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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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1. I like the new start with no gun, but I think ppl should have at least 2-3 bandages at start. When the game begins the action movie starts aswell, you have to save your life immidiately, running to some open building and hide.

2 Zombies have animal's senses, they see/hear you far away and FEEL YOUR FLESH!! I tryed to hide several times in diferent buildings, closed the doors and lied down with no move. In a 1-2 minutes a zombie usualy started to atack me throgh the wall.

!!!!!They still can walk/see/atack through the walls. I have all latest beta patches!!!!

3 Maybe lower zombie's speed a little? It's unrealistic, they run much faster then a human.

4 Parts for vhehicle repair became too rare.

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I am in the camp that thinks the zombies have too strong of an advantage in this update. On a philosophical level' date=' I don't think zombies should have super human speed, hearing, and sight. But there is no room for philosophy in the zombie apocalypse so I'll let that one slide.

- Zombies are alerted by gunfire, I get that; but if I shoot one zombie on the outskirts of town, I feel like every zombie around the corner shouldn't instantly come running (especially when the zombies seem to be spawning so much more frequently).

I would like to see a mechanic where zombies outside of the players direct LOS would not instantly aggro from gunfire. These zombies would instead be alerted to that position, and begin shambling in the direction of the sound; going aggro only when catching sight of the player.

The zombies wouldn't overwhelm the player as easily, but they would become much more ominous threat.

- I think there should be a slight decrease in the distance which a zombie can see/hear you while crouch walking. It doesn't seem to me that there is much difference between jogging and crouch walking as far as attracting zombies is concerned.

- No starting weapons also seems cruel. Granted, I maybe felt a little too secure with a makarov and 6 clips; but you gotta have something. Maybe a makarov with one clip, or a hatchet/crowbar at only half durability?


I likes the cut of your jib!

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my opinion; you shouldnt even start with a backpack but should be given a makarov with one clip or a melee weapon

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How about this as a way to alleviate some of the problems with the fast, strong zombies. Different sub-sets within the current three iterations of zombies.

Within the walkers:

A 20 something year old athlete would still be like the current fast, strong zombies. However, a 60 year old man turned zombie wouldn't have near the muscle mass and might even have arthritis or other debilitating ailment that would make him more of a slower, shambler type.

The crawlers:

Could stay much the same and represent people that were paralyzed either before becoming a zombie or during the act of being attacked and turned. There could also be another type of crawler that would represent a weaker, ambush type that maybe hasn't been able to feed as much because of their lack of mobility. They would appear dead and not move around much until players came close then be an ankle biter or just make a lot of noise to attract other zombies.

The monkeys:

These could stay the same I guess( not entirely sure why they are monkey-like anyhow ), but they might could also be replaced with children zombies or zombies that are missing limbs. Like if it had a lame or missing leg it might run like a dog to compensate.

Just some ideas.

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Oh wow rocket your like a god to me...

- Nah just kidding, positive feedback from me about the spawning with no weapon. Its realy shaken the gameplay up, goodjob :D

- Perhaps it may be an idea to give people morphine at the start though, given that the mod tends to break your legs in the most random of places? (crawling in buildings, running on rocks, turning in bushes, etc).

- The new running ainimation for hoppers is scary as hell!

- Zombies in buildings has made cities alot harder, a good thing IMO.

- Removing the Axe from special inventory is a step backward for the survival aspect of the game IMO. They are way too big :(

PS: Your a brave man, attempting to add melee weapons without engine support, I would never have bothered! Keep it up mate, promising stuff.

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Nighttime is awesome now. May want to add so e kind of low range halo to the flashlight so it works better i buildings.

Zombie aggro is great now. Needs adjustment and learning on the part of the PLAYERS, not the mod.

New terrain related auditory and visual balancing rocks. Seems to match what you hear over your speakers now, very nice.

Zombie audio volumes are still a little off,but seem to have improved. Met a crawler that was silent at night, only heard it crawling - scary!

No weapon spawn gave me the most intense 30 minutes of nighttime play so far. Keep it!

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All my gear is gone. My footsteps have become as loud as gunshots. Zombies are too sensitive and they agro from 50 ft away AT LEAST. FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX

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I have stopped enjoying this game.

Can't not agro the zeds. can't stop them when you do. 1 hit at the start and you will be running till you bleed out. i get that it trying to be scary but the general game-play was better in 1.7.0. Have been unable to find any morphine in the past 8 or so lives so a broken leg ends your game. the hatchet taking up a weapon slot is now meaning that i can't hunt to get back blood in the case that i do end up evading the zeds.

In previous version on the game i have loved every minute.

Thankyou for your continuing work on what I hope will return to being a wonderful game.

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Tested out Crouch run seems to have become a lot harder, but zombies remain manageable, although they still see through buildings.

Loving the mod Rocket, just died on my first real character after wandering completely hopelessly to just South of the NWA. Having a blast!

Keep up the good work.

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ive noticed its damn near impossible to get the flashlight to turn on about 30% of the time.

and chemlights are now glowing polygons? *for me anyways*

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I agree that the zombies LOS is a bit out of whack, I've got their attention through walls and all sorts of weird ways and i consider myself the careful type. I went all through Cherno prone and sneaky like taking out only the zombies i needed to. before this hotfix and now i can barely go prone through a small village.

The spawning with less equipment is nice, i think a food and drink would be nice though but not the water bottle. i found one today.. two actually... and it just made my day :D I even found a makarov and was excited about that. So i like the equipment we spawn with now, we dont take so much for granted anymore and survival is what it should be, not so many reckless people that will spawn with half their equipment again when they respawn.

on another note i noticed some bugs.

the joining a server and missing my equipment, AK, Flashlight food etc.. and having it replaced with a makarov. the stuff in my bag was still there though.

another bug was while i had acquired a Hatchet in the hotfix it was working great and i loved it. in i couldn't swing it anymore :/ tried to ninja hack a zombie and it didn't swing. so i ran away and tried it later it still didn't work.

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Um wow, I tried playing this version 3 times now and I just have to say, um borderline unenjoyable, crouch walking in a building, if there is a zombie outside, you'll agro, if your outside trying to go in a building, if you can see a zombie, take about 10 more steps and you'll agro them, so to put it simple, this version makes zombies agro way too easily.

looting building now require to be in a group, heh, I'm all for finding reasons players should group up but when you wanna play when your friends are not online, you can't any more with the zombies agro settings with the way they are now.

and sprint.... so sprinting is as loud as a car now? I'm not sure if this is new only in this version but I don't remember full sprinting maxes out sound (The Ear).

Food loot, This is one change I can accept because you can hunt animals and refill water but I can't say I like this change, one I can get use to though.

I don't know if its just me but bandage loot find rate is either super low or non existing, me and a friend tried to live through the very easily agroed zombies but we couldn't get near a building with out agroing a zombie, no matter if we crouched walked or crawled, we were trying to get in the building hoping we could find food, cause we were both blinking red with no food and no animals in sight but each time we came near a building of any kind, we agroed, it got to the point were we both were bleeding and had no bandages so we tried looting buildings but we could not find one, the only ones we found were from zombies and sense we'd just keep agroing zombies, we'd keep needing bandages, it went, go near building, easily agroed zombie, get hit, start to bleed, no bandages, still fighting off zombies, zombie body dropped bandage, player bandaged up while the other took out zombies, player all bandaged up, joins fighting off zombie, players tried to leave area, other player gets hit and starts to bleed, continue to fight off zombies, trying to get out of the area, zombie drops a bandage, player bandages up while other continues to fight off zombies, player does so but now other player is bleeding.... So on and so forth until one dies, sense you can no longer really run from a zombie any more with out getting hit, there was no point in us trying to run, running into the building would only agro even more zombies and we'd just run out of bullets before zombies stopped spawning.

I don't know, if this was an attempt to get players to group up more and stop PKing, this was not the right way to do, it, I'm literally going to stop playing DayZ until zombies are nurfed or players are given something to balance things back out.

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It's very quick to join servers now, that's great. I love the new melee. I thought I would hate it , but it's a lot of fun to whack zombies with an axe. :D

I suggest removing the backpack as a starting item. It will make it more special when you actually find one somewhere.

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- Fixed:

Interior infected spawning inside of building walls etc. ©


Zombie are born inside houses, sheds and even WC!

And pass through ALL walls, as well as in 1.6.

Also do not lose sight of the player!

Awful patch: (

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All is well so far. I'm still having horrid frame rate issues since Zombie aggro range is better but still somewhat haywire. Even when standing still, when I hit Z to go in prove, my character will drive instead of simply going prone. As simple as they are, handguns like the makarov and G17 aren't spawning as frequently as they probably should. Especially since that is supposed to be the "starting" weapon, and now you don't even start with a weapon. Its cool that you don't start with a weapon, that I don't mind. But at least make simple pistols a little more common to find.

There are time when I actually find myself finding double-barrel shotguns before a pistol. Meh. Amazing idea, Amazing mod, keep it up.

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Rocket. I have a suggestion, really, zombies can see me from anywhere, and it's really making noobs hard to play.. well, before 1.7.1 it is already hard but fun..and now, the zombies are really crazy.

and if you see the videos on youtube, you'll find those melee weapons are more like a hammers whichi knock people up into the sky

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Sneaking around town during the daytime is pretty much impossible now without crawling the whole way. Perhaps being able to ninja sneak through a zombie-heavy area is something that you want to prevent in order to promote more clever tactics like diversion or teamwork, but as it stands the way stealth works is just not intuitive--it is frustrating. The way zombies behave towards players is really unpredictable and that makes stealth tedious rather than tense.

I believe adding the LOS checks paves the way for a really good stealth system that just hasn't reached fruition yet. I believe a good system will encourage the player to be careful and methodical and not to just move at a proned pace.

As it stands, I think zombies' should have better visibility--it doesn't make sense to be able to crawl past a zombie in the middle of the day in an open field or street. Because there's a LOS system in place, it stands to reason that the stealth should focus on patience and staying out of the zombies' vision. DXHR and MGS are really good examples of this kind of stealth done right. Zombies are always shambling around, so they always disperse from an area a player needs to traverse if that player is patient; if the player ever needs to move a stationary zombie (e.g. an indoor spawned zombie) they can always use some sort of diversion to draw it's attention away.

If I'm not mistaken the zombies already sort of act this way, but as evidenced by the interior raytracing problems, perhaps the LOS system isn't quire mature enough yet to make it appear so. Another problem might be how unbelievably loud the player is. It's strange that zombies can lock on to a players crouch run with a house obstructing their line of sight. Perhaps zombies should investigate footsteps rather than immediately knowing a player is right there. Perhaps the stealth system could be simplified and footsteps altogether cease to aggravate zombies. The noise footsteps make is flawed anyways as given any surface type in the world (e.g. grass, forest, field, hard dirt, concrete) it's unclear how much noise the player will make by walking on it until it is too late and that one bad step aggros the zombie. If you look at good sneaker games, like Thief and Splinter Cell, the type of surface is clearly illustrated so the player automatically knows the risk of stepping on that piece of metal or, god forbid, tile. DayZ currently violates this principle. For example, there are two types of grass that appear identical to the player that the game treats differently in terms of stealth.

That's just my 2 cents regarding stealth. My other beef is with the hatchet taking up the primary weapon slot. It really seems unreasonable to just use the hatchet as a tool that harvests wood now, but perhaps it's supposed to create a divide between hunters and gatherers (hunters carry a rifle to raid towns/kill players for beans, gatherers relinquish the ability to carry a primary to harvest food in seclusion). Not sure how I feel about it, but all I know is that it threw a wrench into my previous play style.

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There actually seems to be a less deep stealth system the way it is now, which is probably the opposite of what was intended. There's almost no reason to use crouch since you will be spotted almost as easily as sprinting, so you either run full speed or prone crawl.

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Before i start; Thanks for the update rocket! Keep going on with the good work!

My first test results:

- Sometimes it is impossible to swing with the new hatchet (still you see yourself carrying it with your hands)

- I often hear flies but no body around

- Zombies can see trough walls. When i get up in a closed house and walk normally (no sprint) the zombies gets alerted.

- When entering a building while crouching, the player gets up automatically causing all the nearby zombies to alarm.

- I think the sneaking became too noisy/visible. When doing this in grass, it now alerts every zombie from a mile far. This causes players to cwarl almost 100% when in or nearby a city.

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keep up the good work rocket, but the newest patches have messed the game up at bit

good items like water bottles, akms, crossbows etc are still turning into hatchets in the tents and we're losing our stuff that way

zombies are now superhuman, more so than the patch

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I do like this update, however i still think that you should be able to prone past zombies with no sight or sound, just makes it that slightest bit easier tbh

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Some extra points I want to make.

1) Make the watch not an item. We all have it, it's not a tool or a lootable item. Same function that it currently serves, but it is not listed under tools or in any inventory. Just hit o twice to bring it up. I think most people having a watch in the zombie apocalypse sounds reasonable. Also, very few people actually utilize the watch, at least from my experiences. I know I dont get super excited when I find one.

2) Replace the slot that the watch held in the tool section with the flashlight. Currently, the flashlight takes up 4 inventory slots! That is crazy! Make it so that we can carry it as a tool and it won't interfere with having a pistol in hand. Having to swap to pistol while walking around with a flashlight is ridiculous, imo. I think we can all carry a gun and a flashlight at the same time in real life. This will marginalize the G17's uniqueness, but I think it is necessary.

3) When a main weapon is out, we can't use the flashlight. Risk vs reward here. It also makes guns like the Remmington 870 very valuable.

4) I like that the axe needs to used in the main weapon slot. It would be ridiculous if we could shoot a Lee Enfield and swing and axe at the same time. Not sure if this is possible, but make another weapon slot for melee weapons. Have a button that switches to the melee weapon and back again. This way we could swap between weapons relatively quickly.

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