dont want to revive the discussion,what why when (not) happend. i just need to state my opinion once in a while..




and im nearly done with this whole thing. this upcoming devblog is his last chance to convince me that the game is going somewhere, although there is now reason if the serverstructure "works" like he said and hold the alpha back

Unbelievable. Dean explained himself for over 1 month now and there are still some people who think the alpha is not released due to bugs. :facepalm:

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Unbelievable. Dean explained himself for over 1 month now and there are still some people who think the alpha is not released due to bugs. :facepalm:


And there are still people that believe him. :facepalm:

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And there are still people that believe him. :facepalm:

Believe what exactly?

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And there are still people that believe him. :facepalm:


Why exactly would we no believe the creator of a game which he intends to make lots of money on? Your logic is flawed.

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The game to me should be released after any game breakers are weeded out from next build where the devblog is being shown.

And playable at Gamescom.

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I'm genuinely starting to think some people need to get lives outside of DayZ. The level of entitlement and debt that some sport seems to only be getting increasingly outrageous.


It's a game that's under development. I'm stoked for it just as much as you lot are, but to sit there and speculate that the guy who started it all is somehow getting a sado-massachistic(sp?) kick out of holding it back is just thoroughly ridiculous.


DayZ will be released when DayZ is released. Follow the progress of it by all means, but christ... Go play another game until it's released!

Edited by mzltv
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i must admit i agree 100% with you. wanting to push the game out on xbox and PS just shows you that he has the casual gamers at heart with this release. and all these bull shitters that say the team is not there to make money. please go bullshit someone else. this is all about "the team" and Dean trying to make maximum profit, and for that you need the dumbass casual gamers.


No fucking shit he's trying to make money, that's what game developers are supposed to do!


What would be the point of doing all this work to produce a game and not profiting from it? Use your head. 

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Some of these self-entitled, abusive posts are getting quite sickening to read... but for the main they seem to be the work of new posters/trolls.


I should say "laughable" rather than "sickening" but some of the recent posts are on the cusp of nasty.


I'm still making friends with F5 today however :lol:

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Release date is irrelevant. The core subject here is simple.. don't say you'll have a devblog @ such and so point in time and not have one. If you can't keep a promise just don't make it at all.


Edit: no matter how much the silence might enrage some of the forum trolls/kids and other pesky vermin. Give us a devblog when you can, give us the alpha when you can. Just don't say things you can't stick to in orther to try and keep the vermin happy

Edited by HazZarD87

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Release date is irrelevant. The core subject here is simple.. don't say you'll have a devblog @ such and so point in time and not have one. If you can't keep a promise just don't make it at all.


He said there would be a dev blog this week, why are you assuming that's not happening?

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